The project is going to develop short-, medium- and long-term solutions to support the by the COVID19 pandemic accelerated process of digitalisation of educational processes. The following results will be produced during the project lifetime be available aftr tis completion: - PR1: DIG-i-READY Good Practice catalogue of promising practices on inclusive Digital Readiness Summing up the findings and conclusions of a call for Good Practices covering the EU27 about already existing tools and methodologies under the umbrella of digital inclusive education practices with special focus on analysing and mapping solutions implemented recently in the COVID 19 crisis will be collected in order to extract the key success factors for inclusive digital readiness. - PR2: DIG-i-READY Handbook It will consist of 6 DIG-i-READY Chapters and will take the findings of PR1 to the next level and provide short-, medium-term solutions and long-term recommendations.