Informationssysteme (engl.
Information systems
ÖSTAT: 102015
Scientific Community Services
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Information Engineering
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Communications Engineering
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Data & Knowledge Engineering
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Software Engineering
Institut für Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung
Institut für Computational Perception
Institut für Computergrafik
Institut für Telekooperation
Institut Integriert Studieren
Abteilung für Kooperative Informationssysteme
Abteilung für Intelligente Transportsysteme
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in SCI-Expanded-Zeitschrift
GeQuPI: Quantum Program Improvement with multi-objective genetic programming
Opportunities and pitfalls of regression algorithms for predicting the residual value of heavy equipment - A comparative analysis
A Model-Driven Framework for Composition-Based Quantum Circuit Design
A language-parametric test coverage framework for executable domain-specific languages
An Investigation of the Test-Retest Reliability of the miniPXI
Assessing Energy Consumption in Scalable Semi-Autonomous Destination-Based E-Platoons: A Multiplayer Approach
Augmented reality for enhanced documentation and anchor inspection reporting in conventional tunnelling
Automated Nuclear Morphometry: A Deep Learning Approach for Prognostication in Canine Pulmonary Carcinoma to Enhance Reproducibility
Automatic Optimization of Tolerance Ranges for Model-Driven Runtime State Identification
Bridging MDE and AI: a systematic review of domain-specific languages and model-driven practices in AI software systems engineering
CIME4R: Exploring iterative, AI-guided chemical reaction optimization campaigns in their parameter space
Collaborative construction of meaning: facilitating sensemaking moments through aesthetic knowledge generation.
Content-driven Music Recommendation: Evolution, State of the Art, and Challenges
Continuous Evolution of Digital Twins using the DarTwin Notation
D-Tour: Semi-Automatic Generation of Interactive Guided Tours for Visualization Dashboard Onboarding
From single-objective to multi-objective reinforcement learning-based model transformation
Fusion of Single and Integral Multispectral Aerial Images
Iguanodon: A Code-Breaking Game for Improving Visualization Construction Literacy
Improving Vulnerability Management Through Process Mining
Introduction to the Special Issue on Trustworthy Recommender Systems
Learning Decision Catalogues for Situated Decision Making: The Case of Scoring Systems
Loops: Leveraging Provenance and Visualization to SupportExploratory Data Analysis in Notebooks
Marjorie: Visualizing Type 1 Diabetes Data to Support Pattern Exploration
Measuring the Fidelity of a Physical and a Digital Twin Using Trace Alignments
Multi-objective model transformation chain exploration with MOMoT
Predictive Change Point Detection for Heterogeneous Data
Quantum Combinatorial Optimization in the NISQ Era: A Systematic Mapping Study
Real-time estimation of EEG-based engagement in different tasks
Reassuring, Misleading, Debunking: Comparing Effects of XAI Methods on Human Decisions
Reciprocal Visibility for Guided Occlusion Removal With Drones
Rethinking data augmentation for adversarial robustness
Song Lyrics Have Become Simpler and More Repetitive over the Last Five Decades
Stereoscopic depth perceptionthrough foliage
The Impactful Achievements of the IEEE ITSS [President?s Message]
The socio-aesthetic construction of meaning in digitally mediated environments: a digital sensemaking approach.
Transitioning to a Commercial Dashboarding System: Socio-technical Observations and Opportunities
Value network analysis for facilitator development in project-based learning.
Wie entsteht Information, wo kommt ihre Bedeutung her? Zum Verständnis von Information in der digitalen Gesellschaft mit KI-Systemen wie ChatGPT.
Zur Nutzung von Digitalen Zwillingen zur Entwicklung von Metaverse-Anwendungen.
A Pattern Catalog for Augmenting Digital Twin Models with Behavior
A Tribute to Women in the Field of Intelligent Transportation Systems [President?s Message]
Analysis of Cell Viability in Microuidic Spheroid Arrays By Image Analysis And Neural Networks
Awakening Worldwide Interest in the Field of Intelligent Transportation Systems [President?s message]
BLE-Based Contact Tracing: Characterization of Distance Estimation Errors and Mitigation Options
Characterization of High-Gamma Activity in Electrocorticographic Signals
Constructing Adversarial Examples to Investigate The Plausibility of Explanations in Deep Audio And Image Classifiers
Designing Socially and Organizationally Sustainable Industry 4.0 Systems: Requirements for Modeling Approaches
Digital Process Twins as Intelligent Design Technology for Engineering Metaverse/XR Applications
Driving the Future: Highlights From the 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium [President?s Message]
Drone swarm strategy for the detection and tracking of occluded targets in complex environments
Emotion-aware Music Tower Blocks (EmoMTB): An Intelligent Audiovisual Interface for Music Discovery and Recommendation
Enriching Socio-Technical Sustainability Intelligence through Sharing Autonomy
Exploring Emotions in Bach Chorales: A Multi-modal Perceptual and Data-driven Study
Extending the Bonds of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society in Latin America [President?s Message]
Fault localization in DSLTrans model transformations by combining symbolic execution and spectrum-based analysis
Frenetic-lib: An extensible framework for search-based generation of road structures for ADS testing
From Digital Twins to Digital Selves and Beyond ? Perspectives for Social Modelling in a Trans-Humanist World
Highlights and Achievements of IEEE ITSC 2023: Bridging Innovation, Culture, and Excellence in the IEEE ITSS [President?s Message]
IFC Concepts in the Execution Phase of Conventional Tunneling Projects
ITS Applications That Prioritize Human Interaction [President?s Message]
Introduction to the ICWE 2022 Special Issue
Logistics 5.0: From Intelligent Networks to Sustainable Ecosystems
Modelling assistants based on information reuse: a user evaluation for language engineering
Natural language processing for humanitarian action: Opportunities, challenges, and the path toward humanitarian NLP
ParaDime: A Framework for Parametric Dimensionality Reduction
Quo Vadis modeling?
Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Software Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study
ReuseKNN: Neighborhood Reuse for Differentially-Private KNN-Based Recommendations
Synthetic Aperture Anomaly Imaging for Through-Foliage Target Detection
Transportation 5.0: The DAO to Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Systems
Trust your neighbours: Handling noise in multi-objective optimisation using kNN-averaging
Uncertainty-Aware Vehicle Energy Efficiency Prediction using an Ensemble of Neural Networks
Valuable Resources and Opportunities for IEEE ITSS Members [President?s Message]
Vehicle side-slip angle estimation under snowy conditions using machine learning
Videoconference fatigue from a neurophysiological perspective: experimental evidence based on electroencephalography (EEG) and electrocardiography (ECG)
Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Gameplay using Storyline Visualization: A Study with League of Legends
A Cross-Domain Systematic Mapping Study on Software Engineering for Digital Twins
A Process Model for Dashboard Onboarding
AIDOaRt: AI-augmented Automation for DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development in Cyber?Physical Systems
Achieving Climate Neutrality Through the Technological Aspects of Transportation [President?s Message]
Advances in Intelligent Vehicles [President?s Message]
Attentional and Behavioral Disengagement as Coping Responses to Technostress and Financial Stress: An Experiment Based on Psychophysiological, Perceptual, and Behavioral Data
Blockchain-based ITS: The Human Use of Cyber-Physical-Social Transportation Systems [President's Message]
ChemInformatics Model Explorer (CIME): Exploratory analysis of chemical model explanations
Combined person classification with airborne optical sectioning
Conceptualizing Digital Twins
Connected and Automated Driving Systems [President?s Message]
Developing a collaboration system for pancreatic cancer research: a clinical design science study
Die "Neue Österreichische Tunnelbaumethode" im Lichte der Digitalisierung
Engineering Web Augmentation software: A development method for enabling end-user maintenance
Exploring the dynamics of graph algorithms
Geo-Spatial Context Provision for Digital Twin Generation
Inverse Airborne Optical Sectioning
Live Feedback for Training Through Real-Time Data Visualizations: A Study with League of Legends
Low-code development and model-driven engineering: Two sides of the same coin?
Message on Inauguration of the New ITSS President
Metamodel-Based Simulation to Assess Platooning on Battery Energy Consumption
Model Transformation Testing and Debugging: A Survey
Motivating Users to Manage Privacy Concerns in Cyber-Physical Settings?A Design Science Approach Considering Self-Determination Theory
OLAP Patterns: A Pattern-Based Approach to Multidimensional Data Analysis
Structured Development of Digital Twins - A Cross-Domain Analysis towards a Unified Approach
Studying the Utilization of a Map-Based Visualization with Vitality Datasets by Domain Experts
The DAO to DeSci: AI for Free, Fair, and Responsibility Sensitive Sciences
The JKU DORA Traffic Dataset
Through-Foliage Tracking with Airborne Optical Sectioning
Towards a logical framework for ideal MBSE tool selection based on discipline specific requirements
A Game Theory-Based Approach For Modeling Autonomous Vehicles Behavior in Congested, Urban Lane-Changing Scenarios
An autonomous drone for search and rescue in forests using airborne optical sectioning
Autonomous Vehicles Technological Trends
Brain and autonomic nervous system activity measurement in software engineering: A systematic literature review
Choosing response strategies in social media crisis communication: An evolutionary game theory perspective
Coral: a web-based visual analysis tool for creating and characterizing cohorts
Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: A Survey
Digital Twin Generation: Re-Conceptualizing Agent Systems for Behavior-Centered Cyber-Physical System Development
Focus issue introduction: 3D image acquisition and display: technology, perception, andapplications
Fuzzy Spreadsheet: Understanding and Exploring Uncertainties in Tabular Calculations
Graph-based managing and mining of processes and data in the domain of intellectual property
JKU-ITS featured in the top-ranked IEEE Intelligent Transportations Systems Magazine
Knowledge Graph OLAP: A Multidimensional Model and Query Operations for Contextualized Knowledge Graphs
Leveraging Iterative Plan Refinement for Reactive Smart Manufacturing Systems
Leveraging integration facades for model-based tool interoperability
MIKADO: a smart city KPIs assessment modeling framework
Musical consumption, self-control and smartphone addiction: a dual-systems theory perspective and evidence from a survey study
Pose Error Reduction forFocus Enhancement in Thermal Synthetic Aperture Visualization
Projection Path Explorer: Exploring Visual Patterns in Projected Decision-Making Paths
Provectories: Embedding-based Analysis of Interaction Provenance Data
Providing Packages of Relevant ATM Information: An Ontology-based Approach
Quantum k-community detection: Algorithm proposals and cross-architectural evaluation
Safe and secure cyber?physical systems
Support the Underground: Characteristics of Beyond-Mainstream Music Listeners
Value-Oriented Quality Metrics in Software Development: Practical Relevance from a Software Engineering Perspective
Visual Sensory Cortices Causally Contribute to Auditory Word Recognition Following Sensorimotor-Enriched Vocabulary Training
Visual recognition of words learned with gestures induces motor resonance in the forearm muscles
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Systems
A Systematic Review of Personalized Collaborative Systems
A visual approach to explainable computerized clinical decision support
Advancing a NeuoIS Research Agenda with Four Areas of Society Contributions
Affect in Multimedia: Benchmarking Violent Scenes Detection
Airborne Optical Sectioning for Nesting Observation
AlgorithmicOverdependence: Fostering Awareness throughDigital Facilitationand (Re-)Construction
Audio-Based Music Structure Analysis: Current Trends, Open Challenges, and Applications.
Automated Driving: A Literature Review of the Take over Request in Conditional Automation
Autonomous Vehicles: Vehicle Parameter Estimation Using Variational Bayes and Kinematics
Behavioral interfaces for executable DSLs
Beneath (or beyond) the surface: Discovering voice-leading patterns with skip-grams
Charles Francois (1922-2019): Being an Encyclopedia and Creating an Encyclopedia
DeepNOG: Fast and accurate protein orthologous group assignment
Efficient Execution of ATL Model Transformations Using Static Analysis and Parallelism
FPO tree and DP3 algorithm for distributed parallel Frequent Itemsets Mining
Fast Automatic Visibility Optimization for Thermal Synthetic Aperture Visualization
Game-playing as an effective learning resource for elderly people: encouraging experiential adoption of touchscreen technologies
InstanceFlow: Visualizing the Evolution of Classifier Confusion on the Instance Level
Intelligent User Interfaces for Music Discovery
Leveraging Iterative Plan Refinement for Reactive Smart Manufacturing Systems
Modeling Languages in Industry 4.0: An Extended Systematic Mapping Study
Multi-criteria test cases selection for model transformations
On the stress potential of an organisational climate of innovation: a survey study in Germany
On the value of quality attributes for refactoring ATL model transformations: A multi-objective approach
Positive effects of grasping virtual objects on memory for novel words in a second language
Preface to the Special Issue on User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music
Promoting Trust in Self-Driving Vehicles
Recommender Systems Leveraging Multimedia Content
Search and rescue with airborne optical sectioning
Task-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems?Meeting Representational Requirements with S-BPM
Touchsreen for All? Angeleitetes Spielen als Einstieg für Senioren und Seniorinnen in digitale Technologien
Towards Knowledge Co-Creation for Effective Study Counseling
Towards the Use of Standardized Terms in Clinical Case Studies for Process Mining in Healthcare
User Models for Culture-Aware Music Recommendation: Fusing Acoustic and Cultural Cues
Visualizing Change in Agile, Safety-Critical Systems
Wissenscontrolling in kreativen Expertenorganisationen
A Distributed Architecture for Human-Drone Teaming: Timing Challenges and Interaction Opportunities
A Domain Analysis of Resource and Requirements Monitoring: Towards a Comprehensive Model of the Software Monitoring Domain
An Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analysis: High notes in the effort to automate the understanding of vocals in music
Automated Metamodel/Model Co-Evolution: A Search-Based Approach
Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
Critical success factors in ERP upgrade projects
Deep Learning in Music Recommendation Systems
Developing Scientific Work Practice in Business Informatics-Digital Support for a Design Science-based Research Project
Empirical Analysis of Safe Distance Calculation by the Stereoscopic Capturing and Processing of Images through the Tailigator System
Flexible Production Systems: Automated Generation of Operations Plans based on ISA-95 and PDDL
Global and country-specific mainstreaminess measures: Definitions, analysis, and usage for improving personalized music recommendation systems
Grasping the Multiple Facets of Intelligence. Challenging Organisations and Society
Herausforderungen in der interdisziplinären Entwicklung von Cyber-Physischen Produktionssystemen
Interlocking Safety Cases for Unmanned Autonomous Systems in Shared Airspaces (Journal First)
Juniper: A Tree+Table Approach to Multivariate Graph Visualization
KnowledgePearls: Provenance-Based Visualization Retrieval
Machine Learning in Drug Discovery
Makerspaces in Academic Education: An Exploratory Analysis and Design Framework
Managing Inter-Model Inconsistencies in Model-Based Systems Engineering: Application in Automated Production Systems Engineering
Multi-view refactoring of class and activity diagrams using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
Personal access to documents using different literacy levels
Semantics-based summarisation of ATM information: Managing information overload in pilot briefings using semantic data containers
Specifying Quantities in Software Models
Synthetic Aperture Imaging with Drones
Taggle: Combining Overview and Details in Tabular Data Visualizations
The State of the Art in Visualizing Multivariate Networks
Thirteen years of SysML: a systematic mapping study
Building an Active Semantic Data Warehouse for Precision Dairy Farming
Collaborative Approach for a Safe Driving Distance Using Stereoscopic Image Processing
Current Challenges and Visions in Music Recommender Systems Research
Defining objective clusters for rabies virus sequences using affinity propagation clustering
Estimating Collective Attention toward a Public Display
Fréchet ChemNet Distance: A Metric for Generative Models for Molecules in Drug Discovery
Game-playing as an effective learning resource for elderly people: encouraging experiential adoption of touchscreen technologies
Implementation and Evaluation of a Traffic Light Assistance System in a Simulation Framework based on V2I Communication
Large-scale comparison of machine learning methods for drug target prediction on ChEMBL
Micro-lens aperture array for enhanced thin-film imaging using luminescent concentrators
Multivariate analytics of chromatographic data: Visual computing based on moving window factor models
Omniscient Debugging for Executable DSLs
Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields Using Local Dictionaries
Special Issue Highlights from ECCE2018
Subject-oriented fog computing: Enabling stakeholder participation in development
TACO: Visualizing Changes in Tables Over Time
Tactical contract composition for hybrid system component verification
The digital Dalton Plan: Progressive education as integral part of web-based learning environments
The future of CSR-Selected findings from a Europe-wide Delphi study
A conceptual framework for large-scale ecosystem interoperability and industrial product lifecycles
CASE Tool Support for Variability Management in Software Product Lines
Characterizing Guidance in Visual Analytics
Computational Imaging, Relighting and Depth Sensing Using Flexible Thin-Film Sensors
DeepSynergy: predicting anti-cancer drug synergy with Deep Learning
Learning the High-Dimensional Immunogenomic Features That Predict Public and Private Antibody Repertoires
Motivations of application developers: Innovation, Business model choice, release policy, and success
Nonuniform spatial deformation of light fields by locally linear transformations
Rectified factor networks for biclustering of omics data
Resilience 2.0: Computer-Aided Disaster Management
Route or Carry: Motion-driven Packet Forwarding in Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks
System-of-Systems Design Thinking on Behavior
Taggle: Scalable Visualization of Tabular Data through Aggregation
Thin-Film Camera using Luminescent Concentrators and an Optical Söller Collimator
Towards a Flexible, Scalable, and Transparent Thin-Film Camera
Uncovering Sustainability Concerns in Software Product Lines
WeightLifter: Visual Weight Space Exploration for Multi-Criteria Decision Making
panelcn.MOPS: Copy-number detection in targeted NGS panel data for clinical diagnostics
A joint modeling approach for uncovering associations between gene expression, bioactivity and chemical structure in early drug discovery to guide lead selection and genomic biomarker development
ASM-based formal design of an adaptivity component for a Cloud system
AVOCADO: Visualization of Workflow-Derived Data Provenance for Reproducible Biomedical Research
An analysis of ontologies and their success factors for application to business
Articulation of work process models for organizational alignment and informed information system design
Challenges and Current Developments for Sensing, Smart and Sustainable Enterprise Systems
Data-driven Human Mobility Modeling: A Survey and Engineering Guidance for Mobile Networking
DeepTox: Toxicity Prediction using Deep Learning
DynamoGraph: extending the Pregel paradigm for large-scale temporal graph processing
Evaluation of collaborative modeling processes for knowledge articulation and alignment
From Visual Exploration to Storytelling and Back Again
IBD Sharing between Africans, Neandertals, and Denisovans
Non-Uniform Spatial Deformation of Light Fields by Locally Linear Transformations
Pathfinder: Visual Analysis of Paths in Graphs
PeaCE-Ful Web Event Extraction and Processing as Bitemporal Mutable Events
Recognition of paper-based conceptual models captured under uncontrolled conditions
Reference Modeling for Data Analysis: The BIRD Approach
Robust Quad-based Audio Fingerprinting
Security of grid structures under disguised traffic attacks
Serialisable multi-level transaction control: A specification and verification
Supporting Interoperability in Complex Adaptive Enterprise Systems: A Domain Specific Language Approach
The landing gear case study: challenges and experiments
ThermalPlot: Visualizing Multi-Attribute Time-Series Data Using a Thermal Metaphor
Transcriptome profiling of antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Volumetric Light-Field Excitation
Weighted similarity-based clustering of chemical structures and bioactivity data in early drug discovery
A classification sensor based on compressed optical Radon transform
Active Guidance for Light-Field Photography on Smartphones
An Expert Survey on Kinds, Influence Factors and Documentation of Design Decisions in Practice
An Image Sensor based on Optical Radon Transform
Connecting gene expression data from connectivity map and in silico target predictions for small molecule mechanism-of-action analysis
Graded dominance and related graded properties of fuzzy connectives
Handling measurement function changes with Slowly Changing Measures
Highlights from the 5th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization: Part 1
Highlights from the 5th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization: Part 2
Inferring Metrical Structure in Music Using Particle Filters
KeBABS: an R package for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences
Logic-based modeling approaches for qualitative and hybrid reasoning in dynamic spatial systems
Multi-exposure color imaging with stacked thin-film luminescent concentrators
Points of View: Temporal data
Prediction of human population responses to toxic compounds by a collaborative competition
Rchemcpp: a web service for structural analoging in ChEMBL, Drugbank and the Connectivity Map
System-of-systems support ? A bigraph approach to interoperability and emergent behavior
The Second International Workshop on Cross-Disciplinary and Multicultural Perspectives on Musical Rhythm and Improvisation
Using transcriptomics to guide lead optimization in drug discovery projects
msa: an R package for multiple sequence alignment
A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium
A tour of BeAware - A situation awareness framework for control centers
A transparent thin-film sensor for multi-focal image reconstruction and depth estimation
Assessing Technical Performance in Differential Gene Expression Experiments with External Spike-in RNA Control Ratio Mixtures
Automatic Authentication to Cloud-Based Services
Coded Exposure HDR Light-Field Video Recording
ConTour: Data-Driven Exploration of Multi-Relational Datasets for Drug Discovery
Domino: Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating Subsets across Multiple Tabular Datasets
Enhanced learning-based imaging with thin-film luminescent concentrators
Facilitating shared understanding of work situations using a tangible tabletop interface
Furby: Fuzzy Force-Directed Bicluster Visualization
Generating an excerpt of a service level agreement from a formal definition of non-functional aspects using owl
Guided Visual Exploration of Genomic Stratifications in Cancer
Lck Mediates Signal Transmission from CD59 to the TCR/ CD3 Pathway in Jurkat T Cells
On the application of Big Data in future large-scale intelligent Smart City installations
Opening the Black Box: Strategies for Increased User Involvement in Existing Algorithm Implementations
Panorama Light-Field Imaging
Points of View: Bar charts and box plots
Thinking virtual
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in SSCI-Zeitschrift
Digital Business as a Field for Research and Education
Do patients prefer a human doctor, artificial intelligence, or a blend, and is this preference dependent on medical discipline? Empirical evidence and implications for medical practice
Maintaining Accuracy While Reducing Effort in Online Decision Making: A NewQuantitative Approach for Multi-Attribute Decision Problems Based on Principal Component Analysis
Reduction in physical activity during Covid-19 lockdowns predicts individual differences in cognitive performance several months after the end of the safety measures
Upper Extremity training followed by Lower Extremity training with a Brain-Computer Interface Rehabilitation System
Users? reactions to website designs: A neuroimaging study based on evolutionary psychology with a focus on color and button shape
Enhancing Brick-and-Mortar Store Shopping Experience with an Augmented Reality Shopping Assistant Application using Personalized Recommendations and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Explainable Artificial Intelligence Improves Human Decision-Making: Results from a Mushroom Picking Experiment at a Public Art Festival
Generating Impactful Situated Explanations through Digital Trace Data
Grasping Virtual Objects Benefits Lower Aptitude Learners? Acquisition of Foreign Language Vocabulary
Interruption science as a research field: Towards a taxonomy of interruptions as a foundation for the field
Negative psychological and physiological effects of social networking site use: The example of Facebook
The Role of Internet-of-Things for service transformation
Towards a context-sensitive conceptualisation of digital transformation
User-Informed Adaptation in IoT Home Healthcare: Grounding Development in Empirical Evidence.
What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? The Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions
What is digital transformation? A survey on the perceptions of decision-makers in business
Affect in Multimedia: Benchmarking Violent Scenes Detection
An exploratory study on the acoustic musical properties to decrease self-perceived anxiety.
Capturing Time Dynamics from Speech using Neural Networks for Surgical Masks Detection
ConfusionFlow: A Model-Agnostic Visualization for Temporal Analysis of Classifier Confusion
Explainability in Music Recommender Systems
Exploring Online and In-Store Purchase Willingness: Associations With the Big Five Personality Traits, Trust, and Need for Touch
Is trust in artifcial intelligence systems related to user personality? Review of empirical evidence and future research directions
Our ACM community
Predicting the unpredictable: General Aviation (GA) aircraft cost estimation evaluation
Recommender Systems Under European AI Regulations
Twelve? and Fourteen?Year?Old School Children Diferentially Beneft from Sensorimotor? and Multisensory?Enriched Vocabulary Training
An analysis of social interaction between novice older adults when learning gesture-based skills through simple digital games
Community Support or Funding Amount: Actual Contribution of Reward-Based Crowdfunding to Market Success of Video Game Projects on Kickstarter
Electronic Performance Monitoring in the Digital Workplace: Conceptualization, Review of Effects and Moderators, and Future Research Opportunities
Green und Sustainable Software im Kontext von Software Qualitätsmodellen
Influence of Personality Traits on Choice of Retail Purchasing Channel: Literature Review and Research Agenda
Investigating Gender Fairness of Recommendation Algorithms in the Music Domain
Listener Modeling and Context-aware Music Recommendation Based on Country Archetypes
On End-to-End White-Box Adversarial Attacks in Music Information Retrieval
On Evaluation of Inter- and Intra-Rater Agreement in Music Recommendation
On the stress potential of videoconferencing: definition and root causes of Zoom fatigue
Psychology-informed Recommender Systems
Real-time Music Following in Score Sheet Images via Multi-resolution Prediction
Receptive Field Regularization Techniques for Audio Classification and Tagging With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
The Digital Stressors Scale: Development and Validation of a New Survey Instrument to Measure Digital Stress Perceptions in the Workplace Context
A Decade of NeuroIS Research: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions
Learning Foreign Language Vocabulary with Gestures and Pictures Enhances Vocabulary Memory for Several Months Post-Learning in Eight-Year-Old School Children
Stability and Development of User Innovation Strategies for Video Game Producers
Depth of Encoding Through Observed Gestures in Foreign Language Word Learning
Embodied Learning: Why at School the Mind Needs the Body
Impact of content characteristics and emotion on behavioral engagement in social media: Literature review and research agenda
Moving to Communicate, Moving to Interact: Patterns of Body Motion in Musical Duo Performance
The influence of acceptance and adoption drivers on smart home usage
Adding background music as new stimuli of interest to information systems research
An analysis of global and regional mainstreaminess for personalized music recommender systems
Online, Loudness-invariant Singing Voice Detection
Towards uBPMN-based patterns for modeling ubiquitous business processes
Trust me if you can: Neurophysiological insights on the influence of consumer impulsiveness on trustworthiness evaluations in online settings
A Consolidated View of Context for Intelligent systems
An Evaluation of Linear and Non-linear Models of Expressive Dynamics
Do online shops support customers? decision strategies by interactive information management tools? Results of an empirical analysis
Investigating Country-specific Music Preferences and Music Recommendation Algorithms with the LFM-1b Dataset
On the Interrelation between Listener Characteristics and the Perception of Emotions in Classical Orchestra Music.
A new thesis concerning synchronised parallel computing â?? simplified parallel \ASM\ thesis
Supporting the collaborative construction of a shared understanding about work with a guided conceptual modeling technique
Concurrent abstract state machines
Supporting the evolution and interoperability of organisational models with e-learning technologies
Traceable Pedagogical Design Rationales for Personalized Learning Technologies ? An Interoperable System-to-System Approach
An Assessment of Learned Score Features for Modeling Expressive Dynamics in Music
Enhancement of Sparse Silicon Retina-based Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation And Two-stage Postfiltering
The Impact of Hesitation, a Social Signal, on a User?s Quality of Experience in Multimedia Content Retrieval
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in AHCI-Zeitschrift
Using Architecture Decision Records in Open Source Projects - An MSR Study on GitHub
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in sonstiger referierter Fachzeitschrift
A Method for Template-based Architecture Modeling and its Application to Digital Twins
A Reference Process for Assessing the Reliability of Predictive Analytics Results
Brain Artery Segmentation for Structural MRI
Charting the Universe of Metal Music Lyrics and Analyzing Their Relation to Perceived Audio Hardness
Data Validation Utilizing Expert Knowledge and Shape Constraints
Determinants of trust in Bitcoin: Literature review and results of a survey study
Digital Transformation in Tunneling ? A Project Report on TransIT
Dynamic Convolutional Neural Networks as Efficient Pre-trained Audio Models
Evolutionary Grid Optimization and Deep Learning for Improved In Vitro Cellular Spheroid Localization
GPU Based Virtual Machine for Sleptsov Net Computing
Grenzen und Möglichkeiten von Selbstbestimmt Leben und Autonomie für Menschen mit Behinderungen
IT innovations, service equity and brand innovativeness: an analysis and comparison of service industries
On the consequences of electronic performance monitoring in organizations: theory and evidence
Want a Ride? Attitudes Towards Autonomous Driving and Behavior in Autonomous Vehicles
Automated translation from domain knowledge to software model: EXCEL2UML in the tunneling domain
Automatic Note-Level Score-to-Performance Alignments in the ASAP Dataset.
Bewältigungsstrategien von Videoconference Fatigue
Beyond the Game: Charting the Future of Game Data Science
Bi-level Ramp Merging Coordination for Dense Mixed Traffic Conditions
CodeAbility Austria ? Digital gestützte Programmierausbildung an österreichischen Universitäten
Commentary on A Computational Approach to Detection and Prediction of (Ir)Regularity in Children's Folk Songs
Differentiable Short-Term Models for Efficient Online Learning and Prediction in Monophonic Music
Differential Privacy in Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems: A Review
Digitale Zwillinge - viele Tools, ein Überblick
Digitalen Stress im Arbeitskontext messen: Kurzversion der Digital Stressors Scale (DSS)
Drivers? EEG Responses to Different Distraction Tasks
Histological Classification of Canine and Feline Lymphoma using a Modular Approach based on Deep Learning and Advanced Image Processing. Scientific Reports
Homomorphic technique for image separation
Investigating autistic traits, social phobia, fear of COVID-19, and internet use disorder variables in the context of videoconference fatigue
Learning General Audio Representations With Large-Scale Training of Patchout Audio Transformers
Measuring digital stress in the workplace context - Short version of the Digital Stressors Scale (DSS)
Perception And Classification of Emotions in Nonsense Speech: Humans Versus Machines
Predicting the Price of Bitcoin Using Sentiment-Enriched Time Series Forecasting
Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Robust Audio-Sheet Music Retrieval Systems
A Survey of Data Quality Measurement and Monitoring Tools
A review on data replication strategies in cloud systems
A systematic literature review for authorization and access control definitions, strategies and models
Audio Self-supervised Learning: A Survey
Balancing biasand performance in polyphonic piano transcription systems
Behavior-Centered Digital-Twin Design for Dynamic Cyber-Physical System Development
Chief Digital Officer (CDO): Literaturanalyse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Praxis
Data Drops for Tunnel Information Modelling
Differentiable Short-Term Models for Efficient Online Learningand Prediction in Monophonic Music
Does System-of-Systems Thinking Work for Self-Governance of Digitally Transforming Systems?
Domain object hierarchies inducing multi-level models
Dual Deep Modeling of Business Processes: A Contribution to the Multi-Level Process Challenge
Evaluation of Color AnomalyDetection in Multispectral Images For Synthetic Aperture Sensing
Fragebogen zur Messung von digitalem Stress im Arbeitskontext
Gesture based word (re)acquisition with a virtual agent in augmented reality: A preliminary study
Individual Digital Transformation Readiness; Conceptualisation and Scale Development
Interpretable entity meta-alignment in knowledge graphs using penalized regression: a case study in the biomedical domain
MANAi - An IntelliJ Plugin for Software Energy Consumption Profiling
Makes Digital Sensemaking Sense??A Roadmap for Digital Humanism in Increasingly Transhumanist Settings
Modelling proof-of-work agreement protocol by coloured Petri nets
On the Ambiguous Nature of Theory in Educational Design-based Research ? Reflecting and Structuring from an IS Perspective
On the associations between videoconference fatigue, burnout and depression including personality associations
Portability of Interfaces in Healthcare EAI Environments
Revisiting Fault Localization Techniques for Model Transformations: Towards A Hybrid Approach
The Emotion Probe: On the Universality of Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Gender Speech Emotion Recognition via Machine Learning
The Tunneling Information Management System ? A tool for documenting the tunneling process in NATM projects
Virtual Reality als Trainingsmethode: Eine Laborstudie aus dem Industriebereich
A Process Model for ERP Upgrade and Replacement Decisions
A Value Framework for Technology Potentials: Business Adoption of Emotion Detection Capabilities
AI System Engineering?Key Challenges and Lessons Learned
Acceleration-Aware PathPlanning with Waypoints
Aggregating Multidimensional Criteria in Audit Decision Making
Continuous improvement and adaptation of predictive models in smart manufacturing and model management
Developing an engineering tool for cyber-physical production systems
Digital Learning Support for Makers: Integrating Technical Development and Educational Design
Extended Authorization Policy for Graph-structured Data
Individuelle Digitalisierungsbereitschaft in der Praxis
Knowledge Graphs in Manufacturing and Production: A Systematic Literature Review
Künstliche Intelligenz im Unit Testing ? Cleverer Ersatz
Linking the technology acceptance model to smartphone use and smartphone use disorder tendencies: Results from a survey study
Listener Modeling and Context-aware Music Recommendation Based on Country Archetypes
Motor cortex causally contributes to vocabulary translation following sensorimotor-enriched training
Multiplicative aggregation in managerial multi-attribute decision making
Representation and presentation of knowledge and processes ? an integrated approach for a dynamic communication-intensive environment
SlotMachine - A Privacy-preserving Marketplace for Slot Management
Synthetic Aperture Imaging with Drones
Agiles Arbeiten in offenen Büroumgebungen und Mitarbeiterstress
An Updated Framework of Factors Enabling Digital Transformation
BIM-basierte digitale Transformation im Untertagebau anhand von zwei anwendungsorientierten Forschungsprojekten
Coping with rapid changes in IT: An Update
Efficient plagiarism detection for software modeling assignments
How Can We Learn Foreign Language Vocabulary More Easily?
Interaction and Visualization Design for User Privacy Interface on Online Social Networks
Introduction to the Special Collection ?20th Anniversary of ISMIR?
Investigating the Relationship between Personality and Technology Acceptance from a Gender Perspective
Messung von digitalem Stress im organisationalen Umfeld: Erfahrungen aus einer Fallstudie
Modeling Popularity and Temporal Drift of Music Genre Preferences
Problembereiche verteilter agiler Teams: Literaturanalyse und Praxisimplikationen
Runtime Monitoring for Executable DSLs
Temporal Models on Time Series Databases
Towards a One Millimeter Thin Foil Camera
Zur Wiedergewinnung des Realismus als notwendige Grundlage einer am Menschen orientierten Informationssystemgestaltung und Softwareentwicklung
scikit-hubness: Hubness Reduction and Approximate Neighbor Search
A Statistical View on Synthetic Aperture Imaging for Occlusion Removal
Berichterstattung zum Bitcoin in deutschsprachigen Tageszeitungen
Co-Vival: Embracing Artificial and Human Intelligences. An Awareness Approach for Transhuman Futures
Digitale Transformation im stationären Einzelhandel
Digitaler Stress im Smart Home: Eine empirische Untersuchung
Eye Gaze as a Means of Giving and Seeking Information During Musical Interaction
Feature-Combination Hybrid Recommender Systems for Automated Music Playlist Continuation
Geschäftsmodell-getriebene Planung von Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen in Business-to-Business-Märkten ? Ein Vorgehensmodell
Improving the architecture of agricultural knowledge processing systems using design patterns
Is my definition the same as yours?
Lane change behavior inference through deep-learning-based environment analysis
Light-Field Microscopy: A Review
Linking Internet communication and smartphone use disorder by taking a closer look at the Facebook and WhatsApp applications
Movie Genome: Alleviating New Item Cold Start in Movie Recommendation
Order, Context and Popularity Bias in Next-song Recommendations
Ordino: a visual cancer analysis tool for ranking and exploring genes, cell lilnes and tissue samples
Personality and Taxonomy Preferences, and the Influence of Category Choice on the User Experience for Music Streaming Services
Sensorimotor cortices casually contribute to auditory foreign language vocabulary translation following multisensory learning
Thermal Airborne Optical Sectioning
Airborne Optical Sectioning
Automated Continuous Data Quality Measurement with QuaIIe
Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Business Intelligence Systems
DeepSNP: An End-to-End Deep Neural Network with Attention-Based Localization for Breakpoint Detection in Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Array Genomic Data
Dual deep modeling: multi-level modeling with dual potencies and its formalization in F-Logic
End-to-End Cross-Modality Retrieval with CCA Projections and Pairwise Ranking Loss.
Guest Editors? Introduction: Special Issue on Software Safety and Security Risk Mitigation in Cyber-physical Systems
Informing Work Interaction Design by 3rd Generation Activity Theory
Intelligent business transformation through market?specific value network analysis: Structured interventions and process bootstrapping in geomarketing
Key factors in the engineering process for systems for aging in place contributing to low usability and sucess
Learning Audio-Sheet Music Correspondences for Cross-Modal Retrieval and Piece Identification.
Measuring Object-Oriented Design Principles: The Results of Focus Group-Based Research
Non-invasive brain stimulation in information systems research: a proof-of-concept study
Online, loudness-invariant vocal detectionin mixed music signals
Organisationsentwicklung mithilfe von Wertenetzen und subjekt-orientiertem Geschäftsprozessmanagement
Real-time detection and discrimination of visual perception using electrocorticographic signals
Research directions for digital signage systems in retail
Systemische Gestaltung emergenter Systeme am Beispiel mathetisch begründeter Lernunterstützung
Team 3: Active and Healthy Aging
Using superimposed multidimensional schemas and OLAP patterns for RDF data analysis
Verbreitung und Akzeptanz von Bauchentscheidungen im Management
Verwendung von Blockchain und Custom Tokens zur Projektkoordination - Ein Pilotversuch
A flexible online platform for computerized adaptive testing
Adopting Principles of Freinet Pedagogy for Research Skill Development in Higher Education
An Intelligent Interface for Drum Pattern Variation and Comparative Evaluation of Algorithms
Data Intelligence in the Context of Big Data: A Survey
Der Chief Digital Officer (CDO): Eine empirische Untersuchung
Digitally Enhanced Recovery: Investigating the Use of Digital Self-Tracking for Monitoring Leisure Time Physical Activity of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Patients Undergoing Cardiac Rehabilitation
Ein Billie für alle Fälle
Enrichment effects of metaphoric gestures and pictures on abstract words in a second language
Interaktive Informationsmanagement-Tools in Online Shops: Studienergebnisse und Gestaltungsempfehlungen
KMS re-contextualization ? Recognizing learnings from OMIS research
Learning domain taxonomies: the TaxoLine approach
Multi-Criteria Recommender Systems: A Survey and a Method to Learn New User's Profile
My-AHA: Stay Active, Detect Risks Early, Prevent Frailty!
Prototype Environment for integrating and sharing Farm Things and associated data
Recently learned foreign abstract and concrete nouns are represented in distinct cortical networks similar to the native language
Social media in the airline industry: acceptance of social seating
Why Your Body Can Jog Your Mind
A Risk Assessment of Logical Attacks on a CEN/XFS-based ATM Platform
Brief Multisensory Training Enhances Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition in Both High and Low Performers.
Der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand ? Algorithmen zur Musikanalyse mit Anwendungen in der Kreativwirtschaft
Exploring the Neural Representation of Novel Words Learned through Enactment in a Word Recognition Task
Exploring the Potential of Dynamic Perspective Taking on Business Processes
Handling the Intangible ? An Introspective Dialog on Structural Pressure
Interaction Science Revisited
Interactive knowledge discovery with the doctor-in-the-loop: a practical example of cerebral aneurysms research.
Introduction to Intelligent Music Systems and Applications
Is Bluetooth Low Energy an Alternative to Near Field Communication?
Linking natural modeling to techno-centric modeling for the active involvement of process participants in business process design
Measuring, Assessing and Improving Software Quality based on Object-Oriented Design Principles
Menschliches Informationsverhalten: Warum sich CIOs damit befassen sollten
Open Organizational Learning: Stakeholder Knowledge for Process Development
Parkinson Patients' Initial Trust in Avatars: Theory and Evidence
Results and lessons learned in System, Software & Service Process Improvement & Innovation
Selbstgesteuerte Reflexion und Gestaltung von Arbeitsprozessen
Subject-Orientation as Design Language for Integration across Organizational Control Layers
The Trustworthiness of Data in Smart Homes
Understanding Coordination in the Information Systems Domain: Conceptualization and Implications.
Verändert das digitale Zeitalter die Anforderungen an die strategische Führungskompetenz?
Virtual reality as an embodied tool to enhance episodic memory in elderly
Ziele von Informationssystemen
Campus-Wide Indoor Trackting Infrastructure
Change Propagation and Conflict Resolution for the Co-evolution of Business Processes
Consistent Abstraction of Business Processes Based on Constraints
Consumers' cognitive lock-in on websites: Evidence from a neurophysiological study
Der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand ? Algorithmen zur Musikanalyse mit Anwendungen in der Kreativwirtschaft
Dynamic Socio-technical System Design based on Stakeholder Interaction
Electroencephalography (EEG) as a research tool in the information systems discipline: Foundations, measurement, and applications.
Future research issues in IT and tourism
Guided Situated Method Transfer in Design and Evaluation. Exploring Concepts, Activities, and Process
How to model and prove hybrid systems with KeYmaera: A tutorial on safety
Learning Styles and Vocabulary Acquisition in Second Language: How the Brain Learns
Method Transfer across Domains and Disciplines: Enriching Universal Access Development
Operationalised Product Quality Models and Assessment: The Quamoco Approach
Optimizing Early Detection of Production Faults by Applying Time Series Analysis on Integrated Information
Power-saving localization techniques for mobile devices: a comparison between iOS and Android
Recent Advances in Cognitive Engineering
Security Challenges for Medical Devices
Stakeholder-centered Ontologies for Educational Designs
Technologies for Web and cloud service interaction: a survey
Trust behavior in Parkinson's disease: Results of a trust game experiment
Understanding Patients' Decision-Making Strategies in Hospital Choice: Literature Review and a Call for Experimental Research.
Visual and Motor Cortices Differentially Support the Translation of Foreign Language Words
A Bizarre Virtual Trainer Outperforms a Human Trainer in Foreign Language Word Learning
An electrocorticographic BCI using code-based VEP for continuous control in video applications: a single-subject study
Bringing back the body into the mind: Gestures enhance word learning in foreign language.
Challenges in the Management of Federated Heterogeneous Scientific Clouds
Characterizing Cancer Subtypes using the Dual Analysis Approach in Caleydo
Chief Information Officer (CIO).
Collaborative Verification-Driven Engineering of Hybrid Systems
Cultural values influencing project team success: An empirical investigation in Ethiopia
Das Design von Benutzeroberflächen.
Do children accept virtual agents as foreign language trainers?
Ein Billie für alle Fälle
Emotions and ERP information sourcing: The moderating role of expertise.
Imitation of a pedagogical agent's gestures enhances memory for words in second language
Intelligent virtual agents as language trainers facilitate multilingualism
Long Term Effects of Gestures on Memory for Foreign Language Words Trained in the Classroom
LumiConSense, A Transparent, Flexible, and Scalable Thin-Film Sensor
Non-disruptive Knowledge & Business Processing in Knowledge Life Cycles ? Aligning Value Network Analysis to Process Management
Pronunciation in foreign language: How to train?
Towards a NeuroIS research methodology: Intensifying the discussion on methods, tools, and measurement.
Trusting humans and avatars: A brain imaging study based on evolution theory.
Understanding the dominance and advocacy of the design-oriented research approach in the business informatics community: A history-based examination
Virtual mobility trainer for visually impaire people
Determinants of information systems and information technology project team success: A literature review and a conceptual model.
On the use of neurophysiological tools in IS research: Developing a research agenda for NeuroIS.
Technostress aus einer neurobiologischen Perspektive: Systemabsturz führt bei Computerbenutzern zu einem Anstieg des Stresshormons Kortisol.
Technostress from a neurobiological perspective: System breakdown increases the stress hormone cortisol in computer users.
The biology of trust: Intergrating evidence from genetics, endocrinology and functional brain imaging
Body in Mind: How Gestures Rmpower Goreign Language Learning
Concepts and Architecture of a Simulation Framework based on JavaBeans
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in nicht-referierter Fachzeitschrift
Digital Detoxing als Maßnahme gegen digitalen Stress: Auf die Verwendung digitaler Technologien temporär verzichten
Aufnahmeverfahren MedAT
Digitale Zwillinge: Tool-Überblick und Anwendung in Azure Digital Twins
Knowledge Graph Augmentation for Increased Question Answering Accuracy
Matching Large Biomedical Ontologies Using Symbolic Regression Using Symbolic Regression
Prozessoptimierung mit digitalen Zwillingen
Safety and Security of Cyber-physical Systems
A Deep Learning Approach for Network Anomaly Detection
Digitaler Stress: Wie Homeoffice Belastungen verstärkt
IFSR Newsletters 1981 - 2018
DRIVER+ Portfolio of Solutions - An online catalogue for sharing solutions in Crisis Management
Industrielogistik, Intelligente Transportsysteme
Post Behind the Paper in Nature Electronics: Promoting-trust-in-self-driving-vehicles
50 Jahre Informatik @ JKU
Barrierefreiheit von Medien für die Wissensgesellschaft und für inklusive Lernprozesse
Digitale Medien und Inklusion ? Chancen und Umsetzung, in Schulentwicklung
Towards a Behavioural Theory for Random Parallel Computing
EHR Acceptance among Austrian Residents
Keine Almosen sondern Grund- und Menschenrecht
Rohstoff Daten
Sprechende Mathematiksysteme
Publikationstyp: Editorial in Fachzeitschrift
Preface for the special issue on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2022)
Process science: the interdisciplinary study of socio-technical change
Scoping Software Engineering for AI: The TSE Perspective
Driver Behavior in Intelligent Transportation Systems (Guest Editorial)
Guest editorial to the theme section on AI-enhanced model-driven engineering
Guest editorial to the theme section on multi-level modeling
2021 Editorial IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Guest editorial to the theme section on Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems
Security? and safety?critical cyber?physical systems (Editorial)
Guest Editorial: Cooperative Information Systems in the Digital Age
Guest Editorial
Guest editorial: Crisis management and recovery projects and programs
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Tagungsband (referiert)
Effective Pre-Training of Audio Transformers for Sound Event Detection
Estimating Musical Surprisal in Audio
Multi-Partner Project: A Model-Driven Engineering Framework for Federated Digital Twins of Industrial Systems (MATISSE)
Support Ticket Anonymization: Advancing Data Privacy with Transformer-Based Named Entity Recognition
A Feature Comparison Study of Live Companion Tools for Esports Games
A Learning Analytics Dashboard for Improved Learning Outcomes and Diversity in Programming Classes
A Multimodal Single-Branch Embedding Network for Recommendation in Cold-Start and Missing Modality Scenarios
A News Article Tag Categorization Ontology
A Synopsis of FAME 2024 Challenge: Associating Faces with Voicesin Multilingual Environments
Accessibility in the Software Engineering (SE) Process and in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): A Systematic Literature Review
An Aspect-Oriented Extension of the Parallel Activity Specification Schema: A First Draft
An Experimental Evaluation of the Capability of Large Language Models to Reason About Value-Added Tax Cases in Austrian Tax Law
Analysis of Cortical Excitability during Brain-Computer Interface Stroke Rehabilitation of Upper and Lower Extremity
Anomaly Detection in Robot Applications: Comparison of Rule-Based and Machine Learning Methods
Assistive Technologies in Austria: Exploring the Impact of Legal Frameworks and Subsidies
Automated Vehicle Driver Monitoring Dataset from Real-World Scenarios
Automation Support for System Simulation and Architecture Layout Design in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering
Beat this! Accurate beat tracking without DBN postprocessing
Bridging the Gap: A Comprehensive European Strategy for Digital Skills Development in Work Integration Social Enterprises
Bridging the Higher Education Gap: Exploring the Integration of Accessibility and Universal Design in Higher Education Curricula
Cluster and Separate: a GNN Approach to Voice and Staff Prediction for Score Engraving
Combating Videoconference Fatigue: A Pilot Study on the Effects of Video Layouts
Comparison of Access Control Approaches for Graph-Structured Data
Competence-based Assessment of Programming Assignments
Cyber-Resilient Edge Computing: A Holistic Approach with Multi-Level MAPE-K Loops
DQD: The Data Quality Definition Ontology
Data-Efficient Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification in the DCASE 2024 Challenge
Deinstitutionalization ? quo vadis Austria?
Developing and Operating Digital Process Twins While Preserving Autonomy in CPS
Digital Maturity Model for SMEs: Validation Through a Mixed-Method Approach
Digital Process Twins for Interleaving Requirements Elicitation and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
Digital Shadows for Operational Technology Monitoring - A Comparison of Data-Driven Approaches
Digital Twin Data Provision within Engineering: An AAS PLM Implementation Ensuring Interoperability
Do You Dare to Ask? Influence of Question Recipient and Information Medium on Prompting Preparatory Questions for MR Imaging
Dyslexia, Reading/Writing Disorders: Assistive Technology and Accessibility: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session
Effective Controllable Bias Mitigation for Classification and Retrieval using Gate Adapters
Ein hybrider Lösungsansatz zur Optimierung des Monitorings technischer Verkehrsinfrastrukturen
Emotion-Based Music Recommendation from Quality Annotations and Large-Scale User-Generated Tags
Emotion-Based Music Recommendation from Quality Annotations andLarge-Scale User-Generated Tags
Endpoint Conditioned Multimodality Trajectory Prediction Using Voronoi Tessellation
Enhancing Accessibility through ICT Trends for Extraocular Muscles Prosthesis Implant: A Comprehensive Literature Review
Estimated Audio?Caption Correspondences Improve Language-Based Audio Retrieval
Explainable Long- and Short-term Pattern Detection in Projected Sequential Data
Exploring Space: User Interfaces for Blind and Visually Impaired People for Spatial and Non-verbal Information
Exploring Themes in Digital Detox Research: Insights from a Literature Review
Fatigue and Stress Levels in Digital Collaboration: A Pilot Study with Video Conferencing and the Metaverse
Flex Picture eBook Builder - Simplifying the Creation of Accessible eBooks
Frame-to-Utterance Convergence: A Spectra-Temporal Approach for Unified Spoofing Detection
Fusing Audio and Metadata EmbeddingsImproves Language-based Audio
GNN-based Conceptual Model Modularization: Approach and GA-based Comparison
GraphMuse: A Library for Symbolic Music Graph Processing
HKViz: Map-Based Analytics for Hollow Knight
How Business Process Modeling Can Benefit from Rhetorical Structure Theory
Improved CPSoS Security: An Enhanced Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Architecture
Improving Query-By-Vocal Imitation with Contrastive Learning and Audio Pretraining
Integrating Naturalistic Insights in Objective Multi-Vehicle Safety Framework
Integrating the Sustainability Awareness Framework in Undergraduate Software Engineering Education
Interoperable Product Change Management within Engineering: A Digital Twin Approach
Introduction to the Minitrack on Conceptualisation, Evaluation and Integration of Digital Opportunity Recognition
Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework
Leveraging Software Product Lines for Testing Automated Driving Systems
Leveraging the Power of LLMs to Transform Robot Programs into Low-Code
Low-Code Development and End-User Development: (How) Are They Different?
Making Alice Appear Like Bob: A Probabilistic PreferenceObfuscation Method For Implicit Feedback Recommendation Models
Measuring Bias in Search Results Through Retrieval List Comparison
Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms - Old Wine in New Bottles?
Modeling of IoT Systems Behavior: A Subject-Oriented Reference Model
Modular Debiasing of Latent User Representations in Prototype-Based Recommender Systems
Multi-Iteration Multi-Stage Fine-Tuning of Transformers for Sound Event Detection with Heterogeneous Datasets
Multimodal Representation Learning for high-qualityRecommendations in Cold-start and Beyond-Accuracy
Neurophysiological Measurements in the Research Field of Digital Detoxing: Review and Implications for Future Research
Neurophysiological Measurements in the Research Field of Interruption Science: Insights into Applied Methods for Different Interruption Types based on an Umbrella Review
Novel Materials for Brain Computer Interfaces: Perspectives and Aspects of Combination of a Magnetoelectric Stimulator and a Graphene Microtransistor Array Recording System
Oh, Behave! Country Representation Dynamics Created by Feedback Loops in Music Recommender Systems
On the validity of employing ChatGPT for distant reading of music similarity
Online Detection of Epileptic Spikes for use in Epilepsy Monitoring
Perception and Management of Work Interruptions Among Digital Business Professionals: An Updated Study
Perception-Inspired Graph Convolution for Music Understanding Tasks
Pragmatic Reuse for DSML Development
Psychology-informed Information Access Systems Workshop
Quantifying the Corpus Bias Problem in Automatic Music Transcription Systems.
Robust Multi-Modal Registration of Cerebral Vasculature
SMUG-Explain: A Framework for Symbolic Music Graph Explanations
Scopes of Governance in Data Spaces
Scrum Sustainability Poker: Assessing the Sustainability Effects of User Stories in Agile Software Development
Segment Any Text: A Universal Approach for Robust, Efficient and Adaptable Sentence Segmentation
Simultaneous Unlearning of Multiple Protected User Attributes From Variational Autoencoder Recommenders Using Adversarial Training
Software, Web and Document Accessibility: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session
The Impact of Differential Privacy on Recommendation Accuracy and Popularity Bias
The Importance of Cognitive Biases in the Recommendation Ecosystem: Evidence of Feature-Positive Effect, Ikea Effect, and Cultural Homophily.
The Rach3 Dataset: Towards Data-Driven Analysis of Piano Performance Rehearsal
The Role of SOCs for Critical Infrastructure Providers
The adoption of data spaces: Drivers toward federated data sharing
Three Stances in Enterprise System Design
Towards Integrating Emerging AI Applications in SE Education
Towards Musically Informed Evaluation of Piano Transcription Models.
Towards Quantum-based Graph Matching for IoT Systems
Towards Resilient Digital Supply Chains
Towards Segmenting Cerebral Arteries from Structural MRI
Towards Synthetic Trace Generation of Modeling Operations using In-Context Learning Approach
Towards a Heuristic Optimizer for a Target Time Management System in Air Traffic Flow Management
Towards interoperable digital twins: Integrating SysML into AAS with higher-order transformations
Trust Your Neighbours: Handling Noise in Multi-Objective Optimisation Using kNN-Averaging
Trustworthy User Modeling and Recommendation From Technical and Regulatory Perspectives
Unlabeled Debiasing in Downstream Tasks via Class-wise Low Variance Regularization
Using Genetic Algorithms for Privacy-Preserving Optimization of Multi-Objective Assignment Problems in Time-Critical Settings: An Application in Air Traffic Flow Management
Using Machine Learning to Identify Incorrect Value-Added Tax Reports
Visualization of Player Movement Patterns with Line Integral Convolution and Alpha Shapes
Words Unleashed: A Systematic Literature Review Study on the Use of Current Assistive Technology for Adults with Dyslexia
8+ 8= 4: Formalizing Time Units to Handle Symbolic Music Durations
A Classification of Video Game Cartographic Maps
A Distributed and Parallel Processing Framework for Knowledge Graph OLAP
A Model-Driven Platform for Engineering Holistic Digital Twins
A Practical Failure Prediction Model based on Code Smells and Software Development Metrics
A Review of Validity and its Relationship to Music Information Research
A Study on Accuracy, Miscalibration, and Popularity Bias in Recommendations
AI-augmented Model-Based Capabilities in the AIDOaRt Project: Continuous Development of Cyber-Physical Systems. Challenges and New Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical System Engineering
Adoption of data spaces as multi-sided platforms: Towards a preliminary adoption framework
AdvancingNatural-Language Based Audio Retrieval with Passt and LargeAudio-Caption Data Sets
Alphas of Low Code Development Project: Beeapex Case
An Architectural Extension for Digital Twin Platforms to Leverage Behavioral Models
An Interdisciplinary Course on Model-Based Systems Engineering
Application of the Sustainability Awareness Framework in Agile Software Development
Applying a Genetic Algorithm for Test Suite Reduction in Industry
Are We Describing The Same Sound? An Analysis of Word Embedding Spaces of Expressive Piano Performance
Automating Data Quality Monitoring with Reference Data Profiles
Autonomy as Shared Asset of CPS Architectures
Bridging the Digital Divide for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Assessing the Role of ChatGPT in Enabling Access, Evaluation, Integration, Management, and Creation of Digital Content
Can ChatGPT Be Useful for Distant Reading of Music Similarity
Can a ?Metaverse by Design? Benefit from Digital Process Twins?
Comparing Social Interactions in Metaverse and Video Conferencing: Preliminary Insights of a Laboratory Experiment
Computational Versus Perceived Popularity Miscalibration in Recommender Systems
Creating a Good Teacher For Knowledge Distillation in Acoustic Scene Classification
DSD: The Data Source Description Vocabulary
Data as the New Currency-An Empirical Study Using Conjoint Analysis
Developing Conceptualizations of Operational Technology and Service Quality for Critical Infrastructures ? »Devcon«
Development and Validation of an Open Architecture for Autonomous Vehicle Control
Device-Robust Acoustic Scene Classification via Impulse Response Augmentation
Digital Detox Research: An Analysis of Applied Methods and Implications for Future Studies
Digital inclusion for persons with intellectual disabilities: A comprehensive literature review from ?Right to Connect?
Discrete Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Symbolic Music Generation
Distilling The Knowledge of Transformers and CNNS With CP-Mobile
Domain Information Control at Inference Time for Acoustic Scene Classification
Efficient Large-Scale Audio Tagging Via Transformer-to-CNN Knowledge Distillation
Enhancing the Ranking Context of Dense Retrieval Methods through Reciprocal Nearest Neighbors
Evaluating the acceptance of autonomous vehicles in the future
Explainable Damage Models for Functional Ageing Effects in Abraded Copper Coated Textiles
Exploring Intensities of Hate Speech on Social Media: A Case Study on Explaining Multilingual Models with XAI
Exploring Sampling Techniques for Generating Melodies with a Transformer Language Model
Extraction of Road Users? Behavior From Realistic Data According to Assumptions in Safety-Related Models for Automated Driving Systems
GOLDCASE: A Generic Ontology Layer for Data Catalog Semantics
Getting Started with Low-Code ? A Data-Centric Primer for Oracle APEX
Grep-Bias IR: A Dataset for Investigating Gender Representation Bias in Information Retrieval Results
Grep-BiasIR: A Dataset for Investigating Gender Representation Bias in Information Retrieval Results
Handling Cross-Cutting Concerns in Subject-Oriented Modeling: Exploration of Capabilities and an Aspect-Oriented Enrichment
Hybrid Multi-Objective Genetic Programming for Parameterized Quantum Operator Discovery
I Don´t Care How Popular You Are! Investigating Popularity Bias From a User´s Perspective
Identifying Words in Job Advertisements Responsible for Gender Bias in Candidate Ranking Systems via Counterfactual Learning
Improving Interoperability in the Exchange of Digital Twin Data Within Engineering Processes
Integrating the ACT-R Framework with Collaborative Filtering for Explainable Sequential Music Recommendation
Interruptions in the workplace: an exploratory study among digital business professionals
Introducing QRogue: Teaching Quantum Computing Using a Rogue-like Game Concept
Introduction of data spaces for data sovereignty ? Status and recommendations for action
Layerwise Learning of Mixed Conjunctive and Disjunctive Rule Sets
Lessons Learned from Designing and Implementing Interaction Mechanics for Viewer Participation in Game Streaming
Leveraging Domain Knowledge for Inclusive and Bias-aware Humanitarian Response Entry Classification
Leveraging Vision-Language Models for Granular Market Change Prediction
Low-Complexity Audio Embedding Extractors
Managing Cybersecurity and Other Fraud Risks in Small and Medium Enterprises ? A Framework to Build a Fraud Management Medium Enterprises
Method for Comparison of Surrogate Safety Measures in Multi-Vehicle Scenarios
Model-Driven Optimization for Quantum Program Synthesis with MOMoT
Modelling the Design of Models: An Example Using CRISP-DM
Modular and On-demand Bias Mitigation with Attribute-Removal Subnetworks
Multifaceted Autonomy as a Negotiable Asset of Digital Process Twins
Multiobjective Hyperparameter Optimization of Recommender Systems
Music Emotions in Solo Piano: Bridging the Gap Between Human Perception and Machine Learning,
Musical Voice Separation as Link Prediction: Modeling a MusicalPerception Task as a Multi-Trajectory Tracking Problem
Naturalistic Yielding Behavior of Drivers at an Unsignalized Intersection based on Survival Analysis
Naturalistic Yielding Behavior of Drivers at an Unsignalized Intersection based on Survival Analysis
On Frequency-Wise Normalizationsfor Better Recording Device Generalization in Audio SpectrogramTransformers
On Transferability of Driver Observation Models from Simulated to Real Environments in Autonomous Cars
Online Symbolic Music Alignment With Offline Reinforcement Learning
Online Symbolic Music Alignment withOffline Reinforce-ment Learning
Parameter Coverage for Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems under Uncertainty
Parameter-efficient Modularised Bias Mitigation via AdapterFusion
Parameter-efficient On-demand Bias Mitigation via AdapterFusion
Passage Summarization With Recurrent Models for Audio ? Sheet Music Retrieval
Practical Failure Prediction Model based on Code Smells and Software Development Metrics
Predicting Music Hierarchies with a Graph-Based Neural Decoder
Preliminary Study of the Performance of the miniPXI when Measuring Player Experience throughout Game Development
Privacy-Preserving Implementation of Local Search Algorithms for Collaboratively Solving Assignment Problems in Time-Critical Contexts
Privacy-Preserving Implementation of an Auction Mechanism for ATFM Slot Swapping
Quality Assurance in Low-code Applications
Requirements Engineering Knowledge as a Foundation for a Sustainability-Aware Scrum Framework
Requirements, Barriers and Tools for Participation in an Inclusive Educational Digital Environment
Researching the body and movement through artistic performative installations for collaborative digital sensemaking.
Roman Numeral Analysis with Graph Neural Networks: Onset-wise Predictions from Note-wise Features
SBFT Tool Competition 2023 - Cyber-Physical Systems Track
Segmentation and Anatomical Annotation of Cerebral Arteries in Non-Angiographic MRI
Show me a "Male Nurse"! How Gender Bias is Reflected in the Query Formulation of Search Engine Users
Sounding Out Reconstruction Error-Based Evaluation of Generative Models of Expressive Performance
Symbolic Music Representations for Classification Tasks: A Systematic Evaluation
The ACCompanion: Combining Reactivity, Robustness, and Musical Expressivity in an Automatic Piano Accompanist
The Batik-Plays-Mozart Corpus: Linking Performance to Score to Musicological Annotations
The Ludic Potentials of Player Data
Through Space and Time: Spatio-Temporal Visualization of MOBA Matches
Towards Generating Model-Driven Speech Interfaces for Digital Twins
Towards Generating Structurally Realistic Models by Generative Adversarial Networks
Towards Increasing Safety in Collaborative CPS Environments
Towards Ludic Truths & Affective Interaction: The Rhetoric of Social Change Games
Towards Modeling Process Mining for Graphical Editors
Towards Potential Applications of Machine Learning in Computer-Assisted Vocal Training
Towards Robust and Truly Large-Scale Audio-Sheet Music Retrieval
Towards Sensemaking in the Meshwork of Technology, Ecology and Society: Symbiosis of Aesthetics, Performance and Digitalization
Towards User-Centered Privacy Adaptation Management: Insights From Privacy Research and a System-of-Systems Architecture
Towards a Digital Platform for Goal-oriented and Competence-based Bundling of Volunteering
Towards a Product Line Architecture for Digital Twins
Towards a Success Model for Automated Programming Assessment Systems
Travel Bird: A Personalized Destination Recommender with TourBERT and Airbnb Experiences
Triple Process Theory and EEG Frequency Band Power: Metacognitive Brain Activity in Open Design
Trustworthy Algorithmic Ranking Systems
Trustworthy Recommender Systems: Technical, Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Perspectives
Unsupervised Traffic Sign Classification Relying on Explanatory Visible Factors
Usability Testing of a Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health
Using Multilevel Business Artifacts for Knowledge Management in Analytics Projects
Using OPC UA for Integrating and Tracing Data Flows in the Insurance Industry
Using Service-Level Mobile Internet Traffic Data to Estimate Noise Impact of Flight Trajectories on the Population
Value Based Prioritization of Requirements in Software Engineering Education
Value-driven Facilitation of Project-based Learning: Domain Knowledge, Didactic Guidane, and Method Support
Weed Detection in Grassland and Field Areas Employing RGB Imagery with a Deep Learning Algorithm Using Rumex obtusifolius Plants as a Case Study.
