Georg Weichhart, Alexander Hämmerle,
"Lagrangian Relaxation Realised in the NgMPPS Multi Actor Architecture"
: Multiagent System Technologies, Vol. 10413, Springer, Seite(n) 138-155, 2017
Original Titel:
Lagrangian Relaxation Realised in the NgMPPS Multi Actor Architecture
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Multiagent System Technologies
Original Kurzfassung:
In the research project Open image in new window (Next-Generation Multi-Purpose Production Systems - Distributed Production Control) a distributed, actor-based system has been realised, that uses Lagrangian Relaxation for optimising Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Transport Times (FJSSTT) problems. The design of the architecture builds on the actor model. This design allows to combine operations research with distributed computing and is driven by the mathematical formulation of the Lagrange Relaxation approach. Runtime experiments with the initial implementation of the architecture have been done. The performance of the multi actor-based implementation is compared to other approaches finding solutions to the NP-hard FJSSTT problem.