Richard Vogl, Peter Knees,
"An Intelligent Musical Rhythm Variation Interface"
: Companion Publication 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2016
Original Titel:
An Intelligent Musical Rhythm Variation Interface
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Companion Publication 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Original Kurzfassung:
The drum tracks of electronic dance music are a central
and style-defining element. Yet, creating them can be a
cumbersome task, mostly due to lack of appropriate tools
and input devices. In this work we present an artificial-
intelligence-powered software prototype, which supports
musicians composing the rhythmic patterns for drum tracks.
Starting with a basic pattern (seed pattern), which is pro-
vided by the user, a list of variations with varying degree of
similarity to the seed pattern is generated. The variations
are created using a generative stochastic neural network.
The interface visualizes the patterns and provides an in-
tuitive way to browse through them. A user study with ten
experts in electronic music production was conducted to
evaluate five aspects of the presented prototype. For four of
these aspects the feedback was generally positive. Only re-
garding the use case in live environments some participants
showed concerns and requested safety features.