What Constitutes a Dataspace? Conceptual Clarity beyond Technical Aspects
What is the Impact of ChatGPT on Facilitating Knowledge Provision and Creation? Examples and Criticalities in Classroom Education
XACML Extension for Graphs: Flexible Authorization Policy Specification and Datastore-Independent Enforcement
A Blockchain Implementation for Configurable Multi-Factor Challenge-Set Self-Sovereign Identity Authentication
A Co-Evolution Model of Collaborative Process Design
A Distributed Architecture for Privacy-Preserving Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms and Multi-party Computation
A Framework to Achieve Cybersecurity Accountability of Critical Infrastructure Providers ? A Design Science Research Approach
A Game-Based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language
A Hearty Welcome to the 30th IDIMT Conference!
A Single Point of Contact for Privacy Management in Cyber-Physical Systems
Accessibility of Co-Located Meetings
Accessible User Interface Concept for Business Meeting Tool Support including Spatial and Non-Verbal Information for Blind and Visually Impaired People
An Auction-Based Mechanism for a Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for ATFM Slots
An interaction-based Digital Maturity Model for SMEs
Art Karshmer Lectures in Access to Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Introduction to the Special Thematic Session
Automated Driving Systems: Impact of Haptic Guidance on Driving Performance after a Take Over Request
Autonomous Vehicle Calibration via Linear Optimization
Blockchain Technology for Addressing Privacy and Security Issues in Cloud Computing
Bridging Signals and Human Intelligence - Log Mining-Driven and Meta Model-Guided Ontology Population in Large-Scale IoT
Bridging the Digital Divide, A review of the ENTELIS+ project on the development of Digital Accessibility Training addressing the EU and Global disability policy agendas
Buddy ? a Personal Companion to Match People with Cognitive Disabilities and AT
Business and Economic Concepts for a Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for ATFM Slots
CODER: An efficient framework for improving retrieval through COntextual Document Embedding Reranking
Cadence Detection in Symbolic Classical Music using Graph Neural Networks
Can We Achieve Togetherness with an Artificial Partner? Insights and Challenges from Developing an Automatic Accompaniment System.
Capability Evaluation in Context Agnostic Agile Assessment
Characteristics of Digital Platforms from a B2B Perspective ? A Systematic Literature Review
Cognitive Disabilities and Accessibility, Introduction to the Special Thematic Session
Collaborating with Newcomers ? An Empirical Usability Study on Zoom
Comprehensive Training to Implement Inclusive Distance Education for Students with Visual, Hearing, and Motor Disabilities in North African Universities
Concept-Based Techniques for Musicologist-Friendly Explanations In Deep Music Classifiers
Convolutional Transformer With Adaptive Position Embedding For Covid-19 Detection From Cough Sounds
Creating an ATC knowledge graph in support of the artificial situational awareness system
Decoding and Visualising Intended Emotion in an Expressive Piano Performance
Defending a Music Recommender Against Hubness-Based Adversarial Attacks
Deformable Registration of Low-overlapping Medical Images
Dependency Mining in IoT - From Research to Practice in Intelligent Transportation Systems
Designing an Inclusive and Accessible Mathematical Learning Environment Based on a Theorem Prover
Development of a ROS-based Architecture for Intelligent Autonomous on Demand Last Mile Delivery
Development, Evaluation and Assessment of Assistive Technologies, Introduction to the Special Thematic Session
Differentiable dictionary search: Integrating linear mixing with deep non-linearmodelling for audio source separation
Differentiating Losses in Wireless Networks: A Learning Approach
Digital Sensemaking: Sensemaking as a Driver of Transformation
Do Perceived Gender Biases in Retrieval Results Affect Relevance Judgements
Do Perceived Gender Biases in Retrieval Results affect Users' Relevance Judgements?
Dynamic Emergence of Features in Complex Systems
ENTELIS+ Competence framework, Empowering Educators and Trainers to Bridge the Digital Divide
Effective Non-visual Access to Diagrams via an Augmented Natural Language Interface
Efficient Training of Audio Transformers with Patchout
EfficientLEAF: A Faster LEarnable Audio Frontend of Questionable Use
Electronic Performance Monitoring: Theory Literature Review, Conceptual Framework and Study Proposal
Elektronische Überwachung am Arbeitsplatz: Formulierung von Hypothesen und Entwicklung eines Kausalmodells
EmoMTB: Emotion-aware Music Tower Blocks
Ethermal - Lightweight Thermal Feedback for VR Games
Exploring Cross-group Discrepancies in Calibrated Popularity for Accuracy/Fairness Trade-off Optimization
Exploring Students? Experiences and Perceptions of Computer Science: A Survey in Austrian Secondary Schools
Fewer Faces Displayed Simultaneously, Less Videoconference Fatigue in Distance Learning? An Experimental Study
From Coverage Computation to Fault Localization: A Generic Framework for Domain-Specific Languages
Git-based Model Management for Quality Monitoring of Systems Engineering Models
Git-basiertes Qualitätsmonitoring und von Systems Engineering Modellen
How are Industry 4.0 Reference Architectures Used in CPPS Development?
HumSet: Dataset of Multilingual Information Extraction and Classification for Humanitarian Crises Response
Hybrid On/Off Blockchain Approach for Vehicle Data Management, Processing and Visualization Exemplified by the ADAPT Platform
Implementation of Road Safety Perception in Autonomous Vehicles in a Lane Change Scenario
Improved Zero-Shot Audio Tagging &Classification with Patchout Spectrogram Transformers
Improving Natural-Language-based AudioRetrieval with Transfer Learning and Audio & Text Augmentations
In-Memory Computing Architectures for Big Data and Machine Learning Applications
Inconsistent Ranking Assumptions in Medical Search and Their Downstream Consequences
Integrating Heterogeneous Data in Dataspaces - A Systematic Mapping Study
Interaction of Autonomous and Manually-Controlled Vehicles: Implementation of a Road User Communication Service"
Introduction to the Minitrack on Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in the Digital Economy
JKU-ITS Automobile for research on autonomous vehicles
Knowledge Distillation From Transformers For Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification
LFM-2b: A Dataset of Enriched Music Listening > Events for Recommender Systems Research and Fairness Analysis
Linked and Coordinated Visual Analysis of Eye Movement Data
Measurement of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability with Wearable Devices: A Systematic Review
Mitigating Bias in Search Results Through Contextual Document Reranking and Neutrality Regularization
Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms ? Old Wine in New Bottles?
Multiperspective and Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fairness in Recommender Systems Research
Music4All-Onion ? A Large-Scale Multi-faceted Content-Centric Music Recommendation Dataset
Musika! Fast Infinite Waveform Music Generation
Pandemics: Impacts, Strategies and Responses - IDIMT 2021
Partitura: A Python Package for Symbolic Music
Perspectives of visualization onboarding and guidance in VA
Privacy by Sharing Autonomy - A Design-Integrating Engineering Approach
ProtoMF: Prototype-based Matrix Factorization for Effective and Explainable Recommendations
Psychology-informed Recommender Systems: A Human-centric Perspective on Recommender Systems
Questionnaire Development for a Scientifically Founded Agile Assessment Model
Retrieval and Recommendation Systems at the Crossroads of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Regulation
Road Markings Segmentation from LIDAR Point Clouds using Reflectivity Information
Semantic-driven Mining of Functional Dependencies in Large-Scale Systems-of-Systems
Semi-Autonomous Electric Vehicles in Platooning Mode and Their Effects on Travel Time: A Framework for Simulation Evaluation
Simulation-assisted Training of Neural Networks for Condition Monitoring of Electrical Drives: Approach and Proof of Concept
Simulation-assisted Training of Neural Networks for Condition Monitoring of Electrical Drives: Enhanced Domain Adaptation Methods
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Multi-agent Scheduling Behaviors on Fixed-track Networks
Standardized Data Integration in the AEC Domains ? What does it take to succeed?
Study of ROS-based Autonomous Vehicles in Snow-Covered Roads by Means of Behavioral Cloning Using 3DCoAutoSim
Sustainability in Agile Software Development: A Survey Study among Practitioners
Synthesizing Diagnostic Burn Images for Deep Learning Applications
Tangibles and Digital Twins: Toward Meaningful Learning Support in Cyber-Physical System Development
The Importance of Dashboard Elements During Esports Matches to Players, Passive-Viewers and Spectator-Players
The match file format: Encoding Alignments between Scores and Performances
Towards Adaptability of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions
Towards Blended Modeling and Simulation of DevOps Processes: The Keptn Case Study
Towards Integration-Preserving Customization of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions with Composite Clabjects in RDF and SHACL
Towards Interoperable Metamodeling Platforms: The Case of Bridging ADOxx and EMF
Towards Reactive Planning with Digital Twins and Model-Driven Optimization
Towards a Community-Based Ranking System of Overwatch Players
Towards a Human-Centered Approach for Automating Data Science
Traces of Globalization in Online Music Consumption Patterns and Results of Recommendation Algorithms
Uncertainty-Aware Prediction of Battery Energy Consumption for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Unlearning Protected User Attributes in Recommendations with Adversarial Training
Unsupervised Alignment of Distributional Word Embeddings
Unsupervised Graph Embeddings for Session-based Recommendation with Item Features
Using Trace Alignments for Measuring the Similarity between a Physical and its Digital Twin
Value exchange exploration supporting project-based learning
Verse Versus Chorus: Structure-aware Feature Extraction for Lyrics-based Genre Recognition
WECHSEL: Effective initialization of subword embeddings for cross-lingual transfer of monolingual language models
Zur Methodologie sozio-technischer Informationssystem- und Arbeitsgestaltung: Erkenntnistheoretische Überlegungen zum Einsatz von Design Science im Kontext der Entwicklung von Informationssystemen
muco: A Music Computing Learning Application?
A Hearty Welcome to IDIMT 2021!
A Heuristic Technique for Project Time Analysis in Conditions with High Uncertainty
A Model-based Execution Framework for Interpreting Control Software
A Modern Perspective on Query Likelihood with Deep Generative Retrieval Models
A Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for Air Traffic Flow Management Slot Configuration
A Reference Process for Judging Reliability of Classification Results in Predictive Analytics
A Situated Cognition Model for CPPS Testing
AIDOaRt: AI-augmented Automation for DevOps, a Model-based Framework for Continuous Development in Cyber-Physical Systems
AML4DT: A Model-Driven Framework for Developing and Maintaining Digital Twins with AutomationML
Air Quality Management: An Exemplar for Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering
An Extended Analysis of Risk Management Concepts in IT Management Frameworks
Analysis of the Battery Energy Estimation Model in SUMO Compared with Actual Analysis of Battery Energy Consumption
Analyzing Item Popularity Bias of Music Recommender Systems: Are Different Genders Equally Affected?
Authorization Strategies and Classification of Access Control Models
Automatic Recognition of Texture in Renaissance Music
BlendTorch: A Real-Time, Adaptive Domain Randomization Library.
Blockchain-Based Load Carrier Management in the Physical Internet
Bridging the Gap: Voices from Industry and Research on Industrial Relevance of SPLC
Capturing Autonomy in its Multiple Facets: A Digital Twin Approach
Chance Constraint as a Basis for Probabilistic Query Model
Christophorus X: Autonomous Drone for Search and Rescue in Forests
Computational filling of curatorial gaps in a fine arts exhibition
Coughing-based Recognition of Covid-19 with Spatial Attentive ConvLSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
Criteria for selecting design process modelling approaches
Cross-city Analysis of Location-based Sentiment in User-generated Text
Current Challenges and Future Directions in Podcast Information Access
DQ-MeeRKat: Automating Data Quality Monitoring with a Reference-Data-Profile-Annotated Knowledge Graph
DaQL 2.0: Measure Data Quality based on Entity Models
Data Catalogs: A Systematic Literature Review and Guidelines to Implementation
Data Structures for a Generic Software System using the Composite Design Pattern
Design and Comparative Evaluation of Visualization Onboarding Methods
Designing Multi-Scale Logistic Blockchain Monitoring System: Architectural and Optimization Aspects
Dimensions of Retail Customer Experience and Its Outcomes: A Literature Review and Directions for Future Research
Discovering DataOps: A Comprehensive Review of Definitions, Use Cases, and Tools
Distance Estimation for BLE-based Contact Tracing -- A Measurement Study
Does Track Sequence in User-Generated Playlist Matter?
Elastic Registration of MRI Scans and RGB-D Images to Improve Surgical Planing of Breast Reconstruction
Enterprise Engineering for Business Opportunity Recognition - A Design Science Approach
Event-Driven Ontology Population - from Research to Practice in Critical Infrastructure Systems
Exploiting Temporal Dependencies for Cross-modal Music Piece Identification
Exploring the Influence of Personality Traits on Affective Customer Experiences in Retailing: Combination of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Self-Report Measures
Extended XACML Language and Architecture for Access Control in Graph-structured Data
FamSearch: Visual Analysis of Genealogical Data
Featuring Dual Learning Experiences in Tangible CPS Education: A Synchronized Internet-of-Things?Digital-Twin System
Formalizing Visualization Semantics for Accessibility
From In-Person to Distance Learning: Teaching Model-Driven Software Engineering in Remote Settings
Gait Recognition with DensePose Energy Images
Gamification and Application Features for Collaborative Environments
Handling Structural Mismatches in Real-time OperaTracking
Hazard Analysis for Human-on-the-Loop Interactions in sUAS Systems
How Much is an Augmented Sample Worth?
How to Improve Risk Management in IT Frameworks
Improving Real-time Score Following in Opera by Combining Music with Lyrics Tracking
Improving the Internal Communication of an Emergency Rescue Service by Using Progressive Web Applications
Interactively Exploring Similarities Between Music Genres Based on User-generated Tags
Introducing Gamification in Introductory Programming Courses
Investigating the Influence of Technostress and Financial Stress on Users? Psychophysiological and Behavioral Responses: A Pilot Study
Knowledge Graph Embeddings for News Article Tag Recommendation
LEMONS: Listenable Explanations for Music recOmmeNder Systems
Learning to Infer Unseen Contexts inCausal Contextual Reinforcement Learning
Let the Games Begin - Inviting Young Learners to Code
Leveraging Model-Driven Technologies for JSON Artefacts: The Shipyard Case Study
Measuring Societal Biases from Text Corpora with Smoothed First-Order Co-occurrence
Mining API Interactions to Analyze Software Revisions for the Evolution of Energy Consumption
Missing Data Patterns: From Theory to an Application in the Steel Industry
Mode Switching for Secure Web Applications - A Juice Shop Case Scenario
MultiHumES: Multilingual Humanitarian Dataset for Extractive Summarization
My Friends Also Prefer Diverse Music: Homophily and Link Prediction With User Preferences for Mainstream, Novelty, and Diversity in Music
Nonlinear Denoising, Linear Demixing
Not All Relevance Scores are Equal: Efficient Uncertainty and Calibration Modeling for Deep Retrieval Models
On Perceived Emotion in Expressive Piano Performance: Further Experimental Evidence for the Relevance of Mid-level Perceptual Features
On The Discriminability of Samples Using Binarized ReLU Activations
On the Potential of large-scale Extended Reality Interaction for Industrial Environments
On the Veracity of Local, Model-agnostic Explanations in Audio Classification: Targeted Investigations with Adversarial Examples
On-Line Audio-to-Lyrics Alignment Based on a Reference Performance
Over-Parameterization and Generalization in Audio Classification
Placeholder Constraint Evaluation in Simulation Graphs
Poster: Energy Management in Off-grid Homes by Forecasting
Predicting Music Relistening Behavior Using the ACT-R Framework
Probabilisticmodelling of signal mixtures with differentiable dictionaries
Real-World Evaluation of the Impact of Automated Driving System Technology on Driver Gaze Behavior, Reaction Time and Trust
Requirements for Agile Project Portfolio Management for Diversified Companies
Reusability of Interfaces in Healthcare EAI Environments
RoboMAX: Robotic Mission Adaptation eXemplars
Semantic Web Analysis Graphs: Guided Multidimensional Analysis of Linked Open Data
Setting the Scope for a New Agile Assessment Model: Results of an Empirical Study
Simulation-Based Impact of Connected Vehicles in Platooning Mode on Travel Time, Emissions and Fuel Consumption
Simulation-Based Impact of Connected Vehicles in Platooning Mode on Travel Time, Emissions and Fuel Consumption
Social Gaming Patterns During a Pandemic Crisis: A Cross-cultural Survey
Societal Biases in Retrieved Contents: Measurement Framework and Adversarial Mitigation of BERT Rankers,
Sorting Musical Expression: Characterization of Descriptions of Expressive Piano Performances
Supervised Contrastive Learning for Game-Play Frustration Detection from Speech
Supporting Quality Assurance with Automated Process-Centric Quality Constraints Checking
Team JKU-AIWarriors in the ACM Recommender Systems Challenge 2021: Lightweight XGBoost Recommendation Approach Leveraging User Features
The ADAPT Project: Adaptive and Autonomous Data Performance Connectivity and Decentralized Transport Network
The Balancing Principle for Parameter Choice in Distance-regularized Domain Adaptation
The MULTI Collaborative Comparison Challenge
The Power of Linked Eye Movement Data Visualizations
Toward the Implementation of Escape Room Games in an Educational Context
Towards Explaining Expressive Qualities in Piano Recordings: Transfer of Explanatory Features via Acoustic Domain Adaptation
Towards Flexible Evolution of Digital Twins with Fluent APIs
Towards Model-Driven Quantum Software Engineering
Towards Multi-level Modeling of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health
Towards Reinforcement Learning for In-Place Model Transformations
Towards a Model-Integrated Runtime Monitoring Infrastructure for Cyber-Physical Systems
Towards continuous consistency checking of DevOps artefacts
Towards quantifying differences in expressive piano performances: Are Euclidean-like distance measures enough?
Tracing Back Music Emotion Predictions to Sound Sources and Intuitive Perceptual Qualities
TripClick: The Log Files of a Large Health Web Search Engine,
Unsupervised Quantification of High-Gamma Activation in Electrocorticographic Signals
Use of Mobile Devices for Haptic Interaction for classifying 3D Geometrical Objects
Visualization of Multi-Level Data Quality Dimensions with QuaIIe
Weaving Open Services with Runtime Models for Continuous Smart Cities KPIs Assessment
What Players Want: Information Needs of Players on Post-Game Visualizations
Work-in-Progress: Closing the Gaps ? Diversity in Programming Education
glossaLAB: Enabling the Co-Creation of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Through the Reviving of Long-Term Conceptual Elucidation
iVOLUNTEER - A Platform for Digitization and Exploitation of Lifelong Volunteer Engagement
(L)earning by Doing - »Blockchainifying« Life-Long Volunteer Engagement
A Behaviour-Driven Development Approach for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
A Conceptual Design of a Digital Companion for Failure Analysis in Rail Automation
A Flexible Architecture for Key Performance Indicators Assessment in Smart Cities
A Forecasting Model-Based Discovery of Causal Links of Key Influencing Performance Quality Indicators for Sinter Production Improvement
A Framework for Recognizing Digital Transformation Opportunities
A Graphical Toolkit for IEC 62264-2
AUDiaL: A Natural Language Interface to Make Statistical Charts Accessible to Blind Persons
Accessible Multimodal Tool Support for Brainstorming Meetings
Adaptive User Interfaces for People with Cognitive Disabilities within the Easy Reading Framework
Addressing the Recitative Problem in Real-Time Opera Tracking
Adversarial Robustness in Data Augmentation
An Operational Constraint Language To Evaluate Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements
Anomalous Sound Detection as a Simple Binary Classification Problem with Careful Selection of Proxy Outlier Examples
Applying AI in Practice: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned
Artificial Intelligence, Accessible and Assistive Technologies
Automated Variability Injection for Graphical Modelling Languages
Automatic Assistance to Cognitive Disabled Web Users via Reinforcement Learning on the Browser
Autonomous Driving: Framework for Pedestrian Intention Estimation in a Real World Scenario
Autonomy and Process Design
Blockchain Technology for Emergency Response
Boosting Algorithms for Delivery Time Prediction in Transportation Logistics
COOL Programming ? Improving Introductory Programming Education through Cooperative Open Learning
Characterizing Energy Consumption of Third-Party API Libraries using API Utilization Profiles
Cognitive Disabilities and Accessibility - Pushing the Boundaries of Inclusion Using Digital Technologies and Accessible eLearning Environments
Comparison of Agile Maturity Models: Reflecting the Real Needs
Conformity Behavior in Group Playlist Creation
Consumer-Grade EEG Instruments: Insights on the Measurement Quality Based on a Literature Review and Implications for NeuroIS Research
Context-Adaptive ReinforcementLearning using Unsupervised Learning of Context Variables
Data Governance and Digitalization-A Case Study in a Manufacturing Company
Deductive reconstruction of MLT* for multi-level modeling
Design Science as Methodological Approach to Interoperability Engineering in Digital Production
Design-Integrated IoT Capacity Building using Tangible Building Blocks
DevOpsML: towards modeling DevOps processes and platforms
Discovering X Degrees of Keyword Separation in a Fine Arts Collection
Do Neural Ranking Models Intensify Gender Bias?
Does Static Analysis Help Software Engineering Students?
Drivers and Influencing Factors in Mobile Payment Acceptance
Dynamic Coupling of Learning with Operational Processes
Dynamic Taint Tracking Simulation
Efficient Transport Logistics: An Approach for Urban Freight Transport in Austria
Einhaltung von Informationssicherheitsvorschriften durch MitarbeiterInnen: Faktoren und Maßnahmen
Empowering Makers ? A Design Science Approach
Environmental Impact of Bundling Transport Deliveries Using SUMO: Analysis of a cooperative approach in Austria
Evolutionary Optimization of Image Processing for Cell Detection in Microscopy Images
Explaining Inconsistent Research Findings on the Relationship between Age and Technostress Perceptions: Insights from the Neuroscience Literature
Focus Areas, Themes, and Objectives of Non-Functional Requirements in DevOps: A Systematic Mapping Study
How to Measure Customers? Emotional Experience? A Short Review of Current Methods and a Call for Neurophysiological Approaches
Improving the Fusion of Outbreak Detection Methods with Supervised Learning
Integration of Knowledge and Task Management in an Evolving, Communication-intensive Environment
Learning to Read and Follow Music Incomplete Score Sheet Images
Learning to Read and Follow Music in Complete Score Sheet Images
Low-Complexity Models for Acoustic Scene Classification Based on Receptive Field Regularization and Frequency Damping
Managing Inter-Model Inconsistencies in Model-based Systems Engineering
Measuring Object-Oriented Design Principles: The Results of Focus Group-Based Research
Merge Event Bias in Project Evaluation Techniques - Problems and Directions
Mobile Delivery Robots: Mixed Reality-Based Simulation Relying on ROS and Unity 3D
Mobile Payment - Classic Approaches to Promote Consumer Adoption
Modelling Production System Families with AutomationML
Multi-Method Evaluation: Leveraging Multiple Methods to Answer What You Were Looking For
Multi-Mode Systems for Resilient Security in Industry 4.0
Music Tower Blocks: Multi-Faceted Exploration Interface for Web-Scale Music Access
NeuroIS: Status, Rewarding Research Questions, and Future Directions
On Applying Graph Database Time Models for Security Log Analysis
On the Characterization of Expressive Performance in Classical Music: First Results of the Con Espressione Game
Outsourcing in the Age of Digital Transformation
Pandemics, Music, and Collective Sentiment: Evidence From the Outbreak of COVID-19
Performance of a networked human-drone team: command response and interaction effects
Personality Bias of Music Recommendation Algorithms
Personality Correlates of Music Audio Preferences for Modelling Music Listeners
Physiological Measurement in the Research Field of Electronic Performance Monitoring: Review and a Call for NeuroIS Studies
Pointing Gesture Based User Interaction of Tool Supported Brainstorming Meetings
Predicting Flight Delay Risk Using a Random Forest Classifier Based on Air Traffic Scenarios and Environmental Conditions
Readability of Privacy Policies
Real-Time Visualisation of Fugue Played by a String Quartet
Requirements-Driven Configuration of Emergency Response Missions with Small Aerial Vehicles
Reusable Textual Notations for Domain-Specific Languages
SENET: A Semantic Web for Supporting Automation of Software Engineering Tasks
STS on Accessible and Inclusive Digital Publishing
Searching for Optimal Models: Comparing Two Encoding Approaches (Summary)
Specifying Feature-Dependent Maintainability Requirements in an Operational Manner ? Results From a Case Study with Practitioners
Tackling Semantic Shift in Industrial Streaming Data Over Time
Tailoring and Evaluating Non-Functional Interests Towards Task-Oriented Functional Requirements
Technostress Measurement in the Field: A Case Report
The Dance on the Volcano - A Knowledge Management Perspective on Capacity Building in times of Systemic Crises
The Impact of Label Noise on a Music Tagger
The Internet-of-Behavior as Organizational Transformation Space with Choreographic Intelligence
The Nature of Customer Experience and its Determinants in the Retail Context: Literature Review
The Next Generation of Human-Drone Partnerships: Co-Designing an Emergency Response System
The Unfairness of Popularity Bias in Music Recommendation: A Reproducibility Study
TimeTracer: a tool for back in time traceability replaying
Towards CPS Verification Engineering
Towards Distributed Contextualized Knowledge Repositories for Analysis of Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs
Towards Informed Watermarking of Personal Health Sensor Data for Data Leakage Detection
Towards Integrating Data-Driven Requirements Engineering into the Software Development Process: A Vision Paper,
Towards Message-Driven Ontology Population - Facing Challenges in Real-World IoT
Towards Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering: Current Opportunities and Future Challenges
Towards Reliable Real-Time Opera Tracking: Combining Alignment with Audio Event Detectors to Increase Robustness
Towards a Model-Based DevOps for Cyber-Physical Systems
Towards a Multi-Objective Modularizations Approach for Entity-Relationship Models
Towards a Reference Architecture for Leveraging Model Repositories for Digital Twins
Towards the next generation of reactive model transformations on low-code platforms: three research lines
User Centered Design and User Participation in Inclusive R&D
User Insights on Diversity in Music Recommendation Lists
Utilizing Human Memory Processes to Model Genre Preferences for Personalized Music Recommendations
Vehicle Automation Field Test: Impact on Driver Behavior and Trust
Visualizing Multi-dimensional State Spaces Using Selective Abstraction
audioLIME: Listenable Explanations Using Source Separation
"Nothing about Us without Us": Next Level
3D Robot Pose Estimation from 2D Images
A 1mm Thin-Film Short-Distance Optical Sensor
A Bounding Technique for Probabilistic PERT
A Comparative Study of Two Complex Ontologies in Air Traffic Management
A Convolutional Approach to Melody Line Identification in Symbolic Scores
A DaQL to Monitor Data Quality in Machine Learning Applications
A Dynamic Game Model of Crisis Communication on Social Media
A Framework of Factors Enabling Digital Transformation
A Generic Language for Query and Viewtype Generation By-Example
A Model-Driven Approach for Visualisation Processes
A Novel Data Quality Metric for Minimality
A Recommender System for Software Architecture Decision Making
A Research Preview on TAICOS - Tailoring Stakeholder Interests to Task-Oriented Functional Requirements
A Schema Readability Metric for Automated Data Quality Measurement
A User-Centered Perspective on Interoperability: Capturing Stakeholder Interaction for Mediating Design
A Visual Model for Privacy Awareness and Understanding in Online Social Networks
A Web Service Architecture for Social Micro-Learning
A practical view on IT risk management process
Access to Non-Verbal Aspects of Group Conversations for Blind Persons
Adapting Ethnography for Design Research: Lessons Learnt form Design of Mobile Systems for Rural Health Care in Ethiopia
Adaptive User Interface Concepts Supporting People with Cognitive Disabilities
Adopting Standard Clinical Descriptors for Process Mining Case Studies in Healthcare
Allowing for equal opportunities for artists in music recommendation
An Automatic Drum Machine with Touch UI Based on a Generative Neural Network
An Extension of the QUAMOCO Quality Model to Specify and Evaluate Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements
An Integrated Framework to Examine Mobile Users' Pathway from Threat Cognition to Action
Automated Schema Quality Measurement in Large-Scale Information Systems
Automatic Reverse Engineering of Interaction Models from System Logs
Building Extraction from Google Earth Images
COOL: Cooperative Open Learning for Beginning Programmers
Comparing Constraints Mined From Execution Logs to Understand Software Evolution
Complex PDF Remediation for Accessibility: Review of Current Methodologies
Control portfolio adaption in Scrum: Initial findings from a practitioner survey
Conversational AI for Corporate e-Learning
Cross-Country Investigation of User Connection Patterns in Online Social Networks
Cross-country User Connections in an Online Social Network for Music
Current state of IT risk analysis in management frameworks: Is it enough?
Cutting a Path Through the IoT Ontology Jungle - a Meta Survey
Das "AgriProKnow"-Projekt: Prozessbezogenes Informationsmanagement in Precision Dairy Farming
Dependable data sharing in dynamic IoT-Systems: subject-oriented process design, complex event processing, and blockchains
Domain-Level Observation and Control for Compiled Executable DSLs
Domain-Specific Model Distance Measures
Dynamic Taint-Tracking: Directions for Future Research
Emotion and Theme Recognition in Music with Frequency-Aware RF-Regularized CNNs
End-to-end defect detection in automated fiber placement based on artificially generated data
Entwicklung einer domänenspezifischen Sprache zur Modellierung von Komponentenversionen und ihren Abhängigkeiten
Examining the energy impact of sorting algorithms on android: an empirical study
Exploiting Parallel Audio Recordings to Enforce Device Invariance in CNN-based Acoustic Scene Classification
Exploring Robustness in a Combined Feature Selection Approach (Best Paper Award)
Extension of the 3DCoAutoSim to Simulate Vehicle and Pedestrian Interaction based SUMO and Unity 3D
Extension of the 3DCoAutoSim to Simulate Vehicle and Pedestrian Interaction based on SUMO and Unity 3D
From Design-Time to Runtime and Back Again with Liquid Models
Gathering Knowledge from Decision Making
Generating Structured AutomationML Models from IEC 62264 Information
Genre Differences of Song Lyrics and Artist Wikis: An Analysis of Popularity, Length, Repetitiveness, and Readability
Human-Drone Teaming: Use Case Bookshelf Inventory
Industrial and Academic Software Product Line Research at SPLC: Perceptions of the Community
Information Disclosure Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems
Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation
Investigating the role of mind wandering in computer-supported collaborative work: A proposal for an EEG study
Is the Technostress Creators Inventory Still an Up-To-Date Measurement Instrument? Results of a Large-Scale Interview Study
Learning Soft-Attention Models for Tempo-invariant Audio-Sheet Music Retrieval
Leveraging Artifact Trees to Evolve and Reuse Safety Cases
Leveraging Multi-Method Evaluation for Multi-Stakeholder Settings
Linking Trust to Cyber-Physical Systems
Lowcomote: Training the Next Generation of Experts in Scalable Low-Code Engineering Platforms
Matching Ontologies for Air Traffic Management: A Comparison and Reference Alignment of the AIRM and NASA ATM Ontologies
Microbiological Water Quality Test Results Extraction from Mobile Photographs
Mitigating Messaging and Processing Load in IoT Environments Managed by Blockchain
Mixture Density Generative Adversarial Networks
Model for Strategic Positioning in Transformative Situations
Model-driven Runtime State Identification
Modeling Artist Preferences for Personalized Music Recommendations
Modeling Variability and Persisting Configurations in OPC UA
Modelling the Semantics for Model-Driven Interactive Visualizations
Multiplicative criteria aggregation technique for risk-based audit planning
My 25 Years of Fuschl/IFSR Conversations (1994 to 2018)
Natural Language Processing for Non-visual Access to Diagrams
On Conditioning GANs to Hierarchical Ontologies
Potentialidentifizierung in Agilen Umgebungen
Practical Verification of CLT Assumption for PERT Application
Preface to MDE Intelligence 2019: 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering
Preface to the 1st Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS 2019)
Preface to the 6th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI 2019)
Production Planning with IEC 62264 and PDDL
Receptive-field-regularized CNN variants for acoustic scene classification
Report of the Workshop on Concepts and Methods of Identifying Digital Potentials in Information Management
Resilient Security of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
Reusable Textual Styles for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages
Searching for Optimal Models: Comparing Two Encoding Approaches
Securing Smart Homes
Sensyml: Simulation Environment for large-scale IoT Applications
Similarity of Definitions - Challenges of Comparison
Situation Mining: Event Pattern Mining for Situation Model Induction
SlotMachine: A Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for Slot Management (extended abstract)
Smartphones as an Opportunity to Increase Sales in Brick-and-Mortar Stores: Identifying Sales Influencers Based on a Literature Review
Software Architecture Knowledge Sharing with the Architecture Knowledge Base (AKB)
Software-Entwicklung im Lichte kultureller Unterschiede
Structruring Academic Education in Makerspaces: Consolidated Findings from the Field
Tastalyzer: Audiovisual exploration of urban and rural variations in music taste
Techno-unreliability: A pilot study in the field
TemporalEMF: A Temporal MetamodelingFramework - Extended Abstract
The Effect of Gamification on Software Architecture Knowledge Management: A Student Experiment and Focus Group Study
The Importance of Song Context and Song Order in Automated Music Playlist Generation
The Interplay of Design and Runtime Traceability for Non-Functional Requirements
The MULTI Process Challenge
The Receptive Field as a Regularizer in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Acoustic Scene Classification
TourDino: A Support View for Confirming Patterns in Tabular Data
Towards Automatically Identifying Potential Sustainability Effects of Requirements
Towards Continuous Quality: Measuring and Evaluating Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements in DevOps
Towards Operational Technology Monitoring in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Key Challenges and Research Roadmap
Towards Reduction in MOOCs Dropouts: An Agent-Based Model for Social Network Based Collaborative Learning
Towards a Knowledge Graph to Describe and Process Data Defects
Towards explainable Music Emotion Recognition: The Route via mid-level Features
Towards the Next Generation of Scenario Walkthrough Tools?A Research Preview
Two-level Explanations in Music Emotion Recognition
User Curated Shaping of Expressive Performances
User-centered Design in Developing Countries ? A Case Study of a Sustainable Intercultural Healthcare Platform in Ethiopia
Using Decision Models for Documenting Microservice Architectures: A Student Experiment and Focus Group Study
glossaLAB: Co-Creating Interdisciplinary Knowledge
A Component-based Hybrid Systems Verification and Implementation Tool in KeYmaera X. (Tool Demonstration)
A GAN Based Drum Pattern Generation UI Prototype
A Hybrid Model for Social Media Sentiment Analysis for Indonesian Text
A Large-Scale Study of Language Models for Chord Prediction
A Method for Multi-Context Boundary Profiling for Individual Communication Management
A Platform for the Automated Provisioning of Architecture Information for Large-scale Service-oriented Software Systems
A Proof-of-Concept Implementation of a Semantic Container Management System for Air Traffic Management
A Semantic MatchMaking Framework for Volunteering MarketPlaces
A Study and Comparison of Industrial vs. Academic Software Product Line Research Published at SPLC
A glimpse into the Unobserved: Runoff simulation for ungauged catchments with LSTMs
A microservice infrastructure for distributed communities of practice
Accessible eLearning - eLearning for Accessibility/AT
Active and Healthy Aging Workshop
An Approach to Extract the Architecture of Microservice-Based Software Systems
An Expert Interview Study on Areas of Microservice Design
An Initial Mapping Study on MDE4IoT
An open model for researching the role of culture in online self-disclosure.
Applying Process View to Active and Healthy Aging (AHA) Problems
Art Karshmer Lectures in Access to Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Assessing and Evaluating Functional Suitability of Software
Attention as a Perspective for Learning Tempo-invariant Audio Queries
Audio-to-score alignment using transposition-invariant features
Audio-visual encoding of multimedia content for " enhancing movie recommendations",
Automated Compliance Verification in ATM Using Principles from Ontology Matching
Automatic Chord Recognition with Higher-Order Harmonic Language Modelling
Benefits and pitfalls applying RAMI 4.0
Can We Improve App Accessibility with Advanced Development Methods?
Characterising Activation Functions by Their Backward Dynamics Around Forward Fixed Points
Collaborative Learning to Reduce Learners Dropouts in MOOCs: Modeling an Agent-Based Simulation
Concepts for Trust Propagation in Knowledge Processing Systems - A brief Introduction and Overview
Conceptual Design of a hybrid Participatory IT supporting in-situ and ex-situ collaborative text authoring
Content-Based Multimedia Recommendation Systems: Definition and Application Domains
Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields
Cross-domain informativeness classification for disaster situations
Crowd Focused Semi-Automated Requirements Engineering for Evolution Towards Sustainability
Culture-Aware Music Recommendation
Decision Engineering in Case of Intuitive Decisions
Decision-Making Support for View-Oriented I4. 0 System Architecture Design
Deconstructing the Refactoring Process from a Problem-solving and Decision-making Perspective
Deep Within-Class Covariance Analysis for Robust Deep Audio Representation Learning
Efficient Aggregation Methods for Probabilistic Data Streams
End-to-End Learning of Pharmacological Assays from High-resolution Microscopy Images
Evaluating Customer Satisfaction: Using Behavioral Analytics of Data-Intensive Software Systems
Evaluating Language Models of Tonal Harmony
Event-driven stereo vision algorithm based on silicon retina sensors
Feature-Based Reuse in the ERP Domain: An Industrial Case Study
First Order Generative Adversarial Networks
First Order Generative Adversarial Networks
Fréchet ChemNet Distance: A Metric for Generative Models for Molecules in Drug Discovery
GANs and Poses: An Interactive Generative Music Installation Controlled by Dance Moves
GPU-driven Deep Learning Paves New Ways for Drug Discovery Through High-Content Imaging
Gaze Based Magnification to Assist Visually Impaired Persons
Genre-Agnostic Key Classification With Convolutional Neural Networks
Guidance or No Guidance? A Decision Tree Can Help
Guided Query Composition with Semantic OLAP Patterns
IEC 62264-2 for AutomationML
IUI?18 Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation (MILC)
Improved Chord Recognition by Combining Duration and Harmonic Language Models
Initial Trust in Mobile Apps Based on Landing Page Information: Results of an Online Experiment
Interpretable Deep Learning in Drug Development
Investigating Cross-Country Relationship Between Users´ Social Ties and Music Mainstreaminess
Investigating Label Noise Sensitivity of Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-grained Audio Signal Labelling.
Iterative Knowledge Distillation in R-CNNS for Weakly-Labeled Semi-Supervised Sound Event Detection
Large Area 3D Human Pose Detection Via Stereo Reconstruction in Panoramic Cameras
Large-scale weakly labeled semi-supervised sound event detection in domestic environments
Learning to Listen, Read, and Follow: Score Following as a Reinforcement Learning Game.
MMTF-14K: A Multifaceted Movie Trailer Dataset for Recommendation and Retrieval
Making Sense of Very Rare and Private Single-Nucleotide Variants
Measuring Process Experience: A Collaborative Modelling Instrument for Determining the Impact of a New Law on Public Service Experience
Measuring Process Management Capability in Disaster Management
Microservice Design Space Analysis and Decision Documentation: A Case Study on API Management
Multimedia Recommender Systems
Multiplicative aggregation for ERP upgrade decision making
New Concepts for Trust Propagation in Knowledge Processing Systems
New Paths in Music Recommender Systems Research
On Data-Driven Network Performance Modeling for Mobile Cloud Computing
On the Importance of Considering Country-specific Aspects on the Online-Market: An Example of Music Recommendation Considering Country-Specific Mainstream
On the Suitability of a Portfolio-Based Design Improvement Approach
Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields with Overlapping Patches
Overview and New Challenges of Music Recommendation Research in 2018
PESTEL Modeler: Strategy Analysis Using MetaEdit+, iStar 2.0, and Semantic Technologies
Position kernels as a key to making sense of very rare and private single-nucleotide variants
Preismodelle für Software-as-a-Service - Ein empirischer Vergleich des B2B- und B2C-Marktes
QuaIIe: A Data Quality Assessment Tool for Integrated Information Systems
ROS and Unity Based Framework for Intelligent Vehicles Control and Simulation
RecSys Challenge 2018: Automatic Music Playlist Continuation
Regressing Controversy of Music Artists from Microblogs
Requirements Engineering for People with Cognitive Disabilities ? Exploring New Ways for Peer-Researchers and Developers to Cooperate
Resilient Ontology Support Facilitating Multi-Perspective Process Integration in Industry 4.0
Rethinking Summarization and Storytelling for Modern Social Multimedia
Rule Module Inheritance with Modification Restrictions. International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE)
Scaffolding RAMI4. 0-Exploration as Design Support
Semantics-Based Summarization of ATM Data to Manage Information Overload in Pilot Briefings
System response time as a stressor in a digital world: Literature review and theoretical model
Techniques for Improved Speech-Based Access to Diagrammatic Representations
The Blockchain Muddle
The Case for Contextualized Knowledge Graphs in Air Traffic Management
The Clock has Fallen Off the Wall?-Emergence of BPM-relevant Knowledge based on Cascading Stakeholder Perspectives
The Effects of Real-world Events on Music Listening Behavior: An Intervention Time Series Analysis
The Impact of Gestures on Formal Language Learning and Its Neural Correlates: A Study Proposal
The MediaEval 2018 Movie Recommendation Task:
The Semantic Container Approach: Techniques for ontology-based data description and discovery in a decentralized SWIM knowledge base
TokenAccess: Improving Accessibility of Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) by Transferring the Interface and Interaction to Personal Accessible Devices
Towards Full-Pipeline Handwritten OMR with Musical Symbol Detection by U-Nets.
Towards Scalability Guidelines for Semantic Data Container Management
Towards a framework for detecting energy drain in mobile applications: an architecture overview
Towards a value-added Information Layer for SWIM: The Semantic Container Approach
Towards unambiguous IT risk definition
Towards a Pattern Language for Knowledge Processing Systems: Expert Systems
Trace Comprehension Operators for Executable DSLs
Training General-Purpose Audio Tagging Networks with Noisy Labels and Iterative Self-Verification.
Treating Missing Data in Industrial Data Analytics
Trustworthy Multi-Modal Framework for Life-Critical System Security
Using VizDSL for Modelling Visualization Processes
Validation of Business Process Models through Interactively Enacted Simulation
Virtual Navigation Environment for Blind and Low Vision People
VisDSL: A Visual DSL for Interactive Information Visualization
Visual sensory cortices facilitate translation of auditory foreign language words
Which concepts do inexperienced modelers use to model work? ? An exploratory study
Zero-mean convolutions for level-invariant singing voicedetection
geMsearch: Personalized Explorative Music Search
A Benchmark for Component-based Hybrid Systems Safety Verification
A Case Study of Success Factors for Data Warehouse Implementation and Adoption in Sales Planning
A Comparison of Attention Estimation Techniques in a Public Display Scenario
A Dashboard for Microservice Monitoring and Management
A Decade of NeuroIS Research: Status Quo, Challenges, and Future Directions
A Feature-based Approach for Variability Exploration and Resolution in Model Transformation Migration
A Formal Approach for Failure Detection in Large-Scale Distributed Systems Using Abstract State Machines
A Hybrid Approach to Music Playlist Continuation Based on Playlist-Song Membership
A Location-Based Educational Game for Understanding the Traveling Salesman Problem: A Case Study.
A NoSQL Data-Based Personalized Recommendation System for C2C e-Commerce
A Survey on the Importance of Object-oriented Design Best Practices
A hybrid approach with multi-channel i-vectors and convolutional neural networks for acoustic scene classification
A pattern collection for knowledge processing system architecture
A short journey through 25 Years of IDIMT Conferences
Adopting Formal Approaches for Monitoring Sensors of Intercloud Systems
Agogic Principles in Trans-Human Settings
Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Automatischen Musikverfolgung
An Experimental Analysis of the Entanglement Problem in Neural-Network-based
An Interview Study on Sustainability Concerns in Software Development Projects
An OLAP Endpoint for RDF Data Analysis Using Analysis Graphs
Analysis of GoF Design Patterns used in Knowledge Processing Systems
Application Areas of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
Are CISQ Reliability Measures Practical? A Research Perspective (Best Paper Award)
Artist Preferences and Cultural, Socio-economic Distances Across Countries: A Big Data Perspective
Assisting People with Nystagmus Through Image Stabilization: Using an ARX Model to Overcome Processing Delays
Audit Trails in OpenSLEX: Paving the Road for Process Mining in Healthcare
Augmented Lifecycle Space for traceability and consistency enhancement
Automated Data Quality Monitoring
Automatic Estimation of Harmonic Tension by Distributed Representation of Chords
Automatically Adding Missing Libraries to Java Projects to Foster Better Results from Static Analysis
Business Process Elaboration through Virtual Enactment
Change and Delay Contracts for Hybrid System Component Verification
Classifying Short Acoustic Scenes with I-Vectors and CNNs: Challenges and Optimisations for the 2017 DCASE ASC Task
Comparison of Alpha/Beta and High-Gamma Band for Motor-Imagery based BCI Control
Composite Risk Modeling For Automated Threat Mitigation In Medical Devices
Conceptual Modelling of Autonomous Multi-cloud Interaction with Reflective Semantics
Conceptual Modelling of Hybrid Systems
Conceptual Modelling of Hybrid Systems - Structure and Behaviour
Connecting small, private & independent hydro power plants to increase the overall power generating efficiency
Context for the Intelligent Search of Information
Convolutional Neural Networks for Subcellular Protein Localization
Create and Play your Pac-Man Game with the GEMOC Studio
Data Integration and Analysis in Precision Dairy Farming: A Semantic Data Warehousing Approach
Decision Guidance Models for Microservice Monitoring
Decision Guidance Models for Microservices ? Service Discovery and Fault Tolerance
Decision Models for Microservices - Design Areas, Stakeholders, Use Cases and Requirements
Deep Learning Yields Virtual Assays
Deep Learning for Prediction of Synergistic Effects of Anti-cancer Drugs
DeepRuby: Extending Ruby with Dual Deep Instantiation
DeepSynergy: Prediction of synergies of anti-cancer drugs with Deep Learning
Distance- and Rank-based Music Mainstreaminess Measurement
Drum Transcription from Polyphonic Music with Recurrent Neural Networks
Drum Transcription via Joint Beat and Drum Modeling using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
E-Mail Monitoring and Management with MS Social Bots
Empowering road vehicles to learn parking situations based on optical sensor measurements
Enabling Digital Craftsmanship Capacity Building: A Digital Dalton Plan Approach
End-to-End Musical Key Estimation Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Entanglement Problem in Neural-Network -Based Music Transcription s
Enterprise interoperability as framework for project knowledge management
Ex-situ Technology Appropriation of an e-Deliberation Platform in an Art Gallery
Extraction Methodology of Implicit Didactics in Math Schoolbooks for the Blind
Focussing on Precision- and Trust-Propagation in Knowledge Processing Systems
GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Nash Equilibrium
Global Learning Network Analytics to Enhance PLN Understanding
GugerOptimal Bandpower Estimation and Tracking via Kalman Filtering for Real-Time Brain-Computer Interfaces
HapRFN: Rectified Factor Networks for identifying short IBD segments
How Item Discovery Enabled by Diversity Leads to Increased Recommendation List Attractiveness
IFIN+: A Parallel Incremental Frequent Itemsets Mining in Shared-Memory Environment
IUI?17 Companion-Workshop Summary for HUMANIZE?17
IVOLUNTEER - A Digital Ecosystem for Life-long Volunteering
Improving Object-Oriented Design Quality: A Portfolio- and Measurement-Based Approach
Indicators of Country Similarity in Terms of Music Taste, Cultural, and Socio-economic Factors
Intelligent User Interfaces for Social Music Discovery and Exploration of Large-scale Music Repositories
Introducing Design Patterns to Knowledge Processing Systems in the context of Big Data and Cloud Platforms
Introducing Fundamental Concepts of Process Modeling Through Participatory Simulation
Introducing Global and Regional Mainstreaminess for Improving Personalized Music Recommendation
Introducing Surprise and Opposition by Design in Recommender Systems.
Introducing the Factor Importance to Trust of Sources and Certainty of Data in Knowledge Processing Systems - A new Approach for Incorporation and Processing
Lagrangian Relaxation Realised in the NgMPPS Multi Actor Architecture
Learning Audio - Sheet Music Correspondences for Score Identification And offline Alignment
Learning From Intuitive Decision-Making
Learning Musical Relations using Gated Autoencoders
Learning Transformations of Musical Material using Gated Autoencoders
Level-Aware Ecosystem Transformations for Industrial Lifecycle Interoperability
Likelihood Estimation for Generative Adversarial Networks
MITIS - An Insider Threats Mitigation Framework for Information Systems
Machine Learning-Based Risk Profile Classification: A Case Study for Heart Valve Surgery
Mapping Visual Attention of Duo Musicians During Rehearsal of Temporally-ambiguous Music
MediaEval 2017 AcousticBrainz Genre Task: Multilayer Perceptron Approach
Microservices in a Small Development Organization ? An Industrial Experience Report
Mining Culture-Specific Music Listening Behavior from Social Media Data
Modeling Harmony with Skip-Grams
Modificiation Operations for Context-Aware Business Rule Management
Music Genre Classification Revisited: An In-Depth Examination Guided by Music Experts
Music Playlist Continuation by Learning from Hand-Curated Examples and Song Features.
Music Recommender Systems: Challenges and Opportunities for Non-Superstar Artists.
Non-visually Performing Analytical Tasks on Statistical Charts
On Competitiveness of Nearest-Neighbor Based Music Classification: A Methodological Critique
On the Evolution of Modeling Ecosystems: An Evaluation of Co-Evolution Approaches
On the Futility of Learning Complex Frame-Level Language Models for Chord Recognition
On the Potential of Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
Online Music Listening Culture of Kids and Adolescents: Listening Analysis and Music Recommendation Tailored to the Young
Ontology-Based Data Description and Discovery in a SWIM Environment
Overcoming the Innovator?s Dilemma in Disruptive Process Innovation Through Subject Orientation
Passive functional mapping guides electrical cortical stimulation for efficient determination of eloquent cortex in epilepsy patients
Personality Traits and Music Genre Preferences: How Music Taste Vary Over Age Groups
Personality Traits and Music Genres: What Do People Prefer to Listen To?
Personalizing Online Educational Tools: A Proposal
Piece Identification in Classical Piano Music Without Reference Scores
Predicting Genre Preferences from Cultural and Socio-economic Factors for Music Retrieval
Prediction of User Demographics from Music Listening Habits.
Project-based learning for complex adaptive enterprise systems
RecSys Challenge 2018: Automatic Playlist Continuation
Requirements Elicitation and Specification using the S-BPM Paradigm
Resilience Management: from Fukushima Disaster to Boiling Oceans and Northward Viral Spread (Abstract no. 3194)
Resilient Context-Aware Medical Device Security
Robust Learning by Conditional Independence of Hidden Units
Security Aspects and Models in Cooperative Production Processes
Self-Determined Easy Access to Different Literacy Levels
Self-Normalizing Neural Networks
Semantic Data Containers for Realizing the Full Potential of System Wide Information Management
Semantic OLAP Patterns: Elements of Reusable Business Analytics
Sentence Boundary Disambiguation for Indonesian Language
Software-basierte Prozessunterstützung für lebenswertes Altern
Spatio-thermal depth correction of RGB-D sensors based on Gaussian Processes in real-time
Stakeholder-centered Process Implementation: Assessing S-BPM Tool Support
Strengthening the Resilience of Aging Societies (Abstract)
Subject-oriented Design of Smart Hyper-connected Logistics Systems
Superimposed Multidimensional Schemas for RDF Data Analysis
Supporting Active and Healthy Aging - An Assistive Process Improvement Approach
TACO: Visualizing Changes in Tables Over Time
The Accompanion v0.1: An Expressive Accompaniment System
The Effect of Different Video Summarization Models on the Quality of Video Recommendation Based on Low-level Visual Features
The Importance of Song Context in Music Playlists
The Semantic Data Warehouse for the AgriProKnow Project
The VADA Architecture for Cost-Effective Data Wrangling
To Be The Hub or Not: Explaining the Diffusion of Communication Apps
Towards BPM Skill Assessment using Computerized Adaptive Testing
Towards Care Systems Using Model-Driven Adaptation and Monitoring of Autonomous Multi-clouds
Towards Contextualized Rule Repositories for the Semantic Web
Towards Customised Visualisation of Ontologies: State of the Art and Future Applications for Online Polls Analysis
Towards Formal Strategy Analysis with Goal Models and Semantic Web Technologies
Towards Modeling Adaptation Services for Large-Scale Distributed Systems with Abstract State Machines
Towards Modeling Monitoring Services for Large-Scale Distributed Systems with Abstract State Machines
Towards Modeling Monitoring of Smart Traffic Services in a Large-scale Distributed System
Towards Predicting the Popularity of Music Artists
Towards a Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Dynamic Adaptation for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Towards a Cognitive Screenreader
Towards an ASM Specification for Monitoring and Adaptation Services of Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Toxicity Prediction Using Self-normalizing Networks
Transferring a Question-Based Dialog Framework to a Distributed Architecture
Understanding needs and requirements of target group - Systematic perspective on interaction between system and environment
Unity in Diversity - Making the Implicit Explicit
Variable Neighbourhood Search Solving Sub-problems of a Lagrangian Flexible Scheduling Problem
Vibro-Tactile Evoked Potentoals for BCI Communication of People with Disordersof Consciousness and Locked-in Syndrome
Vielfältiges Lernen in universitären Großlehrveranstaltungen - Effekte von Flipped Classroom Formaten auf Partizipationsmöglichkeiten von Studierenden mit unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen
What Do We Really Talk About When We Talk About Context in Pervasive Computing: A Review and Exploratory Analysis.
What Were You Expecting? Using Expectancy Features to Predict Expressive Performances of Classical Piano Music
Workshop: Transhumanism?The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea?
agriProKnow - Prozessbezogenes Informationsmanagement in Precision Dairy Farming
panelcn.MOPS - a mixture of Poissons model for copy number detection
panelcn.MOPS: Copy-number detection in targeted NGS panel data for clinical diagnostics
3-D Shape Recovery of the Left Heart Chamber from Biplane X-Ray Projections Using Anatomical A-Priori Information Learned from CT.
A Component-Based Approach to Hybrid Systems Safety Verification
A Cosine-Distance based Neural Network for Music Artist Recognition Using Raw I-vector Features
A Dataset of Multimedia Material About Classical Music: PHENICX-SMM
A Fully Convolutional Deep Auditory Model for Musical Chord Recognition
A Hybrid Approach Using Binaural i-vectors and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
A LaTeX to Braille Conversion Tool for Creating Accessible Schoolbooks in Austria
A Logic for Non-deterministic Parallel Abstract State Machines
A Personality-based Adaptive System for Visualizing Classical Music Performances
A Platform for Social Microlearning
A Process Model for IT Migrations in the Context of a Hospital Merger - Results from an Austrian case study
A Proposal for Self-Service OLAP Endpoints for Linked RDF Datasets
A Secure Token-Based Communication for Authentication and Authorization Servers
A Smart Approach for Matching, Learning and Querying Information from the Human Resources Domain
A Survey on Volunteer Management Systems
Accessible eLearning - eLearning for Accessibility/AT
Agricultural Knowledge Extraction from Text Sources using a distributed MapReduce Cluster
An Accessible Environment to Integrate Blind Participants into Brainstorming Sessions
An Analysis of Agreement in Classical Music Perception and Its Relationship to Listener Characteristics
An Intelligent Musical Rhythm Variation Interface
Analysis of Implicit Didactics in Math Schoolbooks for Interactive Non-visual User Interface Develpment
Anticipation and Systems Thinking: A Key to Resilient Systems
Anticipation and Systems Thinking: A Key to Resilient Systems
Application of a Practical Approach for Incorporating Trust and Certainty of Information into a Knowledge Processing System in the Agricultural Domain
Architecture of an Extendable and Cloud-Ready Knowledge Management and Processing Framework for the Agricultural Domain
Art Karshmer Lectures in Access to Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Automated Detection and Guessing without Semantics of Sender-Receiver Relations in Computer-Mediated Discourses
Bluetooth Low Energy as Enabling Technology for Be-In/Be-Out Systems
Community Engagement or Funding ? How does Crowdfunding Contribute to the Market Success of Video Games?
Conversations with Expert Users in Music Retrieval and Research Challenges for Creative MIR
Critical IS Success Factor Analysis in the Context of a Hospital Merger
Cyber Security, Technology, and Privacy Regulation in the Digital Age
Data Wrangling for Big Data: Towards a Lingua Franca for Data Wrangling
Deep Learning for Drug Target Prediction
Deep Learning for predicting synergy effects of drug combinations
Deep Linear Discriminant Analysis
DeepTelos: Multi-Level Modeling with Most General Instances
Design, Management, and Customization of Data Analysis Reference Models Using Indyco Builder and XQuery
Designing and Evaluating Barrier-Free Travel Assistance Services
Designing of Digital Business Models for Barrier-Free Travel Assistance Service
Downbeat Tracking Using Beat-synchronous Features and Recurrent Neural Networks
DynamoGraph: A Distributed System for Large-Scale Temporal Graph Processing, its Implementation and First Observations
ECDL PD: 15 Years Later
Easy Reader - or the importance of Being Understood
Employing Aviation-specific Contexts for Business Rules and Business Vocabularies Management in SemNOTAM
Exploring Music Diversity Needs Across Countries
Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units (ELUs)
Feature Learning for Chord Recognition: The Deep Chroma Extractor
Fusing Web and Audio Predictors to Localize the Origin of Music Pieces for Geospatial Retrieval
Generalized Depth-of-Field Light-Field Rendering, International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics (ICCVG)
HapRFN: a deep learning method for identifying short IBD segments
HapRNF: a deep learning method to identify short IBD segments
Health Informatics: Educational Programs for Clinical and Non-Clinical Workforce
In-flight Provisioning and Distribution of ATM Information
Incorporating Trust, Certainty and Importance of Information into Knowledge Processing Systems - An Approach
Investigating the Relationship Between Diversity in Music Consumption Behavior and Cultural Dimensions: A Cross-Country Analysis
Joint Beat and Downbeat Tracking with Recurrent Neural Networks
Knowledge-intensive Business Processes - A Case Study for Disease Management in Farming
Kulturelle Unterschiede und ihr Einfluss auf Software-Entwicklungsprozesse und -Produkte
Landmark-based Audio Fingerprinting for DJ Mix Monitoring
Learning to Pinpoint Singing Voice from Weakly Labeled Examples
Leveraging Executable Language Engineering for Domain-Specific Transformation Languages
Lifelogging as a Viable Data Source for NeuroIS Researchers: A Review of Neurophysiological Data Types Collected in the Lifelogging Literature
Live Score Following on Sheet Music Images
Long Short-Term Memory For Autonomous Driving Cars
MIR Web Interface for Shaping Musical Creativity
MSM 2016 - Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling and Simulation in Medicine
Maintenance of Profile Matchings in Knowledge Bases
Making Computers Understand Coalition and Opposition in Parliamentary Democracy
Making the Case for Centralized Software Architecture Management
Mapping RDB TO RDF with Higher Semantic Abstraction
Mining the Disaster Hotspots - Situation-Adaptive Crowd Knowledge Extraction for Crisis Management
Mobility Support for People with Dementia
Model While You Work ? Towards Effective and Playful Acquisition of Stakeholder Processes
Modeling Context for Business Rule Management
Multi Actor Architecture for Schedule Optimisation based on Lagrangian Relaxation
Music Information Retrieval: Overview, Recent Developments and Future Challenges
Music Tweet Map: A Browsing Interface to Explore the Microblogosphere of Music
Near Real-time Detection of Crisis Situations
Noise-Robust Music Artist Recognition Using I-vector Features
On the Potential of Simple Framewise Approaches to Piano Transcription.
Pattern-based Engineering of Systems-of-Systems for Process Execution Support
Personality Traits as Design Impetus for Learning Support
Personality-Based User Modeling for Music Recommender Systems
Personalized Retrieval and Browsing of Classical Music and Supporting Multimedia Material
Pinpointing the Eye of the Hurricane - Creating A Gold-Standard Corpus for Situative Geo-Coding of Crisis Tweets Based on Linked Open Data
Process Mining: Towards Comparability of Healthcare Processes
Prozessmanagement im Katastropheneinsatz: agil, strikt, tolerant und robust?
Rectified Factor Networks for Biclustering
Recurrent Neural Networks for Drum Transcription
Reuseable Architecture Variants for Customer-Specific Automation Soluations
Rigorous Modeling and Analysis of Interoperable Medical Devices
Rule Based Predicate Pivot SPARQL Template
Rumors during Crises - The dark Brothers of Social Media
Scaffolding Stakeholder-centric Enterprise Model Articulation
Searching for Audio by Sketching Mental Images of Sound ? A Brave New Idea for Audio Retrieval in Creative Music Production
Security Scores for Medical Devices
Semantic Enrichment of DNOTAMs to Reduce Information Overload in Pilot Briefings
Semantic Interpretation and Formal Graph Model of An Attributed Predicate RDF
Semantic Matching Strategies for Job Recruitment: A Comparison of New and Known Approaches
Snapscreen - Linking Traditional TV and the Internet
Social Microlearning Motivates Learners to Pursue Higher-Level Cognitive Objectives
Speeding up Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving
Standards, Tools and Procedures in Accessible eBook Production
Supporting Variability Exploration and Resolution During Model Migration
Systemic Survival Strategies for Catastrophes
TLCSim: A Large-Scale Two-Level Clustering Similarity Search with MapReduce
The Dial: Exploring Computational Strangeness
The Effectiveness of The Semantic Mapping Relational to Graph Model
The GiantSteps Project: A Second-Year Intermediate Report
The Influence of Users' Personality Traits on Satisfaction and Attractiveness of Diversified Recommendation Lists.
The LFM-1b Dataset for Music Retrieval and Recommendation
Timbral and Semantic Features for Music Playlists. Accepted presentation at the Machine Learning for Music Discovery.
Top-k Matching Queries for Filter-Based Profile Matching in Knowledge Bases
Towards Deep and Discriminative Canonical Correlation Analysis
Towards End-to-End Audio-Sheet-Music Retrieval
Towards Score Following in Sheet Music Images
Towards a Definition of Knowledge Graphs
Towards scaffolding collaborative articulation and alignment of mental models
Understanding Very Deep Networks via Volume Conservation
Using Instagram Picture Features to Predict Users' Personality
Using a Model-driven, Knowledge-based Approach to Cope with Complexity in Filtering of Notices to Airmen
Vorwort: Software-Prozesse und -Produkte im Licht kultureller Unterschiede
Workshop: Software-Entwicklungsprozesse und -Produkte im Licht kultureller Unterschiede
eHSim: An Efficient Hybrid Similarity Search with MapReduce
madmom: a new Python Audio and Music Signal Processing Library
madmom: a new Python Audio and Music Signal Processing Library
panelcn.MOPS: CNV detection in targeted panel sequencing data for diagnostic use
"I?d like it to do the opposite": Music-Making Between Recommendation and Obstruction
"Quality control" of model development for successful systems interventions
2D Presentation Techniques of Mind-maps for Blind Meeting Participants
A Comparative Study on Java Technologies for Focus and Cursor Handling in Accessible Dynamic Interactions
A Conceptual Framework for Large-scale Ecosystem Interoperability
A Dataset for Violent Scenes Detection in Hollywood Movies and Web Videos.
