The International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability (ARTIIS 2021), to be held at Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena, between the 25th and 27th of November 2021.
ARTIIS, is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences, and concerns in the several perspectives of Technologies, Information, Innovation, and Sustainability.
New digital evolution and transformation trends, are enabling communication and ubiquitous computing between global citizens, industry, organizations, networked machines and physical objects, providing a promising vision of the future integrating the real world of knowledge agents and things with the virtual world of information.
The current reality and the future of computing and communications, are supported by a dynamical technological evolution in many fields, from wireless sensors, wireless sensor networks, to nanotechnology,
Due to its broad impact in many fields, it has rapidly gained global attention from academia, governments, industry and citizenship. This change in the network of agency profoundly modifies the landscape of human activity, particularly as regards knowledge acquisition and production, offering new possibilities but also challenges that need to be explored and assessed.
Papers in English, will be published with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series (CCIS) with Springer.
In the case of the papers in Spanish, and Portuguese, it is planned to publish the proceedings with Blucher. Publication with ISSN, and each paper has the DOI identifier, All papers are indexed in Google Scholar, CrossRef, and Lattes.