Delivering Societal and Commercial Impact From EU Digital Health Research
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The current EU Horizon Europe research programme has dedicated ?8.3 billion to address healthcare innovation and research. Developing pan EU partnerships/consortia via Horizon Europe presents a meaningful and practical way to harness expertise to address the development and application of digital health technologies to complex health and social care issues. Indeed the sustainable development goals (SDGs) promote such multistakeholder partnerships. However large consortium-based projects can struggle to advance societal uptake of innovations created from their research. A recurring finding from EU Framework programmes points to the lack of channels enabling the exploitation of research results and for deploying new knowledge from the programmes to benefit society . Reflecting on learnings from previous and existing digital health and assistive technology H2020 projects, this session will discuss: ? How successful have publicly funded research programmes been in translating their outputs for economic and societal gain. ? What are the barriers and facilitators to the valorisation of research outputs (e.g. finance, regulations, expertise). ? How can researchers be supported to advance the diffusion of innovation for breakthrough market-creating potential. ? What policies/approaches could be introduced to maximise the potential of successful translation of research to practice (e.g. commercial, social innovations etc). Session structure: 8:30 ? 8:35am ? Welcome and session overview - Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf 8:35 ? 8:55 am - H2020 Case Study Presentation ? ProACT & SEURO ? Dr. John Dinsmore 8:55am ? 10:00am ? EU expert panel discussion/audience Q&A ? Chair Prof. Malcom MacLachlan 1. 2. European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, A new horizon for Europe : impact assessment of the 9th EU framework programme for research and innovation, Publications Office, 2018,