A Domain Specific Language for Organisational Interoperability
A Domain-Expert Centered Process Model for Knowledge Discovery in Medical Research: Putting the Expert-in-the-Loop
A Scalable Monitoring Solution for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
A Scalable Monitoring Solution for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
A Study on Architectural Decision-Making in Context
A Tablet App to Enrich the Live and Post-Live Experience of Classical Concerts
A robust alternative to correlation networks for identifying fault systems
AIRM-based, Fine-grained Semantic Filtering of Notices to Airmen
ATM Security - A Case Study of a Logical Risk Assessment (Best Paper Award)
Accurate Tempo Estimation based on Recurrent Neural Networks and Resonating Comb Filters
Adaptation Engine for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Adaptation Engine for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Addressing Tempo Estimation Octave Errors in Electronic Music by Incorporating Style Information Extracted from Wikipedia
An Attributed Predicate RDF
An Efficient Document Indexing-Based Similarity Search in Large Datasets
An Efficient State-Space Model for Joint Tempo and Meter Tracking
An OLAP Client for Hetero-Homogeneous Data Warehouses (Demo Paper)
Arbeitende im Spannungsfeld IT-unterstu?tzter Arbeitsprozesse ? von der disponierbaren Ressource zum sich selbsterma?chtigenden Individuum
Articulation of Subject-oriented Business Process Models
Artificial Intelligence in the Concertgebouw
AsthMate -- Supporting Patient Empowerment through Location-Based Smartphone Applications
Be-In/Be-Out with Bluetooth Low Energy: Implicit Ticketing for Public Transportation Systems
Bitemporal Support for Business Process Contingency Management
Business Processes to Touch: Engaging Domain Experts in Process Modelling
Classical Music on the Web - User Interfaces and Data Representations
CloudGazer: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Monitoring and Optimizing Cloud-Based Networks
Collaborating with Intelligent Machines: Interfaces for Creative Sound
Collaborative Subject-oriented Workplace Re-design
Collecting Requirements and Ideas for Architectural Group Decision-Making Based on Four Approaches
Component-based CPS Verification: A Recipe for Reusability
Consistent Co-Evolution of Models and Transformations
Context Control of Interoperable Interactive Systems
CoopIS 2015 PC Co-Chairs? Message
Crowd-Sensing Meets Situation Awareness - A Research Roadmap for Crisis Management
Data, Information & Knowledge Sources in the Agricultural Domain
Directional Super-Resolution by means of Coded Sampling and Guided Upsampling
Disaster-management: Challenges for computer-supported process and project management (abstract 2508)
Distinction of Individual Finger Responses in Somatosensory Cortex using ECoG High-Gamma Activation Mapping
ELU-Networks - Fast and Accurate CNN Learning on ImageNet
Early Interbreeding between Ancestors of Humans, Neandertals, and Denisovans within Africa
Enabling Emergent Behavior in Systems-of-Systems Through Bigraph-based Modeling
Environment crowd-sensing for asthma management
Exploiting Semantic Activity Labels to Facilitate Consistent Specialization of Abstract Process Activities
Exploring Data Augmentation for Improved Singing Voice Detection with Neural Networks
Extending Knowledge-Based Profile Matching in the Human Resources Domain
Flexible Score Following: The Piano Music Companion and Beyond
Formal Modeling of a Client-Middleware Interaction System Regarding Content and Layout Adaptation
Formal Modeling of a Client-Middleware Interaction System Regarding Content and Layout Adaptation
From Research to Industry: Interactive Mobile Services for Accelerating Logistics Processes
Generalized Depth-of-Field Light-Field Rendering
Gross-Version Singing Voice Detection in Classical Opera Recordings
Horizontal Business Process Model Integration
How many people can control a motor imagery based BCI using common spatial patterns?
I-Vectors for Timbre-Based Music Similarity and Music Artist Classification
Imitating Near Field Communication with Bluetooth Low Energy
Improving Music Recommendations with a Weighted Factorization of the Tagging Activity
Iron Maiden while jogging, Debussy for dinner? - An analysis of music listening behavior in context.
JKU-Satellite at Media Eval 2015: An Intuitive Approach to Locate Single Pictures Within a Session
Judgement and Analysis Rules for Ontology-driven Comparative Data Analysis in Data Warehouses
KM Curriculum Design for Reflective Practicioner?s Capacity Building
KUR-Algorithm: From Position to Trajectory Privacy Protection in Location-Based Applications
KeBABS: an R/Bioconductor package for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences
KeYmaera X - An Axiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems
Knowledge-Based Entity Resolution with Contextual Information Defined over a Monoid
Listener-Inspired Automated Music Playlist Generation
Listener-aware Music Recommendation from Sensor and Social Media Data
Listener-aware Music Search and Recommendation
Measuring Maintainability of OO-Software - Validating the IT-CISQ Quality Model
Measuring Object-Oriented Design Principles
MediaEval 2015: JKU-Tinnitus Approach to Emotion in Music Task
Model-Based 3-D Shape Recovery in Biplane X-Ray Angiography: A-Priory Information Learned from CT
Model-Driven Co-Evolution for Agile Development
Modelling Knowledge about Data Analysis Processes in Manufacturing
Models in Healthcare Simulation: Typology and Security Issues
Monaural Blind Source Separation in the Context of Vocal Detection
Multilevel Mapping of Ecosystem Descriptions
Multilevel Modeling for Business Process Automation
Multiple-Views Analysis of Computer-Mediated Discourses
Music Retrieval and Recommendation: A Tutorial Overview
OPC UA Interface for a BPM Suite to Enable Seamless Process Management
On the Influence of User Characteristics on Music Recommendation Algorithms
On the Validity of the IT-CISQ Quality Model for Automatic Measurement of Maintainability
Ontology-based Semantic Support to Improve Accessibility of Graphics
PHENICX: Innovating the Classical Music Experience
PODKAT: a software package implementing the position-dependent kernel association test
PONS ? Mobility Assistance on Footpaths for Public Transportation
Paving the Way for Civilian Fleets of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Networking Perspective
Personality & Emotional States: Understanding Users' Music Listening Needs
Personality Correlates for Digital Concert Program Notes
Personality Traits Predict Music Taxonomy Preferences.
Predicting Personality Traits with Instagram Pictures
Property Hypergraphs as an Attributed Predicate RDF
Provenance-Aware Entity Resolution: Leveraging Provenance to Improve Quality
RFA at MediaEval 2015 Affective Impact of Movies Task: A Multimodal Approach
Real-time Music Tracking Using Multiple Performances as a Reference
Rectified Factor Networks
Requirements Specification as Executable Software Design ? A Behavior Perspective
Resilience 2.0: ICT for Resilience of Systems
Rigorous semantics and refinement for business processes
Semantic Mapping Relational to a Directed Property Hypergraph Model
Semi-Automatically Generated Hybrid Ontologies for Information Integration
Stepwise approach to Accessible MOOC development
Subject-Oriented BPM as the Glue for Integrating Enterprise Processes in Smart Factories
Supporting Blind Students in STEM Education in Austria
Systematic Co-Evolution of OCL Expressions
Tailoring Music Recommendations to Users by Considering Diversity, Mainstreaminess, and Novelty
The MediaEval 2015 Affective Impact of Movies Task
The Soundtrack of My Life: Adjusting the Emotion of Music
Timbral Modeling for Music Artist Recognition Using i-Vectors
Towards Digital Craftsmanship
Towards Ontology-Driven RDF Analytics
Towards Personalizing Classical Music Recommendations
Towards a Stakeholder-Centric Design Language for Open Systems ? Learning from Organizational Learning
Towards an Architecture for Human-aware Modeling and Execution of Production Processes
Towards an Open, Curious S-BPM Community ? Eliciting Stakeholder Needs
Towards context-aware processes in people-centered factories of the future
Towards the Trustworthiness of Data, Information, Knowledge and Knowledge Processing Systems in Smart Homes
Two Data Sets for Tempo Estimation and Key Detection in Electronic Dance Music Annotated from User Corrections
Using Big Data for Emotionally Intelligent Mobile Services through Multimodal Emotion Recognition
Using DynamoGraph: Application Scenarios for Large-scale Temporal Graph Processing
Variability Support in Architecture Knowledge Management Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review
Verified Traffic Networks: Component-based Verification of Cyber-Physical Flow Systems
What can Software Engineering Do for Sustainability: Case of Software Product Lines
Worker-Driven Improvement of Processes in Smart Factories
crowdSA - Towards Adaptive and Situation-Driven Crowd-Sensing for Disaster Situation Awareness
panelcn. MOPS reaches clinical standards as a CNV detection tool for targeted panel sequencing data
"Easy-to-Read on the Web": State of the Art and Needed Research
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM
A Benchmarking-based Model for Technical Debt Calculation
A Cloud-based GWAS Analysis Pipeline for Clinical Researchers
A Conceptual Reference Model of Modeling and Verification Concepts for Hybrid Systems
A Data Quality Index with Respect to Case Bases within Case-Based Reasoning
A Fresh Look at Codification Approaches for SAKM: A Systematic Literature Review
A Hash-Based Index Method for Securing Biometric Fuzzy Vaults
A High-Performance Hardware Architecture for a Frameless Stereo Vision Algorithm Implemented on a FPGA Platform.
A Meta-model Guided Expression Engine
A Mobile Guidance Platform for Public Transportation
A Systematic Taxonomy of Metamodel Evolution Impacts on OCL Expressions
A Tactile Presentation Method of Mind maps in co-located Meetings
A Tempo- and Transposition-Invariant Piano Music Companion
A formal model of client-cloud interaction,
A multi-model approach to beat tracking considering heterogeneous music styles.
A theoretical framework for knowledge-based entity resolution
Abstract vs Concrete Clabjects in Dual Deep Instantiation
Accessibility of Brainstorming Sessions for Blind People
Aiding Drug Design with Deep Neural Networks
An Ambient ASM Model of Client-to-Client Interaction via Cloud Computing and an Anonymously Accessible Docking Service
An Efficient Similarity search in Large Data Collections with MapReduce, in Future Data and Security Engineering,Proceedings of the first International Conference, FDSE 2014,HO Chi Minh City Vietnam Nov
An Elastic Approximate Similarity Search in Very Large Datasets with MapReduce
An Open S-BPM Runtime Environment based on Abstract State Machines
Analysis and Prediction of Expressive Dynamics Using Bayesian Linear Models
Assessing and obtaining the value of crowd-sourced data with respect to structural health monitoring and case-based reasoning
Automated Configuration of Applications for People with Specific Needs
Automated Stereo Calibration for Event-based Silicon Retina Imagers.
Automatic Reference Architecture Conformance Checking for SOA-based Software Systems
Behavior-based Decomposition of BPMN 2.0 Control Flow
Benchmarking Violent Scenes Detection in Movies
Bigraph-Ensured Interoperability for System(-of-Systems) Emergence
Blocking Communication Grid via Ill-intentioned Traffic
Business Process Management for Knowledge Work: Considerations on Current Needs, Basic Concepts and Models
CARE - A Constraint-Based Approach for Re-Establishing Conformance-Relationships
Coded Exposure HDR Light-Field Video Recording
Conceptual Modelling of Collaboration for Information Systems
Conceptual Modelling with Specific Focus on Service-Oriented Systems
Context-Based Energy Saving Strategies for Continuous Determination of Position on iOS Devices
Context-sensitive Modeling of Input Source Configuration for Evolving Intelligent Systems
Cross-Platform End-to-End Encryption of Contact Data for Mobile Platforms using the Example of Android
Customization of Domain-Specific Reference Models for Data Warehouses
Deep Learning as an Opportunity in Virtual Screening
Deep Learning as an Opportunity in Virtual Screening
Deep Learning for Drug Target Prediction
DeepSAR: Drug Target Prediction using Deep Learning
Delineating Worker-Centered Organizational Work: Blending BPMS and Social Software Features
Designing a General Architecture for Data Interchange
Designing and Executing Interoperable IoT Manufacturing Systems
Detecting biomarkers on label-free mass spectrometry data using biclustering
Detection of Copy Number Variations in Cancer Genomes from High Throughput Sequencing Data
Dual Deep Instantiation and Its ConceptBase Implementation
Early Detection of Critical Faults Using Time-Series Analysis on Heterogeneous Information Systems in the Automotive Industry
Embedded Web Device Security
Embedding formal models into Latex documents
Enhancing Music Recommender Systems with Personality Information and Emotional States: A Proposal.
Evaluating the evaluation measures for beat tracking
FABIA: A Probabilistic Model for Biclustering and its Application to Analyzing Big Data in Drug Design
Feature Interaction and Emergent Properties
Formant Analysis of Altered Notes in a Diatonic Harmonica
From Safety to Guilty and from Liveness to Niceness
Genre-based Analysis of Social Media Data on Music Listening Behavior
Human Decisions in User Modeling: Motivation, Procedure and Example Application
Identifying Differential Expression in RNA-Seq Studies with Unknown Conditions
Identity by descent between humans, Denisovans, and Neandertals
Impact of Listening Behavior on Music Recommendation.
Improved Musical Onset Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
Improving Neighborhood-Based Collaborative Filtering by Reducing Hubness.
Inferring Variability from Customized Standard Software Products
Large-scale Analysis of Group-specific Music Genre Taste From Collaborative Tags
Learning for Sustainable Organisational Interoperability
Location-Aware Music Artist Recommendation
LumiConSense: A Transparent, Flexible, Scalable, and Disposable Image Sensor Using Thin-Film Luminescent Concentrators
Making Tabletop Interaction Accessible for Blind Users
Mobile Music Genius: Reggae at the Beach, Metal on a Friday Night?
Modeling a Web Application for Cloud Content Adaptation with ASMs
Monitoring of Client-Cloud Interaction
Multi-Task Deep Networks for Drug Target Prediction
Mutually Reenforcing Innovations in ICT, Business, and Society
Objective Safety Compliance Checks for Source Code
Obtaining a data quality index with respect to case bases
On Context- and Sequence-Aware Document Enrichment and Retrieval towards Personalized Recommendations
On the Reduction of False Positives in Singing Voice Detection
Panorama Light-Field Imaging
Population specific patterns of novel haplotype groups at the PAH locus
Presenting Non-Verbal Communication to Blind Users in Brainstorming Sessions
Probabilistic Extraction of Beat Positions from a Beat Activation Function
Process Models for Disaster Management - Standardization and Assessment
Quad-Based Audio Fingerprinting Robust to Time and Frequency Scaling
Query Handling in Geometric Conceptual Modelling
Refactoring, Refinement, and Reasoning: A Logical Characterization for Hybrid Systems
Renement of BPMN 2.0 Inclusive and Complex Gateway Activation Concept towards Process Engine
Roadmap to eAccessibility
SEM² Suite - Towards a Tool Suite for Supporting Knowledge Management in Situation Awareness Systems
STo Post or Not to Post: The Effects of Persuasive Cues and Group Targeting Mechanisms on Posting Behavior.
Separation of Concerns in Model Elicitation - Role-based Actor-driven Business Process Modeling
Separation of Concerns in Model Elicitation ? Role-based Actor-driven Business Process Modeling
Service Development and Architecture Management for an Enterprise SOA
Show Me the Invisible: Visualizing Hidden Content
Similarity Analysis within Product Line Scoping: An Evaluation of a Semi-Automatic Approach
SoMeRA 2014: Social Media Retrieval and Analysis Workshop
Social Media and Classical Music? - A first analysis within the PHENICX project: "Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert eXperiences"
Specifying Transaction Control to Serialize Concurrent Program Executions
Staying Aware in an Evolving World - Specifying and Tracking Evolving Situations
Subject-Oriented Employee Involvement and Empowerment in Organizational Innovation
Subject-Oriented Process Design Across Organizational Control Layers
Technologies for Web and Cloud Service Interaction
Tempo- and Transposition-invariant Identification of Piece and Score Position
The Complete Classical Music Companion v0.9
The Human Face of Mobile
The Piano Music Companion
The Use of Social Media for Music Analysis and Creation Within the GiantSteps Project
The Value of Software Documentation Quality
Towards Cloud-based Distributed Scaleable Processing over Large-scale Temporal Graphs
Towards Methodological Support for the Engineering of Process Reference Models for Product Software
Towards a Drum Transcription System Aware of Bar Position
Tracking the 'Odd': Meter Inference in a Culturally Diverse Music Corpus
Unsupervised Learning and Refinement of Rhythmic Patterns for Beat and Downbeat Tracking.
User Geospatial Context for Music Recommendation in Microblogs
Using social media mining for estimating theory of planned behaviour parameters
Using the Juliet Test Suite to compare Static Security Scanners
Utilizing Private Variants in Large Genome-Wide Association Studies: Issues, Techniques, Experiences
Variability in Artifact-Centric Process Modeling: The Hetero-Homogeneous Approach
Virtual Braille-Keyboard in Co-located Meetings
What Really Moves Us in Music: Expressivity as a Challenge to Semantic Audio Research
A User Modelling Wizard for People with Motor Impairments
HapFABIA: Identification of very short segments of identity by descent (IBD) via biclustering
How to improve the statistical power of the 10-fold cross validation scheme in recommender systems
Learning Binary Codes for Efficient Large-Scale Music Similarity Search
Managing Irrelevant Contextual Categories in a Movie Recommender System.
Musical Onset Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
Parameters for service level agreements generation in cloud computing.
Personality and Social Context : Impact on Emotion Induction from Movies
Personality-based active learning for collaborative filtering recommender systems
The Million Musical Tweet Dataset: What We Can Learn From Microblogs.
Adapting Quality Models for Assessments - Concepts and Tool Support
Guided Generation and Evaluation of Accessible Scalable Vector Graphics
An Approach for a Method and a Tool Supporting the Evaluation of the Quality of Static Code Analysis Tools
Experiment for Comparing the Automatically Assessed Source Code Quality with Experts' Opinions
Benchmarking-oriented Analysis of Source Code Quality - Experiences with the QBench Approach
On the Relation between External Software Quality and Static Code Analysis
SemWIQ - Semantic Web Integrator and Query Engine
A Tool for Calculating eReadiness
Transitioning to a Software Product Family Approach - Challenges and Best Practices
Smart Roads in the Pervasive Computing Landscape
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Tagungsband (nicht-referiert)
Ethics and Transparency in Game Data
Inadequate contrast ratio of road markings as an indicator for ADAS failure
Current ANSP Practices Towards Reducing the Environmental Impact of Air Traffic Operations
JKU-ITS Automobile for Research on Autonomous Vehicles
Preface to 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Digital Twins (MoDDiT 2023)
Preface to 4th International Workshop on Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms
Preface to 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE 2023)
CP-JKU's Submission to Task 6a of the DCASE2022 Challenge: A BART encoder-decoder for Automatic Audio Captioning trained via the Reinforce Algorithm and Transfer Learning
Distilling Knowledge For Low-Complexity Convolutional Neural Networks From a Patchout Audio Transformer
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Forensik ? Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Herausforderungen
Context-Adaptive Reinforcement Learning using Unsupervised Learning of Context Variables
From Model Versioning to Variability-Augmented Modelling Technologies
IDIMT 2020 - A Mixed Reality Conference and Mixed Feelings
Preface to Low-Code 2021: 2nd Workshop on Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms
Preface to MDE Intelligence 2021: 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering
Preface to MoDDiT 2021: 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Digital Twins
Preface to the 3rd Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS 2021)
Preface to the 8th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI 2021)
A Hearty Welcome to IDIMT 2020!
A New Knowledge Capitalization Framework in the Big Data Context Through Shared Parameters Experiences
Acoustic Scene Classification with Mismatched Recording Devices
Comparison of two Teleconferencing Systems with respect to Accessibility and Usability for Blind Persons: Zoom and BigBlueButton
ENTELIS+: Accessibility skills for a technology enhanced learning in an inclusive society
Evolving and Securing Knowledge, Tasks and Processes in Distributed Dynamic Environments via a 2D-Knowledge/Process Graph
Exploiting Twitter for Informativeness Classification in Disaster Situations
How to Select an Accessible Learning Management System for Distance Education
Human and Cultural Impacts on Projects
Including Students with Disabilities in Distance Education
Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things
Modeling Smart Cities
Preface to 1st International Workshop on Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms (LowCode 2020)
Preface to 2nd International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS 2020)
Preface to 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE Intelligence 2020)
Preface to 7th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (MULTI 2020)
Preface to the Tools & Demonstrations Track of the ACM / IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2020)
Project RADAR: Vocational Guidance and Employability for Blind and Partially Sighted People
A Parallel Incremental Frequent Itemsets Mining IFIN+: Improvement and Extensive Evaluation
Artificial Intelligence - Unterstützung für die Interne Revision oder Konkurrenz?
Voxelizing Light-Field Recordings (Poster)
Data Analytics for Industrial Process Improvement A Vision Paper (Workshop Paper)
Evaluation of Cybersecurity Management Controls and Metrics of Critical Infrastructures: A Literature Review Considering the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Importance of Risk Definition for IT Risk Control
Integrating the Designer in-the-loop for Metamodel/Model Co-Evolution via Interactive Computational Search
Preface to the 5th international Workshop on multi-Level modelling (MULTI 2018) - Co-located with the ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Models 2018), Copenhagen, Denmark
Social Video Learning im Inverted Classroom
Zum Umgang mit Heterogenität in gestaltungsorientierten Lehrveranstaltungen durch Flipped-Classroom-Formate und Design-Thinking-Projekte
Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields Using Local Dictionaries (Poster)
Adopting Concepts of Freinet Pedagogy in Higher Education - A Report on the Design and Evolution of a Didactical Experiment
Long Short-Term Memory For Autonomous Driving Cars
Message from Organizing Chairs
TaCo: Comparative Visualization of Large Tabular Data (poster)
Visual Evaluation of Cloud Infrastructure Performance Predictions (poster)
Accessing and Dealing with Mathematics as a Blind Individual: State of the Art and Challenges
Advanced and Emerging Solutions: ICT and AT in Education of Low Vision and Blind Students
Arbeitende im Spannungsfeld IT-unterstützter Arbeitsprozesse
Caleydo Web: An Integrated Visual Analysis Platform for Biomedical Data (Poster IEEE InfoVis 2015)
Interactive Visualization of Provenance Graphs for Reproducible Biomedical Research (Poster IEEE Symposium VDS'15)
Pathfinder: Visual Analysis of Paths in Heterogeneous Graphs (Poster IEEE Symposium on Visualization in Data Science)
Twelfth International Workshop on Web Semantics and Web Intelligence (WebS) 2013 - Preface
Bytecode Analysis for Checking Java Access Modifiers
Servicing Components with Connector Systems
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Sammelwerk (referiert)
Creating Business Process Intelligence Through Value Network Analysis: A Tagging-Based Approach.
Layering Abstractions for Design-Integrated Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems
Projektbasiertes Lernen mittels Metaverse-Technologien am Beispiel Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens.
Rahmenwerk zur modellbasierten horizontalen und vertikalen Integration von Standards für Industrie 4.0
Accessibility and Universal Design in Higher Education Curricula: the Athena Project
Aus Nutzung wird Gestaltung
Conceptualizing Analytics: An Overview of Business Intelligence and Analytics from a Conceptual-Modeling Perspective
Digitaler Stress
Discovering Actionable Knowledge for Industry 4.0: From Data Mining to Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics
Engineering Digital Twins and Digital Shadows as Key Enablers for Industry 4.0
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Model-based Software Analysis and Design
Multimedia Recommender Systems: Algorithms and Challenges
Visualization Onboarding Grounded in Educational Theories
Co-creation in Transhuman Realities: Setting the Stage for Transformative Learning
Einsatz semantischer Technologien für die Informationsbereitstellung in der Flugsicherung
The Combined Use of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and Abstract State Machines (ASM) for the Definition of a Specification Language for Business Processes
Wiedergewinnung des Realismus. Wie dies durch Design Science methodisch möglich und notwendig wird
Zero Emission Cold Chain Distribution ? E-Fahrzeuge für die Lebensmitteldistribution
Autonomous Vehicles: Vulnerable Road User Response to Visual Information Using an Analysis Framework for Shared Spaces
Tindustry: Matchmaking for I4. 0 Components
On the Need for Data-Based Model-Driven Engineering
Technological intrapreneurs ? intrapreneurial orientation and potential of IT students
Tools and Applications for Cognitive Accessibility
Designing Health Care That Works?Socio-technical Conclusions
Interactive Articulation and Probing of Processes: Capturing Intention and Outcome for Coherent Workplace Design
Intertwining e-learning technologies and pedagogies at the system design stage to support personalized learning
S-BPM?s Industrial Capabilities
Stakeholders as Mindful Designers: Adjusting Capabilities Rather Than Needs in Computer-Supported Daily Workforce Planning
Transactional Value Analytics in Organizational Development
Graceful Integration of Process Capability Improvement, Formal Modeling and Web Technology for Traceability
Human-Controlled Production
Improving Farm Productivity and Efficiency by Knowledge Management and Processing
Long-Term Analysis of the Open ACS Community Framework
Medical Device Security
Need for Continous Evolution of Systems Engineering Practices for Modern Vehicle Engineering
People-Centred Production Design
Wirtschaftsinformatik an der JKU ? Über die Wirkung eines Memorandums
An Adaptive Similarity Search in Massive Datasets
Biclustering Methods in Chemoinformatics and Molecular Modeling
Gene Expression Experiments in Drug Discovery
HapFABIA: Biclustering for Detecting Identity by Descent
Interactive Articulation and Probing of Processes ? Capturing Intention and Outcome for Co-herent Workplace Design
Kohärenz ? Schlüsselkonstrukt zu sozio-technischem Design?
Laudatio für Hrn. Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Fuch-Kittowski zum 80. Geburtstag
Music Recommender Systems
Ranking of Biclusters in Drug Discovery Experiments
The BiclustGUI Package
The Plaid Model
Using Geometric Symbolic Fingerprinting to Discover Distinctive Patterns in Polyphonic Music Corpora
biclustGUI Shiny App
?-biclustering and FLOC Algorithm
A Formal Model of Client-Cloud Interaction
An Abstract State Machine Interpreter for S- BPM
Chapter 12: Localization, Cultural Preferences and Global Commerce - Software Like a Cooperative Partner
Codesign of Web Information Systems
Communication- and value-based organizational development at the University Clinicfor Radio-therapy ? Radiation Oncology
Heinz Zemanek: Ingenieur, Wissenschafter und Weichensteller mit Weitblick
Monitoring of Client-Cloud Interaction
Subject-oriented Business Process Management
What Constitutes a Service on the Web?
Wissensmanagement und Publikation im World Wide Web 2.0
An Open S-BPM Runtime System based on Abstract State Machines
Learning-Oriented Question Recommendation Using Bloom's Taxonomy and Variable Length Hidden Markov Models
On the Interoperability Contributions of S-BPM
Ontology of Enterprise Interoperability extended for Complex Adaptive Systems
Ontology-driven Business Intelligence for Comparative Data Analysis
Requirements for Supporting Enterprise Interoperability in Dynamic Environments
Subject-oriented Development of Federated Systems
Tangible or not tangible?a comparative study of interaction types for process modeling support
Transfer of Learnings between Disciplines - What S-BPM Facilitators Could Ask Progressive Educators (and Might not Dare to Do)
Boehm's Spiral Model Revisited
PARIS ? Personal Augmented Reality Information System
Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Sammelwerk (nicht-referiert)
How to Navigate in APEX?
How to exchange data in APEX?
How to prepare a database?
Assistierende Technologien und Barrierefreiheit ? Basis für schulische Medienbildung und Digitalisierung im Kontext von Behinderung und Benachteiligung
TEMACC successfully completed - and now?
Chapter 3 - Trust and Digitalization
Voice Movement Icons in der Praxis des Fremdsprachenunterrichts (am Beispiel von italienisch)
Voice Movement Icons: Wenn der Körper Wörter in der Fremdsprache lernt
Der Beitrag der Informatik zur Musikwirtschaftsforschung
Informatik als Schlüsseldisziplin der Zukunft
Arbeitsprozesse artikulieren - auf dem Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Verständnis
High-Tech ORs: Software Solution "KABOP"
Machine Learning-Based Individualized Prognosis
SENEX Sensor Networks for Exploring Dementia
Semantic Data Warehousing & Process-Oriented Medical Information Management
TourGuide - Navigation System for Capturing and Analyzing Complex Clinical Data
Towards a Crowd-Sensing Enhanced Situation Awareness System for Crisis Management
Sustainability in Software Product Lines
Publikationstyp: Beitrag in Enzyklopädie/Lexikon
Active, Real-Time, and Intellective Data Warehousing
Multilevel Modeling
Multilevel Modeling
Publikationstyp: Monographie (Erstauflage)
From Digital Twins to Digital Selves and Beyond
Adolf Adam - Ein Leben in Anekdoten
Digitaler Stress: Wie er uns kaputt macht und was wir dagegen tun können
IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management, 28th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks
Designing Digital Work - Concepts and Methods for Human-centered Digitization
Runter vom Sofa
Commoning - Prozessgestaltung und Transformation
Ganzheitliche Digitalisierung von Prozessen: Perspektivenwechsel-Design Thinking-wertegeleitete Interaktion
S-BPM in the Production Industry
Hagenberg Business Process Modelling Method
Displays: Fundamentals and Applications
Information Systems and Neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015 (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation)
Multilevel Business Processes: Modeling and Data Analysis
A Rigorous Semantics for BPMN 2.0 Process Diagrams
Der Dalton Plan im E-Learning : Transformation einer Reformpädagogik ins Web
Learning-oriented Question Recommendation
Publikationstyp: Monographie (Folgeauflage)
Ganzheitliche Digitalisierung von Prozessen: Perspektivenwechsel?Design Thinking?Wertegeleitete Interaktion
Digitaler Stress: Wie er uns kaputt macht und was wir dagegen tun können
Technologies Changing Our World - 21 Perspectives 2000 bis 2020
Displays: Fundamentals and Applications
Publikationstyp: Handbuch (Erstauflage)
Bewegtes Lernen - Handbuch für Forschung und Praxis
Contextual Process Digitalization. Changing Perspectives ? Design Thinking ? Value-Led Design
Music Similarity and Retrieval ? An Introduction to Audio- and Web-based Strategies
Publikationstyp: Lehrbuch (Erstauflage)
Fundamentals of NeuroIS - Information Systems and the Brain.
Fundamentals of NeuroIS: Information Systems and the Brain (Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics)
Publikationstyp: Lehrbuch (Folgeauflage)
Wirtschaftsinformatik: Einführung und Grundlegung
Management von Informatik-Projekten: Digitale Transformation erfolgreich gestalten
Informationsmanagement - Grundlagen, Aufgaben, Methoden
Publikationstyp: Fachbuch als Band einer Schriftenreihe/Serie (Erstauflage)
Lifelogging for Organizational Stress Measurement: Theory and Applications
Publikationstyp: Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift (Herausgeberschaft)
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
Publikationstyp: Tagungsband Herausgeberschaft (Erstauflage)
Computers Helping People with Special Needs 19th International Conference, ICCHP 2024, Linz, Austria, July 8?12, 2024, Proceedings, Part I
Computers Helping People with Special Needs 19th International Conference, ICCHP 2024, Linz, Austria, July 8?12, 2024, Proceedings, Part II
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2023
Open Access Compendium Future Perspectives on Accessibility, AT and (e)Inlcusion
ICCHP-AAATE 2022 Open Access Compendium "Assistive Technology, Accessibility and (e)Inclusion", Part I
ICCHP-AAATE 2022 Open Access Compendium "Assistive Technology, Accessibility and (e)Inclusion", Part II
ICCHP-AAATE 2022, Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part 1
ICCHP-AAATE 2022, Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part II
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference On Quantum Software 2022
ICCHP 2020 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part I
ICCHP 2020 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part II
ICCHP Open Access Compendium - Future Perspectives of AT, eAccessibility and eInclusion
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2018, Part 1
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2018, Part 2
Proceedings of the Workshops Subject-orientation in Digitalization and Community Support, and Work-In-Progress Contributions at S-BPM ONE 2018 (SBPM-ONE-WS-WiP)
MSM 2017 - Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling and Simulation in Medicine
Computer Helping People with Special Needs
Computer Helping People with Special Needs
Proccedings of the 10th European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops
MSM 2015 - Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling and Simulation in Medicine
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems (EMPIRE)
Cognition in the Wild
Computers Helping People with Special Needs
Computers Helping People with Special Needs
Publikationstyp: Tagungsband Herausgeberschaft (Folgeauflage)
Features Integration in Last Mile Delivery Robots
Publikationstyp: Tagungsband Mitherausgeberschaft (Erstauflage)
ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS Companion 2024, Linz, Austria, September 22-27, 2024
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 26th International Conference, DaWaK 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26?28, 2024, Proceedings
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 35th International Conference, DEXA 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26?28, 2024, Proceedings, Part I
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 35th International Conference, DEXA 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26?28, 2024, Proceedings, Part II
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective - 13th International Conference, EGOVIS 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26?28, 2024, Proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software, QSW 2024, Shenzhen, China, July 7-13, 2024
Post Proceedings of the STAF 2023 Workshops TTC 2023, MeSS 2023 and AgileMDE 2023, Leicester, United Kingdom, July 18, 2023 and June 21, 2023
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2024, Linz, Austria, September 22-27, 2024
Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH) 2024
Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia Intelligence - 21st International Conference, MoMM 2023, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, December 4-6, 2023, Proceedings
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 25th International Conference, DaWaK 2023, Penang, Malaysia, August 28-30, 2023, Proceedings
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 34th International Conference, DEXA 2023, Penang, Malaysia, August 28-30, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 34th International Conference, DEXA 2023, Penang, Malaysia, August 28-30, 2023, Proceedings, Part II
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2023 Workshops
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective - 12th International Conference, EGOVIS 2023, Penang, Malaysia, August 28-30, 2023, Proceedings
Information Integration and Web Intelligence - 25th International Conference, iiWAS 2023, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, December 4-6, 2023, Proceedings
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (QSW2023), Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2-8, 2023.
Proceedings of Web Engineering - 23rd International Conference (ICWE 2023), Alicante, Spain, June 6?9, 2023.
The Jounal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Proceedings of the ER 2022 Workshops, CMLS, EmpER, and JUSMOD, Hyderabad
Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia Intelligence - 20th International Conference, MoMM 2022, Virtual Event, November 28?30, 2022, Proceedings
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 24th International Conference, DaWaK 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22?24, 2022, Proceedings
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22?24, 2022, Proceedings, Part I
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22?24, 2022, Proceedings, Part II
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2022 Workshops - 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22?24, 2022, Proceedings
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective - 11th International Conference, EGOVIS 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22?24, 2022, Proceedings
Future Data and Security Engineering. Big Data, Security and Privacy, Smart City and Industry 4.0 Applications - 9th International Conference, FDSE 2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 23-25, 2022, Proceedings
IDIMT-2022, Digitalization of Society, Business and Management in a Pandemic, 30th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks
Information Integration and Web Intelligence - 24th International Conference, iiWAS 2022, Virtual Event, November 28?30, 2022, Proceedings
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 23rd International Conference, DaWaK 2021, Virtual Event, September 27-30, 2021, Proceedings
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 32nd International Conference, DEXA 2021 (Proceedings, Part I)
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 32nd International Conference, DEXA 2021 (Proceedings, Part II)
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2021 Workshops
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective - 10th International Conference, EGOVIS 2021
IDIMT-2021, Pandemics: Impacts, Strategies and Responses, 29th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks
Software Quality: Future Perspectives on Software Engineering Quality
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business - 18th International Conference, TrustBus 2021
2020 IEEE 22nd Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 22nd International Conference, DaWaK 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020, Proceedings (2020)
DBKDA 2020 - The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 31st International Conference, DEXA 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020, Proceedings, Part I (2020)
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 31st International Conference, DEXA 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (2020)
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2020 International Workshops BIOKDD, IWCFS and MLKgraphs, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020, Proceedings
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective - 9th International Conference, EGOVIS 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020, Proceedings (2020)
Future Data and Security Engineering - 7th International Conference, FDSE 2020, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, November 25-27, 2020, Proceedings
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2020
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2020) - Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2020
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS '20), Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2020
TakizFuture Data and Security Engineering. Big Data, Security and Privacy, Smart City and Industry 4.0 Applications - 7th International Conference, FDSE 2020, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, November 25-27, 2020, Proceedings
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business - 17th International Conference, TrustBus 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020, Proceedings (2020)
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 21st International Conference, DaWaK 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019
DBKDA 2019 - The Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, June 2-6, 2019, Athens, Greece
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 30th International Conference, DEXA 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019, Proceedings, Part I
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 30th International Conference, DEXA 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019, Proceedings, Part II.
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2019 International Workshops BIOKDD, IWCFS, MLKgraphs and TIR, Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019, Proceedings
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective - 8th International Conference, EGOVIS 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019, Proceedings
Future Data and Security Engineering - 6th International Conference, FDSE 2019, Nha Trang City, Vietnam, November 27-29, 2019
IDIMT-2019, Innovation and Transformation in a Digital World, 27th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks
Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems - 9th International Conference, HoloMAS 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019, Proceedings
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2019
Joint Proceedings of the Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet of Things (MDE4IoT) & of the Workshop on Interplay of Model-Driven and Component-Based Software Engineering (ModComp 2019)
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2019)
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS2019)
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering
Software Evolution in Time and Space: Unifying Version and Variability Management, Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 1-30, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2019)
Systems: from science to practice - Proceedings of the 19th IFSR Conversation 2018
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business - 16th International Conference, TrustBus 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26-29, 2019, Proceedings
2018 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA)
Future Data and Security Engineering - 5th International Conference, FDSE 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 28-30, 2018, Proceedings
IDIMT-2018, Strategic Modeling in Management, Economy and Society
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, MoMM 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 19-21, 2018
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, iiWAS 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 19-21, 2018
25 Years of IDIMT: A History of Continuity and Change
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 28th International Conference, DEXA 2017, Lyon, France, August 28-31, 2017, Proceedings, Part I
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 28th International Conference, DEXA 2017, Lyon, France, August 28-31, 2017, Proceedings, Part II.
Database and Expert Systems Applications Proceedings of the 28th International Worksshop Dexa Lyon 2017
Future Data and Security Engineering - 4th International Conference, FDSE 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 29 - December 1, 2017, Proceedings
IDIMT-2017, Digitalization in Management, Society and Economy
Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017)
Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2017)
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of Things, IOT 2017, Linz, Austria, October 22-25, 2017
Systems Literacy - Proceedings of the Eighteenth IFSR Conversation 2016
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXI - Special Issue on Data and Security Engineering
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXII - Special Issue on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXIII.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXIV - Special Issue on Consistency and Inconsistency in Data-Centric Applications.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXV.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXVI
27th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA)
Future Data and Security Engineering - Third International Conference, FDSE 2016, Can Tho City, Vietnam, November 23-25, 2016, Proceedings
IDIMT-2016, Information Technolog, Society and Economy, Strategic Cross-Influences
Information systems and neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2016
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications, ACOMP 2016, Can Tho City, Vietnam, November 23-25, 2016.
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2016 Workshops
Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2016)
Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2016)
Assistive Technology
Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference, Dexa Valencia 2015 Part I
Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference, Dexa Valencia 2015 Part II
IDIMT-2015, Information Technology and Society - Interaction and Interdependence
Information and Communication Technology (Third IFIP TC 5/8 International Conference, ICT-EurAsia 2015, and 9th IFIP WG 8.9 Working Conference, CONFENIS 2015, Held as Part of WCC 2015, Daejeon, Korea, October 4-7, 2015, Proceedings)
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Conferences: Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, ODBASE, and C&TC 2015
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2015)
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2015)
Systems Thinking - New Directions in Theory, Practice and Applications
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XIX Special Issue on Big Data and Open Data
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XVI Selected Papers from ACOMP 2013
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XVII Selected Papers from DaWaK 2013
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XVIII Special Issue on Database-and Expert-Systems Applications
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XX Special Issue on Advanced Techniques for Big Data Managment
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXI Selected Papers from DaWaK 2012
Twenty-Sixth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications in Valencia 2015
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, VDM and Z - ABZ 2014, Toulouse, Proceedings
Database and Expert Systems Applications Proceedings of the 25th International Conference, Dexa Munich 2014 Part I
Database and Expert Systems Applications Proceedings of the 25th International Conference, Dexa Munich 2014 Part II
Future Data and Security Engineering, Proceedings of the first International Conference, FDSE 2014, Vietnam
IDIMT-2014 Networking Societies - Cooperation and Conflict
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2014 Workshops
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2014)
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2014)
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XIII
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XIV
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XV Selected Papers from ADBIS 2013 Satellite Events
Twenty-Fifth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications in Munich 2014
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems VIII
Publikationstyp: Tagungsband Mitherausgeberschaft (Folgeauflage)
Database and Expert Systems Applications ? Dexa 2022
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. Proceedings of 25th International Conference, FASE 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Munich, Germany, April 2-7, 2022.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Models 2022)
Software Quality: The Next Big Thing in Software Engineering and Quality. 14th International Conference on Software Quality, (SWQD) 2022, Vienna, Austria, May 17-19, 2022, Proceedings.
Does consumer impulsiveness affect trustworthiness evaluations in online environments? Evidence from a brain imaging study.
Neuroscience in design-oriented research: Exploring new potentials.
On the role of neuroscience in design-oriented research.
Publikationstyp: Wissenschaftliches Sammelwerk Herausgeberschaft (Erstauflage)
Digitalisierung: Fallstudien, Tools und Erkenntnisse für das digitale Zeitalter
The IFSR Newsletters - A Mirror of the Systems Community
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management
Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
International Conference on Knowledge Management, ICKM 2016
In Memoriam Heinz Zemanek 1920-2014
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Cross-organizational and Cross-company BPM (XOC-BPM)
S-BPM in the Wild ? Practical Value Creation
Systemic Flexibility and Business Agility
Publikationstyp: Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift (Mitherausgeberschaft)
Special Issue: Holistic Digitalisation: Strategy, Transformation, and Implementation
Journal of Data Intelligence (JDI)
Journal of Mobile Multimedia
Journal of Mobile Multimedia
Journal of Mobile Multimedia
International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC)
Journal of Mobile Multimedia
Software and System Modeling (SoSyM)
International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC)
Journal of Mobile Multimedia
Publikationstyp: Wissenschaftliches Sammelwerk Mitherausgeberschaft (Erstauflage)
Digital Transformation: Core Technologies and Emerging Topics from a Computer Science Perspective
Experimental Validation of Networked Aerial IoUT Solutions: Testbeds and Measurements
Technologies for Smart Cities
ICT Trends and Scenarios: Lectures 2000 - 2017
Applied Biclustering Methods for Big and High-Dimensional Data Using R
Publikationstyp: Wissenschaftliches Sammelwerk Mitherausgeberschaft (Folgeauflage)
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXIII - Selected Papers from FDSE 2014
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXIV - Special Issue on Database- and Expert-Systems Applications.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXIX
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXV.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVI - Special Issue on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVII - Special Issue on Big Data for Complex Urban Systems
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVIII - Special Issue on Database- and Expert-Systems Applications
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems {XXX} - Special Issue on Cloud Computing
FSERF - Fallstudie Erfolgsfaktorenanalyse.
INVER - Informationsverhalten, Informationsmanagement - Planung, Steuerung und Überwachung der Informationsinfrastruktur
Publikationstyp: Schriftenreihe (Herausgeberschaft)
IDIMT-2022, Digitalization of Society, Business and Management in a Pandemic, Schriftenreihe Informatik, Band 51
IDIMT-2021, Pandemics: Impacts, Strategies and Responses, 29th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Schriftenreihe Informatik, Band 50
IDIMT-2020, Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management, Schriftenreihe Informatik, Band 49
IDIMT-2018, Strategic Modeling in Management, Economy and Society, Schriftenreihe Informatik, Band 47
Advances in Next Generation Mobile Multimedia (ANGMM)
Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence (AmPI)
Publikationstyp: Forschungsbericht: geförderte Forschung (EU)
Exploitation Plan and Return on Investment Analysis (EU-H2020-Project SlotMachine)
Report on State-of-the-Art of Relevant Concepts (EU-H2020-Project SlotMachine)
Requirements Specification (EU-H2020-Project SlotMachine)
Specification of Evolutionary Algorithm under Constraints Post-Filtering/Ordering
Specification of Evolutionary Algorithm under Constraints Post-Filtering/Ordering (EU-H2020-Project SlotMachine)
System Design Document (EU-H2020-Project SlotMachine)
KG-Prolog Mapper (AISA Deliverable D4.2)
Proof-of-concept KG system (AISA Deliverable D4.1)
AIRM Compliance Validator
Experimental ontology modules formalising concept definition of ATM data
Ontology-based techniques for data distribution and consistency management in a SWIM environment
Prototype Use Case Scenarios ? BEST Deliverable D3.1
Scalability Guidelines for Semantic SWIM-based Applications
Techniques for ontology-based data description and discovery in a decentralized SWIM knowledge base
Publikationstyp: Forschungsbericht: geförderte Forschung (sonstige überwieg. aus öff. Hand)
UPDATE of the "Final Project Report: Digitalization of Charles Francois? Encyclopedia"
Publikationstyp: Anderer Forschungsbericht / Technischer Bericht
Improving Audio Spectrogram Transformers for Sound Event Detection Through Multi-Stage Training
A DSL for Defining Feature-Level Quality Constraints and the Aggregation of Evaluation Results in DevOps
Focus Areas, Themes, and Objectives of Non-Functional Requirements in DevOps: A Systematic Mapping Study
Tailoring Stakeholder Interests to Task-Oriented Functional Requirements
CPJKU Submission to DCASE21: Cross-Device Audio Scene Classification with Wide Sparse Frequency-Damped CNNs
CP-JKU Submissions to Dcase?20: Low-Complexity Cross-Device Acoustic Scene Classification with RF-Regularized CNNs
Final Project Report: Digitalization of Charles Francois' Encyclopedia, Technical Report
Knowledge Graph OLAP: Appendix
Acoustic scene classification with reject option based on resnets
CP-JKU submissions to DCASE?19: Acoustic Scene Classification and Audio Tagging with Receptive-Field-Regularized CNNs
Design Quality Measurement: Technischer Bericht
Hierarchical Task Analysis and Constraints: Technischer Bericht
Software Quality Benchmarking: Technischer Bericht
Vorstudie - Migration von COBOL-Systemen nach PL/I Umgebungen
CanDo im Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement - Lastenheft
INSARAG-XML - A multi-functional XML-version of the INSARAG GUIDELINES
Publikationstyp: Habilitationsschrift
Temporal Model-Driven Systems Engineering
Conceptualizing Analytics: Kumulative Habilitationsschrift zur Erlangung der Lehrbefugnis im Fach Wirtschaftsinformatik
Facilitating organizational alignment through people-centric articulation of knowledge about work
Publikationstyp: Dissertation
A Model-Driven Quantum Software Development Framework for Combinatorial Optimization
Computer Vision and AI Methods for Digital Pathology and Microscopy Imaging
Context agnostic agility assessment model
Detection and Analysis of Epilepsy Biomarkers in Electrocorticography
Explainable and Fair Music Recommender Systems
Fine-grained Dynamic Authorization and Access Control in the Context of Graph-Structured Data
Guided Multidimensional Analysis of RDF Data
Human-Centered Techniques to Foster Trust Calibration and Understanding of Machine Learning Models
Methodological Advances for Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces
Multimodal Reconstruction of Anatomical Structures
Symbolic Music Analysis with Graph Neural Networks
A Research Paradigm for Hybrid Collaboration and Meetings: Moving from Analysis to Support
Autonomous and Robust Live Tracking of Complete Opera Performances
Designing a framework for small and medium enterprises to build a fraud management program in times of digitalization
Model-Based Occlusion Removal for Synthetic Aperture Imaging
Analysis Process Modeling Notation For Business Intelligence (APMN4BI)
Digital Maturity Model: Towards SMEs? transformation of strategic and operational digital capabilities
Digitalization of Retailing: Customer?s Experiences, Retail Channel Choices, and the Chief Digital Officer
Exploring Polyphonic Piano Transcription as an Inverse Problem
Inductive Bias in Learning General Audio Representations
Modelling Emotional Expression in Music Using Interpretable and Transferable Perceptual Features
Multi-modal Deep Learning for On-line Music Following in Score Sheet Images
Visual Explanations of High-dimensional and Temporal Processes
Automated Continuous Data Quality Measurement
Förderung der Motivation bei den ersten Lernerfahrungen von Senior*innen mit interaktiven digitalen Technologien am Beispiel von Tablets
Measuring and Evaluating the Value of Software Features in DevOps
OLAP Patterns: A Pattern-Based Approach to Multidimensional Data Analysis
Probabilistic Time Analysis for IT Project Management
A Framework for Modernizing Domain-Specific Languages - From XML Schema to Consistency-Achieving Editors with Reusable Notations
Model Integration by Hybrid Model Virtualization
Recognizing IT-induced opportunities : Conceptual, Organizational, and Individual Perspectives on a Central Challenge for Information Management in Modern Organizations
Smart Manufacturing Systems: Model-Driven Integration of ERP and MOM
Supporting Microservice Architecture with Decision Models
Visual Perception and Interaction Using Synthetic Data in Manufacturing
Application of Architecture and Design Patterns on the context of Knowledge Processing or Knowledge Based Systems
Contextualized Business Rule Repositories: Business Rule Organization Through Contexts
Frequent Itemsets mining for big Data
Interactive Focus+Context Analysis of Time-Series and Provenance Data
Representation Learning and Inference from Signals and Sequences
Working with Trust and Precision of Information and Data in Knowledge Processing Systems
Coded Light-Field Sampling
Computational Modeling of Expressive Music Performance with Linear and Non-linear Basis Function Models
Deep Learning Methods for Drum Transcription and Drum Pattern Generation
Detecting the Presence of Singing Voice in Mixed Music Signals
Harmonic Analysis of Musical Audio Using Deep Neural Networks.
Machine Learning Approaches to Hybrid Music Recommender Systems
Multimodal Deep Representation Learning and its Application to Audio and Sheet Music
A Transparent, Flexible and Scalable Image Sensor Based on Luminescent Concentrators and ist Applications
Analysis of Computer-Mediated Discourses Focusing on Automated Detection and Guessing of Structural Sender-Receiver Relations
Analyzing NGS Data with Machine Learning - From IBD Segments to Copy Number Variations
Audio Identification via Fingerprinting: Achieving Robustness to Severe Signal Modifications,
Capabilities of Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces and Their Contribution to Brain Surgery
Co-evolution in model-driven engineering : contributions to variability and consistency
Deep Learning for Event Detection, Sequence Labelling and Similarity Estimation in Music Signals
Design Science and Behavioral Science in Information Systems and Wirtschaftsinformatik
IT-Management in Unternehmen: Erfolgsmodelle für den Chief Information Officer
Measuring and Assessing Object-oriented Design Principles
Neuro-Information Systems: Methodological developments
Real-Time Processing of Non-Invasive and Invasive Electro-Physiological Data for Brain-Computer Interfaces
Visually Guiding Users in Selection, Exploration, and Presentation Tasks
Zur Beziehung zwischen Chief Information Officer (CIO) und Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Konzeptionelles Rahmenwerk und Interview-Studie mit Fokus auf partnerschaftliche Beziehung und Vertrauen
An attributed predicate RDF: Presentation, Interpretations and its retrieval
Approaches for fast similarity search with mapreduce
DynamoGraph : large-scale temporal graph processing and its application scenarios
Event Detection in Musical Audio: Beyond Simple Feature Design
Flexible and Robust Music Tracking
Formal Modeling of a Client-Cloud Interaction Middleware with respect to Adaptivity
Hardware Architecture of an Event-Driven Stereo Vision Algorithm Based on Silicon Retina Sensors
Improving the User Experience of Music Recommender Systems Through Personality and Cultural Information
Language-Based Anomaly Detection in Client-Cloud Interaction
Metrical Analysis of Musical Audio Using Probabilistic Models
Staying Aware in an Evolving World: Evolution Support for Situation Awareness in Control Centers
Wide-Field-of View Light-Field Acquisition and Processing
A Client-Centric Model For Managing Availability and Performance Conditions of Service Level Agreements in Cloud Computing
An Ontology-based Process and Software Infrastructure for Domain-Expert-Centered Knowledge Discovery in Medical Research
Client-Centric Identity and Access Management in Cloud Computing
Direct Integration of Collaboration into Broadcast Content Formats
Multilevel Business Processes: Modeling and Data Analysis
Verfahren zur Bildung eines zu einem Einsatzkontext passenden Prozessmodells aus (Vorgehensmodell-)Prozessmustern
Behavior approached decomposition of the BPMN 2.0 with enhanced refinements preserving the semantics of the ground model
Bitemporal Complex Event Processing of Web Event Advertisements
Case-Based Reasoning with Respect to Banking driven by Knowledge
Decision Guidance for Optimizing Information Quality - A Recommendation Model for Completing Information Extraction Results
Defining and Assessing Software Quality by Quality Models
Kommunikative und kollaborative Lernmethoden in unterschiedlichen Lernumgebungen
Konzepte, Modelle und Methoden der logischen Abhängigkeitsanalyse
Machine Learning Techniques for the Analysis of High Throughput DNA and RNA Sequencing Data
Monitoring System for Reciprocating Compressor Valves - A data-driven Approach
Deployment komponentenbasierter Softwaresysteme
Organisationales Lernen "Online" - Methodik und Werkzeug
Publikationstyp: Diplom- oder Masterarbeit
(de)Fusion of Score and Performance Representations for Symbolic Music Generation
API Security Analysis Dashboard auf Basis der OWASP Top 10 API-Sicherheitsrisiken
An analysis of the efficiency of machine learning algorithms in the detection and prediction of epileptic seizures
Applying Goalification for Volunteering: An Event-Driven Microservices Approach
Aufgabenorientierte Erweiterung eines Architekturmanagementwerkzeuge
Automated Unit Test Generation and Improvement with Large Language Models (LLMs)
Content-enriched Popularity Prediction for Music Tracks
Contrastive learning for biometric recognition
Daten-Monitoring für Roboteranwendungen: Vergleich regelbasierter Methoden mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens für die Anomalieerkennung
Deep Reinforcement Learning based Power Split Strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Trucks
Digital Twin Bus: Increasing Cross-Platform Interoperability of Digital Twin Platforms
Digitalization in Retail : Identification of Drivers and Barriers among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Retail Sector in Austria for Digitalization at the Customer Interface
Empirischer Vergleich von ausgewählten Methoden der Zeitplanung in IT-Projekten
Enabling tool supported integrated hierarchical evaluation and planning of large-scale agile software projects
Entwicklung von Alltagsanwendungen als Smart Contract auf einer Blockchain mit Bewertung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und anderer Metriken
Erhebung der aktuellen und geplanten Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Umwelteinflüsse des Flugverkehrs durch Flugsicherungsorganisationen
Evaluating the Viability of WebAuthn Across Various Security Modes on Websites
Face Recognition with Residual Neural Networks
Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Ticket Classi?cation at Doka GmbH
Fostering Software Engineering Skills and Digital Literacy through Cloud Computing Adoption in Collaborative and Active Learning Advancements and Challenges of Cloud-Based Participatory Learning
Geschäftsprozessmanagementsystem für mehrstufige Geschäftsprozesse auf Basis von Multilevel Business Artifacts
Konzept und prototypische Umsetzung einer Shared Learning Analytics Plattform im universitären Kontext
Konzepte und Techniken für die Entwicklung von Rich Internet Applications mit Angular
Learning Face-Voice Association
Navigating the EU AI Act : Proposed Compliance Measures for AI Providers and Deployers
Non-Interactive Zero- Knowledge Proofs Based on Hamiltonian Cycles in Large Graphs
Object Detection of Cable Lugs
Performance and Scalability of Learned Index Structures in the Wild
Pricing of SaaS - Developing a SaaS Pricing Framework
Privacy bei Self-Assessments von Agilen Teams
Semantic QM: AI Assisted Quality Model Management
Service failures in offline and online retail settings
Software-based tool support for Cost and Value Engineering
Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis for Predicting the Direction of Movement of the S&P 500 Index Based on Financial News
Using Genetic Algorithms for Privacy-Preserving Multi-Objective Optimization of Flight Lists in Air Traffic Flow Management
Using Machine Learning to Identify Incorrect Value-Added Tax Reports
Vision Transformers for Age Estimation from Facial Images
Vorhersage von Gewährleistungsfällen bei Baggern der Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH mittels maschinellen Lernens unter Verwendung von Telematikdaten
Wert privater Daten
Wiederverwendung und Weitergabe von Architekturwissen für Unternehmensanwendungen
time-i-gram: A Grammar for Interactive Visualization of Time-based Data
?From Sketches to Paintings? ? Image -to-Image Translation using Generative Adversarial Networks
A Periocular Biometric System on a Mobile Device
A Refactoring Catalog and Evaluation of Refactoring Tool Support for IEC 61499
A recommender system for research papers in medicine at Bloom Diagnostics
Changes in Business Value of IT in For-Profit Organisations due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dataset Shifts in Medical, Cross-Silo, Federated Learning
Design and Implementation of a Module for the Alpha Algorithm in the Learning Platform eTutor++
Design and Implementation of a web-based User Interface for the guided Assessment of Reliability of Classification Results using the Perturbation Approach
Development and evaluation of a digital transformation opportunity recognition (DTOR) process model
Digitization Phenomena in Logistics: A Literature Analysis and Use Case Study
Ein Framework zur Bemessung des Energieverbrauchs in der Entwicklung mehrschichtiger Webanwendungen
Flexible Runtime Monitoring Support for ROS-based Applications
Giving players options - educational games in programming education
Identifying Digital Maturity and Digitalization Potentials in companies
Identifying factors influencing the willingness to share private data
Implementing Query Operations for Knowledge Graph OLAP in Apache Spark
Improving the search for monitoring tools using recommender technology
Iris Segmentation and Recognition using Deep Learning on a Mobile Device
Methoden und Metriken zur Erfolgsbewertung von Standardsoftware aus Herstellersicht
Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Visualisierungstechniken in Datenschutzrichtlinien
PACMan - Eine Plattform für das kompetenzorientierte Verwalten von Python-Programmieraufgaben
ProtoSE: A Searchable Encryption System for Document Storage
Qualitative und quantitative Bewertung von Digitalisierungsprojekten an einem Beispielprozess der Baustoffindustrie
Securing AI systems : Developing a framework for the operation phase of artificial intelligence systems
Security-Mode-Switching Überwachung und Steuerung
Software Sustainability Matrix - A Formalized Sustainability Assessment Method for Software Requirements
Support Ticket Anonymization
UX analysis of interactive dashboards using Provectories
A Cloud-Native Data Lakehouse Architecture for Big Knowledge Graph OLAP
A Hand Geometry based Fuzzy Vault
An evaluation of the Integration capability of the digital transformation opportunity recognition (DTOR) framework
Analyse der Portierbarkeit von E-Learning Inhalten auf Basis von E-Learning Standards
Analysis and Influence of Noise and Sparsity for Depth Completion Networks
Conceptual design of a digitalization tool for a truck control system
Conceptualization of Customer Success and Its Implication on the Performance of Enterprises
Cost and Value Engineering for Software
Das API-Ökosystem im Bankkontext
Das Aktormodell in der Praxis: Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel einer Software für Unternehmenssteuerung
Design and Implementation of a Deep Neural Network for Surface Reconstruction from 2D Images
Development and Implementation of an Industrial Validation Procedure for Deep Learning Applications in Series Production
Development of a Jira Plugin for the Assessment of Sustainability Impacts of Software Systems
Ein kollaboratives, webbasiertes Transport-Management-System
Einfluss neuer Arbeitsmodelle auf das Empfinden von digitalem Stress
Interpretation of Semantic Urban Scene Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles
Lightweight Cryptography in Highly Constrained RFID Environments
Load carrier management system using blockchain
Priorisierung von technischer Schuld anhand SonarQube-Daten
Reinforcement Learning for Model Transformations
Seamless Augmentation of Satellite Imagery for Building Damage Segmentation
Security-Modes für Web-Applikationen ? Fallstudie am Beispiel OWASP Juice Shop
Similarity-based ranking of European tourism destinations leveraging Airbnb experiences and custom pre-trained TourBERT embeddings
Software zum Erlernen des Kartenzählens
Tech Radar for the Automated Detection of Software Technology Trends
Using Domain Adaptation to Counter Distribution Shift Between Training And Application Domain
Vom Monolithen zu Microservices : Paradigmenwechsel am Beispiel einer produktionsnahen Java-Applikation
Ziele, Erwartungen und Herausforderungen des Nachhaltigkeitsberichts: Literaturanalyse und Interviewstudie
A Monitoring Framework for LoRaWAN-based IoT Applications
Blockchain für Unternehmen - Eine Analyse aus Kundensicht
Dynamic password expiration based on a multimodal password strength meter
Efficient Implementation of Hash-based Signature Schemes - LMS and HSS
Entwicklung eines Prototypen für die wissensbasierte und vertraulichkeitsbewahrende Aufgabenzuteilung in intelligenten tutoriellen Systemen
Entwicklung eines Security awareness Vorgehensmodell unter Berücksichtigung von Lerntypen
Entwicklung webbasierter Tools zur automatisierten Bewertung der internen Software-Qualität
Evaluierung und Implementierung eines Smartphone basierten Kurvenlagenalgorithmus für Motorräder
Experimentelle Evaluierung heuristischer Suchalgorithmen zur Optimierung von Abflugreihenfolgen im Air Traffic Flow Management
Forecasting von Absatzmengen. Statistische Verfahren und Machine Learning Methoden im Vergleich
Hybrides Projektmanagement in der Softwareentwicklung - eine systematische Literaturanalyse
Konzepte für die Programmierausbildung außerhalb von Informatik-Programmen
Konzepte für die Programmierausbildung außerhalb von Informatikprogrammen
MUSE as a Service (MaaS) - Webservice zur statischen Code-Analyse
Mapping AIXM Schema and Instance Data To RDF(S)
Maschinelles Lernen zur Detektion von Gefälschten Fingerabdrücken
Metrics for Measuring Greenability in Software Systems
Metrics for Measuring Greenability in Web-based Software Systems
Prototypische Umsetzung und Evaluierung von Zugriffsmöglichkeiten auf GML-Daten für ein deduktives Datenbanksystem basierend auf F-Logic
SemNOTAM Container Management with a Task-Based Retrieval Service
Smartes Paket - Sensorische Pakete in der Logistik
Spooq: A Software Library for ETL Processes in Data Lakes
Synergienbildung und Lagermanagement Prozessanpassung im ERP Umfeld als Basis für CPS und SM
Towards a Practitioner-oriented DTOR Framework
Umsetzung eines Systems zur Prozessoptimierung im Recruiting basierend auf einem Process-Cube
Umsetzung von bimodaler IT: Empirische Untersuchung und Entwicklung einer Entscheidungshilfe
A Framework for Execution-based Model Profiling
Acceptance of Business Intelligence-Technology in Austrian Organizations
Algorithms for Metaphor Detection
Anomaly Detection based on Thermal Imaging : A Case Study on Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance
Augmented Reality : im Kontext der öffentlichen Landesverwaltung
Classifying Air Traffic Scenarios and Associated Environment Conditions With Respect to Operation Risk
Das Potenzial von Gamification im Software Engineering und Software Architektur Wissensmanagement
Design and implementation of a prototypical decision support system for communication
Dezentralisierte Applikation, Protokolle, Anwendungen, Vergleich
Digital Watermarking of Medical Sensor Data for Data Leakage Detection - a Proof-of-Concept Prototype
Early Detection of Spruce Bark Beetles using Semantic Segmentation and Image Classification
Efficient Vulnerable Path Detection with Light-weight Code Property Subgraphs at Runtime
Ein Business Process Model Repository für die Automatisierung von mehrstufigen Geschäftsprozessen mit Multilevel Business Artifacts
Einbindung von IT-Consultants bei der Einführung von Business-Intelligence-Lösungen in Organisationen: Eine qualitative Untersuchung der Interaktionen externer und interner MitarbeiterInnen im Projektteam
Eine Cloud-basierte Programmierumgebung für QM
Entwurf und Implementierung einer quantensicheren Chat Applikation
Gait recognition using neural networks
Kursreaktionen bei Digitalisierungsnachrichten am österreichischen Kapitalmarkt
Lieferanten-Management im Rahmen einer Transport-Management-Plattform
Lieferantenmanagement im Rahmen einer Transportmanagementplattform
Medizinische Nachsorge mit Fragebögen: Sicherheit, Datenschutz und einfache Bedienung
Model-based Detection of Runtime Inconsistencies
Mustererkennung in EKG-Aufnahmen
OAuth 2.0: Anbietervergleich für selbst gehostete Autorisierungsserver
Open Data in der COVID-19-Pandemie: Eine empirische Erhebung von Wahrnehmungen mittels Twitter
Open Data ? Auswirkung auf die Entwicklung neuer Geschäftsideen
Open Data ? Entwicklungen und Auswirkungen auf Organisationen in Österreich
Pattern Recognition in Time-Series Data (gesperrt bis 7.12.2025)
Portierung eines universellen IoT-basierten Software Stacks
Prototype of a Tool for Managing and Executing OLAP Patterns
Rahmenkonzept für Digitalisierungsprozesse und Synergiebildung in der Logistik am Beispiel Lagermanagement
Robotik im Bauwesen
Semi-automatic identification of sustainaibility concerns in textual requirements
Sicherheitsklassifikation in einem Dokumentenmanagementsystem
TAICOSViewer - Automated Evaluation of non-functional Requirements at Feature-Level
TAICOSViewer ? Automated evaluation of nonfunctional requirements at feature level
The product owner role from a stakeholder perspective: expected responsibilities and skills in practise
Vorgehensmodell zur Evaluierung von Datenarchitekturen: Fallbeispiel
Warum wirkt sich Fitness-Tracking auf die Gesundheit aus? Ergebnisse eines Literaturreviews
Was sind persönliche Daten wert? Entwicklung eines Artefakts zur Ermittlung der optimalen Methode zur Bewertung von persönlichen Daten
Analyse von Fingerabdrücken für die biometrische Identifikation
Auswirkungen von Customization auf ERP-Ablöseprojekte
Automatische Kennzeichnung von Webseiten mit Wasserzeichen für Apache Webserver
BIM and blockchain; a decentralized solution for a change management workflow in construction projects
Benchmarking of IT procurement prices with bundles: Methods and implementation
Bitcoin Eclipse Attack - Statistical Analysis on Selfish Mining and Double-Spending Attack
Continuous Authentication using Keystroke Dynamics on Android Devices
Das Asta-Framework- Ein Framework für automatisierte Aktienhandelsstrategien auf Basis von technischer- und News-Analyse
Decision support concept for the identification of use cases for additive manufacturing in an industrial context
Dialogbasierte Benutzungsschnittstelle für interaktive Datenanalyse in natürlicher Sprache
Eine empirische Studie zur Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Datenschutzrichtlinien österreichischer Online-Shops
Eine grafische Benutzungsschnittstelle für Online Analytical Processing auf Basis von Analysesituationen und inkrementellen Manipulationsoperationen
Einführung agiler Projektmethodiken am Beispiel der Energie AG Oberösterreich
Entwicklung eines Data-Cleaning-Prozesses für das Voestalpine Treasury
Entwicklung eines Rasters zum Vergleich von Digitalisierungsstrategien
Evaluation the use of big data analytics to facilitate compliance and fraud prevention : an empirical study about usefulness and usage of big data analytics to prevent occupational fraud in German speaking companies
Factors influencing the legacy system modernization strategy
Fingerprint Orientation Field Estimation using Convolutional Neural Networks
From Modeling Languages to Query Languages: A Generative Approach
From the Cloud to the Edge: An Infrastructure for Cloud & Edge Computing
Hybrid Face Detection by Thresholding in Diverse Color Spaces
Integrating Satellite Data into a No-SQL Database for Land Use Monitoring
Integration der Legal Compliance Vorgaben der DSGVO in ein ISO/IEC zertifiziertes Information Security Management System am Fallbeispiel der Energie AG Oberösterreich
Performance Analyse von softwarebasierter Verschlüsselung auf low-cost Systemen
Satellite Image Integration for Land Use Monitoring with Microservice Architecture
Security Model Comparison in PoW and PoS Decentralized Blockchain Consensus Algorithms
Sicherheitsaspekte bei der Beschaffung von IoT-Systemen
Skills of employees to master digitalization
Vermarktungsstrategien von Startups in App-Märkten
Verständnis und Strategien digitaler Transformation im öffentlichen Sektor
Österreichische Datenschutzbestimmungen im Cloud-Computing und Datenschutzbewusstsein von Cloud-Usern
A Proof-of-Concept Prototype of a Database Management System for Versioning and Distributed Storage of Semantic Containers in Project BEST
A Recommender System for Software Architecture Decision Making
Authentifikation: Protokolle, Anwendung, Vergleich
Data Quality Measurement in Wide-Column Stores
Ein webbasiertes Werkzeug für die strukturierte Dokumentation von Softwarearchitekturwissen
Einhaltung von IT-Sicherheitsvorschriften: Gründe & Maßnahmen
Einsatz des SharePoint-Workflow Managers zur Automatisierung des Bestell- und Konfigurationsprozesses von Software für Formgebungsmaschinen
Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei IT-Sourcing-Entscheidungen am Beispielunternehmen Energie AG
Entwicklung eines generischen Frameworks zur Sensoranbindung im Kontext von Internet of Things
Evaluierung von Softwarequalität nach dem Quamoco Ansatz durch SonarQube
Isogenies for Post-Quantum Cryptography
Konzeption und Umsetzung von RDF-Summarization-Cubes in SPARK-SQL für das Profiling von
Machine Learning and Visualization Techniques for Warehouse Design
Messung der digitalen Kollaboration in Unternehmen
Online Portal for Business Partners in Textile Industry
PESTEL Modeler: Ein Werkzeug für die Strategische Umweltanalyse nach der PESTEL-Methode unter Verwendung von MetaEdit+, iStar 2.0 und Semantischen Technologien
Probabilistische Verschlüsselung
Such- und Filterparadigmen für Freiwilligentätigkeiten beim Roten Kreuz
Towards Enriching Golden Records
Unternehmensplanspiel Digitalisierung als Lehrmethode im Digitalen Wandel
3D Gesichtserkennung
About gradient based importance weighting in feed-forward artificial neural networks
Airplane Heading Correction with Wind Prediction
Authentication by Keystroke Analysis
Comparison of Rare Variant Association Tests on UK10K Whole Genome Sequencing Data
Connecting Small Hydro Power Stations For Decision Support
Controversy Detection of Music Artists
Convolutional LSTM for Next Frame Prediction
Critical success factors in ERP upgrade projects
Cross Platform Portal for Modern Customer Relationship Management (Usability & User Experience )
Cross Platform Portal for Modern Customer Relationship Management (User & Security Aspect)
Das Millionärsproblem
Digitalisierung des Transportprozesses
E-Mail Monitoring and Management with MS Social Bots
Ein Dashboard für die dynamische Dokumentation microservice-basierter Softwaresysteme
Ein Werkzeug für das Review-gestützte Erstellen von Software Architekturwissen
Ein Werkzeug zur Visualisierung von Metriken für nachhaltige Softwarearchitekturen
Einsatz von RDF und SPARQL zur strategischen Analyse mit Geschäftsmodellontologien am Beispiel ausgewählter Fallstudien
Enabling Factors for Initialising Digital Transformation Programs
Extracting Geographical POIs From Semi-structured Information Sources
Gait Recognition Using Optical Flow
Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Einführung von Business Intelligence Systemen
Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren für die Einführung eines ERP Systems in kleinen und mittleren österreichischen Unternehmen
Modelle einer IT-Strategie
Moment Dynamics in Self-Normalising Neural Networks
Optimierte Darstellung von Bildern im Web auf mobilen Endgeräten
Prediction of User Traits from Music Listening Habits
Qualitative Klassifikation von Bewertungstexten mittels Data-Mining Methoden
Real-Time Face Detection in HD Videos
Robuste Wasserzeichenverfahren Unter Verwendung Von DWT und SVD
Schrifterkennung am Notenblatt
Systematik und Analyse von Big Data Praxisbeispielen
Variationen und Darstellung von Applikationsarchitekturen in Theorie und Praxis
Virtual Reality GPS Route Visualization for Mobile Devices
Virtuelle Agenten als ubiquitäre Lernhilfe in mobilen Anwendungen
Vollautomatischer Warenübergang mit Bluetooth Low Energy im Physical Internet Umfeld
Accurate detection of tumor copy number variations in high-throughput sequencing data
Anonymität von Kryptowährungen
Augmented Reality Support for Aerial Navigation
Automatisierte Analyse und Visualisierung von Softwarequalitäten
Automatisierung von mehrstufigen Geschäftsprozessen mittels SCXML, XQuery und RestXQ
Classification of (alternatively) spliced exons using state-of-the-art sequence kernels
Comparative Visualization of Large Tabular Data
Corporate Social Software - Die Verwendung in Unternehmen
Data Quality Assessment on Schema-Level for Integrated Information Systems
Deep Learning for Drug Combination Synergy Prediction
Dynamische Webanwendungen: Konzepte und Techniken der Frameworks AngularJS and React
Dynamische Webanwendungen: Konzepte und Techniken der Frameworks AngularJS und React
Ein Ansatz zur Unterstützung von Gruppenentscheidungsprozessen im Architekturdesign
Ein Werkzeug zur Unterstützung des Angebotslegungsprozesses in der Industrieautomatisierung
Eine Monitoring Infrastruktur für Microservices
Erstellung, Verwaltung und Anpassung von Referenzmodellen für Data Warehouses unter Verwendung von Indyco Builder, BaseX und XQuery
Human Attention Estimation - Comparison Machine Learning and Rule Based Methods
Interactive Visualization of Provence Graphs for Reproducible Biomedical Research
Light Field Global Illumination
Long Short-Term Memory and convolutional neural networks for SNV-based phenotype prediction
Messung der Zuverlässigkeit auf Basis des SICQ-Qualitätsstandards
Multi-Target Deep Neural Networks for Toxicity Prediction
Multiple Sequence Alignment with R
Near Field Communication mit Bluetooth Low Energy
Parallel Long Short Term Memory LSTM
Parameter Constraint Validation in Information Systems
Personalisierung von web-basierten Informationssystemen und deren Applikation im Tourismus
SMIDE - Smart, Managed and Integrated Decision Environment
Semi-automatische Bewertung der Datenqualität integrierter Informationssysteme
Signing and Verifying Session Data in the Context of Small Embedded Systems in Electric Charging Stations
Similarity-Based Steering in Provenance-Graphs
The Maximum Common Subgraph Kernel For Predicting Kinase Inhibitors
The Semantic Data Warehouse for the AgriProKnow Project: A First Prototype
Umsetzung ausgewählter Methoden für die quantitative und qualitative Analyse von mehrstufigen Geschäftsprozessen mittels XQuery: Ist- und What-If-Analyse der Duchlaufzeit sowie Fehler-Ursachen-Analyse
Verschlüsselung mittels Query-Rewriting auf der Cloud-Datenbank Amazon DynamoDB
Wissensbasierte Systeme und ihre Rolle bei der Entstehung einer Artificial General Intelligence
panelcn.MOPS reaches clinical standards as a copy number variation detection tool for targeted panel sequencing
A Calculation Framework für Twitter Messages based on Machine Learning and Information Extraction techniques
A copy number analysis and genome-wide association study of schizophrenia data
An Interpreter for a Data Definition and Query Language for Hetero-Homogeneous Data Warehouses
An OLAP API for Cubes with Ontology-Valued Measures
An appraisal of IT requirements in the context of industry 4.0 and of organizational agility
Analyse des Potenzials des Konzepts Industrie 4.0 in der Stahlindustrie am Beispiel der voestalpine Stahl GmbH
Anforderungsanalyse an IT-Systeme in der Produktionstechnik am Beispiel eines Expertensystems zur Detailkalkulation von Tischlereiangeboten
Automatic Extraction of Musical Style Information from Wikipedia Articles
Automatische Fahrgelderhebung mit Bluetooth Low Energy im öffentlichen Personenverkehr
Automatisierte Erstellung persönlicher und adaptiver Trainingspläne auf Basis personenbezogener Zeitpläne und Social Media Daten
Automatisierte identifikation von Encapsulation Design Smells
Betrachtung der Migrationsmöglichkeiten bei Geschäftsprozessen - Umgang mit bestehenden Prozessinstanzen bei Änderungen an den zugrundeliegenden Prozessmodellen.
