Sebastian Hatmanstorfer,
"Konzept und prototypische Umsetzung einer Shared Learning Analytics Plattform im universitären Kontext"
, 2-2024
Original Titel:
Konzept und prototypische Umsetzung einer Shared Learning Analytics Plattform im universitären Kontext
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
This master thesis examines the conception and first prototypical implementation of a shared Learning Analytics Platform, which, in its core, gathers information from various learningsystems and orchestrates them to create new information and data for daily university business. A literature research on competencebased learning and learning analytics tools/platforms, in combination with an already existing concept-idea of researchers of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, build the theoretical foundation for the platform. In a first step, the literature analysis revealed the different stakeholders included by this kind of tool. After that, six specific stakeholders were chosen for a first feature analysis of the platform. Based on the concept idea, the stakeholders identified a first set of features of a Learning Analytics Platform in semi-structured interviews. The results were transcribed and after that analyzed and categorized via the qualitative content analysis described by Mayring. The analysis resulted in three feature catalogs corresponding to the three levels described in the concept of the platform. Additionally, catalogs for cross-level features and identified risks were extracted from of the interviews. Those features were the base for the creation of a set of detailed usecases, which were then implemented in a first mock-up prototype. In the evaluation, the prototype was presented to the stakeholders and after that, evaluated by a questionnaire in accordance to the technology-acceptance-model. The results show that the general concept of the platform can be seen as useful and necessary to be implemented at universities, and that there is definite intention to use a tool like this in the daily business of professors.