Continuous Evolution of Digital Twins using the DarTwin Notation
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Despite best efforts, various challenges remain in the creation and maintenance processes of digital twins (DTs). One of those primary challenges is the constant, continuous and omnipresent evolution of systems, their user?s needs and their environment, demanding the adaptation of the developed DT systems. DTs are developed for a specific purpose, which generally entails the monitoring, analysis, simulation or optimisation of a specific aspect of an actual system, referred to as the actual twin (AT). As such, when the twin system changes, that is either the AT itself changes, or the scope/purpose of a DT is modified, the DTs usually evolve in close synchronicity with the AT. As DTs are software systems, the best practices or methodologies for software evolution can be leveraged. This paper tackles the challenge of maintaining a (set of) DT(s) throughout the evolution of the user?s requirements and priorities and tries to understand how this evolution takes place. In doing so, we provide two contributions: (i) we develop DarTwin , a visual notation form that enables reasoning on a twin system, its purposes, properties and implementation, and (ii) we introduce a set of architectural transformations that describe the evolution of DT systems. The development of these transformations is driven and illustrated by the evolution and transformations of a family home?s DT, whose purpose is expanded, changed and re-prioritised throughout its ongoing lifecycle. Additionally, we evaluate the transformations on a laboratory-scale gantry crane?s DT.