Ontology-Based Data Description and Discovery in a SWIM Environment
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2017 Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS 2017), April 18-20, 2017, Washington D.C., USA
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Original Kurzfassung:
ATM data in the upcoming SWIM originates from different authoritative sources (such as Eurocontrol) and is combined and enriched by different data providers (such as GroupEAD). It is further filtered, combined and enriched specifically by organizations (Airlines, ANSPs, Manufacturers) and provided to end-users for the accomplishment of specific tasks (such as the data in an EFB for a pilot conducting a specific flight). The relationships between these different data products are hidden in APIs or non-standardized interfaces of web services. This makes the discovery and combination of data products an intricate task requiring intervention of IT personnel. The lack of a common model to describe the contents of data products prevents automatic identification of relevant data products for a specific task.
Keywords: Metadata, Containers, Semantics, Ontologies, Information services, Stakeholders, SWIM, data description, data discovery