Andreea Buga, Sorana-Tania Nemes,
"Towards Modeling Monitoring Services for Large-Scale Distributed Systems with Abstract State Machines"
, in Joint Proceedings of the Radar tracks at the 22nd International Working Conference on Evaluation and Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD), Serie CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1859, Seite(n) 103-112, 6-2017, ISSN: 1613-0073
Original Titel:
Towards Modeling Monitoring Services for Large-Scale Distributed Systems with Abstract State Machines
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Joint Proceedings of the Radar tracks at the 22nd International Working Conference on Evaluation and Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD)
Original Kurzfassung:
The evolution of Large-Scale Distributed Systems favored the
development of solutions for smart cities. They consist of a large number of sensors, processing centres and services
deployed along a wide geographical area. Due to their complexity and heterogeneity, such systems face a high-level of
uncertainty and the failure of one node can affect the availability of the whole solution. Monitoring services collect
information about the state of components and elaborate a diagnosis, aiming to increase, in strong collaboration with
the adaptation framework, the reliability of the system. This paper proposes an Abstract State Machine model to capture
the properties and behaviour of monitoring and adaptation services addressing failures of the system. The method
encompasses the translation of the requirements of the system to ground models. We discuss the formal structure of the
proposal with respect to the problem domain and emphasize the benefits of adopting this technique. We discuss the
suitability of the method for present and future technologies and compare it with other modeling approaches.