Botnetze im Browser: Eine Fallstudie
Browser-Add-ons für besseren Datenschutz
Businessplan zur Minimierung von Wartezeiten in Arztpraxen
Character Recognition and Verification of Identification Papers through Pictures takenby Handheld Devices
Corporate Social Responsibility - Aspekte von Corporate Social Responsibility in Energieerzeugungsunternehmen und ihre Auswirkungen
Database synchronization between mobile devices and classical relational database managment systems
Detecting CNVs in the 1000 Genomes Project Data Using cn.MOPS and Relating the Results to Transcriptome Sequencing Data
Developing and optimizing a mobile driver assistant system for vehicles in public transport
Development, application and analysis of a pipeline for genotype-to-phenotype whole-genome based predictions
Die Entwicklung des Persönlichkeitsschutzes vom Beginn der betrieblichen Datenverarbeitung bis zu den sozialen Netzwerken
Die Rolle des Menschen im Konzept Industrie 4.0
Die Rolle von Product Lifecycle Management Systemen im Kontext von Industrie 4.0
E-Commerce Systeme im Vergleich
Eignung von SilkTest für die Testautomatisierung eines temperaturgeführten Transportmanagementsystems
Ein System für ortsbezogene Musikauswahl durch Nutzerpartizipation
Eine Bibliothek zum Anzeigen und Editieren von Architekturdiagrammen in Webclients
Eine Modellierungs- und Konfigurationsanwendung für Architekturvarianten in der Industrieautomatisierung
Eine generische Web-of-Things Plattform für Smart Vending unter besonderer Betrachtung von Multi-Tenancy und Templates
Eine generische Web-of-Things Plattform für Smart Vending unter besonderer Betrachtung von REST-basierter Architektur und Business Rules
Einführung eines Data-Warehouse-Systems für die Vertriebsplanung am Beispiel der W&H Gruppe Fallstudie und vergleichende Analyse
Einsatz von Bluetooth Low Energy in Be-In/Be-Out Systemen - Evaluierung der Eignung zur Personenerfassung in öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel
Einsatzmöglichkeit von SAP-ME in der KRONES AG
EncryptedCassandra - Client-Side Encryption through Query-Rewriting of CQL
Entwicklung eines Kennzahlenkatalogs zur Geschäftsprozessüberwachung und -steuerung an Beispiel der Abteilung "Beschaffung" und "Vertrieb" eines Biodiesel-Betriebes
Entwicklung eines Projektmanagement-Handbuchs für die Firma New Technology Systems GmbH
Erweiterung eines werkzeugbasierten Ansatzes zur Qualitätssicherung von Softwaredokumentation
Erweiterung von Protégé zur intuitiven Multi-Level Modellierung
Evaluierung eines E-Learning-Systems für Magna in St. Valentin
Evaluierung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Einführung von Wissensmanagement
Evaluierung von Access Control Mechanismen für Mobile Systeme
Gender Mainstreaming in der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Analyse des Publikationsverhaltens von Wirtschaftsinformatikerinnen und Wirtschaftsinformatikern
Generieren einer Benchmark Verteilung auf Basis von Projektdaten im Sonarqube Server
IT-Risikomanagement in KMUs mit hohem Risikopotential (gesperrt bis 31.8.2020)
Implementation of an Extensible Mapper of Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Data to ObjectLogic
Inferring Regulatory Interactions from Microarray Data Using the FABIA Biclustering Method: A Case Study for E.coli K-12
Informationssicherheitsanforderungen im Enterprise Content Managment
KeBABS - An R Package for Kernel-Based Analysis of Biological Sequences
Management von Social Engineering in der Informationssicherheit
Object Extraction and Evolution in Crowd Situation Awareness
Online Analytical Processing mit hetero-homogenen Data Warehouses: Prototypische Implementierung und Benutzerstudie
Optimierung und Analyse eines Prüfprozesses und Prüfdatenverwaltungssystems
Plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung am Beispiel von HTML5 (10.6.2020)
Privatsphäre im Stromnetz mit intelligenten Stromzählern
Prototypische Umsetzung der Automatisierung eines Prozesses für Nach- und Aufrüstung von Komponenten einer Formgebungsmaschine
Prozessbewertung im Kontext der Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen
Reaktive Terminorganisation im Semantic Web
Relevanz von Projektmanagement/-Tools in österreichischen Startups
SASHERD: Eine einfache ad-hoc Suchmaschine für relationale Datenbanken
Security Development in Open Source Projekten
Semantic Enriched Aggregation of Social Media in Crowd Situation Awareness
Sicherheitslücken bei ARM Prozessoren, verifiziert am Beispiel von Texas Instruments OMAP CPUs (Gesperrt bis 8.6.2020)
Similarity-based clustering of big data: A parallel ensemble variant of leveraged affinity propagation
Smart City - Mode oder Trend
Standardisierte, werkzeugunterstützte Lasten- und Pflichtenhefterstellung im Ausschreibungsprozess von IT-Projekten
Studie zur Anwendbarkeit von geospatialer Social Software am Beispiel der Plattform "BuddyMe" in der Verbesserung des Informationsmanagements von Organisationen
Support Vector Regression vs. Neural Network Regression in the Field of Predicting Drug-Target Binding Activities
Tracking im Internet: Möglichkeiten und Gegenmaßnahmen
Verarbeitung und Modellierung von Ereignissen im Semantic Web of Things - Ein Überblick
Vor- und Nachteile von IOS Programmierschnittstellen bei der Konzeption und Entwicklung von Location-Based Services
WatchMe: Entwicklung eines Empfehlungssystems für den Kabelnetzbetreiber LIWEST
Werkzeuge zur Überwachung von Designvorgaben
Wissensmanagement 2.0 - Ein Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung von Wissensmanagement 2.0
eHausbesuch - Elektronisches Visitenbuch für niedergelassene Ärzte
A web-based Sound- and Music-Browser
ATM Security: A Case Study of al Logical Risk Assesment (gesperrt bis 17.6.2019)
Active Appearance Models for Face Recognition
An Approach for Template-Based Requirements Reuse
Approximate Datatypes for Anomaly Detection in XML-Based Protocols
Attempts at Improving the Efficiency of t-SNE
Augmented Reality in der Architekturvisualisierung
CassandraCrypt - Eine transparente clientseitige Verschlüsselung für Cassandra
Closed-Source - Ein leichtgewichtiges Vorgehensmodell in der Softwareentwicklung
Die Integration von Qualitätsmanagement in das Prozessmanagement auf Basis allgemeiner Standards
Diskrete Ereignissimulation und Animation mit Javascript
Einsatz von Usability Engineering Methoden in mobilen Augmented Reality Anwendngen am Beispiel einer AR Sportanwendung für HMDS
Embedded Web Device Security: Gefahren und Gegenmaßnahmen - Fallstudie: Steuerung von Wasserversorgungsanlagen
Enterprise Resource Planning-Systementscheidung basierend auf einem Prozessanpassungsszenario bei der DELACON Biotechnik GmbH
Entwicklung eines Editors in Eclipse zur Erstellung eines Bitemporal Comlex Event Processing System
Erkennung von inkonsistentem Wissen in einem autonomen Multiagentensystem mit lokalen Wissensbasen
Extending data warehouses with reasoning over multi-dimensional ontologies: a proof-of-concept prototype using PL/SQL and OWL
Ganzheitliche Informationssysteme für Schiregionen und deren Beitrag zu einer gesteigerten Wertschöpfung
Hierarchical Temporal Memory -- Investigations, Ideas, and Experiments
Implementation of a Bitemporal Comlex Event Processor (BiCEP) with H2 and a Compiler for its Language (BiCEPL)
Implementierung und Evaluierung der Qualitätsmessung nach dem CISQ-Softwarequalitätsstandard
Implementing Judgement and Analysis Rules for Comparative Data Analysis in Oracle
Information Hiding in Ext2-Dateisystemen
Interactive Visualisation of Musical Structure with a Focus on Automatic Pattern Discovery
Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Terminverwaltungssystems für Einzelunternehmen
Mobile Usability Enhancement with Augmented Reality for Industrial Use
Modelbildung und Simulation: Einführung und Anwendung am Beispiel eines Rasenroboter-Mähsimulator
Neuimplementierung und Funktionserweiterungen für ein Vague Query System
On-line Event Detection in Music Performances
Online Beat-Tracking with Particle-Filters
Operationalisierung von strukturbasierten Design Smells in Java Softwareprodukten
Parallel Algorithms for Regular Expression Matching in Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Qualität von Geschäftsprozessmodellen
RABBLS - A Rotationg Beam Antenna Based Localization System
Robustes Watermarking für digitale Bilder
Software Benchmarking - Ein Plugin für Sonarqube
Usability moderner Technologien: Anforderungen an Mensch und IT-Infrastruktur
Vergleich von Ansätzen wertbasierter Integritätsbedingungen in XML
Vergleich von Source Code Security Scannern anhand des Juliet Testsuite
Web Regression Testing for Dynamic Web Pages uring Selenium 2.0
Cloudification of Visual SQL
Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen in Krankenanstalten- Evaluierung und konzeptioneller Entwurf
Erweiterung eines Architekturwerkzeuges um Konzepte der aspektorientierten Programmierung
Ein Modell und Werkzeuge zum Management von Services
Integration von Java-basierten Portalen und Content Management-Systemene
Ein fehlertoleranter Kommunikationsdienst für eine agentenbasierte Verteilungsplattform
Eine fehlertoleranter Ereignisdienst für eine agentenbasierte Verteilungsplattform
Plattformen für mobile Java Agenten - Grundlagen, Konzepte, Standards und Ansätze
Eine Sicherheitsinfrastruktur für eine agentenbasierte Verteilungsplattform
Ein Ansatz zur Installation und Konfiguration von Komponenten in heterogenen verteilten Systemen
Ein Verzeichnisdienst für eine agentenbasierte Verteilungsplattform
Eine plattformunabhängige Programmierschnittstelle für Mobile Agenten
Generische Benutzerschnittstellen mit Java und XML
Mobile Agenten und eCommerce Konzepte und Einsatzmöglichkeiten
Ein trader-basiertes Werkzeug zur Konstruktions- und Dokumentationsunterstützung objektorientierter Softwarearchitekturen
Ein Desktopeditorframework in Java
Design und Implementierung einer Klassenbibliothek zur Kommunkation in verteilten objektorientierten Systemen
Entwurf und Implementierung eines objektorientierten Wertpapiermanagement- und Wertpapieranalyse-Werkzeuges
Prototypingorientierte Spezifikation eines Werkzeuges zur Unterstützung des prototypingorientierten Softwarekonstruktionsprozesses
Publikationstyp: Preprint
Challenges of Quantum Software Engineering for the Next Decade: The Road Ahead
Comparison of Access Control Approaches for Graph-Structured Data
IAMCV Multi-Scenario Vehicle Interaction Dataset
The Past, Present, and Future of Automation in Model-Driven Engineering
ScaLearn: Simple and Highly Parameter-Efficient Task Transfer by Learning to Scale
XACML Extension for Graphs: Flexible Authorization Policy Specification and Datastore-Independent Enforcement
On the Role of Field of View for Occlusion Removal with Airborne Optical Sectioning
Teaching drones on-the-fly: Can emotional feedback serve as learning signal for training artificial agents?
Fully Automatic Page Turning on Real Scores
End-to-End Adversarial White Box Attacks on Music Instrument Classification
On Data Augmentation and Adversarial Risk: An Empirical Analysis
Provectories: Embedding-based Analysis of Interaction Provenance Data
Receptive-Field Regularized CNNs for Music Classification and Tagging
Towards Musically Meaningful Explanations Using Source Separation
A Survey of Data Quality Measurement and Monitoring Tools
Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields
RUDDER: Return Decomposition for Delayed Rewards
Amending the Characterization of Guidance in Visual Analytics
GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Nash Equilibrium
Repurposed High-Throughput Images Enable Biological Activity Prediction For Drug Discovery
Self-Normalizing Neural Networks
A Complete Logic for Non-Deterministic Database Transformations
Rectified Factor Networks
Toxicity Prediction using Deep Learning
Sharing of Very Short IBD Segments between Humans, Neandertals, and Denisovans
Publikationstyp: Presseartikel / Medienberichte
Artikel in Presse OÖNachrichten Wie bewegen wir uns in Städten fort?
Der Briefträger, dem nie die Luft ausgeht
Interview Trauen Sie fahrerlosen Autos über den Weg
Pressemitteilung, Wie ein Roboter auf der JKU zum Briefträger wird
Tüfteln an der Autonomie
Wenn der Postroboter zweimal klingelt
Autonome Autos mit Augenaufschlag
Die zukünftige Vertrauensfrage: Autonomes Fahren
Industrial robot meets digital twin
Wenn die künstliche Intelligenz mitfliegt
Publikationstyp: Sonstige
B-WISE Tutorial Toolkit for Educators
B-WISE Universal Training Curricula for Enablers, Supporters, and Workers with Support Needs Working in Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs)
Requirements Engineering for a Web-based Research, Technology & Innovation Monitoring Tool
Visualizing Pairwise Feature Interaction in Neural Additive Models (Poster)
DATASET IAMCV Interaction of Autonomous and Manually Controlled Vehicles
IoT: Chancen und Herausforderungen für Software-Entwickler:innen
Digital Sensemaking: Sinnstiftung in digitalisierten Arbeitswelten
Dust and Data - Artificial Intelligence im Museum
Visual Exploration of Relationships and Structure in Low-Dimensional Embeddings
Autonomes Fahren im Fahrtechnikzentrum Pressemitteilung "Versuche in realen Fahrumgebung wurden in ÖAMTC in Marchtrenk durchgeführt."
Heinz Zemaneks akademischer Blumenstrauß
Lehrstuhl Nachhaltige Transportlogistik 4.0 an der JKU forscht an autonomen Fahren
Pressemitteilung "Kooperation: Autonomes Fahrzeug aus Linz machte Halt an FH Technikum Wien"
Pressemitteilung, Mobilität der Zukunft im Rahmen von Open4Innovation, "Lehrstuhl Nachhaltige Transportlogistik 4.0. an der JKU forscht an autonomen Fahren"
Pressemitteilung, Tüfteln an der Autonomie, Horizont
Adolf Adam - Ein Leben in Anekdoten (PDF-Version)
Con coches sin conductor el trafico sera mas fluido y seguro
Seminar: Software-Entwicklung im Lichte kultureller Unterschiede (Vorlesung LÖ-TIF 18A-G1, 8 Stunden)
Seminar: Software-Entwicklung im Lichte kultureller Unterschiede. Technical report
Seminar: Vorgehensmodelle Methoden, Vorgehen, Werkzeuge (Vorlesung LÖ-TIF 18.A, 5. Semester, 8 Stunden)
A hearty welcome to the 27th IDIMT Conference!
Die Bedeutung der Impulsivität auf die Vertrauensbildung in Online-Settings: Erste Ergebnisse der Consumer Neuroscience
Modellbasiertes Digital Twin Engineering
A hearty welcome to the 26th IDIMT Conference!
Good Bye IFSR! The last Newsletter edited by Gerhard Chroust
IFSR Newsletter vol 35, No 1 (October 2018)
Which design best practices should be taken care of?
Zukunftsfibel - Digitalisierung: Na und?!
A Conceptual Model for Systems Engineering and Its Formal Foundation
A hearty welcome to the 25th IDIMT Conference!
IFSR Newsletter No. 34, no. 1 (Sept 2017)
IFSR Newsletter No. 34, no. 2 (Dec 2017)
Provenance-Based Visualization Retrieval (Poster)
Reproducible Research in the Cloud with the Refinery Platform (Extended Abstract)
Secretary General's Message
Taggle: Scaling Table Visualization through Aggregation (Poster)
Von der Therapie zur Prävention - mit dem Sensor zum Menschen - technologiegestützte Erhaltung und Verbesserung der Lebensqualität im Alter
Welcome to IDIMT 2016!
An Image Sensor based on Optical Radon Transform (Festschrift)
Big Data - Chancen und Risiken
ConTour: Data-Driven Exploration of Multi-Relational Datasets for Drug Discovery (Poster)
Information Overload und Noise
Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme im Tourismus - Mobile Apps
Interoperabilität im E-Government
Rectified Factor Networks and Dropout
Refinery Platform: A Foundation for Integrative Data Visualization Tools (Poster)
Soziale Auswirkungen durch Mobile Computing
Touch Screen as Input Device: Does it Influence Memory Retrieval?
Transparent Layering for Visualizing Dynamic Graphs Using the Flip Book Metaphor (Poster)
Verbesserung von Datenqualität durch Geschäftsprozessverbesserung - dargestellt anhand einer Fallstudie zum Geschäftsprozess Vertragserstellung bei Microsoft Österreich GmbH
Verändert IT die Rolle von Patienten?
A short History of Linz
Mayor of Hai Phong visits Vienna and the IFSR
Ein Verhaltensleitfaden für soziale Netzwerke in Organisationen am Beispiel der JKU
Guided Visual Analysis for the Identification of Cancer Subtypes (Poster)
Gehaltene Vorträge:
Vortragstyp: Eingeladener Vortrag an anderen Institutionen
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt danke, Graz, (24.10.2024)
Individuelle Digitalisierungsbereitschaft - Konzept und Messinstrumente, Bildungshaus St. Magdalena, (24.10.2024)
Visualizing Insights from Data (keynote talk), Monheim, (04.10.2024)
KI in der Landwirtschaft, Linz, JKU, (25.06.2024)
Kinder, digitale Medien und das Gehirn, Linz, (05.06.2024)
Zeit für Veränderung? Es ist nie zu spät Was sagt unser Gehirn dazu?, Linz, (22.01.2024)
EPILEPSIA, Raiffeisen Landesbank, Linz, (14.12.2023)
Zeit für Veränderung? Es ist nie zu spät Was sagt unser Gehirn dazu?, Wels, (23.11.2023)
Quantum Computing - Grundlagen, Algorithmen, und Business-Kontext, RISC Software Gmbh, Hagenberg, (22.11.2023)
Body and Mind: How our body enhances second language learning, Linz, (18.11.2023)
Zukünftige Entwicklungen von KI aus der Perspektive der Wissenschaft, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, (09.11.2023)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt danke!, Feldkirch, (07.11.2023)
Digital Twin Engineering: From Engineering Models to Digital Twin Systems, online Workshop, (03.11.2023)
Zeit für Veränderung? Es ist nie zu spät Was sagt unser Gehirn dazu?, Freistadt, (12.10.2023)
Vertrauen in KI, Promenadengalerien, Linz, (28.09.2023)
Die vier Säulen der Gehirnfitness: Wie Kinder im Kopf stark werden, Schlossmuseum, Linz, (27.09.2023)
Barrierefrei Publizieren, Wien, BBI, (21.09.2023)
C. Round Table: Women, Science and Diplomacy, , (15.06.2023)
Warum kooperiert der Mensch? Mechanismen von Kooperation im Gehirn, St. Pölten, (17.05.2023)
Zeit für Veränderung? Es ist nie zu spät Was sagt unser Gehirn dazu?, Rohrbach, (20.04.2023)
Ergebnisse der Pilotierung der AAM (Agile Assessment Method) im Bankenbereich, ONLINE, (27.03.2023)
Digitalisierung im Sozialbereich, online, (09.03.2023)
Explainable AI and Data Visualization (invited talk), London, (26.01.2023)
Digitalisierung und Industrie 5.0, , (14.11.2022)
Transhumanismus: Quo vadis Homo Sapiens?, , (10.11.2022)
Warum uns Gott die Liebe schenkte, Wil, (29.10.2022)
Metamodel-Based Simulation to Assess Platooning on Battery Energy Consumption, , (28.10.2022)
Projektbasiertes Lernen und Wissensmanagement, , (26.10.2022)
Zu den negativen Wirkungen von Videokonferenzen: Forschungsbefunde und Praxisimplikationen, Online, (20.10.2022)
Psychische Gesundheit durch Life Style, Linz, (07.10.2022)
Aus Nutzung wird Gestaltung. Über die technologisch ermöglichte Veränderung des Rollenverständnisses, , (30.09.2022)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt danke, Altes Rathaus, Linz, (30.09.2022)
Durch die Evolution erfolgreich: Mechanismen von Kooperation im Gehirn, Power Tower, Linz, (22.09.2022)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt danke, Wien, (19.09.2022)
Warum uns Gott die Liebe schenkte, Hohenfurth, (14.07.2022)
Digitale Resilienz ? Methodisches Know-how gefragt?, , (15.06.2022)
Iss dich klug, Wien, (10.06.2022)
Wir arbeiten in Teams: Wie menschliche Kooperation im Gehirn funktioniert, , (30.05.2022)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Bruck an der Mur, (19.05.2022)
Wir sind ein Team: Was sagt das Gehirn dazu?, Graz, (12.05.2022)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Schloss Neupernstein, (28.04.2022)
Make Love not War: Warum das Gehirn gegen Krieg ist, , (21.04.2022)
Runter vom Sofa, Bregenz, (07.03.2022)
Wissensmanagement: Chancen und Herausforderungen beim Austausch über Unternehmensgrenzen, Linzer Tabakfabrik, (03.03.2022)
Injecting Life into Visualizations for Biomedical Research, Online, (19.01.2022)
Erasmus Mundus Design Measures: Good Practice, online, (13.01.2022)
Digitale Resilienz, , (02.01.2022)
Value Calculation ? Results of a Literature Survey, Online Conference, (10.12.2021)
Cost and Value Calculation Model for Software by Example, Online Conference, (11.11.2021)
Deep Rule Learning, online (geplant in CZE), (27.10.2021)
Value Models and Frameworks, Online Conference, (15.10.2021)
Bis hierher und nicht weiter? Privatsphäre im Zeitalter von Digitalisierung und Homeoffice, KHG Linz, (13.10.2021)
Injecting Life into Visualizations for Biomedical Research, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (13.10.2021)
Collaborating with Domain Experts, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (04.10.2021)
Mehrere Sprachen in einem Gehirn: Wie funktioniert Mehrsprachigkeit und wie erwirbt man sie am besten?, , (30.09.2021)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, online aufgrund COVID-19 (geplant in Prag, Tschechien), (22.09.2021)
Telling Stories Through Embeddings, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (02.06.2021)
Value Drivers für Cost and Value Engineering for Software, Online-Konferenz aufgrund Covid19 (geplant in DEU), (05.03.2021)
Gehirn für Fortgeschrittene, online aufgrund COVID-19, (11.02.2021)
Gehirn für Einsteiger, online aufgrund COVID-19, (04.02.2021)
Seeing through Forrest, Klosterneuburg, I.S.T., (09.11.2020)
Die Darm-Gehirn-Achse ? wie der Darm fühlt und denkt, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (15.10.2020)
Was ist Demenz und wie schützen wir uns davor?, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (17.09.2020)
Embodiment and technology ? Science Talk, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (01.07.2020)
Embodiment and the brain ? Science Talk, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (30.06.2020)
Embodiment: Mit dem Körper Wörter in einer Fremdsprache lernen, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (25.06.2020)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (14.05.2020)
Leveraging Provenance for Storytelling, Reproducibility, and Meta-Analysisn, , (04.05.2020)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Wien, (15.03.2020)
Visual Data Science & Explainable AI (keynote address), Leverkusen, (12.02.2020)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Salzburg, (16.01.2020)
Runter vom Sofa, Wilhering, (09.01.2020)
Mit dem Körper Lernen, Konferenz: Embodiment und Repräsentation, (07.11.2019)
Embodiment: Mit dem Körper Lernen, Zürich, (25.09.2019)
Visualization & Explainable AI, Berlin, (17.09.2019)
Virtuelle Sucht: Smartphone, Games, Social Media, wie sie unser Gehirn verändern und warum, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, (16.05.2019)
Light-Field Microscopy: A Review, , (21.02.2019)
Informatik studieren, Brigittenauer Gymnasium, Wien, (25.01.2019)
TEMACC ? Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care in Ethiopia, Kepler Universitätsklinikum Med Campus VI, (29.11.2018)
Warum das Gehirn will, dass wir glücklich sind ?, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (08.11.2018)
Revitalising Drug Discovery With AI and Deep Learning, Berlin, (07.11.2018)
Digitalisierung und Digitale Transformation - Nicht digitale Digitalisierungskompetenzen und -faktoren, Linz, (22.10.2018)
Spielen und Lernen aus Sicht des Gehirns, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (11.10.2018)
Freundschaft im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (28.06.2018)
Artificial Intelligence - technologischer Schlüssel auf dem Weg in die Zukunft, Wien, (20.06.2018)
Deep Learning A-Z: Jumping into artificial neural network with examples, Frankfurt, (19.06.2018)
Deep Learning: methods, successes, applications, Frankfurt, (19.06.2018)
Models for Assessing Software Quality, Firma : Software Quality Labs, Linz, (15.06.2018)
Lernprozesse aus Sicht des Gehirns Vortrag und Workshop für Richter/innen, Staatsanwälte und Fortbildungsverantwortliche, Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck, (13.06.2018)
Wein im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (07.06.2018)
Qualitätsspirale nach oben: Künstliche Intelligenz verbessert sich selbst, WK OÖ, Linz, (05.06.2018)
Deep Learning Meets Physic, CERN, (04.06.2018)
Analyzing Crypto Currencies using ThermalPlot, Tabakfabrik Linz, (29.05.2018)
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving, Graz, (16.05.2018)
Body for Brain: Der Einfluss von Bewegung auf Geist und Psyche, Wien, (09.05.2018)
Deep Learning in Linz, München, (04.05.2018)
Artificial Ethics? Moralische Entscheidungen durch KI und Machine Learning, , (26.04.2018)
Collaborations between ?VIS / Bioinformatics / Bio Communities, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, (17.04.2018)
Deep Learning is Revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence, Traunkirchen, (03.04.2018)
Deep Learning of High-Level Representations, , (08.03.2018)
Vom Fluch der Diäten, die nicht funktionieren: Was sagt das Gehirn dazu?, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (08.03.2018)
Interactive Exploration of Structured Data, Large (Biomedical) Graphs, and Black Box Models, Cambridge, MA, (06.03.2018)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Artificial Intelligence, Berlin, (22.02.2018)
Collaborating with Domain Experts, Schloss Dagstuhl ? Leibniz-Zentrum, Wadern, (23.01.2018)
Deep Learning: How Computers Learn to Interpret Images, HTL Leonding, (23.01.2018)
Artificial intelligence methods for molecular data, Ludwigshafen, (18.01.2018)
Smartphone und Tablet: Nutzen und Risiken bei Kindern und Jugendlichen aus Sicht des Gehirns, Linz, (10.01.2018)
Babygehirn: Vom Mutterleib bis zum fünften Jahr, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (23.11.2017)
Leveraging Provenance for Storytelling, Reproducibility, and Recall, Wien, Wien, (23.11.2017)
Trump, Putin & Friends: Wie das Gehirn Macht erlebt und warum es sie haben will, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (16.11.2017)
Künstliche Intelligenz - Ungeahnte Möglichkeiten für den Automobilsektor, Voest Alpine Stahlwelt Linz, (15.11.2017)
Gedächtnis: Was es ist, wo es im Gehirn ist, wie man es steigert und wie man es erhält, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (19.10.2017)
Neue Geschäftsmodelle durch neue digitale Lösungen: Geschäftsmodell-getriebene Planung von Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen, WKO Oberösterreich, Linz, (11.10.2017)
Deep Learning Powers Artificial Intelligence, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (28.09.2017)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Toxicity and Target Predictio, Basel, (19.09.2017)
Natürliche und künstliche Intelligenz, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (08.09.2017)
Visualization for Decision Making: Going (Far) Beyond Static Plots, Stevenage, (23.08.2017)
Self-normalizing Neural Networks and a Two Time-Scale Update Rule for GANs, Berlin, (29.06.2017)
Deep Learning is Evolving into the Key Technology of Artificial Intelligence, amsec IMPULS, Hagenberg, (27.06.2017)
Frauengehirn und Männergehirn: Stärken und Schwächen beider Geschlechter, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (08.06.2017)
Deep Learning revolutioniert gerade die Künstliche Intelligenz, WK OÖ, Linz, (31.05.2017)
Was ist tief beim Deep Learning und wo sind die Grenzen?, WK OÖ, Linz, (31.05.2017)
Digitalisierung und Digitale Transformation: Kerninhalt der Wirtschaftsinformatik?, Linz, (11.05.2017)
Light-Field Imaging, Processing, and Display, Vienna, (29.03.2017)
Natürliche und künstliche Intelligenz: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede in einer Welt, in der Gegenstände immer intelligenter werden, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (16.03.2017)
Lernen mit Freude aus Sicht des Gehirns: Ein Vortrag für Lernende und für Lehrende, Wissensturm Linz, (15.03.2017)
Daten sehen - Krebs verstehen. Mit Big Data-Analyse und Visualisierung dem Krebs auf der Spur, AEC Linz, (23.02.2017)
Digitalisierung von Geschäftsmodellen, Wirtschaftskammer OÖ. Linz, (07.02.2017)
Wo ein Wille ist...Willenskraft aus Sicht des Gehirns erklärt, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (26.01.2017)
Emotion und Gefühl im Gehirn - Wiederholung, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (19.01.2017)
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Software Engineering, Hagenberg, (12.12.2016)
Zwei Sprachen in einem Kopf: Wie Mehrsprachigkeit die Leistungsfähigkeit des Gehirns steigert, Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol, (21.11.2016)
Emotion und Gefühl im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (17.11.2016)
Schokolade: Essen für die Seele? Wie sich Ernährung auf unser Gehirn und unsere Psyche auswirkt ? Wiederholung, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (10.11.2016)
Anti-Aging für das Gehirn, Akademie Wels, (17.10.2016)
Interactive Data Exploration: Going (Far) Beyond Static Plots, Vienna, (17.10.2016)
Talent und Talentförderung aus Sicht des Gehirns, VHS-Wissensturm Linz, (13.10.2016)
TourGuide - Navigation System for Capturing and Analyzing Complex Clinical Data, , (13.10.2016)
TourGuide - Personalisierte Medizin durch Navigationssystem für die Erfassung & Analyse großer, komplexer Daten, Linz, (13.10.2016)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Information Technology, TU München, (11.10.2016)
Schokolade: Essen für die Seele? Wie sich Ernährung auf unser Gehirn und unsere Psyche auswirkt, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (06.10.2016)
Assistive Technology and eAccessibility, Warsaw, (05.10.2016)
Spezifische Voraussetzungen für benachteiligte Gruppen (Behinderte, Jugendliche mit besonderem Förderbedarf), , (03.10.2016)
Digitaler Stress: Forschungsergebnisse und Bewältigungsstrategien, Wels, (12.09.2016)
Intelligent machines that make humans learn Symposium Virtual Reality im Bildungs- Sozial- und Gesundheitsbereich, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (09.09.2016)
Music Retrieval and Intelligent Machines in Sound Production, NY, (01.08.2016)
Medical Device Security, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, (29.06.2016)
Freier Wille und Gehirnforschung: Können oder können wir nicht selbst entscheiden?, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (16.06.2016)
How Visualization Helps to? Understand Biomedical Data, Mainz, (14.06.2016)
Lehrgang "WebAccessibility - Barrierefreies Webdesign", Salzburg, (09.06.2016)
Unser Gehirn, unser Potential: Warum Lernen in Kindheit und Jugend so wichtig ist, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (09.06.2016)
DeepTox - Deep Learning for Toxicity Prediction, Berlin, (07.06.2016)
LSTM as a Key Technology for IT Companies, Berlin, (06.06.2016)
Burnout - Moderne Epidemie?, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (02.06.2016)
Bewegung ist Balsam für das Gehirn, JKU Linz, (19.05.2016)
Towards a Flexible, Scalable, and Transparent Thin-Film Camera, Faak am See, (18.05.2016)
Towards a Flexible, Scalable, and Transparent Thin-Film Camera, Wels, (11.05.2016)
Die Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters: Ästhetik aus Sicht des Gehirns, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (21.04.2016)
Deep Learning: a Key Technology for Target and Toxicity Prediction, Hinxton, EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute, (20.04.2016)
Lernen aus Sicht des Gehirns: Theorie und Praxis, Kepler Society Linz, (12.04.2016)
Searching for a Needle in a Data Stack: How Visualization Helps to Understand Biomedical Data, Berlin, (24.03.2016)
Digital Lightfields, Laval, (23.03.2016)
Freier Wille und Gehirnforschung: Können oder können wir nicht selbst entscheiden?, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (10.03.2016)
Integrated Visual Analysis for Data?Driven Sciences, Klosterneuburg, (10.03.2016)
Rausch und Gehirn: Warum keine Droge harmlos ist, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (04.02.2016)
Tour Guide - Personalisierte Medizin durch Navigationssystem für die Erfassung und Analyse großer, komplexer Daten, Linz, (03.02.2016)
Anti-Aging für das Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (21.01.2016)
Assistierende Technologien, , (20.01.2016)
Stress im Gehirn: Kann uns der Beruf krank machen?, SCHEZ, Linz, (19.01.2016)
Digital Lightfields, Stuttgart, (25.11.2015)
Visual Analysis of Large and Heterogeneous Biological Data, Leuven, (24.11.2015)
Wein im Kopf, Volksbank Vöcklabruck, (18.11.2015)
Deep Learning: from self-driving cars to drug design, Darmstadt, Merck KGaA, (17.11.2015)
Rausch und Gehirn: Warum keine Droge harmlos ist, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (12.11.2015)
Hirn braucht Bewegung, SPES Familienakademie, (05.11.2015)
Gehirnforschung: Hype oder wichtige Grundlage für die Pädagogik?, Schez und Bruckner Privatuniversität, (03.11.2015)
Deep Learning: a Key Technology for Target and Toxicity Prediction, Hinxton, EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute, (21.10.2015)
Ipad & Co: Freunde oder Feinde unserer Kinder?, SCHEZ, Linz, (29.09.2015)
Deep Learning as a Key Technology for Target and Toxicity Prediction, Frankfurt, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, (13.07.2015)
Stress im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (11.06.2015)
Searching for a Needle in a Data Stack: How Visualization Helps to Understand Data, Austrian Computer Society, 40th Anniversary Celebration, (10.06.2015)
Wide-field-of-view light-field processing and coded sampling, Saarbrücken, (09.06.2015)
Unternehmen mit Gefühl Workshop aus der Reihe Gehirn für Unternehmen, , (27.05.2015)
Towards a transparent and flexible image sensor, Dagstuhl Seminar, Computational Imaging, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, (22.05.2015)
Deep Learning: a tech break through, Berlin, Zalando SE, (21.05.2015)
Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous ?Biomolecular Data, London, Imperial College London, (12.05.2015)
Techniken des maschinellen Lernens zur Analyse von Hochdurchsatz-DNA- und RNA-Sequenzierungsdaten, Dagstuhl Seminar 15202 "Kolloquium zum GI Dissertationspreis 2014", (11.05.2015)
Glück im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (07.05.2015)
Lernen aus Sicht des Gehirns, WIFI Linz, (30.04.2015)
Gehirn für Einsteiger, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (25.04.2015)
Stress im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (23.04.2015)
Deep Learning in Bioinformatics, Zürich, IBM Research, (21.04.2015)
Make love not war: Warum das Gehirn gegen Krieg ist, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (12.03.2015)
Frühförderung von Kindern: Was sagt das Gehirn dazu?, Akademikerbund Oberösterreich, (04.03.2015)
Lichtfelder - Die Zukunft digitaler Bilder, Traunkirchen, (05.02.2015)
Towards a Transparent and Flexible Image Sensor, Saarbrücken, (30.01.2015)
Towards a Transparent and Flexible Image Sensor, Paris, (16.01.2015)
Bioinformatics: Key Technology in Biology and Medicine, HTL Grieskirchen, (22.12.2014)
Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Molecular Data with Caleydo, Ghent, (25.11.2014)
Webwissssenschaften studieren - Wofür und für wen?, Wien, (25.11.2014)
Wie trifft unser Gehirn Entscheidungen?, Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg, Imst, (19.11.2014)
Enterprise Interoperability from a Complex Adaptive Systems Point of View, , (18.11.2014)
Visual Data Science, Pro2Future Workshop: Towards a Competence Center on Products and Production of the Future in Upper Austria, Linz, (18.11.2014)
Wie trifft unser Gehirn Entscheidungen?, Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg, Fügen, (18.11.2014)
Emotion und Gehirn, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Lebensberatung, Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg, (17.11.2014)
Wie lernt das Gehirn?, Don Bosco Gymnasium Unterwaltersdorf, (14.11.2014)
Stress im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (06.11.2014)
Digital Information Literacy, , (28.10.2014)
Tage des Gehirns ?Denken, Lernen, Fühlen aus Sicht des Gehirns?, SLÖ Niederösterreich, (17.10.2014)
Glück im Gehirn, VHS Steyr und Lernwelt, Steyr, (07.10.2014)
Soziale und asoziale Gehirne: Wie entstehen sie, wie werden sie geprägt?, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (02.10.2014)
Visualizing Heterogeneous, Multi-Dimensional Data, Cambridge, MA, (24.09.2014)
Grammatikvermittlung mittels Satzklax!, eine single-page Web-Application, , (19.09.2014)
Mensch und Maschine: Ein Blick in das menschliche Gehirn, Science Brunch; Upper Austria Research Linz, (04.09.2014)
Fundamentals of Visualizing Biological Data, Boston, MA, (12.07.2014)
Towards Digital Craftsmanship, , (28.06.2014)
Essen, Gehirn und Verhalten: ein gefährliches Zusammenspiel, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (26.06.2014)
Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data for Molecular Biology, Bergen, (23.05.2014)
Stakeholder Activation Adopting Value-Driven Information Exchange, , (20.05.2014)
Warum bin ich so, wie ich bin? Gene, Umwelteinflüsse und Gehirn ab der Zeugung, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (15.05.2014)
Sprache im Gehirn sehen: Methoden der Neurowissenschaft zur Erforschung sprachlicher Phänomene, SCHEZ, Linz, (05.05.2014)
TIM - Expertentag Produktentwicklung für ein unterstütztes Leben, , (18.03.2014)
Was macht das Gehirn den ganzen Tag? Es lernt (Fremd-)Sprache!, SLÖ NÖ, Zwentendorf, (18.03.2014)
Intelligenz: Was im Kopf unserer Kinder steckt, Familien- und Sozialzentrum Schärding, (25.02.2014)
Was macht das Gehirn den ganzen Tag? Es genießt Bewegung, gutes Essen und gestaltet Freizeit!, Himberg bei Wien, (18.02.2014)
Facilitating Articulation and Reflection about Work, , (11.02.2014)
Was macht das Gehirn den ganzen Tag? Es ist für den Menschen da!, SLÖ NÖ, Amstetten, (14.01.2014)
Digitale Medien und Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (21.11.2013)
Macht liebevolle Zuwendung intelligent? Wie Gefühle das kindliche Gehirn prägen., Katholisches Bildungswerk Linz, (12.10.2013)
Embodiment: Warum Körper und Geist eine Einheit bilden, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (10.10.2013)
Gehirnforschung: Wie lernt Ihr Kind?, Volksschule Ottensheim, (08.10.2013)
Konzepte von Typescript mit Fallstudie zu struktureller statischer Typisierung, , (26.09.2013)
Wie lernt das Gehirn?, Landesschulrat Network Steiermark, Graz, (02.07.2013)
Herausforderungen und Trends im Software Engineering, Wirtschaftskammer OÖ. Linz, (20.06.2013)
Lebensspuren im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (23.05.2013)
Similarity-based clustering of compounds and its application to knowledge discovery from kernel-based QSAR models, Dagstuhl Seminar 13212 "Computational Methods Aiding Early-Stage Drug Design", (23.05.2013)
Detecting differentially expressed genes in RNA-Seq drug design studies, Dagstuhl Seminar 13212 "Computational Methods Aiding Early-Stage Drug Design", (21.05.2013)
Liebe im Gehirn, Wirtschaftsbund Oberösterreich, Linz, (29.04.2013)
Kunst im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (18.04.2013)
Gehirn für Einsteiger, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (14.03.2013)
Warum uns Gott die Liebe schenkte: Betrachtungen und Überlegungen aus Sicht des Gehirns, Katholisches Bildungswerk Oberösterreich, Wels, (08.03.2013)
Was ist Intelligenz aus Sicht des Gehirns?, SCHEZ, Linz, (05.03.2013)
Chemie der Liebe und Gehirn, Wissensturm der VHS Linz, (04.02.2013)
Mythos Lerntyp, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (22.01.2013)
Auswirkungen von Bewegung im Jugendalter auf das Gehirn: Kognitive Leistung und Emotion, Gymnasium Dachsberg, (16.11.2012)
Der Fehlerteufel im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (15.11.2012)
Fit und erfolgreich: Wie man die geistige Leistung im Unternehmen verbessert, WIFI-Unternehmer-Akademie, Linz, (05.11.2012)
Kunst im Gehirn, Donumenta, Regensburg, (27.10.2012)
Denken, Lernen, Fühlen aus Sicht der Gehirnforschung, SCHEZ, Linz, (19.10.2012)
Der Einfluss von Musik auf das Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (18.10.2012)
Lebensspuren im Gehirn: Wie das Leben unser Gehirn verändert und wie unser Gehirn das Leben beeinflusst, Lebensspurenmuseum, Wels, (10.10.2012)
Wie das Gehirn Entscheidungen trifft, welche Faktoren sie beeinflussen, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (20.09.2012)
Bewegung ist Balsam für das Gehirn, Sparkasse Oberösterreich, Wilhering, (18.09.2012)
Bewegung ist Balsam für das Gehirn, Sparkasse Oberösterreich, Vöcklabruck, (03.07.2012)
Bewegung ist Balsam für das Gehirn, Sparkasse Oberösterreich, St. Florian, (27.06.2012)
Bewegung ist Balsam für das Gehirn, Sparkasse Oberösterreich, Linz (Lederfabrik), (25.06.2012)
Aufmerksamkeit und Bewusstsein, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (14.06.2012)
Warum Laufen fit und schlau macht, Welser Running Team, Wels, (22.05.2012)
Warum Barack Obama Präsident der USA wurde: Erfolg aus Sicht des Gehirns, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (10.05.2012)
Netzwerke des Geistes, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (19.04.2012)
Bewegung ist Balsam für das Gehirn, Sparkasse Oberösterreich, Griskirchen, (18.04.2012)
Was macht das Gehirn den ganzen Tag? Es lernt (Fremd-)Sprache!, SCHEZ, Linz, (16.04.2012)
Warum das Gehirn unserer Kinder Krabbelstube und Hort braucht: Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Neurowissenschaft, Karl Renner Institut Oberösterreich, Linz, (31.03.2012)
Der Schlüssel ins Gehirn: Methoden der Neurowissenschaft, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (22.03.2012)
Zuhören und Spracherwerb - Welche Rolle spielt das Gehirn?, Leipzig, (15.03.2012)
Vortragstyp: Hauptvortrag / Eingeladener Vortrag auf einer Tagung
Keynote IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES), , (17.12.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Ramsau, (06.12.2024)
Wie funktioniert KI?, Hotel At the Park, Baden bei Wien, (24.10.2024)
Towards Integrating Emerging AI Applications in SE Education, JKU Linz online, (30.07.2024)
Transportation Revolution Through Automation, , (11.06.2024)
Enhancing Road Safety in Automated Driving: Exploring the Human Factor, Vulnerable Road Users, and Mixed Traffic Scenarios, , (02.06.2024)
Wie funktioniert KI?, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, (16.05.2024)
Features Integration in Last Mile Delivery Robots, , (02.05.2024)
Towards Carbon-Neutral and Eco-Friendly Mobility through Intelligent Transportation Systems, , (26.02.2024)
Towards Expressive Artificial Musical Co-performers: The ACCompanion Story, , (01.12.2023)
Uneasy Questions for Quantitative Evaluation of AI models of Music Performance, , (01.12.2023)
Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering - Keynote Speaker, Engineering Digital Twin Workshop, POEM 2023, Wien, (29.11.2023)
Cooperative Artificial Intelligence (ICAMSAC 2023, Bali, Indonesia), Bali, (21.11.2023)
University Accessibility Education, Brussels, (13.10.2023)
A Model-based Mode-switching Framework based on Security Vulnerability Scores, WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH, Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Weg 29, Hamburg, (12.10.2023)
ERP Systeme & Digitale Transformation, Keynotespeaker, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, (11.10.2023)
A Tour on CDL-MINT - with a Focus on Consistency and Runtime, Keynote Speaker, Haus der Kirche, Bad Herrenalb, Baden Württemberg, (09.10.2023)
Künstliche Intelligenz und Musikforschung - Praktische Studien zur Musikinterpretation, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, (05.10.2023)
Out-of-the-Box Testing and Debugging Techniques for Domain-Specific Languages - Keynote Speaker, Workshop MLE, co-located with Models 2023, Västeras, (01.10.2023)
Implementing accessibility in university curricula - ATHENA project, Paris - Aubervilliers, (29.08.2023)
Value Based Prioritization of Requirements in Software Engineering Education, Tokyo, Japan, (07.08.2023)
Next Generation Digital Systems: The Convergence of AI, Blockchain, and Quantum Computing (NGDS'23, Morocco), Casablanca, (13.07.2023)
ParaDime: A Framework for Parametric Dimensionality Reduction, Leipzig, (15.06.2023)
Digitaler Stress: Forschungsbefunde und Praxisimplikationen, München, (16.05.2023)
Wellness für das Gehirn, St. Johann am Wimberg, (21.04.2023)
Learning Analytics - Vergleich der Artemis-Nutzung in zwei Studienjahrgängen, Innsbruck, Universität, (17.03.2023)
Software Engineering for Digital Twins, Hotel Monte Sella, San Vigilio di Marebbe, (06.02.2023)
Access Control in Information Systems, Ho Chi Minh City, (23.11.2022)
Climate-Neutral and Sustainable Mobility Through Intelligent Transportation Systems, , (15.11.2022)
Sustainable Mobility through ITS Technologies, , (10.11.2022)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Saalfelden, (22.10.2022)
The Role of Automation and Connectivity on Sustainable Mobility, , (18.10.2022)
Artificial Intelligence at the Edge - Keynote at the 2nd International Congress on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS'22), 21-25 June 2022, Faculty of Sciences, University Moulay Ismail, Meknes, Morocco, Online-Vortrag, (21.06.2022)
Smart Transportation through Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, online, (17.06.2022)
Towards Agile Sustainability ? Are we on Track?, Online, (13.06.2022)
Interaction Human-Vehicular Robots: the role of trust, online, (23.05.2022)
Software Modellierung im Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0 - Software Quality Days 2022 Keynote Speaker, Austria Center Vienna, (19.05.2022)
Digital Skills Needs for WISEs of Tomorrow, Zagreb, (05.05.2022)
Autonomous Vehicles, when will they be on our roads, , (06.04.2022)
Model Management for Digital Twins, FOSD Meeting 2022 - Keynote Speaker, Wien, (30.03.2022)
Cloud & Edge Computing: Quo vadis? - Talk at the thematic school (THEMA 2022) on Smart Industry 4.0 Technologies and Their Applications, February 23-24, 2022, Rabat, Morocco, Online-Vortrag, (23.02.2022)
Digitalisierung für und in Unternehmen, Online Tagung, (14.12.2021)
Efficient Training of Audio Transformers with Patchout, virtual conference, (07.12.2021)
Seeing through Forrest (keynote talk), online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant in Washington)), (19.11.2021)
Receptive Field Regularization Techniques for AudioClassification and Tagging, virtual conference, (16.11.2021)
Knowledge Graph OLAP, Online Conference, (10.11.2021)
Computational Expressivity in Music, BERLIN, (08.11.2021)
Keynote "Intelligence in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" at ICIC APTIKOM 2021, online aufgrund Covid-19 (geplant in Jakarta, Indonesia), (03.11.2021)
Managing Quality in Software and Systems Engineering: A Modeling Perspective - QUATIC 2021 Keynote Speaker, Online, (09.09.2021)
Closing Remarks IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2021, , (12.07.2021)
Why Notation Matters and How Language Engineering Can Help - Keynote Speaker FPVM 2021, virtual due Covid-19 (planned in NOR/Bergen), (22.06.2021)
Robots in Intelligent Transportation Systems, , (11.06.2021)
Cyber-Physical Production Systems: When Software Engineering meets Systems Engineering, JKU LIT OIC, (09.06.2021)
Seeing through Forrest, , (16.02.2021)
From Model Versioning to Variability-Augmented Modelling Technologies - VaMos 2021 Keynote Speaker, Online-Konferenz aufgrund Covid19, (09.02.2021)
Seeing through Forrest, , (21.12.2020)
Intelligent Technologies for Efficient Mobility and Transport, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: USA), (30.11.2020)
Mechanismen des Lernens und des Vergessens im Gehirn, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: DEU), (26.11.2020)
Motivation und Entscheidungsfindung im Gehirn, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (17.11.2020)
Intelligent Vehicles ? Automated Vehicles Impact on Road Users and Safety, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: USA), (05.11.2020)
MODELS 2020 Panel Speaker - Modeling in the era of data, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: CAN), (22.10.2020)
QUATIC DS (SEDES) 2020 Keynote Speaker - Design Science for Software and Systems Engineering, Online Konferenz wegen COVID 19, (08.10.2020)
Modeling Language Engineering 4.0: From Design-Time to Runtime and Back Again - EDOC 2020 Keynote Speaker, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: NLD), (07.10.2020)
The Next Level of Automated Data Quality Measurement, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: USA), (19.08.2020)
Body and Mind: How your body enhances second language learning, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: DEU), (28.05.2020)
Behavioral Interfaces for Executable DSLs, Virtual Conference due to COVID19, (25.02.2020)
Winter Modeling Meeting 2020, St. Vigil in Enneberg, (18.01.2020)
Sozio-technisches Design sozio-technischer Systeme, , (12.12.2019)
Trust and Knowledge Processing, Nha Trang, Telecommunications University, (29.11.2019)
Research and Development in ICT for better Inclusion of People with Disabilities, , (28.11.2019)
Überblicksvortrag neue Medien, Basel, (20.11.2019)
Beyond Business Analytics: From Data to Decision - Caveats and Pitfalls, Tabakfabrik Linz, (16.11.2019)
CON ESPRESSIONE, Bukarest, (15.11.2019)
Web-Accessibility ? Wirtschaftliche und soziale Innovation, OCG Wien, (07.11.2019)
Interaction with Vehicular Robots, , (05.11.2019)
Human Machine Interaction in a vehicular environment, , (04.11.2019)
The Effect of Vehicle Automation on Road Safety, , (04.11.2019)
Big Data for Smart Healthy Aging, Tangerang, (30.10.2019)
Software-Entwicklung im Lichte kultureller Unterschiede, GI Tagung Lörrach, (25.10.2019)
Knowledge-assisted Visual Analytics meets Guidance and Onboarding, Vancouver, Canada, (24.10.2019)
Visualizing Multivariate Networks, Vancouver, Canada, (20.10.2019)
Beweg dich! Wie Sport unser Gehirn verändert, Internationales Eröffnungssymposiums des Zentrums für klinische Neuroplastizität, (19.10.2019)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Reed Messe, Wien, (12.10.2019)
Design Science for Model-Driven Software and Systems Engineering, Munich, (17.09.2019)
Visual Data Science & Explainable AI, Berlin, (17.09.2019)
Assistive Technology Best Practices and Challenges in Higher Education in Europe, Bologna, (30.08.2019)
Automating Data Quality Measurement with Tools: State-of-the-Art and Future Potential, MIT, Cambridge, MA, (02.08.2019)
Business Analytics: From Data to Decision - Caveats and Pitfalls, Wien, (06.06.2019)
Reflections on Teaching Computing, Wien, (03.06.2019)
Anregungen zur Entwicklung der Sozietät, , (25.04.2019)
Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit und Aktualität ? Ohne Stammdatenqualität keine Wirtschaft 4.0, Vienna, (29.01.2019)
Informatik als Schlüsseldisziplin der Zukunft, Austrian Computer Society, Vienna, (03.12.2018)
Analytical Query Patterns: Domain Independent and Domain Specific Cores of Analytical Queries, Schloß Dagstuhl Dagstuhl, (23.11.2018)
ERP-Systeme - Hemmschuh oder Vorbedingung für die digitale Transformation?, , (13.11.2018)
Juniper: A Tree+Table Approach to Multivariate Graph Visualization, Berlin, (25.10.2018)
(e)Accessibility, Barcelona, (05.10.2018)
Artificial Intelligence - Unterstützung für IR oder Konkurrenz?, Salzburg, (13.09.2018)
Assistierende Technologien: Barrieren abbauen, Brücken schlagen, Zürich, (04.09.2018)
From Big Data to Smart Data, , (07.08.2018)
Intelligence in the Age of Big Data, Tanjir, (12.07.2018)
Big Data for Smart Healthy Aging, Bejing, (27.06.2018)
Developements in AT and eAccessibility over the past 20 years, Paris, (14.06.2018)
High Data Quality as Prerequisite for Information Excellence, Linz, (05.06.2018)
Assistive Technology and Accessibility: Prerequisite, Risk and Responsibility for an Inclusive School and Society, Koper, (24.05.2018)
Advanced and Emerging Solutions: ICT and AT in Education of Low Vision and Blind People, Sofia, (25.04.2018)
The only thing stable is change. Coping with the challenges of the information age in service provision, Stockholm, (18.04.2018)
PROQUALIS: We do it our way! People with Cognitive Disability (PwCD) taking over ownership!, Macau, (16.04.2018)
Deep Learning is Revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence, Prag, (24.03.2018)
Information and Communication Technology, Assistive Technology, Accessibility, , (01.02.2018)
Exklusion -> Inklusion und die Rolle neuer Technologien, Schloss Hartheim Alkoven, (26.01.2018)
Über den Umgang mit Heterogenität in Großlehrveranstaltungen, Graz, (21.11.2017)
Deep Learning in Big Pharma, Graz, Messe Graz, (16.11.2017)
Mechanismen der Kooperation im Gehirn, Land OÖ, (04.10.2017)
Search at Petabyte Scale: Approximate-Nearest-Neighbor-Suche, Heidelberg, (27.09.2017)
Deep Learning is Evolving into the Key Technology of Artificial Intelligence, WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, (04.09.2017)
Deep Learning: More Than Classification, WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, (04.09.2017)
Omnipresent Multimedia - Pain and Gain of the Always Connected Paradigm, Lyon, (28.08.2017)
Deep Learning ? Mo?glichkeiten, Chancen und Konflikte, Alpbach, (25.08.2017)
Data Intelligence: Intelligence in the Age of Big Data, Bali, (08.08.2017)
Assisting People with Nystagmus Through Image Stabilization: Using an ARX Model to Overcome Processing Delays, , (12.07.2017)
Unser Gehirn, unser Potenzial: Warum lernen in der Kindheit und Jugend so wichtig ist, Land OÖ, (27.04.2017)
Omnipresent Multimedia - enabling new ways of communication and cooperation, Fes, (17.04.2017)
Tag des Gehirns: Gehirngerechtes Lernen, AKH Wien, (30.03.2017)
AT and eAccessibility - Public Private Partnership, , (28.03.2017)
Neurowissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Spracherwerb - Spracherwerbsstörungen, Wien, (23.01.2017)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Artificial Intelligence, Universität Tübingen, DE, (13.01.2017)
First Steps with Virtual Trainers Teaching Second Language, Nijmegen, (13.01.2017)
Engineering the "Cloud within us", Rabat, (16.12.2016)
Knowledge Processing and Security Aspects for the Agricultural Domain, Can Tho City, (23.11.2016)
Das Bild vom Menschen in der Wirtschaft, , (21.11.2016)
Computer und Musikinterpretation: Eine Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Artificial Intelligence Forschung, Linz, Ars Electronica Center, (12.11.2016)
Digitaler Stress: Forschungsergebnisse und Bewältigungsstrategien, Wien, (09.11.2016)
Digitaler Stress als Killer von Gesundheit und Produktivität: Was CIOs darüber wissen sollten, Loipersdorf, (18.10.2016)
Barrierefreie Literatur als Voraussetzung für ein Studium für blinde und sehbehinderte Studierende, , (13.10.2016)
Converging Technologies for the Web of Everything - People included, Santa Marta, (12.10.2016)
Zukunftsbilder, , (30.09.2016)
Gehirn für EinsteigerInnen, Wien, (29.09.2016)
Energy Efficiency in Mobility-Driven Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, Trinity College Dublin, (13.09.2016)
Computational Music Perception, JKU Linz, (12.09.2016)
Towards a Transparent, Flexible, and Scalable Image Sensor, Heidelberg, (26.07.2016)
May I Have Your Attention, Please?, Linz, (15.07.2016)
The World beyond the Web Pages: Impact of the ?Web of Things? for Users with Special Needs, Linz, (15.07.2016)
Low Cost Assistive Technology Solutions for Everyday Living, Learning and Working, Linz, (14.07.2016)
The Evolution of Responsibility in the Anthropocene, Linz, (13.07.2016)
Towards a Flexible, Scalable, and Transparent Thin-Film Camera, Hannover, (22.06.2016)
Leveraging Provenance for Storytelling and Reproducibility, Groeningen, (07.06.2016)
The Cloud is not "there", We are the cloud!, Florianopolis, (18.05.2016)
Taking Cooperation to the Cloud, Bandung, (26.04.2016)
Importance Weights for RNNs, Sestri Levante, (30.03.2016)
Die Partnerschaft von IT & Management als Schlüssel zum Erfolg, Waidhofen/Ybbs, (01.03.2016)
Systeme von Systemen, , (09.12.2015)
Big Data & Web Intelligence: Turing in Reverse, Jakarta, (27.10.2015)
Body talk: Wie Sprache und Körper im Gehirn eine Einheit bilden, Biologicum Almtal, (08.10.2015)
PONS ? Mobility Assistance on Footpaths for Public Transportation, Budapest, (11.09.2015)
Listener-aware Music Search and Recommendation, Porto, (07.09.2015)
Deep Learning a Data-Intensive HPC Application, Frankfurt am Main, (14.07.2015)
Body and Mind: Wie das Gehirn Sprache lernt, Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol, (13.07.2015)
Deep Learning for target and toxicity prediction, Brüssel, (02.06.2015)
Lernen, soziales Verhalten und Erziehung: Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Gehirnforschung und Implikationen auf das soziale Lernen und Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für OÖ, (01.06.2015)
Toxicity Prediction using Deep Learning, Bertinoro, (28.05.2015)
Long Short-Term Memory for Uniform Credit Assignment, Bertinoro, (26.05.2015)
Rectified Factor Networks, Bertinoro, (26.05.2015)
LumiConSense: towards a fully transparent, flexible, and scalable thin-film image-sensor, Beijing, (25.04.2015)
Kohärenz ? Schlüsselkonstrukt zu sozio-technischem Design?, , (30.03.2015)
Laudatio für Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Fuch-Kittowski zum 80. Geburtstag, , (30.03.2015)
Captioning and Sign Language: State of the Art, , (17.03.2015)
Advanced and Emerging Solutions: ICT and AT in Education of Low Vision and Blind Students, Athens, (13.02.2015)
Cognitive Accessibility, Mountain View, (10.02.2015)
The Human Face of Mobile, Kaohsiung, (08.12.2014)
Dumb Web, Smart Web, Knowledgable Web, Hanoi, (04.12.2014)
Warum digitale Barrierefreiheit für alle immer wichtiger wird, Berlin, (02.12.2014)
Current Trends in Database Research, , (26.11.2014)
Sifting through the Rubble of Big Data, Jakarta, (03.11.2014)
Decision Making, Personality and Emotions, Bolzano, (18.09.2014)
Angenommene und erlebte Stigmatisierung - Differenzen zwischen Eigen- und Fremdsicht von Studierenden mit Nicht-Sichtbarer Behinderung, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, (12.09.2014)
It is not just a word, it is a sentence! S-BPM (Subject-oriented Business Process Management) Revisited, , (15.07.2014)
A Mobile Guidance Platform for Public Transportation, , (09.07.2014)
Automated Configuration of Applications for People with Specific Needs, , (09.07.2014)
Wie funktioniert Sprache im Gehirn?, Bratislava, Sprachsymposium (Amt der NÖ Landesregierung), (02.06.2014)
Predicting Drug-Target Interactions on Massive Data using Machine Learning, Brüssel, (27.05.2014)
Unterstützung von Studierenden mit kognitiven Behinderung, , (26.05.2014)
Dropout, National Institute of Informatics, NII Shonan Meeting, Shonan Village Center, (20.05.2014)
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), National Institute of Informatics, NII Shonan Meeting, Shonan Village Center, (20.05.2014)
Integration ist ? was wir daraus machen! ? Potenziale entfalten, Innovation ermöglichen., OÖ Kulturquartier, 7. Integrationskonferenz des Landes Oberösterreich, (14.05.2014)
Sifting through the Rubble of Big Data, Bali, (15.04.2014)
What Really Moves Us in Music: Expressivity as a Challenge to Semantic Audio Research, London, (28.01.2014)
Accessible Coference Organisation AAATE Meeting, Bologna, (17.01.2014)
Fremdsprache im Gehirn, TELC Schulkongress in NRW, Köln, (23.11.2013)
Integriert Studieren - 20 Jahre zwischen Wünsche, Anforderungen und Wirklichkeit der Inklusion an der Universität, St. Pölten, (27.09.2013)
Coding for a Cause Competition, Vilamoura, (20.09.2013)
Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr, SLÖ Kärnten, Villach, (08.06.2013)
Mehrere Sprachen in einem Gehirn. Wie funktioniert Mehrsprachigkeit?, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark Graz, (20.04.2013)
(Fremd)Sprache im Gehirn, Niederösterreichische Akademie, Lanzenkirchen, (14.03.2013)
Lebensspuren im Gehirn, Salzburger Bildungswerk, (11.03.2013)
Come apprende il cervello, Istituto Comprensivo di Gonars, Udine, (25.02.2013)
Development and evaluation of systems engineering strategies: An assessment-based approach, Vienna, Austria, (15.01.2013)
Projekt Gehirn: Wie pädagogische Arbeit Gene verändern kann, Linz/Leonding, (28.11.2012)
Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmer mehr...? Gehirnforschung und (Fremd-)Sprachenlernen, Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland, Eisenstadt, (27.09.2012)
Die Rolle der Emotionen beim Fremdsprachenlernen, TELC, Frankfurt am Main, (08.06.2012)
Warum Erwachsene Fremdsprachen "schwer(er)" lernen, TELC, Frankfurt am Main, (08.06.2012)
Anti-Aging für das Gehirn, SELBA, Wels, (01.06.2012)
Omnipresent Multimedia - enabling new ways of communication and cooperation, Linz, (17.08.2010)
Machine Learning Challenges in Bioinformatics, Porto, (11.09.2007)
Informationstechnologie als Werkzeug fuer Alle, Eisenstadt, (07.10.2004)
Wohin fahren wir in Zukunft am Datenhighway?, , (07.07.2004)
Vortragstyp: Eingeladener Vortrag an Universität
Seeing through Forest - Real-Time Occlusion Removal with Airborne Optical Sectioning, Lausanne, Switzerland, (26.08.2024)
Business Analytics and Technology Transformation in Air Traffic Management, Logan, UT, (13.08.2024)
Using Large Language Models and Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Automatic Evaluation of Value-Added Tax Cases in Austrian Tax Law, Provo, UT, (08.08.2024)
Privacy-Preserving Optimization in Time-Critical Settings, University of South Australia (UniSA), Industrial AI Research Centre, (12.07.2024)
Distinguished Lecturer RAS technical activities Vimal Jyothi Engineering College and College of Engineering Trivandrum, India, , (20.03.2024)
VIS4ML & ML4Vis - Bridging Algorithm and User-Focused Perspectives (invited talk), Zürich, (28.02.2024)
JKU Visual Data Science Lab (invited talk), MED Campus Linz, (16.02.2024)
Metaverse Design by Digital Twins: It is the Process, St?..!, FH Steyr, (20.11.2023)
Quantum computing - from fundamentals to first quantum algorithms, Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, (09.11.2023)
Presenting JKU and the Department of Business Informatics, Research Talk on Technology Transformation in Air Traffic Management (Schütz), Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), Amman, (31.08.2023)
Seeing through Forest - Real-Time Occlusion Removal with Airborne Optical Sectioning, Cambridge, UK, (20.07.2023)
Knowledge Graph Support for Descriptive Business Analytics, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, (31.03.2023)
Technology Transformation in Air Traffic Management: From Information Filtering and Integration to Predictive Analytics and Optimization, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi, (27.03.2023)
Experimental Studies of Selected Wireless Networked Applications: Human-Drone Teaming and Distance Estimation, Leuven, (17.03.2023)
AirborneOptical Sectioning for Search and Rescue (LIT Lecture), JKU Linz, (15.03.2023)
What Causes Videoconference Fatigue? A Conceptual Framework, Queen's University Kingston, (10.02.2023)
Technostress: How it destroys and how to deal with it, Montreal, (07.02.2023)
Autonomus and Connected Vehicles, , (23.01.2023)
Python Frameworks for Algorithms and Data Structures, Krems, (10.01.2023)
Embodiment and second language learning, TU Graz, (24.11.2022)
Git-basiertes Qualitätsmonitoring und von Systems Engineering Modellen, Paderborn, (17.11.2022)
Embodiment and Second Language Learning, , (03.11.2022)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt danke, Krems, (12.09.2022)
Cooperative Artificial Intelligence - Invited lecture at the Information Systems Group at Tallinn University of Technology (TALTECH), Tallinn, Estonia, Tallinn University of Technology, (27.07.2022)
Enabling Recognition of Digital Opportunities, , (07.07.2022)
Analyse von Artemis Logging-Daten, Wien, (31.05.2022)
Self-Driving Vehicles: Where are we right now?, , (16.03.2022)
SlotMachine: A Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for Air Traffic Flow Management Slots, Universität Konstanz, (16.03.2022)
Seeing through Forrest (Invited Talk), Universität der Bundeswehr München, (15.03.2022)
Vernetzung und Automatisierung im Transport, , (07.03.2022)
KI-gestützte forensische Untersuchungsmethoden, Linz, (02.10.2021)
Seeing through Forrest, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, (29.09.2021)
Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Software-Entwicklung (Vorlesung), , (04.08.2021)
Seeing through Forrest, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant in Washington), (20.07.2021)
Visual Exploration of Patterns and Relationships in Low-Dimensional Embeddings, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (21.05.2021)
Vehicle Automation, online, (19.05.2021)
Digital Transformation: Strategies and Individual Readiness, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: TUR), (16.11.2020)
Seeing through Forrest, Graz, TU, (04.11.2020)
Vorlesung: Vorgehensmodelle Methoden, Vorgehen, Werkzeuge - Duale Hochschule Baden- Württemberg Lörrach, Deutschland, Baden- Württemberg Lörrach, (22.10.2020)
Vorlesung: Software-Entwicklung im Lichte kultureller Unterschiede - Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach, Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg Lörrach, (15.06.2020)
ITS Development in Europe: Connected and Automated Vehicles, , (06.03.2020)
Light Field Reloaded, University of Arizona, Tucson, (11.02.2020)
Light Fields Reloaded, EPLF, Lausanne, (12.12.2019)
Traffic Modelling and Simulation, , (12.12.2019)
Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Biomolecular Data, University of Vienna, (14.11.2019)
OLAP Patterns: Elements of Reusable Data Analysis, School of Computer Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand, (31.10.2019)
Reflections on Multi-Level Modeling, Bergen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, (24.10.2019)
Individual Digital Readiness of Organization Members: Conceptualization and Scale Development, , (16.07.2019)
Intelligent Music Processing: Artificial Intelligence Meets Music, Charles University, (05.03.2019)
Light Field Reloaded, Erlangen, (21.02.2019)
Light Field Reloaded, München, (17.01.2019)
Memory Systems in the brain and how they master language learning, Wien, (20.11.2018)
When your virtual trainer knows about your brain ?, Johannes Kepler Universita?t Linz, (14.11.2018)
Light Field Reloaded - Designs to Structured Light (keynote address), Wien, TU Wien, (25.10.2018)
Light Field Reloaded (ceremonial address), Festkolloquiumsvortrag IGD Rostock, (18.10.2018)
Multi-Modal Joint Embedding Space Learning for Cross-Modalit Retrieval, Med-Uni Wien, (16.10.2018)
