Jerome Pfeiffer, Daniel Lehner, Andreas Wortmann, Manuel Wimmer,
"Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms - Old Wine in New Bottles?"
: Tagung Modellierung 2024, Potsdam, Deutschland, 12.-15.3.2024, Seite(n) 177-178, 2024
Original Titel:
Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms - Old Wine in New Bottles?
Digital twins are seen as core technologies to tackle the growing complexity of cyber-physical systems to better understand, monitor, and optimize their behavior. Digital twin platforms aim to facilitate the systematic engineering of digital twins by providing dedicated languages and corresponding tools to describe their abilities. However, with the emergence of these languages for digital twins, the question arises what the nature of these languages is and how they differentiate from existing modeling languages already used in the area of cyber-physical systems. To shed more light on this new modeling area, we study in this paper the modeling capabilities of three industrial digital twin platforms and frame them in existing and well-known modeling concepts provided by UML. In particular, we (i) extract the conceptual metamodels of three industrial digital twin platforms, (ii) compare them with common object-oriented modeling concepts of UML, (iii) and provide first insight about the portability of models between the platforms by performing an experiment. In particular, we use UML class diagrams
as an anchor for relating the modeling concepts of digital twin platforms and as pivot for digital twin platform portability.