Stefan Hinterhölzl,
"Enabling tool supported integrated hierarchical evaluation and planning of large-scale agile software projects"
, 5-2024
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Enabling tool supported integrated hierarchical evaluation and planning of large-scale agile software projects
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Enabling tool supported integrated hierarchical evaluation and planning of large-scale agile software projects / Author Stefan Hinterhölzl, BSc
AutorInnen Hinterhölzl, Stefan
Betreuer / Betreuerin Plösch, Reinhold
Erschienen Linz, 2024
Umfang 101 Seiten : Illustrationen
Enthält Literaturverzeichnis auf Seite 81-84
Sprache Englisch
Dokumenttyp Masterarbeit
Schlagwörter (DE) Planung / Überwachung / Software Projekte / anwendungsunterstützt / agile Softwareentwicklung
Schlagwörter (EN) planning / monitoring / software projects / tool supported / agile software development
URN urn:nbn:at:at-ubl:1-74730
Das Werk ist gemäß den "Hinweisen für BenützerInnen" verfügbar
Universitätsbibliothek Linz
Enabling tool supported integrated hierarchical evaluation and planning of large-scale agile software projects [pdf 4.52 mb]
Universität Linz ? Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät ? Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Software Engineering
The world runs on software. Today?s technology is becoming increasingly advanced and complex, consequently software running this technology equally increases in complexity. Organizations developing software are facing the increased complexity in their development processes. Software systems are worked on by large departments of multiple teams; code bases are split into multiple different repositories that combine into a singular product. After the introduction of the Agile Manifesto in 2001, the software industry was revolutionized by the implementation of agile software development processes (e.g., Scrum). Not surprisingly, tool support for the Scrum process execution emerged. However, it became evident that Scrum itself and currently available tool support is not well suited for large-scale software development endeavors. Organizations may take advantage of frameworks, for example the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), designed to apply Scrum in large-scale software development settings. This mitigates the issue regarding the process itself; the problem regarding effective tool support however remains. For this reason, this thesis sets out to create an artifact focusing on value-based planning and monitoring of large- scale software projects. Although the usage is not limited to agile software development processes and the artifact may be used for projects following the traditional waterfall approach, the design of the application is based on Scrum and SAFe. The planning especially focuses on the hierarchical relations between backlog items in SAFe and intents to aggregate values and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on the hierarchical levels and therefore create previously unavailable information for the user.