Leveraging Provenance for Storytelling, Reproducibility, and Recall, Salt Lake City, UT, (12.07.2018)
Multi-Dimensional Data Vis in Drug Discovery: From Target Identification to Validation, Cambridge, U.K., (13.06.2018)
DeepSynergy: predicting anti-cancer drug synergy with Deep Learning, Cambridge, (16.05.2018)
Human-Interpretable AI, , (03.05.2018)
If Only I knew that 33 years ago !!, A commencement speech at Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University [UIN], Jakarta, (02.05.2018)
The Editor Guide to Getting Published, Workshop at Al Azhar University Indonesia, UAI, Jakarta, (02.05.2018)
The Editor Guide to Getting Published, Workshop at Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University, UIN-Bandung, Bandung, (23.04.2018)
Leveraging Provenance for Storytelling, Reproducibility, and Recall, Darmstadt, (16.03.2018)
Leveraging Provenance for Storytelling, Reproducibility, and Recall, Groningen, (14.03.2018)
Injecting Life into Visualizations for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, (07.03.2018)
Measuring, Evaluation and Improving Design Quality, University Hamburg, (06.12.2017)
Research Talk "Analyzing and Exploiting User-generated Listening Data for Listener Modeling and Music Recommendation, Barcelona, (15.11.2017)
Multi-Modal Joint Embedding Space Learning for Cross-Modalit Retrieval, Wien, (16.10.2017)
Deep Learning in Physics: From the Higgs Boson to Quantum Chemistry, Institut für Hochenergiephysik der österr. Akad. der Wissenschaften, Wien, (22.08.2017)
A Survey for Volunteer Management Systems - State of the Art and Future Perspectives, University of Western Sydney, (18.08.2017)
A Survey on Volunteer Management Systems State of the Art and Future, Western Sydney University, School of Computing, Engineering & Mathematics, (18.08.2017)
Deep Learning in Health and Life Sciences, FH St. Pölten, (30.06.2017)
From Visual Exploration of Biomedical Data to Storytelling and Back Again, Edinburgh, (20.04.2017)
Component-based CPS, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, (10.04.2017)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Artificial Intelligence, Universität Hamburg, (31.03.2017)
NutzerInnen als InnovatorInnen in Gestaltung und Erweiterung von Informationssystemen und Informationsgütern, Johannes Kepler Universität, (20.03.2017)
Warum Musik hilft, Fremdsprache zu lernen, Anton Bruckner Privatuniverstität Linz Linz, (03.03.2017)
From Visual Exploration to Storytelling and Back Again, Thuwal, (27.02.2017)
The Interplay of Physical Mobility and Wireless Networked Systems, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, (21.02.2017)
Compressive Sensing for Imaging and Illumination, DAQRI/TU Graz, (16.12.2016)
Cloud computing and its use, Université Moulay Ismail, Meknès, (15.12.2016)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Philipps-Universität Marburg, (11.11.2016)
Articulation and Alignment of Knowledge about Organizational Work, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, (10.11.2016)
NeuroIS: Some Fundamentals, HEC Montréal, (25.10.2016)
Searching for a Needle in a Data Stack: How Visualization Helps to Understand Biomedical Data, JKU Linz, (20.10.2016)
From Visual Exploration to Storytelling and Back Again, Vienna, (07.10.2016)
UAV Networks - Are They Something Special? Challenges and Opportunities in Networks of UAVs, Uppsala University, (22.09.2016)
Listener- and Context-sensitive Music Information Research, Reykjavik University, (25.08.2016)
Conceptualizing Analytics: A Conceptual-Modeling Perspective on Grasping Complex Information, College of Management, University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB), (24.08.2016)
Results from a decade of design science research on supporting reflection-on-action for organizational design via collaborative conceptual modeling techniques, HAN University of Applied Sciences, (28.06.2016)
Adaptive Music Retrieval and Recommender Systems, FH Hagenberg, (17.05.2016)
Deep Learning in Drug Desig, Cambridge, U.K. Cambridge, (26.04.2016)
Privacy on the Web, University of Arizona, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (07.04.2016)
Literacy in socio-technical dichotomies, , (10.12.2015)
Begabung und Lernschwäche am Beispiel Fremdsprache, Schez und Bruckner Privatuniversität, (09.12.2015)
Teaching Plastic Film How To See, TU Darmstadt, (03.12.2015)
ModelPlex: Verified Runtime Validation of CPS Models, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, (30.10.2015)
Hetero-Homogeneous Data Warehouses, University of South Australia (UniSA), School of Computer & Information Systems Adelaide, (02.10.2015)
Mündigkeit für den Umgang mit sozio-technischen Dichotomien, Berlin, (26.08.2015)
Coherent Design ? Taking Stakeholder Perspectives in Open System Development, Bochum, (18.08.2015)
Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating? Subsets Across Tabular Data, Virtual Reality and Visualization Research Group, (07.07.2015)
Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous ?Biomolecular Data, Dept. of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research, (19.06.2015)
Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating ?Subsets Across Tabular Data, London, City University London, (13.05.2015)
Ontologies and OLAP, Université François Rabelais de Tours, (13.05.2015)
Embodiment and second language learning: Mapping multi-sensory experience into linguistic representation, Universität Leiden, (07.04.2015)
Teaching second language with gestures: How the body helps the mind, Universität Leiden, (07.04.2015)
Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating ?Subsets Across Tabular Data, University of Vienna, VDA Colloquium, (12.02.2015)
Depth of encoding through gestures in foreign language word learning, University College London, (10.01.2015)
Judgement and Analysis Rules for Ontology-driven Comparative Data Analysis in Data Warehouses, Skövde, (05.12.2014)
Research Talk "Intelligent Music Access Systems", Wien, (12.11.2014)
Reuniting back the body and the mind: How gesture empowers language learning, Natbrainlab Centre for Neuroimaging Science, King's College London, (10.11.2014)
Second language learning with gestures, Donders Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen, (28.10.2014)
Hybrid Systems Engineering - Verified Runtime Validation and Proof-Aware Refactoring, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, (19.09.2014)
Dual Deep Instantiation - A Modeling Technique for Multi-Level Abstraction, Zürich, (06.08.2014)
Visual Analysis of Tabular Data Subsets, Boston, MA, (08.07.2014)
Musik im Gehirn, Anton Bruckner Privatuniverstität Linz Linz, (23.06.2014)
Research Talk "User-aware Music Retrieval", Hagenberg, (16.06.2014)
LumiConSense: Towards a Fully Transparent, Flexible, and Scalable Thin-Film Image- and Depth-Sensor, Graz, (06.06.2014)
Multilevel Business Process Modeling, ETH Zürich, Dept. of Computer Science, Global Information Systems Group, (04.04.2014)
Related Event Management Tool for Conferences in the Accessibility & AT Field, San Diego, (20.03.2014)
Suche nach der Nadel im Genhaufen: Wie Visualisierung hilft, Krebs zu verstehen, JKU Linz, (18.02.2014)
"Watermarking and tracing strategies for information systems - Unique challenges of relational database watermarking",, , (11.02.2014)
Scenarios for Collaborative Architectures for Monetizing Broadcast Archive Clips, , (23.01.2014)
AT Certification , HFB Trust Meeting, Liverpool, (17.12.2013)
Identity by Descent - Applications in Disease Mapping and Population Genetics, Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck, (11.12.2013)
Unterstützung von Studierenden mit kognitiven Behinderungen, Oberösterreich, (07.05.2013)
Body and Mind: Improving language learning with your body, Universität Bielefeld, Institut für künstliche Intelligenz, (14.01.2013)
"Embodiement of language: the tight connection between body and mind", Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Institut für kognitive Psychologie und Neurowissenschaft, (26.11.2012)
AWPS - an architecture for pro active web performance management, , (04.05.2011)
Software-Verkostung - Ein neuer Ansatz zur Validierung von Software Qualitätsmanagement-Werkzeugen, JKU, LInz, (23.04.2010)
Vortragstyp: Präsentation in Radio/TV
C. Sistemas de transporte inteligentes: el reto de la conducción autónoma. Mateadictos:Un rompecabezas geométrico, , (29.09.2023)
Autonomes Fahren: Zukunft im Transport, , (23.09.2023)
Paketzustellung per Roboter?, , (05.10.2022)
Automating Data Quality Measurement with Tools: State-of-the-Art and Future Potential, MIT, Cambridge, MA, (31.07.2019)
Internet der Dinge: So verändern vernetzte Geräte unser Leben, , (23.10.2017)
FLY - Financial Literacy for You, , (05.05.2015)
Treffpunkt Wissenschaft - Live Gespräch, ORF Oberösterreich Linz, (20.06.2012)
Was heisst Exzellenz? Forschung an der Johannes Kepler Universitaet, Linz, (17.03.2010)
FemTech Expertin des Monats, , (29.01.2009)
Digital Graffiti, ORF II - Oberösterreich Heute, (07.02.2005)
INSTAR - Prototyp eines Augmented Reality basierten Navigationssystems, ORF, (15.11.2004)
Vortragstyp: Vortrag auf einer Tagung (referiert)
An Experimental Evaluation of the Capability of Large Language Models to Reason About Value-Added Tax Cases in Austrian Tax Law, Bangkok, (14.12.2024)
Scopes of Governance in Data Spaces, Canberra, (05.12.2024)
Triggering Learning Processes to Facilitate Project-based Learning., Berlin, (29.11.2024)
Generation of Information - a Caveat for Creative Scientific Work? Learner Support in Times of Large Language Model Tools., Stuttgart, (25.11.2024)
AWARE - Achieving Human-Machine Collaboration with Artificial Situational Awareness ? Can AI Learn to Understand Human Intent?, Rom, (14.11.2024)
Towards Goal-Oriented Volunteering LLMs to the Rescue? (ICECCME 2025, 4-6. November 2024, Maldives), , (04.11.2024)
Efficiently Training Neural Networks for Imperfect Information Games by Sampling Information Sets, , (26.09.2024)
Integrating Naturalistic Insights in Objective Multi-Vehicle Safety Framework, , (25.09.2024)
NeuroIS Workshop, , (16.09.2024)
Developing and Operating Digital Process Twins While Preserving Autonomy in CPS, , (13.09.2024)
Using Machine Learning to Identify Incorrect Value-Added Tax Reports, Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utha, U.S.A., (17.08.2024)
Learning With Generalised Card Representations for "Magic: The Gathering", , (08.08.2024)
Competence-based Assessment of Programming Assignments, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, (01.08.2024)
Digital Twins for IoT Systems: Exploiting Synergies between Industry and Academia, Enschede, (17.07.2024)
Using Genetic Algorithms for Privacy- Preserving Multi-Objective Assignment Problems in Time-Critical Settings: An Application in Air Traffic Flow Management, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), (17.07.2024)
Assistive Technologies in Austria: Exploring the Impact of Legal Frameworks and Subsidies, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, (12.07.2024)
Bridging the Gap: A Comprehensive European Strategy for Digital Skills Development in Work Integration Social Enterprises, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, (12.07.2024)
Exploring Space: User Interfaces for Blind and Visually Impaired People for Spatial and Non-verbal Information, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, (12.07.2024)
Bridging the Higher Education Gap: Exploring the Integration of Accessibility and Universal Design in Higher Education Curricula, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, (11.07.2024)
Words Unleashed: A Systematic Literature Review Study on the Use of Current Assistive Technology for Adults with Dyslexia, Linz, (11.07.2024)
Accessibility in the Software Engineering (SE) Process and in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): A Systematic Literature Review, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, (10.07.2024)
Comparison of Access Control Approaches for Graph-Structured Data, Dijon, Frankreich, (10.07.2024)
Enhancing Accessibility through ICT Trends for Extraocular Muscles Prosthesis Implant: A Comprehensive Literature Review, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, (10.07.2024)
Towards Quantum-based Graph Matching for IoT Systems, Enschede, (10.07.2024)
A Method for Template-based Architecture Modeling and its Application to Digital Twins, Enschede, (09.07.2024)
Privacy-Preserving and Fairness-Aware Optimization in the Time-Critical Setting of Air Traffic Flow Management, Pacifico Yokohama Convention Center, (04.07.2024)
Digital Process Twins for Interleaving Requirements Elicitation and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems, , (26.06.2024)
On Transferability of Driver Observation Models from Simulated to Real Environments in Autonomous Cars, , (12.06.2024)
Remarks on the Status of NeuroIS, Wien, (10.06.2024)
Cyber-Resilient Edge Computing: A Holistic Approach with Multi-Level MAPE-K Loops, Hyderabad, (07.06.2024)
The Role of SOCs for Critical Infrastructure Providers, , (27.05.2024)
A Feature Comparison Study of Live Companion Tools for Esports Games, Worcester, MA, (22.05.2024)
Modeling of IoT Systems Behavior: A Subject-Oriented Reference Model, , (22.05.2024)
Three Stances in Enterprise System Design, , (22.05.2024)
Visualization of Player Movement Patterns with Line Integral Convolution and Alpha Shapes, Worcester, MA, (22.05.2024)
An Aspect-Oriented Extension of the Parallel Activity Specification Schema: A First Draft, , (21.05.2024)
How Business Process Modeling Can Benefit from Rhetorical Structure Theory, , (21.05.2024)
Towards Resilient Digital Supply Chains, , (21.05.2024)
A Learning Analytics Dashboard for Improved Learning Outcomes and Diversity in Programming Classes, online, (03.05.2024)
Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework, online, (03.05.2024)
Digitale Wege zur Autonomie: Erfahrungen mit Smart Homes für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Oberösterreich, , (05.04.2024)
Zwischen Technologieakzeptanz und Qualifikationsbedarf: Erfahrungen, Hürden und Potenziale in Österreichs Sozialunternehmen, , (05.04.2024)
Pragmatic Reuse for DSML Development (Journal/Conference-First), Potsdam, (15.03.2024)
Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms - Old Wine in New Bottles?, Hasso Plattner Institut der Universität Potsdam,, (14.03.2024)
Schritt für Schritt zum Digitalen Zwilling, , (21.02.2024)
What can design theory tell us about the development of intelligent agent systems?, , (30.01.2024)
Digital Shadows for Operational Technology Monitoring - A Comparison of Data-Driven Approaches (HICSS 2024, Hawaii), Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort, (06.01.2024)
The adoption of data spaces: Drivers toward federated data sharing, Hawaii, (04.01.2024)
Practical Failure Prediction Model based on Code Smells and Software Development Metrics, Napolie, virtual event, (03.12.2023)
Towards Automating Semantic Relationship Awareness in Operational Technology Monitoring (FDSE 2023, Da Nang, Vietnam), Da Nang University of Science and Technology (DUT) - The University of Da Nang, (23.11.2023)
Value-driven Facilitation of Project-based Learning: Domain Knowledge, Didactic Guidance, and Method Support, ONLINE, (20.11.2023)
What is the Impact of ChatGPT on Facilitating Knowledge Provision and Creation, ONLINE, (20.11.2023)
DQD: The Data Quality Definition Ontology, Milan, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, (27.10.2023)
Adoption of data spaces as multi-sided platforms: Towards a preliminary adoption framework, Chiayi, (21.10.2023)
Introduction of data spaces for data sovereignty - Status and recommendations for action, Chiayi, (21.10.2023)
Multifaceted Autonomy as a Negotiable Asset of Digital Process Twins, , (18.10.2023)
Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Gameplay using Storyline Visualization: A Study with League of Legends, Stratford, (12.10.2023)
The Ludic Potentials of Player Data, Stratford, (11.10.2023)
A Model-Driven Platform for Engineering Holistic Digital Twins, Västeras, (03.10.2023)
An Interdisciplinary Course on Model-Based Systems Engineering, Västeras, (03.10.2023)
Towards Generating Structurally Realistic Models by Generative Adversarial Networks, Västeras, (03.10.2023)
Model-Driven Optimization for Quantum Program Synthesis with MOMoT, Västeras, (02.10.2023)
Towards Modeling Process Mining for Graphical Editors, Västeras, (02.10.2023)
Using Multilevel Business Artifacts for Knowledge Management in Analytics Projects, Västeras Kongress, (02.10.2023)
Towards Generating Model-Driven Speech Interfaces for Digital Twins, Västeras, (01.10.2023)
Researching the body and movement through artistic performative installations for collaborative digital sensemaking, Lisbon, (28.09.2023)
Connected and Automated Vehicles: Impact on Human Behaviour and Decision-Making Processes related to Road Safety and Sustainable Transportation, , (25.09.2023)
Managing Cybersecurity and Other Fraud Risks in Small and Medium Enterprises ? A Framework to Build a Fraud Management Program in Times of Digitalization, Paderborn, (20.09.2023)
Layerwise Learning of Mixed Conjunctive and Disjunctive Rule Sets, , (18.09.2023)
Current ANSP Practices Towards Reducing the Environmental Impact of Air Traffic Operations, Fisciano Campus of the University of Salerno, (07.09.2023)
Through Space and Time: Spatio-Temporal Visualization of MOBA Matches, , (31.08.2023)
Requirements, Barriers and Tools for Participation in an Inclusive Educational Digital Environment, Paris, (30.08.2023)
The Data Source Description Vocabulary, , (29.08.2023)
Weighting Information Sets with Siamese Neural Networks in Reconnaissance Blind Chess, Boston, Massachusetts, (23.08.2023)
What Constitutes a Dataspace? Conceptual Clarity beyond Technical Aspects, , (12.08.2023)
XACML Extension for Graphs: Flexible Authorization Policy Specification and Datastore-Independent Enforcement, Rom, Italien, (12.07.2023)
Towards Ludic Truths and Affective Interaction: The Rhetoric of Social Change Games, University of La Rochelle, (06.07.2023)
Privacy-Preserving Implementation of Local Search Algorithms for Collaboratively Solving Assignment Problems in Time-Critical Contexts, Swissôtel Chicago, 323 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601-9722, US, (04.07.2023)
A Classification of Video Game Cartographic Maps, Sevilla, (23.06.2023)
Towards User-Centered Privacy Adaptation Management: Insights From Privacy Research and a System-of-Systems Architecture, , (23.06.2023)
Data as the New Currency - An Empirical Study Using Conjoint Analysis, Kristiansand, (15.06.2023)
A Practical Introduction for Developing and Operating Hybrid Quantum Applications, Alicante, (06.06.2023)
Handling Cross-Cutting Concerns in Subject-Oriented Modeling: Exploration of Capabilities and an Aspect-Oriented Enrichment, , (01.06.2023)
Introducing Cascading Artifacts ? Planning Ahead the Natural Evolution of Artifacts During a Design Science Research Journey, Pretoria, Südafrika, (01.06.2023)
UAV Systems and Networks, Schloss Dagstuhl, (01.06.2023)
Using OPC UA for Integrating and Tracing Data Flows in the Insurance Industry, , (01.06.2023)
Autonomy as Shared Asset of CPS Architectures, , (31.05.2023)
Can a ?Metaverse by Design? Benefit from Digital Process Twins?, , (31.05.2023)
Comparing Fatigue and Stress Levels in Digital Collaboration: A Pilot Study with Metaverse and Video Conferencing, Wien, (31.05.2023)
A Distributed and Parallel Processing Framework for Knowledge Graph OLAP, Aldemar Knossos Royal Village Conference Center, (29.05.2023)
Usability Testing of a Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health, Wien, (17.05.2023)
Common Code Quality Issues of Novice Java Programmers: A Comprehensive Analysis of Student Assignments, online, (22.04.2023)
Privacy-Preserving Implementation of an Auction Mechanism for ATFM Slot Swapping, Westin Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, Virginia, U.S.A., (19.04.2023)
Towards a Product Line Architecture for Digital Twins, L'Aquila, (15.03.2023)
A design-theoretical analysis of the CRISP-DM model of data mining, , (31.01.2023)
SlotMachine: A Privacy-Preserving Platform for Flight Prioritization in Air Traffic Flow Management (Poster Presentation), Budapest, (12.12.2022)
Implementation of Road Safety Perception in Autonomous Vehicles in a Lane Change Scenario, , (14.11.2022)
GOLDCASE: A Generic Ontology Layer for Data Catalog Semantics, London, (08.11.2022)
Live Feedback for Training Through Real-Time Data Visualizations: A Study with League of Legends, , (04.11.2022)
Towards a Community-Based Ranking System of Overwatch Players, , (03.11.2022)
Facilitating the migration to the microservice architecture via model-driven reverse engineering and reinforcement learning, Montreal, (27.10.2022)
Domain object hierarchies inducing multi-level models (Journal First Paper), Montreal, MIL Campus, (26.10.2022)
Towards Reactive Planning with Digital Twins and Model-Driven Optimization, Rhodos, (26.10.2022)
Towards Blended Modeling and Simulation of DevOps Processes: The Keptn Case Study, Montreal, Kanada, (24.10.2022)
Towards Integration-Preserving Customization of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions with Composite Clabjects in RDF and SHACL, Montreal, MIL Campus, (23.10.2022)
Fuzzy Spreadsheet: Understanding and Exploring Uncertainties in Tabular Calculations, , (19.10.2022)
Kokiri: Random-Forest-Based Comparison and Characterization ofCohorts, , (19.10.2022)
Visual Exploration of Relationships and Structure in Low-Dimensional Embeddings, , (18.10.2022)
Knowledge Graph OLAP: A multidimensional model and query operations for contextualized knowledge graphs, Bozen, (07.10.2022)
A Distributed Architecture for Privacy-Preserving Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms and Multi-party Computation, Bozen, (04.10.2022)
Questionnaire Development for a Scientifically Founded Agile Assessment Model, Izmir, Turkey, (30.09.2022)
An Auction-Based Mechanism for a Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for ATFM Slots, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center, (05.09.2022)
The Role of Knowledge Graphs in (Big) Data Analytics: Past, Present, and Future (Online presentation), Turin, Italy (hybrid event), (05.09.2022)
Capability Evaluation in Context Agnostic Agile Assessment, Salzburg, (01.09.2022)
How are Industry 4.0 Reference Architectures Used in CPPS Development?, , (31.08.2022)
Ethermal - Lightweight Thermal Feedback for VR Games, , (23.08.2022)
Mode Switching for Secure Edge Devices, WU WIen, (23.08.2022)
Towards Strategies for Secure Data Transfer of IoTDevices with Limited Resources, WU WIen, (23.08.2022)
Enterprise Engineering for Business Opportunity Recognition, Online Workshop, (22.08.2022)
Accessibility of Co-Located Meetings - STS, Polimi, Lecco, (14.07.2022)
Accessible User Interface Concept for Business Meeting Tool Support including Spatial and Non-Verbal Information for Blind and Visually Impaired People, Polimi, Lecco, (14.07.2022)
Delivering Societal and Commercial Impact From EU Digital Health Research, Polimi, Lecco, (14.07.2022)
Inclusive Publishing In Practice: An Alternative Training to Start Producing Born-Accessible Digital Publications, Polimi, Lecco, (14.07.2022)
Accessible Non-visual Diagrams through Natural Language, Polimi, Lecco, (13.07.2022)
Buddy ? a Personal Companion to Match People with Cognitive Disabilities and AT, Polimi, Lecco, (13.07.2022)
Comprehensive Training to Implement Inclusive Distance Education for Students with Visual, Hearing, and Motor Disabilities in North African Universities, Polimi, Lecco, (13.07.2022)
Designing an Inclusive and Accessible Mathematical Learning Environment Based on a Theorem Prover, Polimi, Lecco, (13.07.2022)
Digital Empowerment In European Inclusive Education: An Entelis Network Workshop -, Polimi, Lecco, (13.07.2022)
Integrating Heterogeneous Data in Dataspaces - A Systematic Mapping Study, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant in Taiwan-Australien)., (08.07.2022)
Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms - Old Wine in New Bottles?, Nantes, (07.07.2022)
A Co-Evolution Model of Collaborative Process Design, , (30.06.2022)
A Single Point of Contact for Privacy Management in Cyber-Physical Systems, , (30.06.2022)
Privacy by Sharing Autonomy ? A Design-Integrating Engineering Approach, , (30.06.2022)
Git-based Model Management for Quality Monitoring of Systems Engineering Models, Detroit, Michigan, (28.06.2022)
Value exchange exploration supporting project-based learning, , (24.06.2022)
Die nächste Generation des Unit Testing, Vienna, Austria, (19.05.2022)
Exploring Diversity in Introductory Programming Classes: An Experience Report, Pittsburgh, PA, online, (12.05.2022)
Flexible Model-Driven Runtime Monitoring Support for Cyber-Physical Systems, Online, (12.05.2022)
Next-Level Unit Testing: Entwicklungsqualität steigern, online, (03.05.2022)
A Game-Based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language, Online Conference, (22.04.2022)
Business and Economic Concepts for a Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for ATFM Slots, Westin Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, Virginia, U.S.A., (05.04.2022)
Tangibles and Digital Twins: Toward Meaningful Learning Support in Cyber-Physical System Development, , (15.03.2022)
Teaching drones on-the-fly: Can emotional feedback serve as learning signal for training artificial agents?, online aufgrund COVID-19 (geplant: Vancouver, BC)), (28.02.2022)
Development of a ROS-based Architecture for Intelligent Autonomous on Demand Last Mile Delivery, , (23.02.2022)
JKU-ITS Automobile for Research on Autonomous Vehicles, , (23.02.2022)
Business and Economic Concepts for a Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for ATFM Slots, Online Conference, (07.12.2021)
How to Improve Risk Management in IT Frameworks, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant in Lettland), (01.12.2021)
Extended XACML Language and Architecture for Access Control in Graph-structured Data, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant in Österreich), (29.11.2021)
Searching for Models with Hybrid AI Techniques, Virtual Conference due to COVID19 (planned: CAN), (18.10.2021)
Leveraging Model-Driven Technologies for JSON Artefacts: The Shipyard Case Study, virtual event (planned in JPN, Fukuoka), (15.10.2021)
Towards Reinforcement Learning for In-Place Model Transformations, Virtual Conference due to COVID19 (planned: JPN), (14.10.2021)
Air Quality Management: An Exemplar for Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering, virtual due Covid-19 (planned in JPN, Fukuoka), (12.10.2021)
Towards Multi-level Modeling of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health, Online Conference, (12.10.2021)
A Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for Air Traffic Flow Management Slot Configuration, Online Conference (San Antonio, Texas, USA), (05.10.2021)
Mode Switching for Secure Web Applications - A Juice Shop Case Scenario, Vienna, Austria, virtuell, (27.09.2021)
Placeholder Constraints Evaluation, , (27.09.2021)
Introducing Gamification in Introductory Programming Courses, online due to Covid-19 (planned in GBR/Brighton), (24.09.2021)
Toward the Implementation of Escape Room Games in an Educational Context, online due to Covid-19 (planned in GBR/Brighton), (24.09.2021)
Gesture based word (re)acquisition with a virtual agent in augmented reality: A preliminary study, Online-Konferenz aufgrund Covid19 (geplant in ITA), (15.09.2021)
Towards Flexible Evolution of Digital Twins with Fluent APIs, virtual event (planned in SWE, Vasteras), (09.09.2021)
AML4DT: A Model-Driven Framework for Developing and Maintaining Digital Twins with AutomationML, virtual event (planned in SWE, Vasteras), (08.09.2021)
First Steps Towards Model-Driven Engineering for Quantum Computing, Virtual Conference due to COVID19, (08.09.2021)
Sustainable Development and Management of Systems Engineering Models, Zürich, Lake Side-Business & Lifestyle, congress center, (06.09.2021)
Improving the Internal Communication of an Emergency Rescue Service by Using Progressive Web Applications, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: CZ), (02.09.2021)
Chance Constraint as a Basis for Probabilistic Query Model, online aufgrund COVID-19 (geplant in Estland), (26.08.2021)
Hazard Analysis for Human-on-the-Loop Interactions in sUAS Systems, Virtual Conference due to COVID19 (planned: GRC), (26.08.2021)
Semantic Web Analysis Graphs: Guided Multidimensional Analysis of Linked Open Data, Online Conference (Montreal, Canada), (12.08.2021)
Simulation-Based Impact of Connected Vehicles in Platooning Mode on Travel Time, Emissions and Fuel Consumption, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: JP), (12.07.2021)
Real-World Evaluation of the Impact of Automated Driving System Technology on Driver Gaze Behavior, Reaction Time and Trust, online (geplant in JPN), (11.07.2021)
A Heuristic Technique for Project Time Analysis in Conditions with High Uncertainty, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant in Bulgarien), (07.07.2021)
A Reference Process for Judging Reliability of Classification Results in Predictive Analytics, Online Conference, (07.07.2021)
Analysis of the Battery Energy Estimation Model in SUMO Compared with Actual Analysis of Battery Energy Consumption, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: PT), (23.06.2021)
Semi-Autonomous Electric Vehicles in Platooning Mode and Their Effects on Travel Time: A Framework for Simulation Evaluation, , (07.06.2021)
Towards Model-Driven Quantum Software Engineering, Virtual Conference due to COVID19, (01.06.2021)
Towards a Model-Integrated Runtime Monitoring Infrastructure for Cyber-Physical Systems, Virtual Congress due to Covid-19 (planned: ESP), (25.05.2021)
An Extended Analysis of Risk Management Concepts in IT Management Frameworks, Online Conference, (20.05.2021)
Cyber-Security im Blick, Online Event, (28.04.2021)
Work-in-Progress: Closing the Gaps ? Diversity in Programming Education, Virtual Conference due to COVID19, (23.04.2021)
Behavioral Interfaces for Executable DSLs, virtual due Covid-19 (planned in DEU/Braunschweig), (25.02.2021)
Formalizing Visualization Semantics for Accessibility, online (geplant in JPN), (18.02.2021)
Use of Mobile Devices for Haptic Interaction for classifying 3D Geometrical Objects, online (geplant in JPN), (18.02.2021)
Design of Scalable Domain-specific modelling languages, Online Konferenz wegen COVID 19, (10.12.2020)
Mobile Delivery Robots: Mixed Reality-Based Simulation Relying on ROS and Unity 3D, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: USA), (09.12.2020)
Towards Informed Watermarking of Personal Health Sensor Data for Data Leakage Detection, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: AUS, Melbourne), (25.11.2020)
Automated Variability Injection for Graphical Modelling Languages, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: USA), (15.11.2020)
Autonomous Driving: Framework for Pedestrian Intention Estimation in a Real World Scenario, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: USA), (30.10.2020)
Specifying Feature-Dependent Maintainability Requirements in an Operational Manner ? Results From a Case Study with Practitioners, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: MEX), (30.10.2020)
Seeing through Forrest, , (27.10.2020)
Requirements-Driven Configuration of Emergency Response Missions with Small Aerial Vehicles, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: CAN), (22.10.2020)
Merge Event Bias in Project Evaluation Techniques - Problems and Directions, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (16.10.2020)
Modeling Language Engineering 4.0: From Design-Time to Runtime and Back Again, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: NLD), (07.10.2020)
Multi-criteria test cases selection for model transformations, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: AUS), (22.09.2020)
Vehicle Automation Field Test: Impact on Driver Behavior and Trust, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: GRC), (22.09.2020)
Accessible Multimodal Tool Support for Brainstorming Meetings, online, (11.09.2020)
Adaptive User Interfaces for People with Cognitive Disabilities within the Easy Reading Framework, online, (11.09.2020)
Towards a Reference Architecture for Leveraging Model Repositories for Digital Twins, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (11.09.2020)
AUDiaL: a Natural Language Interface to Make Statistical Charts Accessible to Blind Persons, online, (10.09.2020)
Automatic Assistance to Cognitive Disabled Web Users via Reinforcement Learning on the Browser, online, (10.09.2020)
Herausforderungen durch die verstärkte Bedeutung von Software in Industrieprodukten und ?lösungen, Courtyard by Marriott Hotel Linz, (10.09.2020)
Modelling Production System Families with AutomationML, online aufgrund von COVID-19, (10.09.2020)
Comparison of two teleconferencing systems with respect to accessibility and usability for blind persons: Zoom and BigBlueButton, online, (09.09.2020)
ENTELIS+: Accessibility skills for a technology enhanced learning in an inclusive society, online, (09.09.2020)
How to Select an Accessible Learning Management System for Distance Education, online, (09.09.2020)
Including Students with Disabilities in Distance Education (InSIDE), online, (09.09.2020)
Project RADAR: Vocational Guidance and Employability for Blind and Partially Sighted People, online, (09.09.2020)
Design Science for Software and Systems Engineering, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: PRT), (08.09.2020)
Focus Areas, Themes, and Objectives of Non-Functional Requirements in DevOps: A Systematic Mapping Study, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: SVN), (27.08.2020)
An Operational Constraint Language To Evaluate Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: SVN), (26.08.2020)
Big Data for All, Online Seminar at National Information and Communication Technology (NICT), Jakarta (24.08.2020), online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: IDN), (24.08.2020)
Cloud Computing for All, Online Seminar at National Information and Communication Technology (NICT), Jakarta (17.08. 2020), online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: IDN), (17.08.2020)
Artificial Intelligence for All, Online Seminar at National Information and Communication Technology (NICT), Jakarta (10.08.2020), online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: IDN), (10.08.2020)
Uncertainty Modeling and Evaluation for Dependable IoT Cloud Systems Design, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: USA), (19.07.2020)
Discovering X Degrees of Keyword Separation in a Fine Arts Collection, online aufgrund von Covid-19, (18.07.2020)
IFAC 2020 Tutorial Speaker - Model-driven Engineering for Industry 4.0, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: DEU), (14.07.2020)
Modeling and Managing Multidisciplinary Cyber-Physical Production Systems as Innovations, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: DEU), (14.07.2020)
Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: A Survey, Online Konferenz wegen COVID 19, (09.07.2020)
Readability of Privacy Policies, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: FRA), (26.06.2020)
Efficient Transport Logistics: An Approach for Urban Freight Transport in Austria, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: ESP), (24.06.2020)
Environmental Impact of Bundling Transport Deliveries Using SUMO Analysis of a cooperative approach in Austria, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: ESP), (24.06.2020)
Data Governance and Digitalization - A Case Study in a Manufacturing Company, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: ARE), (22.06.2020)
A Framework for Recognizing Digital Transformation Opportunities, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: MAR), (15.06.2020)
Einhaltung von Informationssicherheitsvorschriften durch MitarbeiterInnen: Faktoren und Maßnahme, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: DEU), (10.03.2020)
Managing Inter-Model Inconsistencies in Model-based Systems Engineering: Application in automated production systems engineering, Innsbruck, (27.02.2020)
Measuring Object-Oriented Design Principles: The Results of Focus Group-Based Research, Innsbruck, Hotel Grauer Bär, (26.02.2020)
Tailoring and Evaluating Non-Functional Interests Towards Task-Oriented Functional Requirements, Innsbruck, (25.02.2020)
COOL Programming ? Improving Introductory Programming Education through Cooperative Open Learning, Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU) Linz, Austria, (13.02.2020)
Does Static Analysis Help Software Engineering Students?, Oxford, UK, (12.02.2020)
Model for Strategic Positioning in Transformative Situations, ICIS 2019 München, (17.12.2019)
A Bounding Technique for Probabilistic PERT, Prag, (16.12.2019)
Mitigating Messaging and Processing Load in IoT Environments Managed by Blockchain, München, (04.12.2019)
Building Extraction from Google Earth Images, München, (03.12.2019)
Microbiological Water Quality Test Results Extraction from Mobile Photographs, München, (03.12.2019)
Process Design and Transformation towards Commoning, , (29.11.2019)
TEMACC ? Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care in Ethiopia, Berlin, (29.11.2019)
Entwicklung einer domänenspezifischen Sprache zur Modellierung von Komponentenversionen und ihren Abhängigkeiten, München, (07.11.2019)
Round table: Human vehicle interaction, , (04.11.2019)
Allowing for equal opportunities for artists in music recommendation. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Designing Human-Centric MIR Systems (wsHCMIR 2019), satellite event to 20th annual conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Delft, (02.11.2019)
Morales-Alvarez, W., de Miguel M. A., Garcia, F., Olaverri-Monreal, C. (2019) "Response of Vulnerable Road Users to Visual Information from Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Spaces", , (30.10.2019)
Matching Ontologies for Air Traffic Management: A Comparison and Reference Alignment of the AIRM and NASA ATM Ontologies, University of Auckland, (26.10.2019)
Exploiting Parallel Audio Recordings to Enforce Device Invariance in CNN-based Acoustic Scene Classification, New York, (25.10.2019)
Visualization Onboarding: Learning How to Read and Use Visualizations, , (20.10.2019)
Current state of IT risk analysis in management frameworks: Is it enough?, Riga, (11.10.2019)
Generating Structured AutomationML Models from IEC 62264 Information, Hamburg, Helmut Schmidt University, (26.09.2019)
Thirteen years of SysML: a systematic mapping study, München, Deutschland, (20.09.2019)
Flexible Modeling by Prototype-based Languages and Inconsistency Management: Two Experiences from the Production System Domain, München, (17.09.2019)
Automatic Reverse Engineering of Interaction Models from System Logs, Zaragoza, (13.09.2019)
A Recommender System for Software Architecture Decision Making, Paris, (12.09.2019)
Software Architecture Knowledge Sharing with the Architecture Knowledge Base (AKB), Paris, (12.09.2019)
Access to Non-Verbal Aspects of Group Conversations for Blind Persons, Bologna, (30.08.2019)
Adaptive User Interface Concepts Supporting People with Cognitive Disabilities, Bologna, (30.08.2019)
Complex PDF Remediation for Accessibility: Review of Current Methodologies, Bologna, (30.08.2019)
?Nothing about Us without Us?: Next Level, Bologna, (29.08.2019)
An Extension of the QUAMOCO Quality Model to Specify and Evaluate Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements, Chalkidiki, (28.08.2019)
Natural Language Processing for Non-visual Accessto Diagrams, Bologna, (28.08.2019)
A DaQL to Monitor Data Quality in Machine Learning Applications, Linz, (27.08.2019)
Linking Trust to Cyber-Physical Systems, Linz JKU, (26.08.2019)
Securing Smart Homes, Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU) Linz, Austria, (26.08.2019)
Flexible Production Systems: Automated Generation of Operations Plans Based on ISA-95 and PDDL, Vancouver, British Columbia, (24.08.2019)
Socio-Cyber-Physical Production Systems, Vancouver, British Columbia, (22.08.2019)
A Framework of Factors Enabling Digital Transformation, Cancun, (17.08.2019)
From Design-Time to Runtime and Back Again with Liquid Models, Eindhoven, (07.08.2019)
Production Planning with IEC 62264 and PDDL, Helsinki/Espoo, (23.07.2019)
Lowcomote: Training the Next Generation of Experts in Scalable Low-Code Engineering Platforms, Eindhoven, (15.07.2019)
Kopica, F., Morales, W., Olaverri-Monreal, C. (2019) "Automated delivery of shipments in urban areas", , (10.07.2019)
A 1mm Thin-Film Short-Distance Optical Sensor, München, Deutschland, (27.06.2019)
A 1mm Thin-Film Short-Distance Optical Sensor, München, Deutschland, (27.06.2019)
Multiplicative criteria aggregation technique for risk-based audit planning, Coimbra, (20.06.2019)
Modeling Variability and Persisting Configurations in OPC UA, Ljubljana, (14.06.2019)
Towards a Knowledge Graph to Describe and Process Data Defects, Athens, (06.06.2019)
A Schema Readability Metric for Automated Data Quality Measurement, Athens, (03.06.2019)
TourDino: A Support View for Confirming Patterns in Tabular Data, , (03.06.2019)
Visualization of Rubik's Cube Solution Algorithms, , (03.06.2019)
User-centered Design in Developing Countries - A Case Study of a Sustainable Intercultural Healthcare Platform in Ethiopia, Montreal, Quebec, (28.05.2019)
The Interplay of Design and Runtime Traceability for Non-Functional Requirements, Montreal, Quebec, (27.05.2019)
Cross-Modal Music Retrieval and Applicati, Brighton, (12.05.2019)
Model-driven Runtime State Identification, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, (05.05.2019)
Practical Verification of CLT Assumption for PERT Application, Riga, (26.04.2019)
Socio-technical design of socio-technical systems, , (24.04.2019)
The Effect of Gamification on Software Architecture Knowledge Management: A Student Experiment and Focus Group Study, Limassol, (12.04.2019)
Situation Mining: Event Pattern Mining for Situation Model Induction, Las Vegas, NV, (09.04.2019)
Hey Siri! Wie funktionierst Du eigentlich?, , (03.04.2019)
Towards the Next Generation of Scenario Walkthrough Tools?A Research Preview, Essen, (21.03.2019)
Potentialidentifizierung in Agilen Umgebungen, Siegen, (25.02.2019)
Workshop on Concepts and Methods of Identifying Digital Potentials in Information Management - Keynote and Introduction, Siegen, (24.02.2019)
Braunauer, D., Kopica, F., Olaverri-Monreal, C. (2019) "Encouraging the Use of Sustainable Transport by a Tracking System for Bicycles", , (20.02.2019)
Naz, E., Kopica, F., Olaverri-Monreal, C. (2019) "Smartphone versus On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) Data to Determine Driving Behavior", , (20.02.2019)
Virtual trainers teaching second language, Istanbul, (12.12.2018)
Do internals of neural networks make sense in the context of hydrology?, Washington, (10.12.2018)
Deep Within-Class Covariance Analysis for Robust Deep Audio Representation Learning, , (08.12.2018)
Characterising Activation Functions by Their Backward Dynamics Around Forward Fixed Points, Montreal, (07.12.2018)
The Semantic Container Approach: Techniques for Ontology?based Data Description and Discovery in a Decentralized SWIM Knowledge Base, Salzburg, (06.12.2018)
Fréchet ChemNet Distance: A Metric for Generative Models for Molecules in Drug Discovery, Montreal, (05.12.2018)
End-to-End Learning of Pharmacological Assays from High-resolution Microscopy Images, Montreal, (03.12.2018)
Interpretable Deep Learning in Drug Development, Montreal, (03.12.2018)
A Hybrid Model for Social Media Sentiment Analysis for Indonesian Text, Yogyakarta, (21.11.2018)
An Expert Interview Study on Areas of Microservice Design, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH Paris Nord), (21.11.2018)
Towards unambiguous IT risk definition, Ljubljana, (21.11.2018)
Microservice Design Space Analysis and Decision Documentation: A Case Study on API Management, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH Paris Nord), (20.11.2018)
Collaborative Learning to Reduce Learners Dropouts in MOOCs: Modeling an Agent- Based Simulation, Yogyakarta, (19.11.2018)
The Blockchain Muddle, Yogyakarta, (19.11.2018)
A Novel Data Quality Metric for Minimality, Dubai, (12.11.2018)
Automated Schema Quality Measurement in Large-scale Information Systems, Dubai, (12.11.2018)
KnowledgePearls: Provenance-Based Visualization Retrieval, Berlin, (24.10.2018)
ConfusionFlow: Visualizing Neural Network Confusion Across Epochs, Berlin, (23.10.2018)
Rule Module Inheritance with Modification Restrictions, University of Malta, Valletta, Malta, (23.10.2018)
PESTEL Modeler: Strategy Analysis Using MetaEdit+, iStar 2.0, and Semantic Technologies, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, (17.10.2018)
Multiplicative aggregation for ERP upgrade decision making, Riga, (12.10.2018)
The Case for Contextualized Knowledge Graphs in Air Traffic Management, Monterey, CA, USA, (09.10.2018)
A Component-based Hybrid Systems Verification and Implementation Tool in KeYmaera X. (Tool Demonstration), Turin, (04.10.2018)
Audio-to-score alignment using transposition-invariant features, , (26.09.2018)
Treating Missing Data in Industrial Data Analytics, Berlin, (25.09.2018)
Semantics-based Summarization of ATM Data to Manage Information Overload in Pilot Briefings, Belo Horizonte, (11.09.2018)
Scaffolding RAMI4. 0-Exploration as Design Support, Utrecht, (06.09.2018)
Assessing and Evaluating Functional Suitability of Software, Montpellier, Frankreich, Corum conference center, (03.09.2018)
Decision Engineering in Case of Intuitive Decisions, New Orleans, (16.08.2018)
Concepts for Trust Propagation in Knowledge Processing Systems - A brief Introduction and Overview, New York, (02.08.2018)
On the Suitability of a Portfolio-Based Design Improvement Approach, Technical University of Lisbon, (17.07.2018)
Backward View and Reward Redistribution for Delayed Rewards, Stockholm, (14.07.2018)
New Concepts for Trust Propagation in Knowledge Processing Systems, Stockholm, (14.07.2018)
Decision-Making Support for View-Oriented I4. 0 System Architecture Design, , (12.07.2018)
Gaze Based Magnification to Assist Visual Impaired Persons, , (12.07.2018)
Requirements Engineering for People with Cognitive Disabilities ? Exploring new Ways for Peer-Researchers and Developers to Cooperate, , (12.07.2018)
Techniques for Improved Speech-based Access to Diagrammatic Representations, , (11.07.2018)
Metrics for clinically relevant characterization of patient stratification, Chicago, (07.07.2018)
Efficient Aggregation Methods for Probabilistic Data Streams, Wien, (04.07.2018)
On Data-driven Network Performance Modeling for Mobile Cloud Computing, Kalamata, (28.06.2018)
Design Debt Prioritization ? A Design Best Practice-Based Approach, Gothenburg, (28.05.2018)
Automated Continuous Data Quality Measurement with QuaIIe, Nice, (22.05.2018)
Benefits and pitfalls applying RAMI4. 0, St. Petersburg, (17.05.2018)
A Framework for Evaluating Mechatronic Objects: A Design Complexity Perspective, Linz, Austria, (20.04.2018)
Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields with Overlapping Patches, Delft, (17.04.2018)
Towards a Value-Added Information Layer for SWIM: the Semantic Container Approach, Westin Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, Virginia, U.S.A., (11.04.2018)
Resilient Ontology Support Facilitating Multi-Perspective Process Integration in Industry 4.0, Linz, (05.04.2018)
?The Clock has Fallen Off the Wall?-Emergence of BPM-relevant Knowledge based on Cascading Stakeholder Perspectives, Linz, (05.04.2018)
A Semantic MatchMaking Framework for Volunteering MarketPlaces, Neapel, (28.03.2018)
An Approach to Extract the Architecture of Microservice-Based Software Systems, Bamberg, (27.03.2018)
Guided Query Composition with Semantic OLAP Patterns, Technische Universität Wien, (26.03.2018)
Preismodelle für Software-as-a-Service - Ein empirischer Vergleich des B2B- und B2C-Marktes, Lüneburg, (08.03.2018)
Subject-oriented fog computing: Enabling stakeholder participation in development, , (07.02.2018)
An open model for researching the role of culture in online self-disclosure, Hawaii, (04.01.2018)
On the importance of considering country-specific aspects on the online-market: an example of music recommendation considering country-specific mainstream, Hawaii, (04.01.2018)
What Do We Really Talk About When We Talk About Context in Pervasive Computing: A Review and Exploratory Analysis, Salzburg, (06.12.2017)
E-Mail Monitoring and Management with MS Social Bots, Salzburg, (04.12.2017)
Introducing global and regional mainstreaminess for improving personalized music recommendation, Salzburg, (04.12.2017)
IFIN+: A Parallel Incremental Frequent Itemsets Mining in Shared-Memory Environment, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, (03.12.2017)
Focussing on Precision- and Trust-Propagation in Knowledge Processing Systems, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, (01.12.2017)
MITIS - An Insider Threats Mitigation Framework for Information Systems, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, (01.12.2017)
Superimposed Multidimensional Schemas for RDF Data Analysis, Poprad, (16.11.2017)
Spatio-thermal depth correction of RGB-D sensors based on Gaussian Processes in real-time, , (14.11.2017)
To Be The Hub or Not: Explaining the Diffusion of Communication Apps, Barcelona, (09.11.2017)
Towards Formal Strategy Analysis with Goal Models and Semantic Web Technologies, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, (06.11.2017)
Improving Object-Oriented Design Quality: A Portfolio- and Mesurement-Based Approach, Gothenburg, (26.10.2017)
Drum Transcription via Joint Beat and Drum Modeling Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks, , (25.10.2017)
Learning Audio - Sheet Music Corrsepondences for Score Identification and Offline Alignment., , (25.10.2017)
Semantic OLAP Patterns: Elements of Reusable Business Analytics, Rhodos, (25.10.2017)
Piece Identification in Classical Piano Music Without Reference Scores, , (24.10.2017)
An OLAP Endpoint for RDF Data Analysis Using Analysis Graphs, Wien, (23.10.2017)
Towards Contextualized Rule Repositories for the Semantic Web, Wien, (22.10.2017)
Vielfältiges Lernen in universitären Großlehrveranstaltungen, Hallstatt, (20.10.2017)
Modification Operations for Context-aware Business Rule Management, Hotel Manoir Victoria, Quebec-City, (13.10.2017)
Automated Data Quality Monitoring, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, (07.10.2017)
Comparison of Alpha/Beta and High-Gamma Band for Motor-Imagery based BCI Control, , (06.10.2017)
Enabling Digital Craftsmanship Capacity Building: A Digital Dalton Plan Approach, , (21.09.2017)
DeepRuby: Extending Ruby with Dual Deep Instantiation, Austin, Texas, (19.09.2017)
Vibro-Tactile Evoked Potentoals for BCI Communication of People with Disordersof Consciousness and Locked-in Syndrome, Graz, (19.09.2017)
Automatically Adding Missing Libraries to Java Projects to Foster Better Results from Static Analysis, Crowne Plaza Shanghai Fudan, (17.09.2017)
Extraction Methodology of Implicit Didactics in Math Schoolbooks for the Blind, , (14.09.2017)
Towards a Cognitive Screenreader, Sheffield, (14.09.2017)
DeepTox: Toxicity Prediction Using Deep Learning, Eurotox 2017, (13.09.2017)
Non-visually Performing Analytical Tasks on Statistical Charts, , (13.09.2017)
Learning Transformations of Musical Material using Gated Autoencoders, Milton Keynes, (11.09.2017)
Formalizing Monitoring Processes for Large-Scale Distributed Systems using Abstract State Machines, Trento, FBK?S Science and Technology Hub, (04.09.2017)
A Hybrid Approach with Multi-channel I-Vectors and Convolutional Neural Networks for Acoustic Scene Classification, Kos, (01.09.2017)
An Interview Study on Sustainability Concerns in Software Development Projects, TU Wien, (01.09.2017)
End-to-End Musical Key Estimation Using a Convolutional Neural Network, Kos, (01.09.2017)
A NoSQL Data-Based Personalized Recommendation System for C2C e-Commerce, Lyon, (31.08.2017)
Decision Guidance Models for Microservices ? Service Discovery and Fault Tolerance, Larnaca, (31.08.2017)
A Survey on the Importance of Object-oriented Design Best Practices, Wien, TU Wien, (30.08.2017)
A Formal Approach for Failure Detection in Large-Scale Distributed Systems using Abstract State Machines, Lyon, Lyon3 University, (29.08.2017)
Adopting Formal Approaches for Monitoring and Adaptation for Large-Scale Distributed Systems, Larnaca, (29.08.2017)
Introducing Design Patterns to Knowledge Processing Systems in the context of Cloud and Big Data, , (29.08.2017)
Lagrangian Relaxation Realised in the NgMPPS Multi Actor Architecture, MATES 2017 15th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies in conjunction with 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2017) August 23 - 26, 2017 Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, (24.08.2017)
Adopting Formal Approaches for Monitoring Sensors of Intercloud Systems, Prague, Vienna House Diplomat, (23.08.2017)
A Case Study of Success Factors for Data Warehouse Implementation and Adoption in Sales Planning, University of Boston (UMB), Massachusetts, (11.08.2017)
Context for the Intelligent Search of Information, Bali, (09.08.2017)
Deep Learning in Drug Design, Wien, (28.07.2017)
Passive functional mapping guides electrical cortical stimulation for efficient determination of eloquent cortex in epilepsy patients, Jeju Island, (12.07.2017)
Project-based learning for complex adaptive enterprise systems, , (12.07.2017)
A Comparison of Attention Estimation Techniques in a Public Display Scenario, Vancouver, Canada, (11.07.2017)
Distance- and Rank-based Music Mainstreaminess Measurement, Bratislava, (09.07.2017)
Introducing Surprise and Opposition by Design in Recommender Systems., , (09.07.2017)
Towards Modeling Adaptation Services for Large-Scale Distributed Systems with Abstract State Machines, Barcelona, Auditorium Sant Gervasi - Bonanova, at Hesperia Sant Just NH Hotel, (05.07.2017)
Supporting Active and Healthy Aging, Venedig, (28.06.2017)
Leveraging our Pictures ? Deep Learning mit Tensorflow bei Zalando, München, Deutschland, (27.06.2017)
An Experimental Analysis of the Entanglement Problem in Neural-Network-based Music Transcription Systems, Erlangen, (23.06.2017)
Agogic Principles in Trans-Human Settings, , (15.06.2017)
Workshop: Transhumanism?The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea?, Gothenburg, (14.06.2017)
Introducing Fundamental Concepts of Process Modeling through Participatory Simulation, , (13.06.2017)
Towards Modeling Monitoring Services for Large-Scale Distributed Systems with Abstract State Machines, Essen, ATLANTIC Congress Hotel, (12.06.2017)
Optimal Bandpower Estimation and Tracking via Kalman Filtering for Real-Time Brain-Computer Interfaces, , (26.05.2017)
Connecting small, private & independent hydro power plants to increase the overall power generating efficiency, Madeira, Funchal, (17.05.2017)
Stakeholder-centered Process Implementation: Assessing S-BPM Tool Support, Darmstadt, (30.04.2017)
Change and Delay Contracts for Hybrid System Component Verification, Uppsala, (27.04.2017)
Composite Risk Modeling For Automated Threat Mitigation In Medical Devices, Virginia Beach, VA, (25.04.2017)
Towards Modeling Monitoring of Smart Traffic Services in a Large-Scale Distributed System, , (25.04.2017)
Event-driven stereo vision algorithm based on silicon retina sensors, Brno, (19.04.2017)
Ontology-Based Data Description and Discovery in a SWIM Environment, Westin Washington Dulles Airport Hotel, Herndon, Virginia, (19.04.2017)
A Benchmark for Component-based Hybrid Systems Safety Verification, Pittsburgh, (17.04.2017)
A Dashboard for Microservice Monitoring and Management, Gothenburg, (03.04.2017)
Decision Guidance Models for Microservice Monitoring, Gothenburg, (03.04.2017)
Business Process Elaboration through Virtual Enactment, Darmstadt, (31.03.2017)
Subject?oriented Design of Smart Hyper?connected Logistic Systems, TU Darmstadt, (31.03.2017)
Are CISQ Reliability Measures Practical? A Research Perspective (Best Paper Award), Tokyo, Japan, (13.03.2017)
Requirements Elicitation and Specification using the S - BPM Paradigm, , (01.03.2017)
Variable Neighbourhood Search Solving Sub-problems of a Lagrangian Flexible Scheduling Problem, Proto, 23-25.02.2107, (23.02.2017)
On the Evolution of Modeling Ecosystems: An Evaluation of Co-Evolution Approaches, Porto, (19.02.2017)
Introducing the Factor Importance to Trust of Sources and Certainty of Data in Knowledge Processing Systems - A new Approach for Incorporation and Processing, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawai'i, (05.01.2017)
Community Engagement or Funding ? How does Crowdfunding Contribute to the Market Success of Video Games?, Barcelona, (15.12.2016)
Self-Determined Easy Access to Different Literacy Levels, Vila Real, (02.12.2016)
Snapscreen - Linking Traditional TV and the Internet, , (29.11.2016)
TLCSim: A Large-scale Two-level Clustering Similarity Search with MapReduce, Can Tho City, (24.11.2016)
A Secure Token-based Communication for Authentication and Authorization Servers, Can Tho City, (23.11.2016)
Incorporating Trust, Certainty & Importance of Information into Knowledge Processing Systems - An Approach, , (23.11.2016)
Value Networking, , (21.11.2016)
A Proposal for Self-Service OLAP Endpoints for Linked RDF Datasets, Bologna, (20.11.2016)
DeepTelos: Multi-level Modeling with Most General Instances, Gifu, (14.11.2016)
Scaffolding Stakeholder-centric Enterprise Model Articulation, , (08.11.2016)
Mapping RDB TO RDF with Higher Semantic Abstraction, Mannheim, (29.10.2016)
Semantic Interpretation and Formal Graph Model of An Attributed Predicate RDF, Mannheim, (29.10.2016)
Rule Based Predicate Pivot SPARQL Template, Mannheim, (28.10.2016)
The Effectiveness of The Semantic Mapping Relational to Graph Model, Mannheim, (28.10.2016)
ThermalPlot: Visualizing Multi-Attribute Time-Series Data Using a Thermal Metaphor, Baltimore, (27.10.2016)
Enterprise interoperability as framework for project knowledge management, Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, C&TC, and ODBASE 2016, Rhodes, Greece, October 24-28, 2016, (25.10.2016)
Employing Aviation-specific Contexts for Business Rules and Business Vocabularies Management in SemNOTAM, Kallithea, Rhodos, (24.10.2016)
madmom: a new Python Audio and Music Signal Processing Library, , (19.10.2016)
Towards scaffolding collaborative articulation and alignment of mental models, , (11.10.2016)
In-flight Provisioning and Distribution of ATM Information, Daejeon, Daejeon Convention Center (DCC), (27.09.2016)
Pictures of the Future, , (27.09.2016)
Generalized Depth-of-Field Light-Field Rendering, Warsaw, (20.09.2016)
A Fully Convolutional Deep Auditory Model for Musical Chord Recognition, Salerno, (15.09.2016)
Towards a Definition of Knowledge Graphs, Leipzig, (13.09.2016)
Application of a Practical Approach for Incorporating Trust and Certainty of Information into a Knowledge Processing System (in the Agricultural Domain, , (09.09.2016)
Design, Management, and Customization of Data Analysis Reference Models Using Indyco Builder and XQuery, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Informatik, (08.09.2016)
Making Computers Understand Coalition and Opposition in Parliamentary Democracy, Guimarães, (07.09.2016)
Agricultural Knowledge Extraction from Text Sources using a distributed MapReduce Cluster, , (06.09.2016)
Architecture of an Extendable and Cloud-Ready Knowledge Management and Processing Framework for the Agricultural Domain, , (06.09.2016)
Modeling Context for Business Rule Management, Paris, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), (01.09.2016)
Critical IS Success Factor Analysis in the Context of a Hospital Merger, Sheraton San Diego Hotel, San Diego, USA, (13.08.2016)
Cyber Security, Technology, and Privacy Regulation in the Digital Age, San Diego, CA, (11.08.2016)
Health Informatics: Educational Programs for Clinical and Non-Clinical Workforce, San Diego, CA, (11.08.2016)
Music Information Retrieval: Overview, Recent Developments and Future Challenges, New York, (11.08.2016)
Noise-Robust Music Artist Recognition Using I-vector Features, NY, (10.08.2016)
Towards Score Following in Sheet Music Images, New York, (10.08.2016)
Feature Learning for Chord Recognition: The Deep Chroma Extractor., New York, (08.08.2016)
Joint Beat and Downbeat Tracking with Recurrent Neural Networks, New York, (08.08.2016)
Expecting the Unexpected - coping with crises, Boulder, (26.07.2016)
Investigating the Relationship Between Diversity in Music Consumption Behavior and Cultural Dimensions: A Cross-Country Analysis, Halifax, (16.07.2016)
An Accessible Environment to Integrate Blind Participants into Brainstorming Sessions, JKU Linz, (14.07.2016)
A LaTeX to Braille Conversion Tool for Creating Accessible Schoolbooks in Austria, JKU Linz, (13.07.2016)
Exploring Music Diversity Needs Across Countries, , (13.07.2016)
Mobility Support for People with Dementia, JKU Linz, (13.07.2016)
Analysis of Implicit Didactics in Math Schoolbooks for Interactive Non-visual User Interface Develpment, JKU Linz, (12.07.2016)
Easy Reader - or the importance of Being Understood, JKU Linz, (12.07.2016)
Timbral and Semantic Features for Music Playlists. Accepted presentation at the Machine Learning for Music Discovery, New York, (23.06.2016)
From Visual Exploration to Storytelling and Back Again, Groningen, (10.06.2016)
Searching for Audio by Sketching Mental Images of Sound ? A Brave New Idea for Audio Retrieval in Creative Music Production, New York, (07.06.2016)
The LFM-1b Dataset for Music Retrieval and Recommendation, New Yori, (07.06.2016)
A Component-Based Approach to Hybrid Systems Safety Verification, Reykjavík, (03.06.2016)
Near Real-time Detection of Crisis Situations, Opatija, (02.06.2016)
Pinpointing the Eye of the Hurricane - Creating A Gold-Standard Corpus for Situative Geo-Coding of Crisis Tweets Based on Linked Open Data, Portoro?, (24.05.2016)
Semantic Enrichment of DNOTAMs to Reduce Information Overload in Pilot Briefings, Washington, D.C., (19.04.2016)
DynamoGraph: A Distributed System for Large-Scale Temporal Graph Processing, its Implementation and First Observations, Montréal, (12.04.2016)
Embedding required data in process specifications during process validation, Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen, (08.04.2016)
Model While You Work ? Towards Effective and Playful Acquisition of Stakeholder Processes, , (08.04.2016)
Rigorous Modeling and Analysis of Interoperable Medical Devices, MSM 2016 - Modeling and Simulation in Medicine, in SpringSim'16 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, (05.04.2016)
Applying Systems Thinking for the Design of Socio-technical System-of-Systems, , (30.03.2016)
Mining the Disaster Hotspots - Situation-Adaptive Crowd Knowledge Extraction for Crisis Management, San Diego, CA, (24.03.2016)
eHSim: An Efficient Hybrid Similarity Search with MapReduce, Grans-Montana, (24.03.2016)
Fusing Web and Audio Predictors to Localize the Origin of Music Pieces for Geospatial Retrieval, Padova, (22.03.2016)
Deeptox - Toxicity Predition Using Deep Learning, New Orleans, Louisiana, (16.03.2016)
Effective CIO/CEO communication, Ilmenau, Deutschland, (10.03.2016)
Security Scores for Medical Devices, Rome, Italy Rom, (22.02.2016)
Using a Model-driven, Knowledge-based Approach to Cope with Complexity in Filtering of Notices to Airmen, Canberra, (05.02.2016)
Bluetooth Low Energy as Enabling Technology for Be-In/Be-Out Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, (10.01.2016)
Paving the Way for Civilian Fleets of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Networking Perspective, Brüssel, (13.12.2015)
Using DynamoGraph: Application Scenarios for Large-scale Temporal Graph Processing, Brüssel, (13.12.2015)
Imitating Near Field Communication with Bluetooth Low Energy, Brussels, Belgien, (12.12.2015)
Measuring Maintainability of OO Software - Valitdating the IT-CISQ Quality Model, Zilinia, Slovakia, (19.11.2015)
ATM Security - A Case Study of a Logical Risk Assessment, Barcelona, Spanien, (18.11.2015)
Measuring Object-Oriented Design Principles, ASE 2015, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, (10.11.2015)
Toxicity Prediction using Deep Learning, Fulda, (08.11.2015)
I-Vectors for Timbre-Based Music Similarity and Music Artist Classification, Malaga, (29.10.2015)
Property Hypergraphs as an Attributed Predicate RDF, , (28.10.2015)
Arbeitende im Spannungsfeld IT-unterstu?tzter Arbeitsprozesse, , (24.10.2015)
Resilience 2.0: Computer-aided disaster management, Chengdu, (23.10.2015)
Towards Ontology-driven RDF Analytics, Stockholm University, (22.10.2015)
A Dataset for Violent Scenes Detection in Hollywood Movies and Web Videos, Prague, (21.10.2015)
IBD sharing in the 1000 Genomes Project Phase 3 data reveals relationships from Neanderthals to present day families, Baltimore, (09.10.2015)
Consistent Co-Evolution of Models and Transformations, Ottawa, (02.10.2015)
Multilevel Modeling for Business Process Automation, University of South Australia (UniSA), Adelaide, South Australia, (22.09.2015)
Flexible Score Following: The Piano Music Companion and Beyond, Wien, (19.09.2015)
Listener-Inspired Automated Music Playlist Generation, Wien, (19.09.2015)
Be-In/Be-Out with Bluetooth Low Energy: Implicit Ticketing for Public Transportation Systems, 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation System (ITSC 2015), Las Palmas de Gran C, (17.09.2015)
Predicting Personality Traits with Instagram Pictures, Vienna, (17.09.2015)
Verified Traffic Networks: Component-based Verification of Cyber-Physical Flow Systems, Gran Canaria, (16.09.2015)
Data, Information & Knowledge Sources in the Agricultural Domain, , (15.09.2015)
Semi-Automatically Generated Hybrid Ontologies for Information Integration, Vienna, Wirtschaftsuniversität, (15.09.2015)
JKU-Satellite at Media Eval 2015: An Intuitive Approach to Locate Single Pictures Within a Session, Wurzen, (14.09.2015)
MediaEval 2015: JKU-Tinnitus Approach to Emotion in Music Task, Wurzen, (14.09.2015)
