Lukas Martak, Rainer Kelz, Gerhard Widmer,
"Probabilisticmodelling of signal mixtures with differentiable dictionaries"
: Proceedings of the 29th European Signal Processing Conference(EUSIPCO 2021), 8-2021
Original Titel:
Probabilisticmodelling of signal mixtures with differentiable dictionaries
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the 29th European Signal Processing Conference(EUSIPCO 2021)
Original Kurzfassung:
We introduce a novel way to incorporate priorinformation into (semi-) supervised non-negative matrixfactorization, which we call differentiable dictionarysearch. It enables general, highly flexible and principledmodelling of mixtures where nonlinear sources are linearlymixed. We study its behavior on an audio decompositiontask, and conduct an extensive, highly controlled study ofits modelling capabilities