Bridging the Digital Divide, A review of the ENTELIS+ project on the development of Digital Accessibility Training addressing the EU and Global disability policy agendas
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
ICCHP-AAATE 2022 Open Access Compendium "Assistive Technology, Accessibility and (e)Inclusion", Part II
Original Kurzfassung:
?his paper presents the work performed in the framework of the European co-funded Project ENTELIS+, which aims at developing and implementing
innovative methods and practices to foster inclusive education and enhancing the
digital skills and competences of digitally excluded groups, particularly persons
with disabilities of all ages. The project outputs have been produced in three
phases. Phase one involved a desk study and consultation process that informed
the State-of-the art of the project and the baseline knowledge. Phase two involved the development of the conceptual framework and a common terminology
based on which the ENTELIS+ training curriculum was designed. In phase three,
localised training modules were developed, implemented and revised. The project also established a design-thinking methodology and digital literacy competence framework towards capacity building of those supporting people with disabilities in developing digital competencies, including end-users both as trainers
and as trainees.