Accessibility and Universal Design in Higher Education Curricula: the Athena Project
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
AAATE 2023 - Book of Abstracts
Original Kurzfassung:
This contribution aims to present a research
study (work in progress) conducted under the ATHENA
project, examining if and how issues of accessibility are
integrated in Higher Education curricula in various European Countries across disciplines of studies. Data collection includes publicly available curricula of higher education programmes in disciplines defined by the ISCED fields
of education and training 2013 (ISCED-F 2013). A fixed
number of 21 bachelor?s master?s curricula and syllabi are
sampled in each participating country. Two methodological approaches are applied for collection and analysis of
the data: corpus linguistics and thematic analysis. The
findings of the study are anticipated to inform the development of a set of recommendations on how to incorporate accessibility and universal design into higher education curricula through focus groups with experts from the
main areas of knowledge