ACM-W Europe womENcourage 2016 Celebration of Women in Computing
Sprache des Tagungstitel:
Original Kurzfassung:
The presentation intends to give the audience a glimpse of what it means for a computer to 'perceive' and in some (limited) sense 'understand' music, and what such musically literate machines can do for us. In particular, I will show how computers can give us new insights into the complex and subtle art of music performance; how they enable us to intuitively explore large sound and music collections; and how they will provide the basis for humans to interact with music in new ways. The goal of this presentation is not so much to explain the mathematical-algorithmic details of the underlying methods, but to motivate and inspire the conference participants to consider music as an exciting and rewarding and worthwhile field for computer science research.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Hauptvortrag / Eingeladener Vortrag auf einer Tagung