RFA at MediaEval 2015 Affective Impact of Movies Task: A Multimodal Approach, Wurzen, (14.09.2015)
The MediaEval 2015 Affective Impact of Movies Task, Wurzen, (14.09.2015)
2D Presentation Techniques of Mind-maps for Blind Meeting Participants, Budapest, (11.09.2015)
A Comparative Study on Java Technologies for Focus and Cursor Handling in Accessible Dynamic Interactions, Budapest, (10.09.2015)
Ontology-based Semantic Support to Improve Accessibility of Graphics, , (10.09.2015)
Supporting Blind Students in STEM Education in Austria, Budapest, (10.09.2015)
Towards the Trustworthiness of Data, Information, Knowledge and Knowledge Processing Systems in Smart Homes, IDIMT-2015, (10.09.2015)
Collecting Requirements and Ideas for Architectural Group Decision-Making Based on Four Approaches, Dubrovnik, Kroatien, (09.09.2015)
Resilience 2.0: ICT for Resilience of Systems, Podebrady, (09.09.2015)
From Research to Industry: Interactive Mobile Services for Accelerating Logistics Processes, Osaka, Japa, (07.09.2015)
Listener-aware Music Recommendation from Sensor and Social Media Data, Porto, (07.09.2015)
Timbral Modeling for Music Artist Recognition Using i-Vectors, Nizza, (02.09.2015)
Music Retrieval and Recommendation: A Tutorial Overview, Santiago, (09.08.2015)
Disaster-Management: Challenges for Computer-supported Process and Project Management, Berlin, (03.08.2015)
Artificial Intelligence in the Concertgebouw, Buenos Aires, (28.07.2015)
Rectified Factor Networks for Deep Learning, Dublin, Ireland Dublin, (10.07.2015)
On the Validity of the IT-CISQ Quality Model for Automatic Measurement of Maintainability, Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC, (03.07.2015)
Personality & Emotional States: Understanding Users' Music Listening Needs, Dublin, (01.07.2015)
Personality Correlates for Digital Concert Program Notes, Dublin, (01.07.2015)
Component-based CPS Verification: A Recipe for Reusability, Oslo, (22.06.2015)
Verification-Driven Engineering with Sphinx and KeYmaera X, Oslo, (22.06.2015)
Using Big Data for Emotionally Intelligent Mobile Services through Multimodal Emotion Recognition, Geneva, (12.06.2015)
AEOLION ? Articulation Engineered for Organizational Learning in Interoperable, Open Networks, , (06.06.2015)
AsthMate - Supporting Patient Empowerment through Location-based Smartphone Applications, , (27.05.2015)
A Study on Architectural Decision-Making in Context, 12th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), Montreal, Canada, May 4-7 2015, (05.05.2015)
Directional Super-Resolution by means of Coded Sampling and Guided Upsampling, Houston, USA, (24.04.2015)
Towards an Open, Curious S-BPM Community ? Eliciting Stakeholder Needs, , (23.04.2015)
AIRM-based, Fine-grained Semantic Filtering of Notices to Airmen, Washington, D.C., (21.04.2015)
Arbeitsprozesse artikulieren - auf dem Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Verständnis, , (21.04.2015)
The Soundtrack of My Life: Adjusting the Emotion of Music, Seoul/Südkorea, (21.04.2015)
Personality Traits Predict Music Taxonomy Preferences, Seoul/Südkorea, (20.04.2015)
CloudGazer: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Monitoring and Optimizing Cloud-Based Networks, Hangzhou, (16.04.2015)
Models in Healthcare Simulation: Typology and Security Issues, Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM), in SpringSim'15 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, Alexa, (13.04.2015)
On the Influence of User Characteristics on Music Recommendation Algorithms, TU Wien, (31.03.2015)
Depth of encoding through gestures in foreign language word learning 2, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, (23.03.2015)
crowdSA - Towards Adaptive and Situation-Driven Crowd-Sensing for Disaster Situation Awareness, Orlando, (10.03.2015)
A Scalable Monitoring Solution for Large-Scale Distributed Systems, , (11.02.2015)
Adaptation Engine for Large-Scale Distributed Systems, , (11.02.2015)
Formal Modeling of a Client-Middleware Interaction System Regarding Content and Layout Adaptation, , (09.02.2015)
Judgement and Analysis Rules for Ontology-driven Comparative Data Analysis in Data Warehouses, Sydney, Western Sydney University, Parramatta Campus, (29.01.2015)
Exploiting Semantic Activity Labels to Facilitate Consistent Specialization of Abstract Process Activities, Pec pod Snezkou, (26.01.2015)
Towards Personalizing Classical Music Recommendations, Atlantic City, (26.01.2015)
Crowd-Sensing Meets Situation Awareness - A Research Roadmap for Crisis Management, Kauai, Hawaii, (06.01.2015)
Variability Support in Architecture Knowledge Management Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review, 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, Hawaii, January 5-8,, (06.01.2015)
Obtaining a data quality index with respect to case bases, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, (21.11.2014)
An Efficient Similarity Search in Large Data Collections with MapReduce, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, (19.11.2014)
On Context- and Sequence-Aware Document Enrichment and Retrieval towards Personalized Recommendations, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, (19.11.2014)
Knowledge-intensive Business Processes ? A Case Study for Sustainable Production in Farms and Forests, Dornbirn, (17.11.2014)
A Tactile Presentation Method of Mind Maps in Co-located Meetings, , (16.11.2014)
Domino: Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating Subsets across Multiple Tabular Datasets, Paris, (11.11.2014)
Evaluating the evaluation measures for beat tracking, , (31.10.2014)
A Conceptual Reference Model of Modeling and Verification Concepts for Hybrid Systems, Sibiu, (17.10.2014)
A Benchmarking-based Model for Technical Debt Calculation, Dallas, (03.10.2014)
The Value of Software Documentation Quality, Dallas, (02.10.2014)
A Systematic Taxonomy of Metamodel Evolution Impacts on OCL Expressions, Valencia, (28.09.2014)
Abstract vs. Concrete Clabjects in Dual Deep Instantiation, Valencia, (28.09.2014)
Modeling and Formal Analysis of a Client-server Ap- plication for Cloud Services, , (12.09.2014)
Customization of Domain-Specific Reference Models for Data Warehouses, Ulm, (03.09.2014)
Optimizing Reaction and Processing Times in Automotive Industry's Quality Management - A Data Mining Approach, München, (03.09.2014)
Unsuperwised Learning and Refinement of Rhythmic Patterns for Beat and Downbeat Tracking, Lissabon, (03.09.2014)
A Hash-Based Index Method for Securing Biometric Fuzzy Vaults, LMU München, (02.09.2014)
Low Cost UX Design in Knowledge Articulation, , (01.09.2014)
A Fresh Look at Codification Approaches for SAKM: A Systematic Literature Review, 8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2014), Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, 2014, (28.08.2014)
Service Development and Architecture Management for an Enterprise SOA, 8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2014), Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, 2014, (27.08.2014)
Early Detection of Critical Faults Using Time-Series Analysis on Heterogeneous Information Systems in the Automotive Industry, Rom, (26.08.2014)
SEM² Suite - Towards a Tool Suite for Supporting Knowledge Management in Situation Awareness Systems, San Francisco, CA, (14.08.2014)
LumiConSense: A Transparent, Flexible, Scalable, and Disposable Image Sensor Using Thin-Film Luminescent Concentrators, Vancouver, CA, (13.08.2014)
An Open S-BPM Runtime Environment based on Abstract State Machines, , (17.07.2014)
From Safety to Guilty and from Liveness to Niceness, Berkeley, CA, (12.07.2014)
Social Media and Classical Music? - A first analysis within the PHENICX project: "Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert eXperiences", , (11.07.2014)
Formant Analysis of Altered Notes in a Diatonic Harmonica, Le Mans, (10.07.2014)
Presenting Non-verbal Communication to Blind Users in Brainstorming Sessions, , (10.07.2014)
Virtual Braille-Keyboard in Co-located Meetings, , (10.07.2014)
Enhancing Music Recommender Systems with Personality Information and Emotional States: A Proposal., , (09.07.2014)
An Overview On Client-Centric Cloud Computing, , (24.06.2014)
Towards Cloud-based Distributed Scaleable Processing over Large-scale Temporal Graphs, Parma, (24.06.2014)
Dual Deep Instantiation and its ConceptBase Implementation, Thessaloniki, (19.06.2014)
Do Children Accept Virtual Agents as Foreign Language Trainers?, , (17.06.2014)
Accessibility for People with Cognitive Disabilities - Better Inclusion into R&D, Paris, (13.06.2014)
Objective Safety Compliance Checks for Source Code, 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2014), Hyderabad, India, May 31 - June 7, (05.06.2014)
To Post or Not to Post: The Effects of Persuasive Cues and Group Targeting Mechanisms on Posting Behavior, Stanford, California, (29.05.2014)
Refactoring, Refinement, and Reasoning: A Logical Characterization for Hybrid Systems, , (14.05.2014)
Automatic Reference Architecture Conformance Checking for SOA-based Software Systems, WICSA 2014, 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, Syndey, April 7-11, 2014, (09.04.2014)
A Data Quality Index with Respect to Case Bases within Case-Based Reasoning, Bangkok, (08.04.2014)
Coded Exposure HDR Light-Field Video Recording, Strasbourg, (08.04.2014)
Panorama Light-Field Imaging, Strasbourg, (08.04.2014)
Mobile Music Genius: Reggae at the Beach, Metal on a Friday Night?, Glasgow, (03.04.2014)
Improving Neighborhood-Based Collaborative Filtering by Reducing Hubness, Glasgow, UK, (02.04.2014)
Staying Aware in an Evolving World - Specifying and Tracking Evolving Situations, San Antonio, (05.03.2014)
Bridging the Audio-Symbolic Gap: The Discovery of Repeated Note Content Directly from Polyphonic Music Audio, London, (28.01.2014)
The Complete Classical Music Companion v0.9, London, (28.01.2014)
Towards a Drum Transcription System Aware of Bar Position, London, (28.01.2014)
Variability in Artifact-Centric Process Modeling: The Hetero-Homogeneous Approach, Auckland, (22.01.2014)
CARE - A Constraint-Based Approach for Re-Establishing Conformance-Relationships, Auckland, (21.01.2014)
Variability in Artifact-Centric Process Modeling: The Hetero-Homogeneous Approach, Auckland, (21.01.2014)
Location-Aware Music Artist Recommendation, Dublin, (08.01.2014)
Context-Based Energy Saving Strategies for Continuous Determination of Position on iOS Devices, 47th Hawaii International IEEE Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2014), Big Island, Hawaii, USA,, (07.01.2014)
AsTeRICS - a framework for rapid implementation of AT, Vigo, (14.11.2013)
Including Sensor Technology in AT Solutions for People with Motor Disabilities, Hammamed, (25.10.2013)
What is important in the curriculum, Paris, (19.03.2013)
Neuronal Correlates of Variability in Behavioral Performance, NeuroIS Gmunden Retreat 2012, Gmunden, (06.06.2012)
AWPS - an architecture for pro-active web performance management, Universität Wien, (16.10.2010)
A Method for Continuous Code Quality Management Using Static Analysis, Porto, (29.09.2010)
Adapting Quality Models for Assessments ? Concepts and Tool Support, Paderborn, (22.02.2010)
Next Generation Cooperative Environments: A QoS Perspective, University of Perugia, (30.06.2008)
The Web Goes Mobile: Can We Keep the Pace?, Barcelona, (07.03.2008)
Embedding Mobility Support in Airline Crew Pairing, Rostering, and Operations, Istanbul, (08.07.2007)
Vortragstyp: Vortrag auf einer Tagung (nicht referiert)
Analysis and quantification of ADAS failures under diverse weather conditions, , (24.10.2024)
Panel member and Presentation Austrian IEEE ITSS Chapter as Chair, , (24.10.2024)
From Contact Tracing to Exposure Detection Technology, JKU medSPACE, (26.09.2024)
Digitale Wissenslücken in Sozialunternehmen, Linz, (09.07.2024)
Digitaler Stress und Videoconference Fatigue, Innsbruck, (04.06.2024)
DIG-i-READY Handbook for an inclusive learning environment, Brüssel, (01.12.2023)
Fostering sustainable partnership and mobility through the ASEAN Europe Network, Bangkok, (16.03.2023)
Creating Accessible Digital Platforms for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Methodological Guidelines for Developers and Designers, , (06.02.2023)
Responsible Internet - Kurzvortrag, Dagstuhl, (21.11.2022)
Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles, online (geplant in JPN), (06.11.2021)
Gehirn in der Corona-Pandemie und der persönliche Weg durch Krisenzeiten, Wien, (24.09.2021)
Telling Stories with Projections, London, (26.11.2020)
AWCAT: Lehr- und Lernunterlagen zum Thema Barrierefreiheit in Software und Web, JKU Linz, (10.07.2019)
Reward Redistribution to Speed Up Reinforcement Learning, Genf, (27.05.2019)
Deep Learning in Drug Design and Autonomous Driving, Renningen, (20.11.2018)
Deep Learning - the Key Technology of Artificial Intelligence, ZF Friedrichshafen, (23.10.2018)
Security in an AI driven environment: Understanding the unique risks and challenges of crafting secure AI products, Barcelona, (18.10.2018)
Cybersecurity and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems, Marrakesch, (10.10.2018)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Pharmaceutical Industry and Medicine, Wien, (20.06.2018)
Importance of Risk Definition for IT Risk Control, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, (05.06.2018)
Results of Focus Group Research For a Portfolio-Based Design Improvement Model, Hamburg, (18.04.2018)
Body and Mind: Wie Bewegung das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache unterstützt, Linz, (20.03.2018)
My Introduction on Multi-Level Modeling at Dagstuhl Seminar 17492, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Dagstuhl, (04.12.2017)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Autonomous Driving, München, Deutschland, (28.11.2017)
Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving and Drug Design, Seoul, (19.10.2017)
Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving, München, (11.10.2017)
Selbstbestimmt und unabhängig: Technologie die wirklich hilft, Wien, (01.02.2017)
Adopting Concepts of Freinet Pedagogy in Higher Education ? A Report on the Design and Evolution of a Didactical Experiment, , (14.10.2016)
panelcn.MOPS: CNV detection in targeted panel sequencing data for diagnostic use, Wien, ÖGH Jahrestagung inkl. Satelliten Symposium, (29.09.2016)
Analyse von microRNA bei Hirntumoren im Vergleich unterschiedlicher WHO-grade, AKH Linz, (11.11.2015)
Individuelle Risikostratifizierung großer chirurgischer Eingriffe mit Methoden des "machine learning", AKH Linz, (11.11.2015)
UAV-to-* Communications in Mixed Search Teams: The SWARMIX Approach, Wien, (29.10.2015)
The Editor Guide to Getting Published, Jakarta, (28.10.2015)
IFSR- the International Federation for Systems Research, Chengdu, (24.10.2015)
Welcome-Address: Congress: "Environment, Energy and Commercial Civilization", Chengdu, (23.10.2015)
Verified Runtime Validation and Proof-Aware Refactoring for Hybrid Systems - Tactics and Lemma Mechanism in KeYmaera X, Goetheborg, (29.07.2015)
Applications Scenarios for Large Scale Stream Processing, Wien, (21.05.2015)
2D Presentation Techniques of Mind-Maps for Blind Meeting Participants, Northridge, California, (04.03.2015)
Accessing and Dealing with Mathematics as a Blind Individual: State of the Art and Challenges, Athens, (13.02.2015)
Theorem Proving for CPS, Los Angeles, (18.12.2014)
Applications Scenarios for Large Scale Stream Processing, Wien, (12.11.2014)
Parallel Processing of Temporal Graphs in Near-Realtime, Wien, (05.06.2014)
Usable Accessibility, Krems, (24.04.2014)
When technology adapt to humans, Stockholm, (09.04.2014)
Sind Sie schon barrierefrei - oder grenzen Sie noch immer potenzielle KundInnen aus, Wien, (07.03.2013)
Innovative Practices, Wien, (18.02.2013)
Mobile Interfaces, Wien, (26.04.2004)
Women in Computer Science - A Personal Perspective, Vilnius, (07.08.2003)
Vortragstyp: Habilitationsvortrag
Contributions to Decision Management in Solution-Driven Software Product Line Businesses, Universität Linz, (19.10.2017)
Facilitating organizational alignment through people-centric articulation of knowledge about work, Linz, (29.09.2017)
Physical Mobility in Networked Systems: Data-driven Characterization of Mobility, Mobility Impact Analysis, and Methods for Exploiting Mobility Context in Networked Systems, JKU Linz, (03.02.2017)
Integrated Visual Analysis for Data-Driven Sciences, JKU Linz, (04.10.2016)
Vortragstyp: Posterpräsentation
Towards a Heuristic Optimizer for a Target Time Management System in Air Traffic Flow Management, San Diego, CA, (01.10.2024)
Using GPT-4 for Source Code Documentation, Paris, (28.08.2024)
Endpoint Conditioned Multimodality Trajectory Prediction Using Voronoi Tessellation, Worcester, MA, (22.05.2024)
HKViz: Map-Based Analytics for Hollow Knight, Worcester, MA, (22.05.2024)
How Far Can Public Transport Take You?, Melbourne, (24.10.2023)
Preliminary Study of the Performance of the miniPXI when Measuring Player Experience throughout Game Development, Stratford, (12.10.2023)
Using Service-Level Mobile Internet Traffic Data to Estimate Noise Impact of Flight Trajectories on the Population, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, (06.10.2023)
Extraction of Road Users' Behavior from Realistic Data According to Assumptions in Safety-Related Models for Automated Driving Systems, Bilbao, (28.09.2023)
Naturalistic Yielding Behavior of Drivers at an Unsignalized Intersection based on Survival Analysis, , (26.09.2023)
Lessons Learned from Designing and Implementing Interaction Mechanics for Viewer Participation in Game Streaming, , (01.09.2023)
Flex Picture eBook: Inclusive Children?s Literature Made Easy, Paris - Aubervilliers, (31.08.2023)
Hybrid Multi-Objective Genetic Programming for Parameterized Quantum Operator Discovery, Lisbon, (17.07.2023)
Visualizing Pairwise Feature Interactions in Neural Additive Models, Leipzig, (13.06.2023)
Method for Comparison of Surrogate Safety Measures in Multi-Vehicle Scenarios, , (06.06.2023)
Housing Services for Persons with Disabilities in Austria - between rigid pattern and innovative practices, Wien, (14.09.2022)
Ambient Assisted Living for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Upper-Austria, Polimi, Lecco, (13.07.2022)
eTeachers: a Toolkit for Teaching Inclusively in Remote Settings, Polimi, Lecco, (13.07.2022)
Automated Driving Systems: Impact of Haptic Guidance on Driving Performance after a Take Over Request, Aachen, (08.06.2022)
Interaction of Autonomous and Manually-Controlled Vehicles: Implementation of a Road User Communication Service", Aachen, (08.06.2022)
Uncertainty-Aware Prediction of Battery Energy Consumption for Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Aachen, (07.06.2022)
Towards a Reference Architecture for Leveraging Model Repositories for Digital Twins, Online Konferenz wegen COVID, (09.11.2020)
Towards a Multi-Objective Modularizations Approach for Entity-Relationship Models, Online Konferenz wegen COVID 19, (04.11.2020)
DevOpsML: Towards Modeling DevOps Processes and Platforms, online aufgrund von COVID-19 (geplant: CAN), (22.10.2020)
Modelling Production System Families with AutomationML, Online Konferenz wegen COVID 19, (10.09.2020)
A practical view on IT risk management process, München, (14.11.2019)
Human-Drone Teaming: Use Case Bookshelf Inventory, Bilbao, (23.10.2019)
Tastalyzer: Audiovisual exploration of urban and rural variations in music taste. Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2019), Nizza, (21.10.2019)
Leveraging Multi-Method Evaluation for Multi-Stakeholder Settings. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on the Impact of Recommender Systems (ImpactRS 2019), part of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2019),, Copenhagen, (19.09.2019)
Designing an Information System for Cancer Research, Worcester, MA, (02.08.2019)
TourGuide: Interactive Visual Analysis of Clinical Oncology Data, , (12.04.2019)
A Proof-of-Concept Implementation of a Semantic Container Management System for Air Traffic Management (Demo), Inria Nancy, Grand-Est, Nancy, (14.11.2018)
ConfusionFlow: Visualizing Neural Network Confusion Across Epochs, Berlin, (25.10.2018)
Resilient, Linz, (22.11.2017)
TEMACC - Ethiopia Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care, , (22.11.2017)
Empowering Road Vehicles to Learn Parking Situations based on Optical Sensor Measurements, Linz, (23.10.2017)
On the Futility of Learning Complex Frame-Level Language Models for Chord Recognition, Erlangen, (01.09.2017)
Towards a Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Dynamic Adaptation for Large-Scale Distributed Systems, Trondheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, (27.06.2017)
Towards End-to-End Audio-Sheet-Music Retrieval, Barcelona, (07.12.2016)
The Influence of Users' Personality Traits on Satisfaction and Attractiveness of Diversified Recommendation Lists., Boston, (16.09.2016)
madmom: a new Python Audio and Music Signal Processing Library, New York, (11.08.2016)
An Analysis of Agreement in Classical Music Perception and Its Relationship to Listener Characteristics, New York, (10.08.2016)
Recurrent Neural Networks for Drum Transcription, NY, (10.08.2016)
Conversations with Expert Users in Music Retrieval and Research Challenges for Creative MIR, New York, (08.08.2016)
Downbeat Tracking Using Beat-synchronous Features and Recurrent Neural Networks, New York, (08.08.2016)
Landmark-based Audio Fingerprinting for DJ Mix Monitoring., new York, (08.08.2016)
Live Score Following on Sheet Music Images, New York, (08.08.2016)
MIR Web Interface for Shaping Musical Creativity, , (08.08.2016)
On the Potential of Simple Framewise Approaches to Piano Transcription, New York, (08.08.2016)
A Hybrid Approach Using Binaural i-vectors and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Budapest, (07.07.2016)
Towards Deep and Discriminative Canonical Correlation Analysis, New York, (21.06.2016)
A Dataset of Multimedia Material About Classical Music: PHENICX-SMM, , (16.06.2016)
Music Tweet Map: A Browsing Interface to Explore the Microblogosphere of Music, Bucharest, (16.06.2016)
Personalized Retrieval and Browsing of Classical Music and Supporting Multimedia Material, NY, (08.06.2016)
Deep Linear Discriminant Analysis, San Juan, (03.05.2016)
An Intelligent Musical Rhythm Variation Interface, Sonoma, (07.03.2016)
Using Instagram Picture Features to Predict Users' Personality, Miami/Florida, (05.01.2016)
Accurate Tempo Estimation based on Recurrent Neural Networks and Resonating Comb Filters, Malaga, (28.10.2015)
An Efficient State-Space Model for Joint Tempo and Meter Tracking, Malaga, (28.10.2015)
Real-time Music Tracking Using Multiple Performances as a Reference, Malaga, (28.10.2015)
Two Data Sets for Tempo Estimation and Key Detection in Electronic Dance Music Annotated from User Corrections, Malaga, (28.10.2015)
Classical Music on the Web - User Interfaces and Data Representations, Malaga, (27.10.2015)
Gross-Version Singing Voice Detection in Classical Opera Recordings, Malaga, (27.10.2015)
Improving Music Recommendations with a Weighted Factorization of the Tagging Activity, Malaga, (27.10.2015)
Monaural Blind Source Separation in the Context of Vocal Detection, Malaga, (27.10.2015)
Mapping the body into the brain: Learning vocabulary through gestures, Chicago, (16.10.2015)
An OLAP Client for Hetero-Homogeneous Data Warehouses, University of South Australia (UniSA), Adelaide, South Australia, (22.09.2015)
Tailoring Music Recommendations to Users by Considering Diversity, Mainstreaminess, and Novelty., Santiago, (11.08.2015)
Addressing Tempo Estimation Octave Errors in Electronic Music by Incorporating Style Information Extracted from Wikipedia, Maynooth, (31.07.2015)
PHENICX: Innovating the Classical Music Experience, Turin, (30.06.2015)
A multi-model approach to beat tracking considering heterogeneous music styles, Teipei, (31.10.2014)
SemNOTAM: Ontology-based Representation and Semantic Querying of Digital Notices to Airmen, Wien, (30.10.2014)
Impact of Listening Behavior on Music Recommendation, Teipei, (29.10.2014)
Probabilistic Extraction of Beat Positions from a Beat Activation Function, Teipei, (29.10.2014)
Tempo- and Transposition-invariant Identification of Piece and Score Position, Teipei, (29.10.2014)
FARAW - Facilitating Articulation and Reflection about Work, , (16.10.2014)
The Use of Social Media for Music Analysis and Creation Within the GiantSteps Project, Gold Coast, (11.07.2014)
User Geospatial Context for Music Recommendation in Microblogs, , (06.06.2014)
On the Reduction of False Positives in Singing Voice Detection, Florence, (06.05.2014)
Complex Event Processing and Business Rules in S-BPM, , (22.04.2014)
Bytecode Analysis for Checking Java Access Modifiers, Wien, (16.09.2010)
Classification on Composition and Interoperation, California, San Diego, (09.10.1996)
Vortragstyp: Andere Vorträge und Präsentationen
KEBA Open Innovation Exchange - On-Device AI, Linz, (18.12.2024)
Multi-Objective Optimization for Quantum Programs, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern,, (17.12.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Linz, (20.11.2024)
Frauenpower im Kopf, Bad Ischl, (28.10.2024)
Overview of the AI-Eval Workbench, Siemens AG, Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Straße 3, 85748 Garching bei München, (25.10.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Wels, (22.10.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Zell am See, (16.10.2024)
Wellness für das Frauengehirn, Wels, (25.09.2024)
Auswirkungen von Bewegungsmangel auf die kognitiven Fähigkeiten und auf die Psyche von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Bad Erlach, (24.09.2024)
Smart Management of Quality Models, Siemens AG, Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Straße 3, 85748 Garching bei München, (29.07.2024)
Podiumsdiskussion ?Zukunft der Sozialunternehmen? mit Vandor, Peter (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), Rehbichler, Sabine (arbeit+) und Schaur, Melanie (JKU Linz), moderiert von Newald, Christine (arbeit+), , (09.07.2024)
Health-Check Goes Pulse Self-Assessment, online, (27.06.2024)
Care4SKills Workshop, ONLINE-Webinar, (25.06.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Mauthausen, (13.06.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Gleisdorf, (10.06.2024)
Iss dich klug mein Kind! Ernährung und Auswirkungen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit des kindlichen Gehirns, St. Marein bei Graz, (07.06.2024)
Beweg dich und dein junges Gehirn sagt danke!, Ellmau, (15.05.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Bad Leonfelden, (14.05.2024)
Unternehmen mit Hirn und Herz, Hamburg, (26.04.2024)
Young Computer Scientists - "Mobile Computing", JKU Linz, (19.04.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Grieskirchen, (18.04.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Linz, (15.04.2024)
Wellness für das Gehirn, Wien, (09.04.2024)
Software Engineering with AI, Siemens AG, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, 81739 München, (15.03.2024)
Machine Learning und/oder AI, Wien, (22.02.2024)
Gemeinsam mehr Gehirn bewegen, Linz, (31.01.2024)
Videoconference Fatigue im Kontext der New Work, Tabakfabrik Linz, (30.01.2024)
Natürliche und Künstliche Intelligenz, Ried im Innkreis, (18.01.2024)
Body and Mind: How our body enhances second language learning, Linz, (18.11.2023)
Künstliche Intelligenz: Ende der Wahrheit oder Optimierung der menschlichen Vernunft?, Linz, (16.10.2023)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt danke!, Ansfelden, (22.09.2023)
Workshop for National Experts: Document Accessibility, ONLINE-Webinar, (19.07.2023)
Seeing through Forest - Real-Time Occlusion Removal with Airborne Optical Sectioning (Invited Talk), Oberpfaffenhofen, (25.05.2023)
Natürliche und künstliche Intelligenz: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Mensch und Maschine, Wels, (23.05.2023)
Was braucht das Gehirn, damit der Mensch glücklich und zufrieden ist?, Bad Leonfelden, (09.05.2023)
Runter vom Sofa!, Windischgarsten, (18.04.2023)
Potentiale und Grenzen von chatGPT ? technische Grundlagen und Potentiale, ONLINE, (07.03.2023)
Ergebnisse der Pilotierung der AAM (Agile Assessment Method) im Industriebereich, ONLINE, (26.01.2023)
Kooperation im Gehirn, Pöllauberg, (24.01.2023)
Transhumanismus: Quo vadis homo sapiens?, Innsbruck, (15.12.2022)
Congratulatory Speech and Remarks from the IEEE ITSS President, online, (10.11.2022)
Digital Transformation Opportunity Recognition, , (12.10.2022)
Remarks from the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society President, online, (09.10.2022)
Digital Opportunities for Sustainability, Linz, JKU, (05.09.2022)
Die Digitale Transformation hat begonnen ? sind Sie bereit dafür?, JKU, (20.05.2022)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Wien, (02.12.2021)
Beweg dich! Wie verändert Sport unser Gehirn?, München, (19.11.2021)
Iss dich klug!, Mondsee, (03.11.2021)
Stress im Gehirn und die Corona-Pandemie, , (29.10.2021)
RITMO-Project - a Science Voncert with the Danish String Quartet (DSQ), Musikhuset København, (26.10.2021)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt danke!, St. Valentin, (18.10.2021)
Beweg dich! Und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Burg Perchtoldsdorf, (15.10.2021)
Iss dich klug!, Poysdorf, (07.10.2021)
Autonomous Driving Theory and Demo, JKU, (14.09.2021)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn macht Sprünge! Warum Bewegung Psyche und Geist stark macht., Linz, Redoutensäle, (01.09.2021)
Von der Digitalisierungsstrategie zur Erkennung digitaler Potentiale für KMUs, Online Seminar, (27.05.2021)
Iss dich klug!, online aufgrund COVID-19 (geplant: Asten), (25.05.2021)
Accessibility, ONLINE-Webinar, (19.04.2021)
Iss dich klug, mein Kind!, Online aufgrund von COVID-19, (22.03.2021)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, online aufgrund COVID-19 (geplant: Korneuburg), (19.03.2021)
Iss dich klug und dein Gehirn freut sich, Buchpräsentation, Wien, (25.02.2021)
Runter vom Sofa, , (26.06.2020)
Adversarial Robustness in Data Augmentation, online/virtuell, (26.04.2020)
Human-Drone Teaming (Demo-Presentation), JKU Linz, (08.11.2019)
Runter vom Sofa, Buchpremiere, (12.10.2019)
Bewegt euch Kinder! Warum Gehirn und Psyche Bewegung brauchen, , (10.10.2019)
Modellbasiertes Digital Twin Engineering, Sindelfingen, (18.09.2019)
Improving Data Quality with Knowledge Graphs for Cognitive Computing, Athens, (04.06.2019)
Open and User Innovation: Motivations, Mechanisms and Outcomes, , (02.06.2019)
Die Zukunft der Technik: Deep Learning verändert unsere Welt, Linz, (21.05.2019)
Künstliche Intelligenz ? Ist die Menschheit in Gefahr?, Kreuzschwesternschule Linz, (08.05.2019)
Vom Internet of Things in der Produktion zur Prozesskommunikation, , (08.04.2019)
Auswirkungen von Bewegung auf das Lernen, Linz, (18.03.2019)
Stress und Burnout im Gehirn, Ried im Innkreis, (12.03.2019)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke, Wien, (27.02.2019)
Deep Learning is Revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence, Linz, Borealis, (06.02.2019)
Warum das Gehirn will, dass wir glücklich sind, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, (24.01.2019)
Kooperation in der Evolution: Mechanismen im Gehirn, die unser soziales Miteinander steuern, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, (17.01.2019)
Visual Data Science: Daten sehen, Daten verstehen (inaugural lecture), , (08.01.2019)
Verleihung des Adolf Adam Informatik Preises, JKU Linz, (20.12.2018)
Verleihung des OCG Förderpreises, ICT Konferenz, (05.12.2018)
Conceptualizing Analytics: Conceptual Modeling and Data Analytics - A Tutorial, Xian, (23.10.2018)
Can we Big Data our Blockchain cloud?, WIFI Linz, (22.10.2018)
Deep Learning and the LIT AI Lab in Linz, München, (11.10.2018)
Satisficing Non-Functional Requirements in the Context of Tasks, itopia, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich, (28.09.2018)
TEMACC - Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Healthcare in Ethiopia, itopia Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich, (28.09.2018)
TEMACC - Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Healthcare in Ethiopia, JKU LInz, (20.09.2018)
Moderation Pro2Future in Progress, University of Linz, (18.09.2018)
Paneldiskussion Digital Valley "Bildung", Vienna, (17.09.2018)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke!, Wien, (05.09.2018)
Towards a Flexible, Scalable, and Transparent Thin-Film Camera, Med Campus des Kepler Universitätsklinikums, Life Science Park, (05.09.2018)
Die Informatik entzaubern, University of Salzburg, (01.09.2018)
Verleihung des Hansriegel-Fachpreises für Informatik, JKU Linz, (04.06.2018)
Deep Learning verändert unsere Arbeitswelt, Voest Alpine Stahlwelt Linz, (17.04.2018)
TEC Workshop für SchülerInnen "Mobile Computing", JKU Linz, (04.04.2018)
Deep Learning Revolutionizes Pharma and Medicine, Kremsmünster, (07.03.2018)
Weltmacht Computer: beherrscht der Computer uns oder wir ihn?, Vienna, (01.02.2018)
Suche nach der Nadel im Datenhaufen: Wie Visualisierung hilft, Daten zu verstehen, JKU, (21.12.2017)
Visual Computing - die vierdimensionale Zukunft intelligenter Kameras, Displays und Beleuchtung, JKU, (19.12.2017)
agriProKnow - Exemplarische Auswertungen mittels Semantic Data Warehouse, Plavecky Stvrtok, (27.11.2017)
Deep Learning and AI for Drug Discover, Brüssel, (09.10.2017)
Deep Learning is Evolving into the Key Technology of Artificial Intelligence, Leoben, (05.10.2017)
Future Trends, , (05.10.2017)
The Role of JKU inTEMACC, Wassamar Hotel, Addis Ababa, (04.10.2017)
Die Deep Learning Revolution der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Ingolstadt, (21.09.2017)
AI eröffnet der Menschheit eine unbekannte Zukunft, Ingolstadt, (20.09.2017)
TEC Workshop für SchülerInnen "Mobile Computing", JKU Linz, (19.09.2017)
Deep Learning for Distributed and Swarm Intelligence, AEC Linz, (10.09.2017)
The Editor Guide to Getting Published, Jakarta, (10.08.2017)
The Editor Guide to Getting Published, Bali, (09.08.2017)
Supporting Active and Healthy Aging (my-AHA), Venedig, (27.06.2017)
Scaffolds for Work Process Modeling, , (07.06.2017)
TEMACC - Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care in Ethiopia, Wien, (19.05.2017)
TEC Workshop für SchülerInnen "Mobile Computing", JKU Linz, (17.05.2017)
Computers, Internet, Security, Privacy, Linz, (09.05.2017)
Einflüsse von Bewegung auf das Gehirn, Magistrat der Stadt Linz, (22.03.2017)
TEC Workshop für SchülerInnen "Mobile Computing", JKU Linz, (16.02.2017)
Software-Archäologie - Was Software von der Archäologie lernen kann, Wien, FH Technikum, (15.11.2016)
Machine Deep Learning, Linz, Rotary Club, (18.10.2016)
Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving, Ingolstadt, (12.10.2016)
Project-based (Organizational) Learning. Supporting Knowledge Creation, Documentation, and Reuse in Semi-structured Processes, , (10.10.2016)
Toxicity Prediction using Deep Learning, Hagenberg, PRACE Autumn School 2016, (27.09.2016)
Formal Modeling of a Client-Cloud Interaction Middleware with respect to Adaptivity, , (13.09.2016)
Intelligent machines that make humans learn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (09.09.2016)
Identification of molecular target and mechanism of action of compound mixtures using target prediction and transcriptomics, Sansepolcro, (22.08.2016)
LSTM Revolutionizes Speech and Language Processing, JKU Linz (WebEx-Talk), (13.07.2016)
PL/I und JAVA - Totgesagter gegen Neuankömmling!, Fa. Wüstenrot, Salzburg, (23.06.2016)
Language-Based Anomaly Detection in Client-Cloud Interaction - Thesis Defense, Science Park JKU Linz Linz, (03.06.2016)
Future Talk, Academia Superior, (06.04.2016)
Deep Learning: Wunderbare und erschreckende Dinge, die ein Computer lernen kann, Kepler Salon Linz, (01.02.2016)
Entscheidungen im Leben, Entscheidungen im Unternehmen, , (28.10.2015)
Weltmacht Computer: beherrscht der Computer uns oder wir ihn?, Wien, (16.10.2015)
All das, was Sie schon immer über Ihr Gehirn wissen wollten: Altern ohne Demenz, , (03.10.2015)
Anti-Aging für das Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (01.10.2015)
Emotion und Gefühl im Gehirn, , (26.09.2015)
Lernen, ein ganzes Leben lang: Was passiert im Gehirn?, , (23.09.2015)
Gehirn für Fortgeschrittene, , (19.09.2015)
Lernen aus Sicht des Gehirns, , (18.09.2015)
Database and Expert Systems Applications - Opening Speech, , (01.09.2015)
Artikulationsformen von Wissen - Artikulation als Schlüssel für wechselseitiges Verstehen (ler-nen), Wien, (26.08.2015)
A Client-Centric Model For Managing Availability and Performance Conditions of Service Level Agreements in Cloud Computing, , (05.08.2015)
Client-Centric Identity and Access Management in Cloud Computing - Dissertation, , (17.07.2015)
Conceptual Foundations of BPM Approaches, Lisboa, (08.07.2015)
Client-Centric Identity Management and Access Control, , (11.06.2015)
Client-Intercloud Interaction Middleware, , (11.06.2015)
Evaluation of Language-Based Anomaly Detection in Client-Cloud Interaction, , (11.06.2015)
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Automatic Client-Side Adaptivity, , (11.06.2015)
Introduction to Agile development, methods and practices, , (11.06.2015)
Introduction to CDCC laboratory and its activities, , (11.06.2015)
Managing Availability and Performance of Service- Level Agreements, , (11.06.2015)
Monitoring and Adaptation for Cloud-Enabled Large-Scale Distributed Systems, , (11.06.2015)
Lightning Talk zum Thema IT und Karriere, Wien, (09.06.2015)
Paneldiskussion Zukunft der Informatik, Wien, (08.06.2015)
CARE - a constraint-based approach for restablishing conformance-relationships, University of L'Aquila, (26.05.2015)
Neuroscience of Art: What are the sources of creativity and innovation?, Schez und Bruckner Privatuniversität, (21.04.2015)
Mehrere Sprachen in einem Köpfchen ? Was sagt das Gehirn dazu?, , (10.03.2015)
Stress im Gehirn, Ars Electronica Center Linz, (05.02.2015)
Vom Mailüfterl zu APPs, EVN, Maria Enzersdorf, (09.01.2015)
Security of Medical Devices, , (19.11.2014)
Grenzen und ihre Überwindung, Direktion Kultur, OÖ Presseclub, OÖ Kulturquartier Linz, (03.11.2014)
Virtuelle Agenten ? die Lehre der Zukunft ?, Rotary Club Linz, (03.11.2014)
A Tempo- and Transposition-Invariant Piano Music Companion, Teipei, (28.10.2014)
Machine Learning: An Introduction, Garching b. München, (15.09.2014)
Benchmarking and Rankings, JKU Linz, (01.09.2014)
The Piano Music Companion, Prag, (20.08.2014)
SoMeRA 2014: Social Media Retrieval and Analysis Workshop, , (11.07.2014)
Forschung Live erleben!, Linz, (28.03.2014)
Der Einfluss von Musik auf das Gehirn, Oberösterreichischer Familienbund, (17.05.2013)
JKU - Studieren im Herzen Europas, , (07.05.2012)
Mechatronik - Europas Antwort auf die Megatrends, Wien, (03.11.2011)
Internet-Technologien: von der Informationssuche zur Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit, St. Martin, (27.10.2011)
Die Johannes Kepler Universitaet - Positionen und strategische Ausrichtung, Linz, (11.10.2011)
Risk Based Evaluation of Source Code Quality, Berlin, (28.01.2011)
The Digital World: Supplement or substitute?, Alpbach, (23.08.2010)
Software-Verkostung - Ein neuer Ansatz zur Validierung von Software Qualitätsmanagement-Werkzeugen, JKU, LInz, (21.04.2010)
Spitzenplatz im Ranking = Spitzenplatz in der Forschung?, , (13.01.2010)
Next Generation Internet, Linz, AEC, (14.05.2009)
IKT-Ausbildung, , (02.04.2008)
Forscherinnen-Empowerment, Wien, (07.11.2005)
Drop Out Rates of Students in IT, Wien, (03.10.2002)
iREDUCE - Intelligente Interdependenz-gesteuerte Alarmflut-Reduktion in KRITIS (Anfangsjahr: 2025)
AWARE - Achieving Human-Machine Collaboration with Artificial Situational Awareness (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Bayer LSC Atlas (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Care4Skills (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
FFG Internship Project "Human-Drone Distance Learning" (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
FFG Internship Project ?Digital Audio Archiv? (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
GenAI Supported Software Engineering Tasks (AISeTa) (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Hack The Hat (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Jobsi - Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems in Onlineplattformen (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Large Language Models im Umsatzsteuerrecht: Eine vergleichende Analyse von Finetuning & Embeddings bei der Ergebnisgenerierung (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
MATISSE ? Model-based engineering of Digital Twins for early verification and validation of Industrial Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Optimizing Passenger Experience in Public Transport (OptiPEx), HORIZON-CL5-2023-D6-01 (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Promoli 2 (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Rach3: A Computational Approach to Study Piano Rehearsals (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Raise Your Voice (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Sozialministerium Service: Monitoring digitale Barrierefreiheit laut EAA und basierend auf dem EN301549 (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Spirits in Complexity (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Wargaming (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
Wargaming (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
eGov-Campus (Anfangsjahr: 2024)
AI for Software Engineering-Experiments -AISEE (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
AOSonFire: Airborne Optical Sectioning for Early Wildfire Detection (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
ATHENA (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Abtastung Grosser Synth. Blenden für Bewegungsklassifikation (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
AccessibleEU (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Certification Framework for Fair AI Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Civolunteer - Critical Infrastructures Powered by Volunteers (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
DANTE - Data Centric AI Engineering (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
DyslexieLab (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
ERGODIC Combined passenger and Goods transportation in suburb traffIc EUROPEAN DRIVING URBAN TRANSITIONS PARTNERSHIP DUT (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Ein Music Information Retrieval Ansatz zur Popmusikkultur (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
FFG-KIRAS CERTIFIER (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Fairness-aware Algorithimic Decision Support Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
HARMONIsed network through smart technology and Collaboration (HARMONIC) (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
INTEGRATE - Competence for Integrate Software and AI Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
INTES - Integrated Tool Ecosystem for Ensuring Standards and Regulations (SCCH-Kooperation) (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Intent-aware Music Recommender Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
KheepU Kommunikationsplattform (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Resilientere Militärlogistik auf Basis einer durchgehend digitalisierten, dislozierten und autonomen Supply Chain (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
TFI - Transferable Intelligence (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Untersuchung der Funktionsweise eines Platoons mit 2 Fahrzeugen sowie dessen Energie- und Emissionseinsparpotenzials (Anfangsjahr: 2023)
Black Holes of Popularity (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Connected and Automated Sustainable Transport Systems and Mobility (CASTM) (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
DIGI Ready (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
DIGI-SENSE - Digital Sensemaking: Constructive Capacity Building for Co-Creative Transformative Change (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Datenaufnahme und Auswertung mit JKU Forschungsfahrzeug für SWARCO (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
EPILEPSIA ? Epileptic Seizures Detection and Prognosis Using Sensor Network and Intelligent Algorithms (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
EVE4All (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Energy Informatics (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
FAIRFLOW - Fair Representation Learning with Fine-grained Adversarial Regulation of Bias Flow (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
FFG-Talente-Praktika 2022-Persuasive Apps (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Flex Picture eBook (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
IoT and Crowdsourcing-based Environmental Monitoring and Situation Awareness for Disaster Management (ASEA-UNINET) (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Melody of Crisis/Joy (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
MoQuaVas - Models for High Quality and Value Based Software Engineering (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
QuanTD-Quantifying Trustworthiness of Data (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
RTCN - Right to Connect (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Research Collaboraton Towards Greener Aviation (OeAD, WTZ Serbia) (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
SWARCO | Datenaufnahme Forschungsfahrzeug und Datenauswertung (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
SafeAI Basisprogramm Partnerantrag für Forschungspartner (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Studies on the Development and Dissemination of Interactive Exploration Tool for Chemical Reaction Optimization (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
Whither Music? (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
dasRes2-Data Analysis System (Anfangsjahr: 2022)
ADaptive and Autonomous Data Performance Connectivity and Decentralized Transport Decision-Making Network (ADAPT) (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
AIDOaRt: AI-augmented DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime for CPSs (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Accessible User-Interfaces for People with Cognitive Disabilities (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
B-Wise (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
BEE with APEX - Better Employability for Everyone with APEX (Erasmus+) (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Beyond Coding ? Software-Entwicklung der Zukunft (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Buddy (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
CIME (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
DaQuaSa - Data-Driven Quality, Scaled Agile Process Capabilities and Value in Software Engineering (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
FFG Talente Praktikum 2021 - Citizen Science and Sustainability Apps (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Humans and Recommender Systems: Towards a Mutual Understanding (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
IP-MAP Interactive Process Management for Performance Improvement (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Interaction of autonomous and manually-controlled vehicles (IAMCV) (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
KISMod: KI-gestützte, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Management von Systems Engineering Modellen (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
NAIROBI - Prozesssteuerung in der Baustoffindustrie (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
PreMoBAF (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Pro2Future - UNSUDET (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Pro2Future - VAPS (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Qualifizierungsnetz ? Digitalisierung und eCommerce in einer nachhaltigen Güterlogistik (DeNaLog) (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Sony-CSL (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Stadt Wien Consulting (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
TIMELY - Mitigating Gender Bias in Job Recommender Systems: A Machine Learning-Law Synergy (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
Theory-inspried Recommender Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
dasRes 2 - Data Analysis Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
eTeACHERS (Anfangsjahr: 2021)
1-way (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
AISA - AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
CodeAbility Austria (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
Content-Annotation für Videos - Joobster (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
Content-Annotation für Videos - Moveex (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
DIPE Closing the Gaps ? Diversity in Programming Education (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
DasRes 2 - Data Analysis Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
Destiny (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
ENTELIS+ (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
RuMorS ? Runtime Monitoring for Software-Intensive Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
SARAOS - Search and Rescue by Airborne Optical Sectioning (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
Scheduling 'Eureka' Moments (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
Siemens - Lessons Learned Webservices (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
SlotMachine - A Privacy-Preserving Marketplace for Slot Management (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
TeDoBot2 (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
TransIT - Plattform zur digitalen Transformation im Tief- und Tunnelbau (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
VaDriBus - Value Drivers for Digital Business (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
Vorbereitungsprojekt VAPS (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
eInformatics@Austria (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
eTutor++ - An adaptive e-learning system with personalized exercising tailored to students? individual learning curves (Anfangsjahr: 2020)
Accessible PDF Schoolbooks (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Agilität in der öffentlichen Finanzkontrolle (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
B1: Physics-informed deep learning models for the simulation of granular flow (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
BoCoVADI - Business Model oriented Cost and Value Engineering for the Digital Industry (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Dust and Data - The Art of Curating in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Escape the Room ? Come into STEM (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Explainable Machine Learning: Rubik's Cube Solver Visualization (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
FFG Consulting (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
FlexProd - Flexible Produktion durch sichere Auktionen (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
HybridDLUX: Hybrid Domain-specific Language User EXperience (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
InSide (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
KITgen: KI-gestützter Testfallgenerator (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
KnoP-2D (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
LeaxDSML - Language Engineering for Analyzable Executable DSMLs (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Lowcomote -Training the Next Generation of Experts in Scalable Low-Code Engineering Platforms (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Modeling and Prediction in Complex Networks and Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Moldsonics (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
MyPCH - My Personal Connected Health (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Promoli (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
QML2Wasm: Efficient QML Compilation and Deployment to Web Assembly (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
RADAR (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
REEDS (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Real Time Controller in Y.L.V.I. (FILL GmbH) (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
SEBISTA (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
SMTA-Prototyp (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
StraSE (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
StratDL (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Supporting Inclusive Digital Publishing through Training (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Tangible Internet of Things (T-IoT) (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Tel4Research - Talente Praktika 2019 (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Text Analysis for Lessons Learned (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Virtuelle Flughafenstadt - Flughafen Wien (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Wide Synthetic Aperture Sampling (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
dasRES-Data Management and Analytics (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
iVolunteer (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Über valide und zuverlässige Experimente im Musik IR (Anfangsjahr: 2019)
Accessibility for Meeting Rooms for Visually Impaired People (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Augmented Intelligence (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Easy Reading (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
GW-VP2018 (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Generische Datenintegrationsplattform für das Physical Internet (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Imperial College London (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Inductive Situation Evolution Modeling (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
K2 Center for Symbiotic Mechatronics (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Konzeptionierung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Ablöse von Enterprise-Ressource-Planning-Systemen der zweiten und dritten Generation ausgehend von empirischen Untersuchungen mit Österreichischen Unternehmen erzeugender Branchen (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
New Frontiers in Music Information - MIP Frontiers (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Programming Education (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Reinforcement Learning (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
SCCH Kooperation (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
SINPRO (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Scene Description (ZF Friedrichshafen) (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Software Quality and Value Engineering for Industrial Grade DevOps (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Tel4Research - Talente Praktika 2018 (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
Virtuelle Sensoren (Bosch) (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
syBOT (Anfangsjahr: 2018)
AWCAT (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Analyse musikalischer Interpretation: Herbert von Karajan (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Application of Thin-Film Image-Sensor to Electric Meters (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Benutzerfeedback in ERP Systemen (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
CDL-MINT Christian Doppler Laboratory for Model-Integrated Smart Production (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
COSMOS - COntextualization of Software MethOds in the context of a Sustainable Intercultural Healthcare Platform (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Deep Learning für VA-OIG (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Deep Learning in Pharmacology (DeepPharm) (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Delivery on Demand (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
DiCoIN - Digitally Connected Industry Network (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Engineering Support for Autonomous Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Fein-granulare kultur-bezogene Musikempfehlungssysteme (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
MDM Metadatenmanagment (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Machbarkeitsstudie zum Potential von Machine Learning für Fehlererkennungsprobleme im Produktionsprozess (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
OPC-UA (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Pinpoll Analytics (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Pro2Future - Products and Production Systems of the Future (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
Sichten 4.0 (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
TEMACC Ethiopia - Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care in Ethiopia (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
daSEM (Anfangsjahr: 2017)
ATROPINE - Fast Track to the Physical Internet (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
BEST - Achieving the BEnefits of SWIM by making smart use of Semantic Technologies (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
BIA - Business Intelligence and Analytics - Allgemeine Sparkasse OÖ (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Con Espressione - Getting at the Heart of Things: Towards Expressivity-aware Computer Systems in Music (ERC Advanced Grant) (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Connect_Hydro (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Culture- and Location-aware Music Recommendation and Retrieval (FWF-MOST Joint Seminar) (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Deep Learning Models for prediction of hERG inhibitors and kinase inhibitors (Merck_2) (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Deep Learning for vision and language applied to fashion tasks (Zalando) (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Einsatz von Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) für self-driving automotion (Audi_2) (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Evaluierung von Verfahren für Semantische und Objektsegmentierung zur Bilderkennung im automotiven Kontext (Audi) (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Exaptation - Machine Learning for Compound Activity Prediction (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
GIRDA - Digital Adoption through Gaming (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Improving Deep Learning Models in Drug Discovery (Merck) (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
IntegR - Integration of Rigorous Methods & Tools (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Knowledge Sharing and Preservation (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
LSTM for Uniform Credit Assignment to Deep Networks (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Richtungsbasiertes Super-Resolution durch kodiertes Abtasten (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Scaffolds for Work Process Modeling (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Sustainability in Software Engineering (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
TETRABox - A Generic White-Box Testing Framework for Model Transformations (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
dasRES-Data Management and Analytics (Anfangsjahr: 2016)
Aero Glass (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
AgriProKnow - Prozessbezogenes Informationsmanagement in Precision Dairy Farming (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
COMET K1-Zentrum Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
CoopPro - Automatisierung des Informationsflusses in Produktionskooperationen von KMU-Tischlereien (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Data Analysis (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Development of Multi-Dimensional Genomic Data Visualization and Data Mining Techniques (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Digitization of Processes (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
ExCAPE - Exascale Compound Activity Prediction Engine (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Future Private Banking & Locality (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Hilfsmitteldatenbank (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
KIWI (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Konferenzteilnahme (AAATE 2015 - ICCHP 2016) (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
MEDSearch (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Pinpoll (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Proof-Aware Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
SUIT -Suitable user interfaces and technologies (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Strategic FExFE Project on Deep Learning (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
TourGuide - Navigation System for Capturing and Analyzing Complex Clinical Data (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Tox21 Service (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Visual Analysis of Multi-Attribute Rankings (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
fokus:bildung (Anfangsjahr: 2015)
Austrian Teaching Cooperation in Visual Computing (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
ChemBioBridge - Bridging chemistry and biology for pharma industry through kernel-based large-scale data fusion (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
CoopeRative ACtivities - Multidisziplinäre Unterstützung kooperativer Aktivitäten in Kooperationsnetzwerken (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
FLY (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Internationale Dokotoratsstipendien (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
JamToday - The European Game Jam Learning HUB (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
MOOCA-Partnership (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
MobileSituationRadar (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
PONS - Paradigmen zur Optimierung der Nutzerführung im Straßenverkehr (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
SPHINX - A Co-Evolution Framework for Model Refactoring and Proof Adaptation in Cyber-Physical Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Security Monitoring (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
SemNOTAM - SemanticNOTAMs: Ontology-based Representation and Semantic Quering of Digital Notices to Airman (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Senteasy (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Sicherung und Erweiterung der Technologietransferaktivitäten und der Aktivitäten zur industriellen und industrienahen Forschung (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Smart Production (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Vorstudie - Migration von COBOL-Systemen nach PL/I Umgebungen (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
Web Service Supported Language Training (Satzklax) (Anfangsjahr: 2014)
CLAFIS - Crop, Livestock and Forests Integrated System for Intelligent Automation, Processing and Control (Anfangsjahr: 2013)
Medical Device Security (Anfangsjahr: 2013)
Objected-Oriented Design Quality (Anfangsjahr: 2013)
PIPES-VS-DAMES (Anfangsjahr: 2013)
Articulation of work processes for organizational alignment and informed information system design (Anfangsjahr: 2012)
Consumers? online cognitive scripts: Activation and formation (Anfangsjahr: 2012)
Mobile usage, its antecedents and consequences: A multi-method research program (Anfangsjahr: 2012)
SAKM - Software Architecture Knowledge Management (Anfangsjahr: 2012)
Talente Praktika (Anfangsjahr: 2012)
Variability Management in Software Architecture (Anfangsjahr: 2012)
FFG Talente (Anfangsjahr: 2011)
Product Line Engineering for Standard Software Customisations (PL4X) (Anfangsjahr: 2011)
Software Documentation Quality (Anfangsjahr: 2011)
Open S-BPM (Anfangsjahr: 2010)
Truck and Yard Guide (Anfangsjahr: 2010)
IT Security (Anfangsjahr: 2009)
Quality Modelling and Control (Quamoco) (Anfangsjahr: 2009)
Software Security (Anfangsjahr: 2009)
WiFi Localization for Digital Graffiti (Anfangsjahr: 2009)
Software Architecture Engineering and Management (Anfangsjahr: 2008)
Mechatronik Design and Engineering Strategies (Anfangsjahr: 2007)
Software Architectures for Enterprise Information Systems (Anfangsjahr: 2004)
The Web - Potentials and Limitations (Anfangsjahr: 2001)
Agent-Based Component Architectures (Anfangsjahr: 1999)
Contracts, Szenarios and Prototypes (Anfangsjahr: 1999)
Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) (Anfangsjahr: 1995)
Distributed Object-Oriented Software Architecture Middleware (Anfangsjahr: 1994)
Runtime Adaptive Risk Assessment and Automated Mitigation (2024)
Method and System for Information Integration in Industrial Systems (2020)
Method and Tool for System Development (2020)
Method and System for Information Integration in Industrial Systems (2019)
A Method and an Apparatus for Automatically Providing a Common Modelling Pattern (2016)
Method for the computer-assisted analysis of software source code (2016)
Method and an apparatus for automatic extraction of process goals (2013)
Verfahren und System zum ortsbezogenen Auslösen einer ortsbezogen auslösbaren und elektronisch gesteuerten Aktion (2011)
Scientific Community Services:
Typ: Sonstiges
iENA Silver Medal for "Method and Device for Optical Contrast Enhancement" (29.10.2014-29.10.2014)
Human Technology Interface Award for 'Guided visual exploration of genomic stratifications in cancer' (29.04.2015-29.04.2015)
11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (28.08.2017-07.02.2018)
Best Poster Award for 'Interactive Visualization of Provenance Graphs for Reproducible Biomedical Research' (27.10.2015-27.10.2015)
Honorable Mention Poster Award for 'ThermalPlot: Visualizing Multi-Attribute Time-Series Data Using a Thermal Metaphor' (27.10.2015-27.10.2015)
