2021 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspectsof Situation Management (CogSIMA)
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The CogSIMA conference series provides an annualvenue for presenting complex heterogeneous dynamical systems - ofinteracting humans, machines, computer agents and/or networks -whose individual and/or collective behavior depends on theirsituation awareness. Examples of systems include command andcontrol systems, disaster monitoring and recovery systems,human-robot teams, physical and cyber security situation awarenesssystems, intelligent transportation systems, health care medicalsituation control systems, and many others. Common to thesesystems is the need to adequately perceive, reflect, act, andcommunicate according to the current situation and expectedchanges - both in the environment and within the systemsthemselves. The CogSIMA conferences are aimed at researchers andpractitioners from academia, industry and government, with a widevariety of backgrounds and experience including computer science,human factors, cognitive science, modeling and simulation,robotics, and systems engineering.