Best Reviewer Award Committee, EuroVis 2024 (27.05.2024-31.05.2024)
Honorable Mention Award for "Show Me the Invisible: Visualizing Hidden Content" (26.04.2014-26.04.2014)
Adolf-Adam-Informatikpreis of JKU Linz, 2nd place at the final presentations for Msc. Thesis on Display Pixel Caching (22.12.2011-22.12.2011)
EEE 2023 MGA Diversity & Inclusion Award: "For accomplishing significant performance in fostering technological innovation, excellence and diversity in the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society" (21.11.2023-31.12.2024)
Adolf-Adam-Informatikpreis of JKU Linz, 2nd place for Msc. Thesis on a Transparent and Flexible Image Sensor (20.12.2012-20.12.2012)
General Co-Chair: Austrian Computer Science Day 2016 (20.10.2016-20.10.2016)
Tangible Internet of Things (20.05.2022-20.05.2022)
B-WISE General Assembly (18.04.2024-19.04.2024)
Best Paper Award for: "Projective Latent Interventions for Understanding and Fine-tuning Classifiers" (15.10.2020-15.10.2020)
OPC UA Information Model Design (14.05.2019-14.05.2019)
A Domain-Specific Language Approach to Hybrid CPS Modelling (13.06.2019-13.06.2019)
Towards a Modelling Framework with Temporal and Uncertain Data for Adaptive Systems (11.12.2019-11.12.2019)
Best-Paper Award for "Mobile Museum Guidance using Relational Multi-Image Classification" (11.08.2010-13.08.2010)
QSW 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (Service Publicity Chairs) (11.07.2022-15.07.2022)
Honorable Mention Award for "Domino: Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating Subsets across Multiple Tabular Datasets" (10.11.2014-10.11.2014)
Contextualized Business Rule Repositories: Business Rule Organization Through Contexts (10.07.2019-10.07.2019)
Honorable Mention Paper Award for "Pathfinder: Visual Analysis of Paths in Graphs" (10.06.2016-10.06.2016)
Outstanding Achievements in Teaching Award (10.02.2015-10.02.2015)
Data Visualization (Tutorial) (09.10.2015-09.10.2015)
Book on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles (Editorial Board / Review Board) (07.01.2020-01.12.2020)
Expert Group Digital Transformation (06.06.2023-06.06.2023)
Best Poster Award for "Provenance-Based Visualization Retrieval" (02.10.2017-02.10.2017)
Leitung Kompetenzzentrum Wissensmanagement an der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (02.10.2000-31.12.2027)
2nd place at the ACM Siggraph 2017 Student Research Competition for "Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields Using Local Dictionaries" (02.08.2017-02.08.2017)
Guest Editor, Optics Express, Virtual feature issue on 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications (01.12.2020-31.12.2021)
Preisträger FLI-Habilitationsstipendium des Landes Oberösterreich (Neumayr) (01.10.2015-31.12.2015)
Kuriensprecher der ProfessorInnen der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (01.10.2014-31.12.2020)
Präses Prüfungskommission Wirtschaftsinformatik (01.09.2014-31.12.2027)
Leitung Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Communications Engineering (01.09.1995-31.12.2027)
Leitung des (Professional) MBA - Aufbaustudiums ?Angewandtes Wissensmanagement? an der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (01.07.2002-31.12.2027)
Advisory Board, FFG Project TrustAI (01.05.2023-30.04.2027)
GlossaLAB: Integrating and co-creating knowledge through interdisciplinary glossaries and tools of semantic analysis and interoperability (Projekt-Teilnahme) (01.01.2021-30.04.2021)
International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics (Projekt-Teilnahme) (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Journal of Interaction Science (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Expert Team, JKU Linz Institute of Technology (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Symposium on Biological Data visualization: Guest editor, BMC Bioinformatics (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
OCG Schriftenreihe (Editorial Board / Review Board) (01.01.2016-30.09.2033)
Guest Editor, BMC Bioinformatics, Special Issue on Highlights from the 5th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (01.01.2015-30.04.2015)
Leitung Arbeitsgruppe "Wissensarbeit" der SOL (Society of Organizational Learning) (01.01.2014-31.12.2017)
Leitung des strategischen JKU-Schwerpunkts Cross-Enterprise Systems Engineering & Management (CENSE) (01.01.2014-31.12.2019)
Mitarbeit in der Lerngruppe Systemisches Denken ? Gamification der SOL (Society of Organizational Learning) (01.01.2014-31.12.2017)
Mitgestaltung der COS (Challenging Organizations and Society)-Community (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Thinking virtual. Guest editor's introduction (01.01.2014-31.07.2014)
Computing Education. Guest editor's introduction (01.01.2013-30.09.2013)
Visual Analytics: Guest editor's introduction, IEEE Computer (01.01.2013-31.07.2013)
Whats's Real About Augmented Reality? Guest editor's introduction (01.01.2012-31.07.2012)
Computational Archaeology. Guest editor's introduction (01.01.2011-31.07.2011)
Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems (Editorial Board / Review Board) (01.01.2009-29.12.2017)
Visual Effects and Beyond. Guest editor's introduction (01.01.2009-31.07.2009)
Typ: Auslandsaufenthalt
Research visit at Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Syarif Hidayatullah State University Jakarta (31.10.2019-06.11.2019)
Member of Grading Committee (31.03.2016-01.04.2016)
DIG-i-Ready Transnational Project Meeting (30.11.2023-30.11.2023)
Project-Meeting for the WTZ Project ?Research Collaboraton Towards Greener Aviaton? (University of Belgrade) (Staudinger) (30.10.2023-06.11.2023)
Project-Meeting for the WTZ Project ?Research Collaboraton Towards Greener Aviaton? (University of Belgrade) (Straßer) (30.10.2023-06.11.2023)
Forschungsbesuch an der University of Auckland (Einladung von Professor Gill Dobbie) (30.10.2019-31.10.2019)
Semesterbeginn in Budweis (30.09.2016-30.09.2016)
Visit to Princess Sumaya University for Technology and AIDTSEC to initiate joint research activities and study cooperation (Ahmad) (30.08.2023-06.09.2023)
Visit to Princess Sumaya University for Technology and AIDTSEC to initiate joint research activities and study cooperation (with talk, Schütz) (30.08.2023-06.09.2023)
Universität Hamburg (30.03.2017-31.03.2017)
PhD Defense Rupesh Srivastava (30.01.2018-02.02.2018)
Project Meeting (30.01.2017-30.01.2017)
Towards a Transparent and Flexible Image Sensor (30.01.2015-30.01.2015)
Semesterbeginn in Budweis (29.09.2017-29.09.2017)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der UPC Barcelona bei Dr. Oscar Romero (Neumayr) (29.09.2014-01.10.2014)
AccessibleEU: Your role in making Higher Education more accessible and inclusive (29.08.2023-29.08.2023)
#H2020RTR21 European Conference (29.03.2022-30.03.2022)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of South Australia (Schrefl) (29.01.2018-02.03.2018)
IEEE ITSS European Chapters Meeting (28.10.2022-28.10.2022)
Merck (28.09.2016-30.09.2016)
Projektbesprechung Merck KGaA (28.09.2016-28.09.2016)
Visit to the University of South Australia (talk, S. Gruber) (28.06.2024-13.07.2024)
Besprechung, Philipps-Universität Marburg (28.05.2017-29.05.2017)
B-Wise Steering Committee Meeting (28.03.2023-28.03.2023)
Steering Committee Meeting Project B-Wise (28.03.2023-29.03.2023)
Lehrtätigkeit an der Universität Malaga/Spanien (28.03.2016-31.03.2016)
Transnational Meeting B-Wise (27.10.2022-28.10.2022)
Besprechungen Bayer, Zalando (27.10.2016-03.11.2016)
Teilnahme an der GPU Technology Conference Europe (27.09.2016-30.09.2016)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Harvard University (Fulbright Scholarship) (27.06.2014-27.09.2014)
Universität Hamburg (27.04.2017-28.04.2017)
Exaptation Project Meeting (26.10.2017-26.10.2017)
AAATE 2023 Conference (26.08.2023-01.09.2023)
Invited talk bei OSA Imaging and Applied Optics (26.07.2016-26.07.2016)
Project Kick-Off-Meeting HARMONIC (EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub, Schütz) (26.06.2023-28.06.2023)
Collaborative Mobility to Enable High-Density Parking Lots (PhD Defensio) (26.05.2022-26.05.2022)
Learning, Training, Teaching Activities (LTTA) - Project DIGi-Ready (26.02.2023-03.03.2023)
AAATE Board Meeting (26.01.2023-27.01.2023)
Digital Lightfields (invited talk) (25.11.2015-25.11.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of South Australia (Schütz) (25.09.2015-02.10.2015)
Semesterbeginn in Budweis (25.09.2015-25.09.2015)
Projekt Kick-Off zum EU-Projekt AWARE (Kick-off bei Eurocontrol, C. Schütz) (25.06.2024-26.06.2024)
AEV - JKU - PoC Closure Workshop (25.04.2018-26.04.2018)
Scientific discussions and Knowledge exchange, University of Cambridge (25.04.2016-27.04.2016)
LumiConSense: towards a fully transparent, flexible, and scalable thin-film image-sensor (invited talk) (25.04.2015-25.04.2015)
Research Stay, Talk and Colloquium at Prof. Franz Lehner and Prof. Mukesh Mohania (India, Schütz) (25.03.2023-03.04.2023)
Research Stay, Talk and Colloquium at Prof. Franz Lehner and Prof. Mukesh Mohania (India, Staudinger) (25.03.2023-03.04.2023)
Invited Talk bei KAUST, Thuwal (25.02.2017-02.03.2017)
Semesterbeginn in Budweis (24.09.2018-24.09.2018)
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (24.07.2018-24.07.2018)
AUDI, beyond founders' dinner (24.06.2016-25.06.2016)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of South Australia (Schrefl) (24.04.2017-05.05.2017)
Besprechung am IDSIA (24.02.2015-27.02.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt (Schrefl, UniSA) (24.02.2014-07.03.2014)
Besprechung Janssen (23.08.2018-24.08.2018)
Exaptation Projektmeeting (23.08.2018-24.08.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt an Harvard Medical School, Center for Biomedical Informatics (23.07.2012-20.10.2012)
Care4Skills Transnational Project Meeting (23.05.2024-23.05.2024)
Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen an der UBT (23.04.2014-29.04.2014)
Keynote address bei Laval Virtual (23.03.2016-23.03.2016)
Lehrstuhl für Informations- und Technikmanagement, Ruhr-Universtität Bochum (23.02.2015-25.02.2015)
Autonomus and Connected Vehicles (23.01.2023-24.01.2023)
Meeting Leitungsgremium GI/KuVS (22.11.2018-23.11.2018)
Research Stay at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung (22.11.2018-24.11.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (22.10.2019-25.10.2019)
Committee Member of PhD Defense, Talk (22.09.2016-23.09.2016)
Keynote address Benevolent AI & GSK, London (22.08.2017-24.08.2017)
Projektbesprechung Merck KGaA, Juni 2017 (22.06.2017-22.06.2017)
Towards a transparent and flexible image sensor (22.05.2015-22.05.2015)
ELLIS Workshop (21.11.2018-22.11.2018)
Besprechung an der TU Darmstadt (21.11.2016-22.11.2016)
Organisation Doctoral Colloquium IEEE VIS 2018 (21.10.2018-26.10.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB) bei Prof. Noushin Ashrafi, PhD (Schütz) (21.08.2016-27.08.2016)
Vortrag bei Projektmeeting (21.08.2016-24.08.2016)
Besprechung bei IMB Research (21.04.2015-21.04.2015)
ExCAPE Projektmeeting (21.03.2016-23.03.2016)
Projektmeeting Bayer AG (21.02.2018-21.02.2018)
Dagstuhl Seminar: Foundations of Data Visualization (21.01.2018-26.01.2018)
KTH, Committee Member of PhD Defense (20.11.2018-21.11.2018)
Meeting Infineon (20.09.2018-21.09.2018)
AUDI, Ingolstadt (20.09.2017-22.09.2017)
Machine Learning Summer School 2018 (20.08.2018-22.08.2018)
Infineon München (20.07.2018-20.07.2018)
eTeachers - Working Meeting 2 (20.04.2022-20.07.2022)
ExCAPE Projektmeeting (20.03.2018-23.03.2018)
ATHENA - Kick off Meeting (20.02.2023-21.02.2023)
EUROCAST Conference 2022 (20.02.2022-25.02.2022)
Utilization of Multi Heterogeneous Agents in Autonomy-driven Cooperative Systems (PhD Defensio) (19.12.2022-19.12.2022)
Wissenschaftliche Besprechungen (Bayer, Zalando, HU Berlin) (19.07.2016-22.07.2016)
B-WISE Steering Committee Meeting (19.06.2024-19.06.2024)
Advisory Board Meeting B-Wise project (19.06.2023-21.06.2023)
Keynote address bei BiVi (Biological Visualisation Community), Edinburgh (19.04.2017-23.04.2017)
Kick-off Meeting ATHENA (19.02.2023-21.02.2023)
Forschungsaufenthalt Odessa (Ukraine) (18.11.2013-22.11.2013)
Vortrag bei Novartis Pharma AG (18.09.2017-19.09.2017)
Besprechungen Bayer, Zalando (18.07.2016-22.07.2016)
Beratung ?Sonderforschungsbereich? Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (18.06.2019-18.06.2019)
Besprechungen Zalando (18.05.2015-22.05.2015)
Lehrtätigkeit an der Universität Malaga/Spanien (18.04.2017-22.04.2017)
Besprechungen Bayer, Zalando (18.04.2016-25.04.2016)
ExCom Meeting IEEE ITSS (18.03.2022-20.03.2022)
Vortrag BASF SE (18.01.2018-19.01.2018)
Vortrag bei Merck KGaA (17.11.2015-17.11.2015)
Second Advisory-Board-Workshop SlotMachine (Eurocontrol Innovation Hub, Bretigny-sur-Orge, France) (Schütz) (17.06.2022-21.06.2022)
Besprechung AUDI AEV (17.06.2016-17.06.2016)
Meeting of IT4Innovations (17.04.2018-17.04.2018)
Academic Evaluation (17.04.2017-21.04.2017)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Schütz) (17.02.2020-28.02.2020)
Committee Member of PhD Defense (16.12.2018-18.12.2018)
PhD Student Examination (16.12.2018-18.12.2018)
ExCAPE Projektmeeting (16.10.2018-19.10.2018)
Research Stay at University of Rennes 1 (DiverSE team) (16.09.2017-03.12.2017)
Cambridge Cheminformatics Meeting (16.05.2018-17.05.2018)
FEV/Streetscooter in Frankfurt (16.03.2018-16.03.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Schütz) (16.02.2015-20.02.2015)
Towards a Transparent and Flexible Image Sensor (16.01.2015-16.01.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt (Schütz, Trient) (15.12.2013-19.12.2013)
Forschungsaufenthalt an Western Sydney University, School of Computing, Engineering & Mathematics (15.08.2017-20.08.2017)
Wiss. Vortrag an der Western Sydney University (15.08.2017-07.09.2017)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Portland State University bei Prof. Lois Delcambre, PhD und Scott Britell, MSc (Schütz) (15.08.2016-20.08.2016)
ETH Zürich, TIK Alumni Meeting (15.06.2018-15.06.2018)
Dagstuhl Seminar: Visualization of Biological Data - Crossroads (15.04.2018-20.04.2018)
Projekt-Dissemination SlotMachine (University of Konstanz) (Schütz) (15.03.2022-17.03.2022)
ExCAPE Projektmeeting (15.03.2017-18.03.2017)
IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES2022) (14.11.2022-16.11.2022)
Kick-Off-Meeting for the WTZ Project ?Research Collaboraton Towards Greener Aviaton? (University of Belgrade) (Neumayr) (14.09.2022-16.09.2022)
Kick-Off-Meeting for the WTZ Project ?Research Collaboraton Towards Greener Aviaton? (University of Belgrade) (Schütz) (14.09.2022-16.09.2022)
Kick-Off-Meeting for the WTZ Project ?Research Collaboraton Towards Greener Aviaton? (University of Belgrade) (Staudinger) (14.09.2022-16.09.2022)
Mr. SymBioMath (14.09.2016-17.09.2016)
Keynote address bei Boehringer Ingelheim (14.06.2016-14.06.2016)
Projekt-Statusmeeting SlotMachine (SWISS International Air Lines, Kloten, Schweiz) (Schütz) (14.03.2022-15.03.2022)
Forschungsaufenthalt University of Arizona, Tucson, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (14.02.2022-30.08.2022)
Forschungsaufenthalt (Schrefl, UniSA) (14.02.2015-01.03.2015)
Mr.SymBioMath Midterm Review (14.01.2015-16.01.2015)
Research Stay at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (13.11.2018-17.11.2018)
ExCAPE Projektmeeting (13.09.2017-15.09.2017)
PhD Defense Jose Arjona Medina (13.09.2017-16.09.2017)
Projektbesprechung bei AUDI AEV (13.09.2016-13.09.2016)
Apex-D (13.07.2016-15.07.2016)
Vortrag Sanofi (13.07.2015-13.07.2015)
Keynote address EMBL-EBI Workshop (13.06.2018-14.06.2018)
Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulation Subsets Across Tabular Data (invited talk) (13.05.2015-13.05.2015)
Exaptation Project Meeting (13.02.2017-14.02.2017)
ExCAPE Projektmeeting (12.09.2018-14.09.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB) bei Prof. Noushin Ashrafi, PhD (Schütz) (12.09.2017-17.09.2017)
Radar - Final Conference - Multiplier Event (12.07.2022-12.07.2022)
SCI Seminar: Leveraging Provenance for Storytelling, Reproducibility, and Recall (12.07.2018-12.07.2018)
Audi Autonomous Driving Cup201 (12.06.2018-13.06.2018)
Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Biomolecular Data (invited talk) (12.05.2015-12.05.2015)
Vortrag an Universität Tübingen (12.01.2017-13.01.2017)
Project Management Board zu EU-Projekt AWARE (PMB, C. Schütz) (11.11.2024-13.11.2024)
Vorträge in München und Ingolstadt (11.10.2016-13.10.2016)
Besprechungen Bayer, Zalando (11.08.2016-12.08.2016)
Besprechung, Philipps-Universität Marburg (11.06.2017-12.06.2017)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Université François Rabelais de Tours bei Prof. Dr. Patrick Marcel (Neumayr) (11.05.2015-15.05.2015)
Lehraufenthalt Samara State Aerospace University (11.05.2015-16.05.2015)
Member of Grading Committee (10.12.2015-11.12.2015)
Vortrag an der Uni Marburg (10.11.2016-11.11.2016)
Research Stay at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung (10.08.2018-14.08.2018)
Research Visit at Syarif Hidayatullah State University Jakarta (10.08.2017-19.08.2017)
Machine Learning Summer School 2016 (10.05.2016-22.05.2016)
Research Visit at Carnegie Mellon University (10.04.2017-16.04.2017)
Vortrag bei Fa. UCB Biopharma (09.10.2017-09.10.2017)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of South Australia (Schrefl) (09.09.2019-25.09.2019)
Fellowship training am Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (09.07.2017-11.07.2017)
Wide-field-of-view light-field processing and coded sampling (09.06.2015-09.06.2015)
Besprechung mit ZF Friedrichshafen AG (08.11.2017-08.11.2017)
Research Stay at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta (08.08.2018-10.08.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB) bei Prof. Noushin Ashrafi, PhD (Schütz) (08.08.2017-17.08.2017)
Forschungsaufenthalt Universität Debrecen (08.07.2019-13.07.2019)
RTCN - 2nd Transnational Project Meeting (08.02.2023-09.02.2023)
Right to Connect Project meeting (08.02.2023-09.02.2023)
Project Kick-Off Meeting (AEV) (08.02.2016-09.02.2016)
Forschungsbesuch an der Victoria University Wellington (Einladung von Professor Thomas Kühne) (07.11.2019-08.11.2019)
Evaluation (November 8th-9th) and 10th Meeting of CE IT4Innovations Research Council (07.11.2016-09.11.2016)
Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulation Subsets Across Tabular Data (invited talk) (07.07.2015-07.07.2015)
IEEE Executive Committee Meeting: IEEE ITS Educational Activities (07.03.2020-09.03.2020)
Advisory Board Meeting B-Wise (06.12.2022-06.12.2022)
Research visit Siemens Corporate Technology India 2010 (06.11.2010-20.11.2010)
Project Scoping Workshop HARMONIC (Eurocontrol Bruxelles, Schütz) (06.09.2023-07.09.2023)
Forschungsaufenthalt bei SINTEF, Norwegen im Rahmen des Projekts BEST (Neumayr) (06.06.2016-17.06.2016)
Gastvorträge/Lehre an der University for Business & Technology (UBT) (06.04.2015-12.04.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Fondazione Bruno Kessler bei Prof. Serafini und Dr. Bozzato (Schütz) (06.03.2016-11.03.2016)
Forschungsaufenthalt an ETH Zürich, Uni Zürich und Uni Konstanz (Neumayr) (05.08.2014-08.08.2014)
Project Meetings Exaptation/BrokerBridge/ChemBioBridge (05.07.2016-08.07.2016)
RTCN Co-Design Workshop (05.06.2023-06.06.2023)
33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV22) (05.06.2022-09.06.2022)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Oxford (Burgstaller) (05.06.2018-15.06.2018)
Wissenschaftliche Besprechungen (Zalando, Bayer, Amazon) (05.06.2016-09.06.2016)
Meeting of IT4Innovations (05.04.2017-05.04.2017)
Research Stay at University of Jean Jaurès, Toulouse (04.12.2017-15.12.2017)
IEEE Women in Engineering Meeting (IEEE ITSS Liaison) (04.11.2019-06.11.2019)
Projektbesprechung bei AUDI AEV (04.10.2016-05.10.2016)
Research Stay at University of Jean Jaurès, Toulouse (04.09.2017-15.09.2017)
ExCAPE Kick-off Meeting (04.09.2015-04.09.2015)
Visit at Utah State University, Department of Computer Science and Brigham Young University, Marriott School of Business (talks, C. Schütz) (04.08.2024-19.10.2024)
Visit at Utah State University, Department of Computer Science and Brigham Young University, Marriott School of Business (talks, S. Staudinger) (04.08.2024-19.08.2024)
Research Stay at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (04.08.2018-06.08.2018)
Besprechungen Bayer, Zalando (04.07.2016-11.07.2016)
Projektmeeting zum EU-Projekt HARMONIC (TTMS Chartering Days, C. Schütz) (04.06.2024-07.06.2024)
Projektmeeting zum EU-Projekt HARMONIC (TTMS Chartering Days, S. Gruber) (04.06.2024-07.06.2024)
Projektmeeting zum EU-Projekt HARMONIC (TTMS Chartering Days, T. Harzfeld) (04.06.2024-07.06.2024)
Data: Lab Munich (04.05.2018-04.05.2018)
Teaching Plastic Film How To See (ceremonial address) (03.12.2015-03.12.2015)
Besprechung bei Bayer AG, Berlin (03.10.2016-04.10.2016)
AccessibleEU Launching Event (03.07.2023-05.07.2023)
Workshop CERN (03.06.2018-05.06.2018)
Bioinformatics State Exam 2016 (03.06.2016-03.06.2016)
Research visit Siemens Corporate Technology India 2012 (03.03.2012-17.03.2012)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Oxford (Burgstaller) (02.12.2018-15.12.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Skövde (Neumayr) (02.12.2014-12.12.2014)
DIG-i-Ready ? Expert Meeting (02.06.2022-02.06.2022)
Bioinformatics State Exam 2017 (02.06.2017-02.06.2017)
Besprechungen Bayer, Zalando (02.06.2016-13.06.2016)
ChemBioBridge Kicki-Off Meeting (02.02.2015-03.02.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt auf Einladung der Harvard School of Engineering (01.12.2014-30.04.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Oxford University bei Prof. Dr. Georg Gottlob (Neumayr) (01.10.2015-31.12.2015)
Wissenschaftliche Besprechung bei Merck KGaA (01.08.2016-02.08.2016)
Projekct Management Board zu EU-Projekt HARMONIC (PMB, C. Schütz) (01.07.2024-03.07.2024)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of L'Aquila (Marietta-Blau-Stipendium) (01.03.2015-31.10.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Universität Konstanz (Marietta-Blau-Stipendium, Schütz) (01.03.2014-31.08.2014)
Marie-Curie Forschungsaufenthalt an der Carnegie Mellon University (01.02.2014-31.01.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Oxford University bei Prof. Dr. Georg Gottlob (Neumayr) (01.01.2016-31.08.2016)
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Carnegie Mellon University (Marietta-Blau-Stipendium) (01.01.2015-30.06.2015)
Typ: Veranstaltungsorganisation: Gastvortrag
Learning Regularizers for Inverse Problems in Imaging, Erich Kobler (30.11.2021-30.11.2021)
Visualizing multi-dimensional spaces, Tom Torsney-Weir (30.10.2019-30.10.2019)
Computational Challenges in Designing Virtual Models for Fabrication, Bernd Bickel (30.06.2015-30.06.2015)
Using Graph Neural Networks to Learn to Communicate, Cooperate, and Coordinate in Multi-Robot Systems, Amanda Prorok (30.01.2024-30.01.2024)
Scalable Visual Model Inspection, Manuela Waldner (29.03.2023-29.03.2023)
Gastvortrag Blockchain-based Data Management, Analytics and Applications (M. Mohania) (29.03.2018-29.03.2018)
Physics-assisted multi-robot exploration of spatio-temporal dispersal phenomena, Dmitriy Shutin (28.10.2021-28.10.2021)
Visual Exploration of Blood Flow Data, Bernhard Preim (28.10.2014-28.10.2014)
Learning Image Relations with Contrast Association Networks (28.06.2018-28.06.2018)
AI and computer vision for autonomous drones and robots, Friedrich Fraundorfer (28.01.2020-28.01.2020)
Dimensionality Reduction From Several Angles, Tamara Munzner (27.05.2014-27.05.2014)
Challenges for industrial VR/AR Application, Johannes Behr (26.11.2019-26.11.2019)
Gastvortrag: Semantic Aware Business Intelligence (O. Romero) (26.06.2014-26.06.2014)
Text to Realistic Image Synthesis, Mohammed Abbass (26.04.2023-26.04.2023)
Beyond Fun and Games: VR as a Tool of the Trade, Carolina Cruz-Neira (26.04.2017-26.04.2017)
Designing natural user interfaces: from large surfaces to flexible input sensors, Michael Haller (26.03.2014-26.03.2014)
Collective and Individual Decision-Making Algorithms for Autonomous Systems, Sanaz Mostaghim (25.01.2022-25.01.2022)
On Particle Physics, Information, and Machines That Learn (25.01.2018-25.01.2018)
Gastvortrag: Illuminating Information (D. Fallmann) (24.06.2015-24.06.2015)
Grammar-Based Visualization of Genome-Mapped Data with Gosling, Nils Gehlenborg (24.05.2022-24.05.2022)
Visualization of Mixed Playtesting Data, Günter Wallner (24.03.2021-24.03.2021)
Land surface water dynamics from a model-data fusion perspective, Jiang Peng (23.10.2024-23.10.2024)
GANs for Protein Structure Prediction (23.07.2018-23.07.2018)
Computational microscopy for neural activity tracking, Laura Waller (23.05.2017-23.05.2017)
Shape Proxies: Modeling the World?s Geometry With High Level Approximations, Tamy Boubekeur (23.04.2018-23.04.2018)
Computational Imaging: Beyond the limits imposed by lenses, Ashok Veeraraghavan (23.01.2017-23.01.2017)
Capture and reproduction of perceptual reality, Rafa? K. Mantiuk (22.11.2023-22.11.2023)
Visual Analytics for Large-Scale IoT Data, Johanna Schmidt (22.11.2022-22.11.2022)
Deciphering the rules of antibody repertoire complexity using a systems biology approach (22.08.2016-22.08.2016)
A Brief Introduction to Game Research: Serious Games, Extended Reality Applications, and Reinforcement Learning, Elif Surer (22.06.2022-22.06.2022)
Human-in-the-(Exploration-)Loop: Visual Pattern-Driven Exploration of Big Datasets, Michael Behrisch (22.05.2024-22.05.2024)
Computational Projection Mapping, Daisuke Iwai (22.05.2019-22.05.2019)
Deep Learning of Barcode Sequences (22.05.2018-22.05.2018)
Gastvortrag: Contextualized Knowledge Repository - Theory and Practice (L. Serafini) (22.05.2014-22.05.2014)
Recent advances in water wave animation, Chris Wojtan (21.10.2020-21.10.2020)
Smart Visual Interfaces in Data Exploration and Analysis, Stefan Bruckner (21.10.2015-21.10.2015)
Adaptive GPU Scheduling for Efficient Numerical Computing and Computer Graphics, Markus Steinberger (21.06.2017-21.06.2017)
Game Development at University of Vienna by Helmut Hlavacs, Univ. of Vienna (20.11.2024-20.11.2024)
Teaching Video Game Technologies, Helmut Hlavacs (20.11.2024-20.11.2024)
NET-IT Autumn Meeting: Invited Talk by Christian Timmerer, Univ. of Klagenfurt (20.09.2024-20.09.2024)
Active Perception for Robot Teams: From Visual Search to Videography, Micah Corah (20.03.2024-20.03.2024)
Exploration of large single-cell data with Cytosplore and HSNE, Thomas Höllt (20.03.2018-20.03.2018)
Machine Learning meets Visualization, Michael Sedlmair (20.01.2021-20.01.2021)
Large-Scale Walkable Virtual Reality, Hannes Kaufmann (19.10.2022-19.10.2022)
Scalable Visual Analytics for Digital Cancer Pathology, Robert Krueger (19.06.2024-19.06.2024)
Medical Visualization: Visualizing the Invisible, Noeska Smit (19.06.2019-19.06.2019)
Talk by Dynatrace on the IoT (19.06.2018-19.06.2018)
Vehicle Automation, Cristina Olaverri Monreal (19.05.2021-19.05.2021)
Robotics and Augmented Reality for Patient and Process Specific Imaging and Visualization, Nassir Navab (19.01.2016-19.01.2016)
On Computer-Inspired Experiments for Quantum Physics (18.12.2018-18.12.2018)
The Evolution of Digital Media, Oliver Grau (18.11.2014-18.11.2014)
Taking AR to Task: Explaining Where and How in the Real World, Steven Feiner (18.10.2017-18.10.2017)
Head Orientation Tracking in an Aircraft Cockpit Environment, Ákos Maróy (18.03.2015-18.03.2015)
Making Choices with Visualizations, Lena Cibulski (18.01.2023-18.01.2023)
Initial Step Towards Augmented Human, Masahiko Inami, (17.12.2014-17.12.2014)
Gastvortrag: Log-driven user-centric OLAP (P. Marcel) (16.11.2015-16.11.2015)
Literate Visualization: Making Visual Analysis Sessions Reproducible and Reusable, Alexander Lex (16.06.2021-16.06.2021)
Understanding Complex Behavior: From Dynamic Graph Visualization to Visual Game Analytics, Fabian Beck & Shivam Agarwal (16.05.2023-16.05.2023)
Voxel-Based Mixed Reality, Holger Regenbrecht (16.01.2018-16.01.2018)
Visual-Interactive Search and Analysis of Patterns in Complex Data, Tobias Schreck (15.12.2015-15.12.2015)
Physics-based learning for MRI reconstruction - Recent advances in static and dynamic imaging, Kerstin Hammernik (15.03.2022-15.03.2022)
Visualization for Applications in Energy, Industry, and Engineering, Harald Piringer (15.03.2017-15.03.2017)
Interactive Visual Analysis to Aid Data-informed Analytical Problem Solvin, Cagatay Turkay (15.03.2016-15.03.2016)
Human-Centric Visualization Design, Ivan Viola (15.01.2014-15.01.2014)
New possibilities for global Earth observation using multi-sensor data and transferable machine learning models (14.12.2022-14.12.2022)
Visual Analytics for Infection Contagion, Tatiana von Landesberger (14.12.2021-14.12.2021)
Benefits of Multi-Level Modelling in Ecosystem Interoperability (14.09.2016-14.09.2016)
Gastvortrag Citius, Altius, Fortius: Advances in Query Processing (Michael Grossniklaus) (14.08.2019-14.08.2019)
The Power of Collectives: Exploring LLM-Driven Agents at GoodAI, Jan Feyereisl, Olga Afanasjeva, Jaroslav Vitku & Petr Hlubu?ek (14.06.2023-14.06.2023)
Learning better models for computer vision, Thomas Pock (14.06.2016-14.06.2016)
Interactive Big Data Visualization Using Novel Multi-Resolution Representations, Markus Hadwiger (14.05.2014-14.05.2014)
A Flexible Image Processing Pipeline, Jan Kautz (14.04.2015-14.04.2015)
AR, VR, Drones - Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles / Dr. Markus Funk (13.12.2017-13.12.2017)
Shape Optimization for Consumer-Level Digital Fabrication, Przemyslaw Musialski (13.12.2017-13.12.2017)
Efficient motion compensation for fetal MRI, Bernhard Kainz (13.10.2016-13.10.2016)
Gastvortrag: Introduction to Open Source Intelligence and usage in making cyber world safe (A. Ahmad) (13.06.2022-13.06.2022)
The Revolution of Neural Rendering, Matthias Nießner (13.04.2021-13.04.2021)
Visual Analytics for Cohort Selection and Analysis, David Gotz (13.03.2019-13.03.2019)
Embodied Teleoperation: Enabling Intuitive Control of Complex Robots, Benjamin Jarvis (12.11.2024-12.11.2024)
The Power of Social Gaze in Games, Michael Lankes (12.04.2022-12.04.2022)
NET-IT Spring Meeting: Invited Talk by Charalampos Rotsos, Lancaster University (12.01.2024-12.01.2024)
Visualization and Analysis for Decision Making using XCT Data, Christoph Heinzl (11.10.2023-11.10.2023)
Enhancing Interactive Machine Learning, Jürgen Bernard (10.12.2019-10.12.2019)
Human Interaction and Collaboration with Machine Learning Models, Hendrik Strobelt (10.11.2020-10.11.2020)
Perceptually-driven Inputs for New Output Devices, Piotr Didyk (10.11.2015-10.11.2015)
(Low) coherent imaging: Current State, Trends and Perspectives, Bettina Heise (10.05.2016-10.05.2016)
Spatial clustering of rabies virus genomes using affinity propagation clustering (10.05.2016-10.05.2016)
Introducing Visual Object Tracking From Classical Views to Machine Learning, Roman Pflugfelder (10.04.2019-10.04.2019)
Eye Tracking in Visual Analytics, Michael Burch (10.01.2024-10.01.2024)
Cyclomatic Complexity - the most overrated Software metric?- and related ideas (Prof. Markku Sakkinen) (09.11.2018-09.11.2018)
Representing Contexts and Exceptions in Semantic Web Data with CKR (09.06.2016-09.06.2016)
Applying Visual Analytics to Real-World Problems, Jörn Kohlhammer (08.11.2016-08.11.2016)
From Complexity to Comprehensibility: an Integrative View on Biological and Agricultural Systems, Jan Aerts (08.05.2024-08.05.2024)
Research Through Visualization Design Study, Miriah Meyer (08.01.2019-08.01.2019)
Visual Computing - Bridging Real and Digital Domain, Marcus Magnor (06.12.2016-06.12.2016)
Visual Analytics as a Design Science Discipline, Wolfgang Aigner (05.06.2018-05.06.2018)
Image Features for Robust Registration, Vincent Lepetit (05.05.2015-05.05.2015)
Imperceptible Textile Interfaces, Michael Haller (02.12.2020-02.12.2020)
Machine learning for inference of human demography and biology (02.10.2017-02.10.2017)
Typ: Veranstaltungsorganisation: Forschungsseminar
Vorlesung "Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Software-Entwicklung" als Teil der Gesamtvorlesung ?Software Engineering 2? (19.01.2022-25.01.2022)
Vorlesung "Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Software-Entwicklung" als Teil der Gesamtvorlesung "Vorgehensmodelle" (16.05.2022-10.10.2022)
Vorlesung "Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Software-Entwicklung" als Teil der Gesamtvorlesung "Vorgehensmodelle" (14.03.2023-18.10.2023)
Human-Centered Approaches for Provenance in Automated Data Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 23372) (10.09.2023-15.09.2023)
Vorlesung "Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Software-Entwicklung" als Teil der Gesamtvorlesung "Vorgehensmodelle" (10.08.2021-19.08.2021)
NII Shonan Meeting No. 219 2025 - Using multi-* modelling to manage complexity in systems engineering (10.03.2025-15.03.2025)
Vorlesung "Effekte Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Software-Entwicklung" als Teil der Gesamtvorlesung ?Software Engineering 2? (08.05.2023-16.05.2023)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 19191 - Software Evolution in Time and Space: Unifying Version and Variability Management (05.05.2019-10.05.2019)
Typ: Veranstaltungsorganisation: Tagung / Symposium / Workshop (referiert)
MoMM2020 - 18th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (30.11.2020-02.12.2020)
iiWAS2020 - The 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (30.11.2020-02.12.2020)
International Workshop on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2020 (30.10.2020-30.10.2020)
MDE4IoT 2019 - International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet of Things (MDE4IoT) @ MODELS (30.09.2019-30.09.2019)
MoMM2021 - 19th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia Intelligence (29.11.2021-01.12.2021)
iiWAS2021 - 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence (29.11.2021-01.12.2021)
MoMM2022 - 20th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia Intelligence (28.11.2022-30.11.2022)
iiWAS2022 - 24th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence (28.11.2022-30.11.2022)
10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2016) (28.11.2016-02.12.2016)
AAATE 2023 - Assisitive Technology - Shaping a sustainable and inclusive world (28.08.2023-01.09.2023)
DEXA 2023 - The 34th DEXA Conferences and Workshops, 28-30 August 2023, Penang, Malaysia (28.08.2023-30.08.2023)
DEXA 2021 - 32nd DEXA Conferences and Workshops (27.09.2021-30.09.2021)
AAATE 2019 - Global Challenges in Assistive Technology: Research, Policy & Practice (27.08.2019-30.08.2019)
International Workshop "Web Semantics and Web Intelligence (WEBS)" 2013 (27.08.2013-27.08.2013)
OTM/IFAC/IFIP EI2N2016 - Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking (26.10.2016-27.01.2017)
COOPIS - Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems (26.10.2015-30.10.2015)
DEXA 2024 - The 35th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (26-28 August 2024, Naples, Italy) (26.08.2024-28.08.2024)
SEAA 2020 - 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications - Web Chair (26.08.2020-28.08.2020)
IWCFS 2019 3rd International Workshop on Cyber-Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems at The 30th DEXA Conferences & Workshops 26-29 August 2019 (26.08.2019-27.08.2019)
The 30th DEXA Conferences & Workshops 2019 (26.08.2019-29.08.2019)
IWCFS 2018: 2nd International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems (24.10.2018-26.10.2018)
International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE) @ Petri Nets (24.06.2019-24.06.2019)
International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM) (24.05.2024-28.05.2024)
ACM SIGCOMM N2Women 2021 Workshop: Member of Organizing Committee (23.08.2021-27.08.2021)
Of Deadly Skullcaps and Amethyst Deceivers: Reflections on a Transdisciplinary Study on XAI and Trust, 6th Workshop on Visualization for AI Explainability (22.10.2023-27.10.2023)
MODELS 2024 - IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (22.09.2024-27.09.2024)
DEXA 2022 - The 33rd DEXA Conferences and Workshops, 22-24 August 2022, Vienna, Austria (22.08.2022-24.08.2022)
2020 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) (22.08.2020-28.08.2020)
Workshops Chair IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2025 (22.06.2025-25.06.2025)
MDE4IoT 2020 - International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet of Things (MDE4IoT) @ STAF (22.06.2020-22.06.2020)
MOSC 2020 - International Workshop on Modeling Smart Cities (MOSC) @ STAF (22.06.2020-22.06.2020)
SECPPS 2021 - Software Engineering in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Workshop (22.02.2021-26.02.2021)
Busines Innovation and Digital Transformation, special track co-located with CBI 2023 (21.06.2023-23.06.2023)
MESS@STAF 2021 - International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (21.06.2021-21.06.2021)
SECPPS 2022 - Software Engineering in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Workshop (21.02.2022-21.02.2022)
SE 2023 - Software Engineering Konferenz 2023, Workshop Co-Chair (20.02.2023-24.02.2023)
3rd International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systeme co-located with MeSS 2023 - STAF 2023 (19.07.2023-19.07.2023)
Conf-IRM 2021 - International Conference on Information Resources Management (19.05.2021-21.05.2021)
Conf-IRM 2021 International Conference on Information Resources Manangement - Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair (19.05.2021-21.05.2021)
International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM) (19.05.2021-21.05.2021)
16th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2018) (18.11.2018-20.11.2018)
20th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2018) (18.11.2018-20.11.2018)
IEEE Workshop Series on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles HFIV?24 within the IV?14, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (18.10.2023-28.06.2024)
Session Chair at ER 2022 Conference (Neumayr) (18.10.2022-19.10.2022)
MDE Intelligence 2020 - 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering 2020 (18.10.2020-20.10.2020)
MDE Intelligence 2020 - 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering 2020 (18.10.2020-20.10.2020)
MPM4CPS 2020- 2nd International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (18.10.2020-20.10.2020)
MULTI@ MODELS 2020 - International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (18.10.2020-20.10.2020)
MSM 2017 - Symposium on Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (17.12.2019-17.12.2019)
MODELS 2022 - ACM/IEEE 25th International Conference of Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Technical Track - Program Chair (16.10.2022-21.10.2022)
7th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI 2020) (Co-Organization, Neumayr) (16.10.2020-16.10.2020)
MODELS 2020 - International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems - Demochair (16.10.2020-23.10.2020)
MULTI 2020 - 7th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (16.10.2020-16.10.2020)
MULTI 2018 - 5th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling, co-located with the ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Models 2018) (16.10.2018-29.11.2018)
MediaEval Benchmark "Affect Task: Violent Scenes Detection" (16.10.2014-17.10.2014)
MDE Intelligence 2019 - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering (MDE Intelligence) @ MODELS (16.09.2019-16.09.2019)
MULTI 2019 - International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (16.09.2019-16.09.2019)
SWQD 2022 - Software Quality Days 2022 (16.01.2022-18.01.2022)
MPM4CPS 2019 - International Workshop on Multi-Paradigmen Modelling for Cyber-Physical-Systems MPM4CPS (15.09.2019-15.09.2019)
QSW 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software @ IEEE SERVICES (15.07.2024-15.07.2024)
CBI 2022 IEEE - 24th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (15.06.2022-17.06.2022)
22nd International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK2020) (Session Chair, Neumayr) (14.09.2020-17.09.2020)
DEXA 2020 - 31st DEXA Conferences and Workshops (14.09.2020-17.09.2020)
Cyber Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems (14.09.2016-14.09.2016)
2021 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspectsof Situation Management (CogSIMA) (14.05.2021-22.05.2021)
FASE 2022 - 25th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering co-located with ETAPS 2022 (14.04.2022-14.04.2022)
14th International Software Product Line Conference (13.09.2010-17.09.2010)
ICCHP 2016 - 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (13.07.2016-15.07.2016)
QSA 2022 - 2nd Workshop on Quantum Software Archtecture co-located with ICSA 2022 (12.03.2022-15.03.2022)
AAATE 2017 (11.09.2017-15.09.2017)
ICCHP-AAATE 2022, Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assisitive Technology & Accessibility (11.07.2022-15.07.2022)
ICCHP 2018 (11.07.2018-13.07.2018)
13th Annual International Conference on Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA 2014) (11.07.2014-12.07.2014)
2nd Emotions in Recommender Systems workshop at UMAP 2014 (11.07.2014-11.07.2014)
International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis (SoMeRA) (11.07.2014-11.07.2014)
2018 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) (11.06.2018-14.06.2018)
ASE 2022 - 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Journal-first Papers Chair (10.10.2022-14.10.2022)
Lowcode 2021 - 2nd Workshop on LowCode of the MODELS 2021 (10.10.2021-15.10.2021)
MDE Intelligence 2021 - 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering (10.10.2021-15.10.2021)
ModDiT 2021-1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering of Digital Twins (10.10.2021-15.10.2021)
14th AAATE Congress 2017 (10.09.2017-15.09.2017)
4th International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems - MeSS 2024 co-located with STAF 2024 (10.07.2024-10.07.2024)
QSW 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (10.07.2022-16.07.2022)
14th Annual International Conference on Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA 2015) (10.07.2015-11.07.2015)
17th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2020 (09.09.2020-11.09.2020)
QUATIC 2020 - 13th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (09.09.2020-11.09.2020)
ICCHP 2014 (09.07.2014-11.07.2014)
SEAA 2020 - Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (09.06.2020-09.06.2020)
ICCHP 2024 (08.07.2024-12.07.2024)
15th Annual International Conference on Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA 2016) (08.07.2016-09.07.2016)
2019 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) (08.04.2019-11.04.2019)
IDIMT 2017 (06.09.2017-08.09.2017)
ICWE 2023 - 23rd International Conference on Web Engineering (06.06.2023-09.06.2023)
IEEE EDOC 2020 Doctoral Consortium (Consortium Chair, Neumayr) (05.10.2020-08.10.2020)
IEEE Workshop on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles HFIV?22, within the IV?22, 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (05.06.2022-05.06.2022)
MoMM 2023 - 21st International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia Intelligence (04.12.2023-06.12.2023)
iiWAS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence (04.12.2023-06.12.2023)
15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017) (04.12.2017-06.12.2017)
19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2017) (04.12.2017-06.12.2017)
MeSS 2022 - International workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems co-located with STAF2022 (04.07.2022-08.07.2022)
1st Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Meets Artificial Intelligence and Data-Driven Decision Making (CMAI 2020) (Co-Organization, Schütz) (03.11.2020-06.11.2020)
CoMoDiTy 2020 - 1st International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Digital Twins (03.11.2020-06.11.2020)
ER 2020 - 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (03.11.2020-06.11.2020)
Tutorial Chair at ER 2020 (Schrefl) (03.11.2020-06.11.2020)
LowCode 2023 - 4th International Workshop on Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms colocated with Models 2023 (03.10.2023-03.10.2023)
EWSN 2022, Workshop co-chair (03.10.2022-05.10.2022)
Emergence of and in (self-)organizing work systems (03.06.2015-07.06.2015)
Q-SE 2025 - 6th International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering (03.05.2025-03.05.2025)
IFSR - Conversation 2016 (03.04.2016-08.04.2016)
2022 International Advisory Committee IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (03.01.2022-28.10.2022)
MoMM 2024 - 22nd International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia Intelligence (2-4 December 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia (02.12.2024-04.12.2024)
iiWAS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence (2-4 December 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia) (02.12.2024-04.12.2024)
MDE Intelligence 2023 - 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering Co-located with Models 2023 (02.10.2023-02.10.2023)
QSW 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (02.07.2023-08.07.2023)
General Co-Chair, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI 2023) (02.01.2023-30.11.2023)
International Advisory Committee, 17th IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI 2023) (02.01.2023-29.12.2023)
ModDiT?23 - 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering of Digital Twins co-located with MODELS 2023 (01.10.2023-01.10.2023)
Workshop Chair and Organizer at MULTI 2021 (Neumayr) (01.10.2021-31.10.2021)
International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Mangaement S-BPM ONE 2020 (01.07.2020-31.12.2020)
Workshop Co-Chair and Organizer at ER 2022 Workshops (Neumayr) (01.04.2022-31.10.2022)
General Co-Chair First IEEE International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence, DTPI 2021 (01.04.2021-31.08.2021)
General Co-Chair 2024 INFORMS Conference on Service Science (01.01.2024-30.06.2024)
International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management? S-BPM ONE 2018 (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Steering Committee: S-BPM ONE 2016, International Conference on Subject-oriented Business Process Management (01.01.2015-30.04.2016)
Typ: Veranstaltungsorganisation: Tagung / Symposium / Workshop (nicht referiert)
9th International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking (EI2N'14) (29.10.2014-30.10.2014)
FARAW - Methodenworkshop und Technologiedemonstration (28.11.2014-28.11.2014)
FARAW Workshop in Social Care (27.11.2013-28.11.2013)
Iss dich klug! Die Darm-Gehirn-Achse (27.08.2021-29.08.2021)
FARAW Workshop in Industrial Production (27.01.2014-29.01.2014)
Beweg dich und dein Gehirn sagt Danke (26.05.2022-29.05.2022)
Iss dich klug! Die guten und die Bösen Fette (23.07.2021-25.07.2021)
1st MBSE Summit 2022 (23.06.2022-24.06.2022)
Master in AT and Accessibility, AAATE Workshop Education in Care and Assistive Technology (23.05.2014-23.05.2014)
Arbeitsprozesse artikulieren - auf dem Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Verständnis (21.04.2015-21.04.2015)
Native Instruments, Reactable and STEIM present: Mini-Trackathon (19.10.2016-23.10.2016)
OCG Herbsttagung "IT Learn Play Repeat" (19.10.2016-19.10.2016)
STEIM: Hypothetical Instruments (Workshop) (19.10.2016-23.10.2016)
First Austrian Science Coordination Workshop for In Vitro & In Silico Approaches to Safety Assessment of Chemicals and Environment Media (16.02.2017-17.02.2017)
Right To Connect Multiplier Event (13.10.2023-13.10.2023)
Iss dich klug: Die guten und die schlechten Fette (13.01.2025-13.01.2025)
InSIDE Workshp mit Anfass-Bar (12.07.2023-12.07.2023)
Multiplier Event DIG-i-Ready (12.07.2023-13.10.2023)
IKT-Forum 2016 (11.07.2016-12.07.2016)
Communication in Accessible Urban Public Transport (10.09.2020-10.09.2020)
AAATE 2018 workshop: Excellence in the Process of AT Provision (10.07.2018-10.07.2018)
3rd MBSE Summit 2024 (10.06.2024-11.06.2024)
Developing the digital skills of people with disabilities and older adults for a more inclusive digital society (09.09.2020-09.09.2020)
IKT Forum 2019 (09.07.2019-10.07.2019)
IKT-Forum 2018 (09.07.2018-10.07.2018)
4th IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (QSW 2025) (07.07.2025-12.07.2025)
IKT-Forum 2015 (07.07.2015-08.07.2015)
IT-AT Workshop (06.06.2018-08.06.2018)
Access to Mathematics for Blind People, CAECUS Project (06.05.2014-06.05.2014)
Open Services for Cross-Tool Traceability and Consistency (05.08.2016-05.08.2016)
2nd MBSE Summit 2023 (05.06.2023-06.06.2023)
International Workshop - RTCN project (05.06.2023-06.06.2023)
IKT-Forum 2017 (04.07.2017-05.07.2017)
First Cognitive Playground on Systemic Articulation and Representation of Work (03.09.2014-03.09.2014)
ICC 2014 (03.08.2014-12.08.2014)
Iss dich klug (03.06.2022-06.06.2022)
4th MBSE Summit 2025 (02.06.2025-03.06.2025)
IKT-Forum 2014 (01.07.2014-02.07.2014)
Etablierung kommunikations- und werteorientierter Organisationsentwicklung (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Typ: Veranstaltungsorganisation: Ausstellung
IMAGINE 2022, Ausstellungsstand NET-IT (23.06.2022-23.06.2022)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in Aufsichtsrat
Programme Committee WISE 2014 Workshop Org2: Towards Organization 2.0: Advancements in Enterprise Social Networks (01.10.2013-14.10.2014)
Member of the University Council of the University of Klagenfurt (01.09.2016-28.02.2018)
Vice Chair of the University Council of the University of Klagenfurt (01.03.2018-28.02.2023)
Member of the Advisory Board of Tabakfabrik Linz (01.03.2010-28.02.2021)
ICKM Council Head of Board (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
President IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (01.01.2022-30.12.2023)
IEEE Awards Committee Chair, Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
IASCYS (International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences) (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
2019 Best ITS Technical Activities Committee (TAC on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles) (01.01.2019-31.12.2019)
Programme Committee 10th Int. Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking (EI2N?2014) (01.01.2014-29.10.2015)
Board President von ICKM ?international Council on Knowledge Management (seit 2011) (01.01.2011-31.12.2019)
Member of the Advisory Board for the K-Wood Competence Center (01.01.2007-31.12.2015)
Member of the Advisory Board for the LCM GmbH (01.01.2007-31.12.2015)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in Ausschuss oder Komitee
Member of the Makeathon Jury IEEE RAS technical activities IEEE NRW National Robotic Weekend 2024, Tunis, Tunisia (30.06.2024-30.06.2024)
IWOR 2020 - 4th International Workshop on Refactoring of ICSE (29.06.2020-29.06.2020)
Member Jury PhD Defense "Proposal of an adaptive infotainment system depending on driving scenario complexity", Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña in collaboration with SEAT (29.01.2020-30.01.2020)
Member of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Situation Management (28.07.2017-31.12.2018)
IWOR 2019 - International Workshop on Refactoring of ICSE (28.05.2019-28.05.2019)
Program Committee Member 21st IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions 2021 (28.04.2021-29.04.2021)
PhD Defense Examination Committee "Collaborative Mobility to Enable High-Density Parking Lots", Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto Portugal (27.05.2022-27.05.2022)
ETAPS 2021 - European Joint Conferences on Theory & Practice of Software (27.03.2021-01.04.2021)
FASE 2021 - 24th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering ( Komitee) (27.03.2021-01.04.2021)
TTC 2021 - 14th Transformation Tool Contest co-located with STAF 2021 (25.06.2021-25.06.2021)
ICSMM 2020 - International Conference on Systems Modelling and Management (25.06.2020-26.06.2020)
Member Jury PhD Defense "Design and Validation of Decision and Control Systems in Automated Driving", Universidad del Pais Vasco, in collaboration with Tecnalia (25.03.2021-25.03.2021)
Caritas - Digital Preis (23.03.2022-23.03.2022)
PhD Defense Committee Thesis "Prediction of Mobility Data with Prior on the Topography of an Infrastructure of a Road Network" (22.10.2024-08.11.2024)
Member, Awards Committee, IEEE Transportation Technologies Award Roster (20.03.2019-30.09.2020)
PhD Defense Examination Committee "Utilization of Multi Heterogeneous Agents in Autonomy-driven Cooperative Systems", Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science, German University in El Cairo. (19.12.2022-19.12.2022)
Utilization of Multi Heterogeneous Agents in Autonomy-driven Cooperative Systems (PhD Defense) (19.12.2022-19.12.2022)
MSM 2021 - Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (part of ANNSIM 2021) (19.07.2021-22.07.2021)
PhD Defense Examination Committee "Safety in Mixed Traffic Environment", Doktor der Technischen Wissenschaften in the Doctoral Program Technische Wissenschaften (19.05.2022-19.05.2022)
Member Jury PhD Defense "Reconstruction of the vehicle environment for autonomous guidance in complex environments", Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Madrid, Spain (17.06.2020-17.06.2020)
Reviewer Dissertation Committee Chibuzor Udokwu (15.07.2022-15.08.2022)
MODELS 2021 - ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (10.10.2021-15.10.2021)
(2019-2020) Member, Awards Committee, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference ITSC 2018, Maui, Hawaii, USA. (09.10.2018-21.11.2018)
Evaluation Committee best PhD Thesis, IEEE ITSS Spanish Chapter (07.12.2020-15.12.2020)
Member Jury PhD Defense "Prediction of Vehicle Intentions for Advanced Autonomous Driving", PhD. Program in Information and Communications Technologies, Universidad de Alcala, Madrid, Spain. (05.11.2020-06.12.2020)
Best Poster Judge IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (02.01.2017-31.10.2017)
Program Committee, IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2024) (01.09.2023-30.04.2024)
International Program Committee: IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) 2016 (01.08.2015-31.05.2016)
Program Committee, Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP) (01.08.2015-29.02.2016)
Program Committee, EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2024) (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
Program Committee, Eurographics Conference on Visualization Short Papers (EuroVis short Papers) (01.01.2024-31.05.2024)
Co-Organizer, Dagstuhl Seminar on Human-Centered Approaches for Provenance in Automated Data Science (202206009) (01.01.2023-30.09.2023)
Engineering Digital Twins (EDT) Community (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
Co-Chair of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Situation Management (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
IEEE ITSS Chair Awards Committee (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Program Committee, EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2021) (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Co-Chair of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Situation Management (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Member of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Situation Management (01.01.2019-31.12.2019)
Program Committee, Workshop on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (MolVA) (01.01.2019-31.12.2020)
Best Paper Committee, IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis) (01.01.2018-31.10.2018)
Best Poster Judge, Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2018-31.10.2018)
Program Committee, Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP) (01.01.2018-31.01.2018)
Program Committee, Eurographics Conference on Visualization Short Papers (EuroVis short Papers) (01.01.2018-29.06.2018)
Steering Committee, Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2018-31.12.2024)
Organizing Committee: Doctoral Colloquium, IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis) (01.01.2017-30.11.2018)
Organizing Committee: General Chair, Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2017-31.10.2018)
Organizing Committee: Workshop Chair, BioVis Challenges Workshop @ IEEE VIS (01.01.2017-30.11.2017)
Program Committee, Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP) (01.01.2017-30.04.2017)
Program Committee, Eurographics Conference on Visualization Short Papers (EuroVis short Papers) (01.01.2017-31.07.2017)
Program Committee, IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis) (01.01.2017-31.10.2017)
Steering Committee, Visualization in Data Science (VDS) (01.01.2017-31.12.2020)
Best Poster Committee, IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis) (01.01.2016-31.10.2016)
Member International Steering Committee: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality 2016 (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
Organizing Committee: Paper Chair, IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2016-31.10.2016)
Program Committee, Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) (01.01.2016-30.06.2016)
Program Committee, Eurographics Conference on Visualization Short Papers (EuroVis Short Papers) (01.01.2016-30.06.2016)
Program Committee: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR) (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
Program Committee: International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
Program Committee: Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC) (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
ISSS - SIG: Systemic Approaches to Conflict and Crisis (Komitee-Vorsitz) (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
International Program Committee: IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) 2015 (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
International Program Committee: International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2015) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
International Program Committee: Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC 2015) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Member International Steering Committee IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality 2015 (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Organizing Committee: Meetup Chair, IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis) (01.01.2015-26.01.2015)
Organizing Committee: Publication Chair, IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2015-30.04.2015)
Organizing Committee: Publication, IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2015-26.01.2015)
Program Committee, EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2015-2017) (01.01.2015-31.07.2017)
Österreichische Computergesellschaft (OCG): Mitglied des Statuten-Komitees (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
Member International Steering Committee: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality 2014 (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
Organizing Committee: Poster Chair, IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
S-BPM ONE, International Conference on Subject-oriented Business Process Management, i2pm (01.01.2014-31.12.2018)
Program Committee, EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2013-2015) (01.01.2013-28.02.2015)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in Berufsverband
President-Elect IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (19.10.2020-31.12.2021)
Launch of the IEEE ITSS Presidential Award for Sustainability in Transportation (05.04.2022-31.12.2023)
Member European Automotive Research Partners Association (EARPA) (02.10.2023-29.05.2026)
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS) (01.09.2021-10.06.2024)
AIS Membership - Association for Information Systems (AIS) (C. Schütz) (01.07.2024-30.06.2025)
AIS Membership - Association for Information Systems (AIS) (S. Staudinger) (01.07.2024-30.06.2025)
Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM), EU-wide platform member, group Road Safety (WG4: ) (01.06.2020-30.12.2022)
Member European Alliance for Internet of Things Innnovation (AIOTI) (01.03.2021-30.12.2022)
Member ITS-Edunet (01.02.2024-25.05.2029)
Member European Technology Platform ALICE (01.02.2019-30.12.2022)
ACM Membership, Association for Computing Machinery (Schrefl) (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
ACM Membership, Association for Computing Machinery (Schütz) (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
Chair IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Chair Nominations & Appointments Committee (2024). (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
Chair IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Chair Nominations & Appointments Committee (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Chair IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Long Range Planning Commitee (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Chair IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Women in Engineering Standing Committee (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
IEEE Transportation Technologies award committee member (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in Editorial oder Review Board
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024) (23.11.2023-24.05.2024)
Senior Editor IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (23.11.2023-24.05.2024)
Reviewing Oxford Bioinformatics (2017-2018) (22.11.2018-22.11.2018)
Guest editor e+i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Special Issue ?Autonomes Fahren? (19.12.2023-31.10.2024)
ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys) (19.03.2014-21.03.2014)
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2024 (18.04.2024-18.04.2024)
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence EPIA 2024 (17.04.2024-26.09.2024)
Reviewer for IEEE Internet Computing Spotlight (15.02.2017-29.04.2017)
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME) (14.07.2014-18.07.2014)
European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) (13.04.2014-16.04.2014)
Reviewer for 13th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA) (12.10.2015-15.10.2015)
Guest Editor Automotive Innovation, Special Issue Human-like Smart Autonomous Driving for Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems (12.07.2022-28.02.2023)
Reviewer for Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems (12.07.2015-24.11.2015)
Associate editor for European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023) (11.06.2023-16.06.2023)
Electronic Markets (10.12.2024-31.12.2030)
IEEE RAS Magazine Special issue on Autonomous Vehicle: Artificial Intelligence and Model based techniques in Decision and Control (08.07.2020-31.12.2021)
Reviewer IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2024 (07.02.2024-29.03.2024)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (04.02.2016-20.03.2016)
ACM Multimedia 2014 (03.11.2014-07.11.2014)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (03.10.2015-24.11.2015)
Reviewer IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2024 (03.06.2024-18.06.2024)
Special Issue "Autonomous Vehicles Technology", Electronics Journal (03.03.2020-31.12.2020)
Guest Editor IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine Special Issue on: Driver behavior in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) (02.11.2020-30.04.2022)
Associate Editor in Aerial and Space Networks, Frontiers (02.06.2020-31.12.2020)
Reviewing International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2017-2018) (02.01.2017-31.12.2018)
Reviewing IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG 2012-2017) (02.01.2012-31.12.2018)
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of New Music Research (02.01.2006-31.12.2026)
Editorial Board Communications in Transportation Research (01.12.2021-31.12.2024)
International Journal on Knowledge and Information Systems (Editorial Board, Schrefl) (01.12.2019-31.12.2019)
Reviewing Bioinformatics Journal, Oxford University Press (01.11.2011-31.12.2013)
Mitglied des Editorial Board: IEEE Computer (Graphics and Multimedia Editor) (01.10.2009-27.01.2015)
Reviewer für Zeitschrift Software and Systems Modeling (Neumayr) (01.09.2021-30.09.2021)
Reviewing International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2013-2018) (01.08.2013-31.12.2018)
Reviewer Board Member for MDPI Data (01.07.2020-31.12.2020)
Applied Energy, special issue on low-carbon transportation systems in the context of carbon neutrality (01.05.2024-23.05.2024)
Reviewer for MDPI Healthcare (01.05.2021-30.06.2021)
Editor ITS Research Lab Column, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (IEEE ITSM) (01.05.2014-31.12.2020)
Chief Editor: Journal of Mobile Multimedia (01.04.2004-31.12.2016)
Mitwirkung im Review Komitee beim Programm für Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit des OeAD (WTZ) (Schütz) (01.03.2024-30.04.2024)
Guest Editor 2023, 2024 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Special Issue on Advancing Urban Low-altitude Transportation (01.03.2023-31.12.2024)
Reviewer at AMCIS 2021 (Schütz) (01.03.2021-31.03.2021)
Reviewer at AMCIS 2021 (Staudinger) (01.03.2021-31.03.2021)
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering - T-ASE 2019-2023 (01.03.2019-31.12.2023)
IET Software (01.03.2019-31.12.2021)
JOT - Journal of Object Technology (01.03.2019-31.12.2021)
Journal of Intelligent Environments (01.03.2019-31.12.2021)
SoSyM - International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (01.03.2019-31.12.2020)
IIEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine (01.02.2021-31.12.2021)
Member of the Advisory Board of AAAI Press (01.02.2005-31.12.2026)
Member of the Editorial Board of Machine Learning (01.02.2005-31.12.2026)
UAIS Editorial Board Member (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
nternational Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, (ICARSC 2024) (01.01.2024-24.05.2024)
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (01.01.2023-31.12.2023)
Associate Editor for Aerial and Space Networks (01.01.2023-31.12.2023)
Associate Editor, Journal Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) (Schrefl) (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
Business & Information Systems Engineering BISE 2022-2025 (01.01.2022-31.12.2025)
Co-Editor for International Journal of Web Information Systems (01.01.2022-31.12.2023)
International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies (01.01.2022-31.12.2031)
Journal IET Software 2022 (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
Reviewer for Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
Associate Editor for Aerial and Space Networks (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Associate Editor for Frontiers in Communications and Networks (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Associate Editor for Frontiers in Space Technologies (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Associate Editor, Journal Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) (Schrefl) (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Co-Editor of the Research Topic ?Neuro-Dynamic Characteristics of Decision-Making (01.01.2021-31.12.2022)
Guest editor for Special Issue on A Holistic Approach to Digitalization: Strategy, Transformation, and Implementation, International Journal of Innovation Management (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Reviewer Board Member for MDPI Data (2021) (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Senior Editor IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (01.01.2021-29.12.2023)
Software and System Modeling Journal (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
Behavior and Information Technology (BIT) 2020 (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Business and Information Systems Engineering, Associate editor, Human Computer Interaction and Social Computing (01.01.2020-31.12.2023)
Editorial Board Memeber at KAIS Journal (Schrefl) (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, senior editor (01.01.2020-31.12.2024)
Universal Access in the Information Society (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Guest Editor Electronics, Special Issue "Autonomous Vehicles Technology" (01.01.2019-28.05.2021)
Journal of Object Technology JOT 2019-2025 (01.01.2019-31.12.2025)
Behavior and Information Technology (BIT) (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Editorial Board ITS Magazine (01.01.2018-30.12.2023)
Int. Journal of Information and Software Technology (IST, Elsevier (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Int. Journal on Interaction with Computers (Elsevier) (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
International Journal on Visual Languages and Computing (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Journal of the Association of Information Systems (01.01.2018-31.12.2019)
Reviewing Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE) (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Journal on Software and Systems Modeling - SoSym 2017-2025 (01.01.2017-31.12.2025)
Reviewing for Ad-hoc Networks (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for Cluster Computing (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for Communication Networks (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for Computer Communications (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE Communications Letters (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE Communications Magazine (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE Future Generation Computer Systems (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE Sensors (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for Pervasive and Mobile Computing (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewing for Sustainable Computing, Informatics and Systems (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
ACM SIGCHI (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
ACM SIGGRAPH (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
EUROGRAPHICS (EG) (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
Electronic Commerce Research (01.01.2016-31.12.2023)
Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
IEEE ProCams (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) (01.01.2016-31.12.2020)
IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR) (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2016) (01.01.2016-31.12.2018)
Immersive Projection Technology Workshop / Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments (IPT/EGVE) (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
International Journal of Computer Vision (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
Bogazici Journal (01.01.2015-31.12.2099)
Buchreihe "Informatik", Trauner-Verlag, Linz: Editor-in-Chief (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
Editorial Board Member Computer Graphics Forum (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
Editorial Board Member IEEE Computer 2015 (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
IFSR-Newsletter: Editor-in-Chief (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
Intl. Journal of Computer Vision (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Istanbul University School of Business Journal (01.01.2015-31.12.2099)
Journal of Global Information Technology Management (01.01.2015-31.12.2099)
Reviewer for Journal Science of Computer Programming (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing ACM SIGCHI 2015 (01.01.2015-30.09.2015)
Reviewing ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 (01.01.2015-30.09.2015)
Reviewing ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 (01.01.2015-30.09.2015)
Reviewing ACM Transactions on Graphics (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing Computers & Graphics 2015 (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing EUROGRAPHICS (EG) 2015 (01.01.2015-30.04.2015)
Reviewing Eurogpraphics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2015) (01.01.2015-29.05.2015)
Reviewing Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum (CGF 2015) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments (IPT/EGVE) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing IEEE Computer (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2015) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing IEEE ProCams 2015 (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG 2015) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR) 2015 (01.01.2015-20.03.2015)
Reviewing IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2015) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing IET Optoelectronics Journal (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing Immersive Projection Technology Workshop 2015 (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing Presence (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Editor in Chief Journal of Interaction Science (01.01.2014-31.12.2019)
Editorial Board Member Computer Graphics Forum 2014 (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
Editorial Board Member IEEE Computer 2014 (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
IFSR - Conversation 2014: Editorial Board (01.01.2014-31.03.2015)
Reviewing ACM SIGCHI 2014 (01.01.2014-01.05.2014)
Reviewing ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014) (01.01.2014-01.05.2014)
Reviewing ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 (01.01.2014-14.08.2014)
Reviewing ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 (01.01.2014-06.12.2014)
Reviewing ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2014) (01.01.2014-13.11.2014)
Reviewing BMC Bioinformatics (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
Reviewing Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG 2014) (01.01.2014-27.05.2014)
Reviewing Computer Graphics & Applications (CG&A) (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
Reviewing Eurogpraphics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2014) (01.01.2014-30.06.2014)
Reviewing Eurographics (EG) (01.01.2014-11.04.2014)
Reviewing Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM) (01.01.2014-05.09.2014)
Reviewing IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2014) (01.01.2014-14.11.2014)
Reviewing IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR) (01.01.2014-02.04.2014)
Reviewing IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2014) (01.01.2014-12.09.2014)
Business and Information Systems Engineering, Department: Management and Use of Information and Knowledge (01.01.2013-31.12.2019)
DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems (ACM SIGMIS Database) (01.01.2013-31.12.2023)
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (01.01.2013-31.12.2099)
Reviewing ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 (01.01.2013-25.07.2013)
Reviewing ACM Symposium on virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2013) (01.01.2013-08.10.2013)
Reviewing Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG 2013) (01.01.2013-30.04.2013)
Reviewing Elsevier Journal of Computers & Graphics (C&G) (01.01.2013-31.12.2013)
Reviewing Eurogpraphics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2013) (01.01.2013-21.06.2013)
Reviewing Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) (01.01.2013-31.12.2013)
Reviewing IEEE Computer (01.01.2013-31.12.2013)
Reviewing IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2013) (01.01.2013-18.10.2013)
Reviewing IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2013) (01.01.2013-01.03.2013)
Reviewing IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2013) (01.01.2013-04.10.2013)
Reviewing International Conference on Human Factors in Computing & Informatics (SouthCHI 2013) (01.01.2013-03.07.2013)
Reviewing International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2013)) (01.01.2013-24.02.2013)
Reviewing International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2013-2015) (01.01.2013-31.12.2015)
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM 2012) (01.01.2012-28.09.2012)
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (01.01.2012-01.12.2099)
Reviewing Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG 2012) (01.01.2012-01.05.2012)
Reviewing Conference on Information Visualisation (01.01.2012-13.07.2012)
Reviewing Eurogpraphics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2012) (01.01.2012-08.06.2012)
Reviewing IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2012) (01.01.2012-19.10.2012)
Reviewing IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2012) (01.01.2012-19.10.2012)
Reviewing IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2012) (01.01.2012-02.03.2012)
Reviewing IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) (01.01.2012-31.12.2014)
Reviewing IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) (01.01.2012-31.12.2014)
Reviewing IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2012) (01.01.2012-08.11.2012)
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (01.01.2011-31.12.2021)
Editor-in-Chief: International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (01.01.2011-31.12.2016)
Mitglied des Editorial Board ?Int. Journal on Social Technologies?, Faculty of Social Informatics, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania (01.01.2011-31.12.2019)
Mitglied des Editorial Board: Computer Graphics Forum (01.01.2011-27.01.2015)
Mitglied des Editorial Board: Computers & Graphics (01.01.2011-31.12.2013)
Reviewing IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2011) (01.01.2011-29.10.2011)
Mitglied des Editorial Board ?Int. Journal of People-Oriented Programming?, IGI Global (01.01.2010-31.12.2019)
Reviewing ACM Transactions on Graphics (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing Computer Graphics and Applications (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing Computers and Graphics (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2010-2018) (01.01.2010-29.06.2018)
Reviewing IEEE Computer (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2010-2018) (01.01.2010-31.10.2018)
Reviewing IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG 2014) (01.01.2010-31.12.2014)
Reviewing IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2010) (01.01.2010-16.10.2010)
Reviewing IET Optoelectronics Journal (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing International Journal of Computer Vision (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Reviewing Presence (01.01.2010-27.01.2015)
Member of Editorial Board Neurocomputing (Elsevier B.V.) (01.01.2009-31.12.2019)
Reviewing Oxford Bioinformatics (2009-2013) (01.01.2009-31.12.2013)
Editor-in-Chief: International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC) (01.01.2008-31.12.2015)
International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (01.01.2008-31.12.2099)
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (01.01.2007-31.12.2099)
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (01.01.2007-31.12.2099)
Series Editor: Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence (01.01.2007-31.12.2015)
Mitglied des Editorial Board ?Universal Access in the Information Society?, Springer (01.01.1999-31.12.2019)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in Externer Berufungskommission
Member of the Berufungskommission, Faculty of Engineering Technology (FET), KU Leuven (26.10.2023-30.11.2023)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in wissensch. Expertengremium
OCG-Arbeitskreis: Meeting 50 Jahre OCG (22.06.2024-22.06.2024)
SNS Workshop (FFG, BMK), Wien (22.04.2024-22.04.2024)
Jury PhD thesis "Predictive Techniques for Scene Understanding by using Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving", PhD. Program in Electronics: Advanced Electronic Systems", Universidad de Alcala, Madrid, Spain. (17.10.2023-31.10.2023)
Chair of the Scientific Adivsory Board of Internet Offensive Österreich (15.03.2018-31.12.2025)
COST Scientific Committee representative for Austria (11.04.2019-10.04.2025)
LIT Call - Evaluation Committee (08.04.2024-13.06.2024)
JKU TNF Innovationspreis - Jury (01.10.2024-18.10.2024)
UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (01.10.2024-31.10.2028)
Pro2Future GmbH Strategy & Programme Board (01.09.2022-31.03.2025)
Strategic Orientation Committee - Université Grenoble Alpes (01.06.2022-31.12.2025)
Chair Jury "OCG Förderpreis" (01.05.2016-31.12.2025)
Senat der Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (CDG) (01.03.2023-31.12.2032)
Member of the Scientific Council of the Internetoffensive Österreich (01.03.2018-31.12.2025)
NET-IT OCG Working Group Co-Chair (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
NET-IT OCG Working Group Co-Chair (01.01.2023-31.12.2023)
ACM und ACM SIGMobile (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
NET-IT - Arbeitskreis OCG, Co-Leitung (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
OCG Arbeiskreis NET-IT (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
OCG Mitgliedschaft (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
NET-IT OCG Working Group Co-Chair (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
REVIEW of the grant apliction 16/2021 - Student Grant Competition IGA/A at the Prague University of Economics and Business (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Jurymitglied: Günther Ossimitz Preis 2015 (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Jurymitglied "OCG Förderpreis" (01.01.2014-30.04.2016)
Mitglied des Wissenschatlichen Beirats der Curriculum- und Lehrentwicklung zu Cognitive Sciences (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Member and Chair of the Advisory Board for the Upper Austrian Research GmbH (01.01.2012-31.12.2015)
Member of the RFTOOe Policy Committee (01.01.2012-31.12.2015)
Member and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Research Studios Austria GmbH (01.01.2008-31.12.2016)
Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Lehrentwicklung an der Universität Wien (seit 2008) (01.01.2008-31.12.2027)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in wissensch. Gesellschaft
IEEE ITSS Meeting (29.03.2022-29.03.2022)
GI/KuVS: Mitglied des erweiterten Leitungsgremiums (23.11.2018-31.12.2019)
OCG Arbeitskreis "NET-IT: Network Intelligence" - Leiterin (20.11.2018-31.12.2019)
ASEA-UNINET National Coordinator (04.11.2019-30.09.2025)
ASEA-Uninet: Vice-President and Regional Coordinator for Europe (04.07.2018-28.02.2019)
IEEE: Member (01.12.2016-31.12.2017)
ASEA-Uninet: JKU Coordinator (01.10.2016-30.09.2019)
ACM Past President (01.07.2022-30.06.2026)
ACM President (01.07.2020-30.06.2022)
ACM Member at large (01.07.2016-30.06.2020)
Präsidentin der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) (01.05.2003-30.04.2007)
ASEA-Uninet President (01.03.2019-30.06.2022)
Representing Member Informatik Austria (01.01.2024-31.12.2029)
Member of the ÖWGP (Austrian Scientific Society for Production) (01.01.2021-31.12.2025)
ACM (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
ACM Mitgliedschaft (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
FFIF (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
GI (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
ICKM, International Council on Knowledge Management (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
IEEE (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Institut für Innovatives Prozessmanagement (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Leibniz-Societät zu Berlin (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
OCG Working Group Co-Chair NET-IT (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Steering Board Member of DroNet (Workshop co-located with ACM MobiSys 2020) (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Österreichische Computergesellschaft (OCG): Vorstandsmitglied (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Co-Chair of OCG Working Group NET-IT (01.01.2019-31.12.2019)
International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Studies: Elected Member (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Sciences (BCSSS): Honorary Member (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
Member of the OCG Working Group Fem-IT (01.01.2016-31.12.2032)
Member of the OCG Working Group Pro-IT (01.01.2016-31.12.2032)
Representing Member Informatik Austria (01.01.2016-31.12.2019)
Web co-Chair of N2Women (Networking Networking Women) (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
ACM Sigsoft: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
ACM: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
ADV: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
Austrian Society for Informatics (ÖGI): Honorary Member (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
CMG-AE: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
GI-FB WI-VM: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
GI: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
IEEE Computer Society: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
IEEE: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
ISSS: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
International Academy of Cybernetic and Systems Studies (IASCYS): Member (01.01.2015-31.12.2016)
International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR): Generalsekretär, Webmaster (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
OeSGK: Mitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Sciences (BCSSS): Vorstandsmitglied, Honorary Member (01.01.2015-31.12.2016)
Österreichische Computergesellschaft (OCG): Vorstandsmitglied (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
Mitglied bei Professoren der Informationstechnologie (Pro-IT) ? Interessensgruppe der OCG (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied der Geslleschaft für Informatik (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied der Leibniz-Sozietät (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied des FIFF ? Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und soziale Verantwortung (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied von Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied von European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE) (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied von European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems (ESSCS) (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied von Institute for Electrical and Electronical Engineering (IEEE) (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Instituts I2PM (01.01.2011-31.12.2019)
ACM: Member (01.01.2008-31.12.2017)
Member of the ACM Europe Board (01.01.2008-30.06.2016)
Mitglied von Institute for Innovative Process Management (i2pm) (01.01.2008-31.12.2027)
Member of Forum Forschung, Austrian Association of Universities, from 10/11 ? 09/15 Chair (01.01.2007-31.12.2015)
Member of the ACM (01.01.1995-31.12.2032)
Member of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) (01.01.1992-31.12.2032)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft in Zivilgesellschaft
Founder and President of the Spanish Association of Scientists in Austria (ACERA) (02.01.2023-29.05.2026)
GSIS - The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society: Mitglied - Projektvorbereitung (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Typ: Funktion / Mitgliedschaft: Sonstige
10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2016) (28.11.2016-02.12.2016)
ICC Austria Funktionsperiode 2021-2025 (21.10.2021-20.10.2025)
International Computer Camp, Funktionsperiode 2020-2022 (19.11.2022-18.11.2024)
BookAccess Funktionsperiode 2022-2026 (11.09.2022-10.09.2026)
MPM4CPS'21 - 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems@Models 2021 - Guest Editor (10.10.2021-10.10.2021)
Mitglied Studienkommission Digital Economy (01.10.2014-30.12.2016)
ICCHP Verein Funktionsperiode 2023-2027 (01.07.2023-30.06.2027)
ICCHP Verein Funktionsperiode 2019-2023 (01.07.2019-30.06.2023)
Mitglied des Entwicklungsteams des Fachhochschullehrgangs E-Commerce an der FH Wiener Neustadt (01.07.2016-31.12.2027)
Leibniz Sozietät Berlin (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
SoSyM - Guest editorial to the theme section on AI-enhanced model-driven engineering 2022 (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
SoSyM - Guest editorial to the theme section on AI-enhanced model-driven engineering 2022 (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
Software and System Modeling Journal - Guest Editor (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
(Deutsche) Gesellschaft für Informatik / Special Interest Group on Software Ergonomics (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
IFSR - International Federation for Systems Research: Repräsentant des Mitgliedsvereins OSGK (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
AutomationML (01.01.2019-31.12.2020)
(Deutsche) GeseIlschaft für Informatik / Special Interest Group on Software Ergonomics (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Proponentenkommittee ?Mensch & Computer (01.01.2018-31.12.2018)
Austrian Computer Society (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft) (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics (VGTC) (01.01.2017-31.12.2017)
IEEE Computer Society (01.01.2016-31.12.2017)
Mitglied des Steering Committee ?Subject-oriented Business Process Management? (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Vorstandsmitglied der Society of Organizational Learning Austria (Director of Board) (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Vorstandsmitglied der ICKM (International Council of Knowledge Management) (Director of Board) (01.01.2014-31.12.2027)
Gründungsgesellschafter der Firma Vioso GmbH (01.01.2011-27.01.2015)
Mitglied des Entwicklungsteams des Fachhochschullehrgangs ?Wissen? Kommunikation, Medi-en? (01.01.2006-31.12.2027)
Typ: GutachterIn / SachverständigeR
Gutachter für Dissertation, Marina Rottenhofer: Modeling in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Hands-on Approach to Foster Computational Thinking Skills (29.09.2022-29.09.2022)
Evaluation and Control of the Value Provision of Complex IoT Service Systems (29.03.2022-29.03.2022)
Dissertation: Bridging Academic Software Sustainability Design with Corporate Business Planning, Dominic Lammert (27.10.2023-27.10.2023)
Model-driven System Architectures for Data Collection in Automated Production Systems (27.10.2020-27.10.2020)
Dissertation: Analysis of Automation Software Architecture Using Qualitative and Quantitative Quality Assessment, Eva-Maria Sarah Neumann (26.10.2023-26.10.2023)
Applications for Professorship (Computer Science) (23.12.2015-23.12.2015)
National Research Foundation / Research and Innovation and Advancement NSF/RISA, Rating Application (23.12.2015-23.12.2015)
Member of grading committee, Ph.D. examination of Albert Poetsch, JKU Linz, October 2020 (22.10.2020-22.10.2020)
External Thesis Reviewer, Bauhaus University Weimar (22.09.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewer for Award: Raiffeisen Wissenschaftspreis (18.11.2019-18.11.2019)
Member of grading committee, Ph.D. examination of Michael Plattner, JKU Linz (16.09.2024-16.09.2024)
Reviewer for CAiSE 2025 - Int. Conference on Advanced System Engineering (15.01.2025-15.01.2025)
Dissertation: Abstraction Techniques for the Analysis and Synthesis of Critical Cyber-Physical System Architectures, Kristóf Marussy (14.06.2023-14.06.2023)
Member of grading committee, Ph.D. examination of Theodoros Giannakas, Eurecom, March 2020 (13.03.2020-13.03.2020)
Zweitgutachter Dissertation Mohammadreza Basirati: Understanding Conflicts in Product-Service System Development (12.11.2021-12.11.2021)
Dissertation: Model-Driven Development, Deployment, and Analysis of Internet of Things Applications, Jörg Christian Kirchhof (11.11.2022-11.11.2022)
Dissertation Josselin Enet: Protocol-Based Debugging for Domain-Specific Languages (10.12.2024-10.12.2024)
Referee and member of grading committee, Ph.D. examination of Manal Benaiisa, Univ. of Besancon (10.12.2024-10.12.2024)
Gutachter Dissertation César González-Mora: An APIfication Approach to Facilitate the Access and Reuse of Open Data (09.09.2021-01.02.2022)
Reviewer for ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (08.07.2024-10.07.2024)
Dissertation Joost Mertens: A digital twin approach to support the evolution of cyber-physical systems (04.10.2024-04.10.2024)
Gutachter für Disseration, Haris Isakovic: Towards Dependable CPS/IoT Ecosystem (03.03.2022-03.03.2022)
Dissertation: Lightweight Consistency Checking for Advancing Continuous Model-Based Development in Industry, Robbert Jongeling (02.12.2022-02.12.2022)
White Cell Jury Committee Member at ARMYTHON 2023 (Ahmad) (02.09.2023-04.09.2023)
Dissertation: Knowledge Representation and Ontology Merging in the Context of Automated Production Systems, Felix Ocker (02.08.2022-02.08.2022)
Gutachter für Dissertation Dennis Priefer: pplying Model-Driven Engineering to Development Scenarios for Web Content Management System Extensions (02.07.2021-02.07.2021)
Gutachter für Dissertation, Karin Tengler: A robotics-based approach supporting computational thinking skills at primary school (02.05.2022-02.05.2022)
Book on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles (HFIV) 2019 (01.10.2019-29.10.2019)
Book on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles 2019 (01.10.2019-13.11.2019)
Gutachter für Dissertation Patrick Wolfschwenger: Fostering Software Engineering Skills and Digital Literacy through Cloud Computing Adoption in Collaborative and Active Learning : Advancements and Challenges of Cloud-Based Participatory Learning (01.07.2024-31.07.2024)
Gisela BAHR: Florida Institute of Technology ? Applications for Professorship (Computer Science) Northwest University (01.07.2016-31.07.2016)
Zweitgutachter Dissertation Daniel Hinterreiter: Supporting Feature-Oriented Evolution in Industrial Software Ecosystems (Plösch) (01.04.2021-06.04.2021)
Verbundprojekte als Kompetenzzentrum digitale Schulentwicklung - DLR (01.03.2023-31.03.2023)
AQAS ? Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)
AQAS - Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen (01.01.2019-31.12.2019)
Advanced MIS and Digital Transformation for Increased Creativity and Innovation in Business (01.01.2019-31.12.2019)
Member of Evaluation Committee (Full Professorship), University of Oslo (01.01.2019-31.03.2019)
Gutachter für Dissertation Christiane Boehm, "A Framework for Managing Diversity in ICT Projects. Processes and Techniques for Explicating Soft Facts and Dealing with Behavioral Differences" (01.01.2016-31.03.2016)
Typ: GutachterIn für Förderinstitution
Projektbegutachtung für Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (30.04.2018-15.06.2018)
NSERC - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (28.01.2020-28.01.2020)
Projektbegutachtung für FLANDERS INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (27.04.2018-25.05.2018)
Gutachter DFG Forschergruppen AI (22.02.2021-22.02.2021)
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01 - Doctoral Networks - ENG Panel Evaluation (18.12.2023-31.01.2024)
2023 Science Foundation Ireland (15.01.2023-24.02.2024)
Evaluator and Expert Reviewer for proposals and projects in FP7 and HORIZON 2020 (03.01.1999-30.09.2032)
SNSF (Schweizer Forschungsförderungsfonds) (01.12.2021-31.12.2021)
Reviewing for Swiss National Science Foundation (01.12.2017-31.12.2017)
Reviewer für Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG 2022 (01.11.2022-30.11.2022)
Gutachter für Marietta-Blau-Stipendium des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (01.10.2015-15.11.2015)
SNSF (Schweizer Forschungsförderungsfonds) (01.09.2023-30.09.2023)
Reviewer für Deutsche Forschungsmeinschaft- DFG 2023 (01.07.2023-31.07.2023)
Gutachter für den 4th EU-LAC Joint Call in Science Technology and Innovation 2022 (Schütz) (01.07.2022-31.07.2022)
SNF - Schweizerischer Nationalfonds 2022 (01.07.2022-31.07.2022)
Gutachtertätigkeit (WTZ Program - Scientific & Technological Cooperation, OeAD, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Schütz) (01.07.2017-31.07.2017)
T-Mobile Austria (01.07.2016-31.07.2016)
Reviewer Funding Hcéres, Institut de la Transition Energétique (01.04.2021-12.07.2021)
Science Foundation Ireland (01.03.2021-03.03.2021)
Croatian Science Foundation (01.03.2019-31.12.2019)
Research Council of Norway (01.03.2019-30.12.2020)
Gutachter für Theodor Körner Fonds (01.01.2024-31.12.2024)
Reviewer, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2020 (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Knowledge Foundation -KKS 2020 (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
Reviewer für Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG 2020 (01.01.2020-31.12.2020)
European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant (01.01.2016-31.12.2016)
Reviewing German Research Foundation (DFG) (01.01.2015-31.12.2015)
Reviewing Austrian Academy of Sciences (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
Reviewing Austrian Computer Society (01.01.2014-31.12.2014)
Reviewing Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (01.01.2012-31.12.2012)
Typ: Mehrtägiger Aufenthalt an der JKU
Vihang Patil (29.06.2018-10.09.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (N. Ashrafi, UMB, Research Fellowship) (29.04.2016-14.06.2016)
Gastlehraufenthalt Prof. Dr. Pekka Makkonen (28.04.2019-06.05.2019)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (O. Romero, UPC Barcelona) (24.06.2014-27.06.2014)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (L. Serafini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler) (22.05.2014-24.05.2014)
Forschungsbesuch eines Gastes am Institut (M. Stumptner, UniSA) (22.01.2024-26.01.2024)
Scientific Cooperation University of Malaga, Spain (19.03.2018-31.05.2018)
Juan Andrés Morales Cordovilla (16.07.2018-15.09.2018)
Scientific Cooperation Ghent University (15.08.2017-15.10.2017)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Dr. Matias Urbieta (14.05.2017-21.05.2017)
Gastlehraufenthalt Prof. Dr. Pekka Makkonen (14.05.2017-22.05.2017)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Dr. Matias Urbieta (14.02.2015-06.05.2015)
Erasmus Teaching Visit Prof. Tomas Krilavi?ius (13.06.2016-17.06.2016)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Prof. Gustavo Rossi (13.04.2018-18.04.2018)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Prof. Silvia Gordillo (13.04.2018-18.04.2018)
Gastaufenthalt Dr. Markus Funk (12.12.2017-13.12.2017)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (G. Grossmann, UniSA) (12.09.2016-18.09.2016)
Gastlehraufenthalt Prof. Dr. Pekka Makkonen (12.04.2015-20.04.2015)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Prof. Gustavo Rossi (11.09.2015-17.09.2015)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Prof. Silvia Gordillo (11.09.2015-17.09.2015)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (N. Ashrafi, UMB) (11.04.2017-10.07.2017)
Research Visitor Alfredo Valle Barrio (10.09.2022-18.12.2022)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Prof. Markku Sakkinen (08.11.2018-13.11.2018)
Forschungsbesuch eines Gastes am Institut (M. Stumptner, UniSA) (08.10.2023-11.10.2023)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (G. Grossmann, UniSA) (08.09.2014-12.09.2014)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (L. Bozzato, FBK) (07.06.2016-10.06.2016)
Gastlehraufenthalt Prof. Dr. Pekka Makkonen (07.05.2018-14.05.2018)
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics of the University of Oxford (02.10.2017-03.10.2017)
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics of the University of Oxford (02.10.2017-06.10.2017)
Research Visit Ivan Salvadori (01.07.2017-30.06.2018)
Gastforschungsaufenthalt Dmitry Zaitsev und Tatjana Shmeleva (01.06.2014-10.06.2014)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (N. Ashrafi, UMB) (01.05.2018-09.07.2018)
Forschungsaufenthalt eines externen Gastes am Institut (N. Ashrafi, UMB, Fulbright Scholarship) (01.03.2015-30.06.2015)
Research Visitor Javier Araluce Ruiz (01.02.2022-31.05.2022)
Typ: Tagung / Symposium / Workshop: Programm-Komitee
EuroSPI 2022 - 28th European System, Software & Service Process Improvment & Innovation (31.08.2022-02.09.2022)
RE2020 - International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Artifact Evaluation Track (31.08.2020-04.09.2020)
RE2020 - International Conference on Requirements Engineering: RE Next Track (31.08.2019-04.09.2020)
5th European Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (31.08.2017-01.09.2017)
S-BPM ONE 2023 - 14th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management (31.05.2023-01.06.2023)
ICSA 2025 - 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (NEMI Track) (31.03.2025-04.04.2025)
MDE4SA 2025 - 4th Int. Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture (colocated with ICSA 2025) (31.03.2025-04.04.2025)
SANER 2023 - VST Workshop of the 6th Workshop on Validation, Analysis and Evolution of Software Tests (31.03.2023-31.03.2023)
Program Committee Member at APCCM 2017 (Schrefl) (31.01.2017-03.02.2017)
The 2018 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI): Member of Program Committee (30.11.2018-02.12.2018)
EDOC 2023 - 27th International Conference EDOC, Enterprise Design, Operations and Computing (30.10.2023-03.11.2023)
Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2017) (30.08.2017-01.09.2017)
Euromicro Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (Software Product Lines and Software Ecosystems Track) (30.08.2017-01.09.2017)
25th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2025) (30.06.2025-03.07.2025)
Web Conference 2023 (30.04.2023-04.05.2023)
ICSA 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture: Technical Track (30.04.2018-04.05.2018)
Program Committee Member at DOLAP 2020 (Neumayr) (30.03.2020-30.03.2020)
SAC 2020 - Symposium On Applied Computing - Membership (30.03.2020-03.04.2020)
PNSE Workshop @ Petri Nets Conference 2022 - International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (30.01.2023-30.01.2023)
iiWAS2021 - The 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (29.11.2021-01.12.2021)
The 4th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering 2017, FDSE 2017 (29.11.2017-01.12.2017)
Program Committee Member at EDOC 2019 (Schrefl) (29.10.2019-31.10.2019)
European Conference on Computer Vision (29.09.2024-04.10.2024)
UBICOMM 2013 - International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (29.09.2013-03.10.2013)
ICOST 2017: Scientific Committee member (29.08.2017-31.08.2017)
3rd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (29.08.2013-30.08.2013)
CSEE&T 2024 - Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (29.07.2024-01.08.2024)
S-BPM ONE 2022 - 13th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management (29.06.2022-01.07.2022)
MSM 2019 - Symposium on Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (2019) (29.04.2019-02.05.2019)
Program Committee Member at APCCM 2019 (Schrefl) (29.01.2019-31.01.2019)
Program Committee Member at APCCM 2018 (Schrefl) (29.01.2018-02.02.2018)
Workhop on Services and Quantum Software co-located with ICSOC 2023 (28.11.2023-28.11.2023)
PRDC 2022 - 27th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (28.11.2022-01.12.2022)
ER Forum 2024 - colocated with the 43rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2024) (28.10.2024-31.10.2024)
The 43rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2024) (28.10.2024-31.10.2024)
Program Committee Member at ICAI 2020 (Schütz) (28.10.2020-31.10.2020)
Gutachtertätigkeit (Review) für EDOC 2019 (Neumayr) (28.10.2019-31.10.2019)
EuroSPI 2023 - 28th European System, Software & Service Process Improvment & Innovation (28.08.2023-01.09.2023)
SPLC 2023 - 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference@Industrial Systems and Software Product Lines Track (28.08.2023-01.09.2023)
SPLC 2023 - 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference@Industrial Systems and Software Product Lines Track (28.08.2023-01.09.2023)
28th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2017 (28.08.2017-31.08.2017)
Co-Program-Chair at The 6th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering 2019 FDSE 2019 (27.11.2019-29.11.2019)
ISMIR 2014 (27.10.2014-31.10.2014)
IWCFS 2021 - 5th International Workshop on Cyber-Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems (27.09.2021-30.09.2021)
Program Committee Member at MULTI 2015 (Schrefl) (27.09.2015-28.09.2015)
4th Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (27.08.2015-28.08.2015)
PNSE 2023 - International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (27.06.2023-27.06.2023)
MoKI Workshop @ Modellierung 2022 - Workshop Modelle und KI co-located with the Modellierung Conference 2022 (27.06.2022-01.07.2022)
MoPro Workshop @ Modellierung 2022 - 1st MoPro Workshop 2022 - co-located with Modellierung Conference 2022 (27.06.2022-01.07.2022)
SoNAEdu workshop (in conjunction with Socialcom 2014) (27.05.2014-31.05.2014)
CSEE&T 2025 - Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (27.04.2025-03.05.2025)
FASE 2021 - 24th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (27.03.2021-01.04.2021)
Member of Technical Program Committee of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) (27.03.2017-31.03.2017)
16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2012), Early Research Achivements Track (27.03.2012-30.03.2012)
Program Committee Member at APCCM 2015 (Schrefl) (27.01.2015-30.01.2015)
Program Committee Member at ODBASE 2015 (Neumayr) (26.10.2015-30.10.2015)
Program Committee Member at ODBASE 2015 (Schrefl) (26.10.2015-30.10.2015)
SEAA 2020 - 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (26.08.2020-28.08.2020)
Co-Program-Chair at 30th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2019 (26.08.2019-29.08.2019)
DATA 2018 - The 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications: Member of Program Committee (26.07.2018-28.07.2018)
ICSOFT 2018 - The 13th International Conference on Software Technologies: Member of Program Committee (26.07.2018-28.07.2018)
12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017) (26.07.2017-28.07.2017)
S-BPM ONE 2019 - 11th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management (26.06.2019-28.06.2019)
ACM MobiSys Workshop DroNet 2016: workshop co-organizer (26.06.2016-26.06.2016)
ECBS 2021 - 7th Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (26.05.2021-27.05.2021)
MISE 2019 - Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (26.05.2019-27.05.2019)
EDUCON 2022 - IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference - Research Track (26.03.2022-31.03.2022)
Program Committee Member at DOLAP 2019 (Neumayr) (26.03.2019-26.03.2019)
Program Committee Member at DOLAP 2018 (Neumayr) (26.03.2018-26.03.2018)
Program Committee Member at DOLAP2018 (Neumayr) (26.03.2018-26.03.2018)
SE 2024 - Software Engineering Konferenz (26.02.2024-01.03.2024)
Co-Program-Chair at 7th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering - FDSE 2020 (25.11.2020-25.11.2020)
Member of Technical Program Committee of the 2016 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) (25.11.2016-27.11.2016)
Program Committee Member at ODBASE 2016 (Neumayr) (25.10.2016-26.10.2016)
Program Committee Member at ODBASE 2016 (Schrefl) (25.10.2016-26.10.2016)
SPLC 2017 - International Software Product Line Conference: Industry Track (25.09.2017-29.09.2017)
8th European Conference on Software Architecture (25.08.2014-29.08.2014)
14th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE 2024) (25.06.2024-25.06.2024)
13th World Congress on Services (IEEE Services 2017) (25.06.2017-30.06.2017)
ACM TVX 2014 (25.06.2014-27.06.2014)
ICSE2019 - International Conference on Software Engineering: Artifact Evaluation Track (25.05.2019-31.05.2019)
SST2019 - 10th International Workshop on Software and Systems Traceability (25.05.2019-31.05.2019)
FASE 2020 - 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - Membership (25.04.2020-30.04.2020)
ICSA 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture: Technical Track (25.03.2019-29.03.2019)
ICSA 2019 Early Career Researchers Forum (ECRF-ICSA 2019) (25.03.2019-29.03.2019)
DevOps@Models 2022 - DevOps at Models Workshop co-located with MODELS (24.10.2022-24.10.2022)
Program Committee Member at ODBASE 2017 (Neumayr) (24.10.2017-25.10.2017)
11th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (MULTI 2024) - colocated with Models 2024 (24.09.2024-24.09.2024)
MoDRE 2019 - 9th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop (24.09.2019-24.09.2019)
11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA 2016) (24.07.2016-26.07.2016)
ICT4S 2024 - 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability (24.06.2024-28.06.2024)
ICTS 2024 - The International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainability (24.06.2024-28.06.2024)
PNSE'24 - International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (24.06.2024-25.06.2024)
PC Member RuleML+RR 2020 (24.06.2020-01.07.2020)
PNSE 2020 - Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering - Membership (24.06.2020-24.06.2020)
REFSQ 2020 - International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: Research Track (24.03.2020-27.03.2020)
SE 2020 - Software Engineering Conference (24.02.2020-28.02.2020)
SE2020 - Software Engineering Tagung 2020 - Membership (24.02.2020-28.02.2020)
Co-PC-Chair FDSE 2022 (23.11.2022-25.11.2022)
MDE Intelligence 2022 - 4th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering co-located with MODELS (23.10.2022-28.10.2022)
MLE 2022 - 4th International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering (23.10.2022-25.10.2022)
MODELS 2022 - ACM/IEEE 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) Tools and Demonstrations (23.10.2022-28.10.2022)
1st International Conference on Engineering Digital Twins (EDTconf 2024) - colocated with Models 2024 (23.09.2024-24.09.2024)
SusMod 2024 - 1st International Workshop on Sustainability and Modeling co-located with Models 2024 (23.09.2024-23.09.2024)
WI 2021 - 16. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (23.09.2020-23.09.2020)
ECIS 2018 - European Conference on Information Systems (23.06.2018-28.06.2018)
ANNSIM 2023 - Digital Twin Track of the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (23.05.2023-26.05.2023)
MSM 2023 - Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (23.05.2023-26.05.2023)
ICSE 2020 - International Conference on Software Engineering: Research Track (23.05.2020-29.05.2020)
Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2017 (23.04.2017-26.04.2017)
TAIC PART 2020: 15th Workshop on Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques (23.03.2020-23.03.2020)
14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (23.02.2019-27.02.2019)
ISM 2023 - InternationalConference onIndustry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (22.11.2023-24.11.2023)
17th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES 2016) (22.11.2016-24.11.2016)
SLE 2023 - International Conference on Software Language Engineering co-located with SPLASH 2023 (22.10.2023-27.10.2023)
FPVM 2024 - 3rd International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling - colocated with Models 2024 (22.09.2024-27.09.2024)
FPVM2024 - International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling co-located with Models 2024 (22.09.2024-27.09.2024)
MASE'24 - 5th International Workshop on Modeling in Automotive System and Software Engineering co-located with Models 2024 (22.09.2024-23.09.2024)
MPM4CPS 2024 - 6th Int. Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems workshop colocated with Models 2024 (22.09.2024-24.10.2024)
models24toolsdemos - Tools and Demonstrations @ MODELS 2024 (22.09.2024-27.09.2024)
models24workshops - Workshops at 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (22.09.2024-27.09.2024)
PC-Member DEXA 2022 (22.08.2022-24.08.2022)
FPVM 2021 - 1st International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling (22.06.2021-22.06.2021)
CBI 2020 - International Conference on Business Informatics - Membership (22.06.2020-24.06.2020)
ECMFA 2020 - 16th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications - Membership (22.06.2020-26.06.2020)
Future@STAF 2020 - International Workshop Future Modeling of STAF - Membership (22.06.2020-26.06.2020)
JRC@STAF 2020 - Junior Researcher Community Event of STAF - Membership (22.06.2020-26.06.2020)
Program Committee 2nd Workshop on Formal-IDE (22.06.2015-22.06.2015)
FASE 2023 - 26th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (22.04.2023-27.04.2023)
14th Workshop on Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference ? Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2019) (22.04.2019-22.04.2019)
20th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS) (22.04.2013-24.04.2013)
ICSA 2021 - 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (Best Reviewer Award) (22.03.2021-26.03.2021)
QSA 2021 - 1st Workshop on Quantum Software Architecture (22.03.2021-26.03.2021)
SAC 2021 - The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (22.03.2021-26.03.2021)
17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (22.03.2010-26.03.2010)
SE 2021 - Software Engineering Conference (22.02.2021-26.02.2021)
3. Workshop zur Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und -bewertung (SQMB 2010) (22.02.2010-22.02.2010)
MODELSWARD 2018 - The 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development: Member of Program Committee (22.01.2018-24.01.2018)
CENTERIS 2018 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (21.11.2018-23.11.2018)
ASE 2020 - International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (21.09.2020-25.09.2020)
CBI 2023 - 25th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (21.06.2023-23.06.2023)
PNSE 2022 - International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (21.06.2022-21.06.2022)
ECMFA 2021 - 17th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (21.06.2021-25.06.2021)
IFIP Networking 2021: Member of Program Committee (21.06.2021-24.06.2021)
INDIN 2021 - 21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (21.06.2021-23.07.2021)
MESS@STAF 2021 - International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (21.06.2021-25.06.2021)
Program Committee Member at DOLAP 2017 (Neumayr) (21.03.2017-21.03.2017)
Member of Technical Program Committee 2016 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA) (21.03.2016-25.03.2016)
SE 2022 - Software Engineering Conference (21.02.2022-25.02.2022)
WI 2022 - 17. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, "Student Track" (21.02.2022-23.02.2022)
WI 2022 ? 17. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Track IS Adoption, Diffusion & Use (21.02.2022-23.02.2022)
4. Workshop zur Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und -bewertung (SQMB 2012) (21.02.2011-21.02.2011)
ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering - SLE 2024 (20.10.2024-25.10.2024)
MoDeVVa 2020 - 17th Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation - Membership (20.10.2020-20.10.2020)
ACM Mobicom CHANTS Workshop 2017: Member of Program Committee (20.10.2017-20.10.2017)
TwinARch Workshop @ ECSA 2022 - 1st International Workshop on Digital Twin Architecture co-located with ECSA (20.09.2022-20.09.2022)
MoDRE 2021 - 11th Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (20.09.2021-20.09.2021)
ECMFA 2023 - 19th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (20.07.2023-21.07.2023)
SummerSim 2020 - Summer Simulation Conference - Membership (20.07.2020-22.07.2020)
10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA 2015) (20.07.2015-22.07.2015)
19th International on Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2015), Industry Track (20.07.2015-24.07.2015)
ANNSIM'24 - Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (20.05.2024-23.05.2024)
IEEE Infocom 2024: PC member (20.05.2024-23.05.2024)
European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) (20.03.2016-26.01.2017)
MODELSWARD 2019: Member of Technical Program Committee (20.02.2019-22.02.2019)
SOFSEM 2020 - 46th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science - Membership (20.01.2020-24.01.2020)
WONS 2016 - 12th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference: Member of Program Committee (20.01.2016-22.01.2016)
Workshop ?Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Mobility", within the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, EUROCAST2019, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain. (19.12.2018-28.02.2019)
IoT 2024: PC member (19.11.2024-22.11.2024)
ECSA 2022 - 16th European Conference on Software Architecture (19.09.2022-23.09.2022)
Special Sessions Chair IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (IEEE ITSC 2021), Indianapolis, USA (19.09.2021-22.09.2021)
Program Committee Member at MULTI 2017 (Neumayr) (19.09.2017-19.09.2017)
Program Committee Member at MULTI 2017 (Schrefl) (19.09.2017-19.09.2017)
International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), Industry Track 2016 (19.09.2016-23.09.2016)
MeSS 2023- International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems co-located with STAF2023 (19.07.2023-19.07.2023)
Member of the Conference Chair of the 12th Annual International Conference on Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA 2013) (19.07.2013-20.07.2013)
ICSR 2024 - 21st International Conference on Software and System Reuse - Research Track (19.06.2024-20.06.2024)
CONF-IRM TRACK on Designing Digital Systems (19.05.2021-21.05.2021)
NETSYS 2019: TPC Member (19.03.2019-20.03.2019)
Modellierung Konferenz 2020 - Membership (19.02.2020-21.02.2020)
CMAI 2021 : 3rd International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Meets Artificial Intelligence (Wimmer) (18.10.2021-21.10.2021)
AMMoRe@MODELS 2020 - 2nd International Workshop on Analytics and Mining of Model Repositories - Membership (18.10.2020-23.10.2020)
DevOps@MODELS 2020 - DevOps at Models Workshop co-located with MODELS (18.10.2020-23.10.2020)
MODELS 2020 - International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems - Membership (18.10.2020-23.10.2020)
EMSS 2024 - European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (Modeling and Simulation in Quantum Computing track) (18.09.2024-20.09.2024)
ECSA 2023 - 17th European Conference on Software Architecture (18.09.2023-22.09.2023)
Poster Session of IEEE Quantum Week 2023 (18.09.2023-21.09.2023)
Twin Arch Workshop co-located with ECSA 2023 (18.09.2023-18.09.2023)
WI 2023 ? 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Track Digital Innovation, Adoption, and Use (18.09.2023-21.09.2023)
WEBIST 2019-2020 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Membership (18.09.2019-31.12.2020)
WEBIST 2019: Member of Technical Program Committee (18.09.2019-20.09.2019)
FPVM 2023 - 3rd International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling (18.07.2023-21.07.2023)
ECIS 2022 - European Conference on Information Systems, Track Business Models and Digital Transformation (18.06.2022-24.06.2022)
Q-SE Workshop @ ICSE - 3 rd International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering - co-located with ICSE (18.05.2022-18.05.2022)
ICWE 2021 - 21. International Conference on Web Engineerng (Wimmer) (18.05.2021-21.05.2021)
REFSQ 2019 - International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: Research Track (18.03.2019-21.03.2019)
9th India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2016), Industry Track (18.02.2016-20.02.2016)
ICEIT 2021 - 10th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (18.01.2021-20.01.2021)
Senior PC Member ICDM 2020 (17.11.2020-20.11.2020)
ER 2022 Forum, Demo and Posters track - 41st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (17.10.2022-20.10.2022)
ER2022 - 41ST International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (17.10.2022-20.10.2022)
3rd International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering and Technology co-located with IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering QCE2023 (17.09.2023-22.09.2023)
Q-SET 2023 - International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering and Technology (17.09.2023-22.09.2023)
GEMOC 2019 - Seventh International Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (17.09.2019-17.09.2019)
MLE 2019 - International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering and Execution (17.09.2019-17.09.2019)
ISSTA?23 Artifact Evaluation Track - colocated with ECOOP and ISSTA (17.07.2023-21.07.2023)
24th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2024) (17.06.2024-20.06.2024)
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (17.06.2024-21.06.2024)
EURAM 2015: Member of Program Committee (17.06.2015-20.06.2015)
RCIS 2022 - 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (17.05.2022-20.05.2022)
IFIP Networking 2016: Member of Program Committee (17.05.2016-19.05.2016)
10th Workshop on Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference ? Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2015) (17.04.2015-17.04.2015)
Reviewer for ICoDSE 2021 - International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (Sametinger) (16.12.2021-16.12.2021)
ECBS 2023 - International Conference onthe Engineering of Computer Based Systems (16.10.2023-18.10.2023)
ModeVVa Workshop @ Models 2022 - 19th Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation - co-located with Models (16.10.2022-21.10.2022)
ACMSCR 2020 - ACM Student Research Competition of Models 2020 - Membership (16.10.2020-23.10.2020)
MODELS WS 2020 - MODELS Workshop Selection Comittee (16.10.2020-23.10.2020)
MPM4CPS 2020 - International Workshop Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems - Membership (16.10.2020-23.10.2020)
Program Committee Member at MULTI 2020 (Neumayr) (16.10.2020-16.10.2020)
SecureMDE 2020 - 2nd International Workshop on Security for and by Model-Driven Engineering (16.10.2020-23.10.2020)
Program Committee Member and Program Committee Chair at MULTI 2018 (Neumayr) (16.10.2018-16.10.2018)
Program Committee Member at EDOC 2018 (Schrefl) (16.10.2018-19.10.2018)
Program Committee Member at MULTI 2018 (Schrefl) (16.10.2018-16.10.2018)
ICOOOLPS 2024 ? 19th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems (16.09.2024-20.09.2024)
MDETools 2019 - Third Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering Tools (16.09.2019-16.09.2019)
Program Committee Member at MULTI 2019 (Neumayr) (16.09.2019-16.09.2019)
Program Committee Member at MULTI 2019 (Schrefl) (16.09.2019-16.09.2019)
MODRE Workshop @ RE 2022 - 12th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop - co-located with RE (16.08.2022-16.08.2022)
37th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2025) (16.06.2025-20.06.2025)
ECIS 2021 - European Conference on Information Systems / Tracks IS Innovation Adoption and Diffusion & Business Models and Digital Transformation (16.06.2021-21.06.2021)
SPICE2015 15th International SPICE Conference Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination: Member of Program Committee (16.06.2015-17.06.2015)
ICSA 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture: Technical Track (16.03.2020-20.03.2020)
ECSA 2025 - 19th European Conference on Software Architecture (15.09.2025-19.09.2025)
Q-Set 2024 - 4th International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering and Technology (15.09.2024-20.09.2024)
Quantum Week QCE Conference: Poster Track 2024 - colocated with the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE 2024)) (15.09.2024-20.09.2024)
Quantum Week QCE Conference: Workshop Track 2024 -colocated with the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE 2024) (15.09.2024-20.09.2024)
COMMitMDE 2019 - Fourth International Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE (15.09.2019-20.09.2019)
DevOPs@MODELS 2019 - 1st International workshop on DevOps co-located with MODELS (15.09.2019-20.09.2019)
MODELS 2019 - International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2019 (15.09.2019-20.09.2019)
ModeVVa 2019 - 16th Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (15.09.2019-20.09.2019)
VOSE 2019 - International Workshop on View-Oriented Software Engineering (15.09.2019-20.09.2019)
4th Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems (15.09.2016-19.09.2016)
18th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2014), Industry Track (15.09.2014-19.09.2014)
RE 2022 - 30th IEEE International Requirements Engineering - RE@Next! (15.08.2022-20.08.2022)
EmpER Workshop@ER - 5th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Conceptual Modeling co-located with ER (15.07.2022-20.07.2022)
ECMFA 2019 - European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (15.07.2019-19.07.2019)
ICMT 2019 - 12th International Conference on Model Transformation (15.07.2019-19.07.2019)
STAF-JRC 2019 - Junior Researcher Community Event (15.07.2019-19.07.2019)
CBI 2022 - 24th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (Programm Commitee) (15.06.2022-17.06.2022)
ICSR 2022 - International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse - Research Track (15.06.2022-17.06.2022)
IEEE MedComNet 2021: Member of Program Committee (15.06.2021-17.06.2021)
ECIS 2020 - European Conference on Information Systems / Track IS Innovation Adoption and Diffusion (15.06.2020-17.06.2020)
Program Committee member of the Workshops on Enabling Technologies for Collaborating Enterprises, Track for Convergence of Distributed Clouds, Grids and their Management (15.06.2015-17.06.2015)
SPETP2015 International Workshop on Software Process Education Training and Professionalism: Member of Program Committee (15.06.2015-15.06.2015)
International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis (SoMeRA) (14.11.2015-14.11.2015)
4th International Workshop on Cyber-Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems - IWCFS2020 (14.09.2020-17.09.2020)
Co-Program-Chair at 31th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2020 (14.09.2020-17.09.2020)
ECSA 2020 - 14th European Conference on Software Architecture (Weinreich) (14.09.2020-18.09.2020)
MDE4SA 2020 - 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture - Membership (14.09.2020-14.09.2020)
PC-Member DEXA 2020 (14.09.2020-17.09.2020)
Program Committee Member at DAWAK 2020 (Neumayr) (14.09.2020-17.09.2020)
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME) (14.07.2014-18.07.2014)
18th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (14.05.2024-17.05.2024)
Q-SE 2023 - International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering co-located with ICSE 2923 (14.05.2023-20.05.2023)
5th International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering (Q-SE 2024) (14.04.2024-20.04.2024)
ICSE SEET 2024 - ICSE Software Engineering Education and Training (14.04.2024-20.04.2024)
International Workshop on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Quantum Programming co-located with QP2023 (14.03.2023-14.03.2023)
15th International Conference on Modularity, Demonstration and Poster Track, 2016 (14.03.2016-17.03.2016)
EWSN 2018, Poster and Demo Co-Chair (14.02.2018-16.02.2018)
SOICT 2024 - 13th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (13.12.2024-15.12.2024)
ECSA 2021 - 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (13.09.2021-17.09.2021)
MDE4SA 2021 - 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture (13.09.2021-13.09.2021)
1st International Workshop on Software Architecture Variability, SAVA 2011 (13.09.2013-13.09.2013)
Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP): (13.07.2016-26.01.2017)
ECIS 2024 - European Conference on Information Systems / Track BIS Innovation, Adoption, Use and Diffusion (13.06.2024-19.06.2024)
ECIS 2024 - The 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (13.06.2024-19.06.2024)
IFIP Networking 2017: Member of Program Committee (13.06.2017-16.06.2017)
Program Committee Member at CAISE 2016 (Schrefl) (13.06.2016-17.06.2016)
EATIS 2020: Member of Technical Program Committee (13.05.2020-15.05.2020)
ECIR 2014 (13.04.2014-16.04.2014)
MDE4SA 2023 - 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture colocated with ICSA 2023 (13.03.2023-17.03.2023)
VIMPL 2023@Programming - International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (13.03.2023-17.03.2023)
CSUN Conference (13.03.2022-17.03.2022)
12th Workshop on Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2017) (13.03.2017-13.03.2017)
CONEXT Workshop on ICT Tools for Emergency Networks and Disaster Relief: Member of Program Committee (12.12.2017-15.12.2017)
9th International Workshop on Software Quality (WoSQ 2012) (12.11.2012-06.11.2019)
Program Committee Member at APCCM 2016 (Schrefl) (12.10.2016-15.10.2016)
ETFA 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (12.09.2023-15.09.2023)
QUATIC 2022 - 15th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (12.09.2022-14.09.2022)
SPLC 2022 - Industrial Systems and Software Product Lines Track (12.09.2022-16.09.2022)
SASO 2016 - 10th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems: Member of Program Committee (12.09.2016-16.09.2016)
14th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2013) (12.06.2013-14.06.2013)
DevOpsCPS 2021 - 1st International Workshop on DevOps Testing for Cyber-Physical Systems (12.04.2021-16.04.2021)
Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (12.04.2015-15.04.2015)
3rd International Workshop on Quantum Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (Q-SANER 2024) (12.03.2024-12.03.2024)
ICSA 2022 - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (12.03.2022-15.03.2022)
Review Committee Member at WI 2017 (Schrefl) (12.02.2017-15.02.2017)
2019 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES). (11.11.2019-18.11.2020)
ASE 2019 - International Conference on Automated Software Engineering: Research Track (11.11.2019-15.11.2019)
DevOps@MODELS 2021 - DevOps at Models Workshop co-colocated with MODELS (11.10.2021-11.10.2021)
EmpER 2021 - 4th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Conceptual Modeling (11.10.2021-11.10.2021)
The 15th International Workshop On Models@Run.Time 2021 (11.10.2021-11.10.2021)
WiMob 2021: Member of Program Committee (11.10.2021-13.10.2021)
Associate Editor for the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2020) (11.10.2020-14.10.2020)
Program Committee Member at ISWC 2015 (Schütz) (11.10.2015-15.10.2015)
QUATIC 2024 - International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (11.09.2024-13.09.2024)
ASYDE 2023 - 5th International Workshop on Automated and verifiable Software sYstem DEvelopment (11.09.2023-11.09.2023)
Quatic 2023 - 16th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (11.09.2023-13.09.2023)
QUATIC 2019 - International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (11.09.2019-13.09.2019)
11th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2017) (11.09.2017-15.09.2017)
Workshops at ECSA 2017 (11.09.2017-15.09.2017)
Program Committee Member at AMCIS 2016 (Schütz) (11.08.2016-14.08.2016)
IEEE Workshop on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles HFIV?21, within the IV?21, 2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. (11.07.2021-11.07.2021)
Member of Conference Chair of the 13th Annual International Conference on Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA 2014) (11.07.2014-12.07.2014)
ECIS 2023 - Track Business Models and Digital Transformation (11.06.2023-16.06.2023)
ICWE-PosterDemo 2019 - Poster Demo Track at the International Conference on Web Engineering (11.06.2019-14.06.2019)
MobiSys 2018, Publicity Co-Chair (11.06.2018-12.06.2018)
11th Workshop on Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference ? Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2016) (11.04.2016-11.04.2016)
19th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based (11.04.2012-13.04.2012)
The Second International Workshop on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Quantum Programming (QP 2024) (11.03.2024-15.03.2024)
EWSN 2024: PC member (10.12.2024-13.12.2024)
14th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2014) (10.12.2014-12.12.2014)
Workshop: Applications of Formal Methods and Digital Twins @ FM 2023 (10.11.2023-10.11.2023)
SEI 2019 - International Workshop on Software Engineering Intelligence (10.11.2019-15.11.2019)
HoWCoM 2021 - 1st International Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (10.10.2021-15.10.2021)
MODELS 2021 - ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Programm-komitee) (10.10.2021-18.10.2021)