In the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems
and the delivery of goods, new technology approaches
need to be developed in order to cope with certain challenges
that last mile delivery entails, such as navigation in an urban
environment. Autonomous delivery robots can help overcome
these challenges. We propose a method for performing mixed
reality (MR) simulation with ROS-based robots using Unity,
which synchronizes the real and virtual environment, and
simultaneously uses the sensor information of the real robots to
locate themselves and project them into the virtual environment,
so that they can use their virtual doppelganger to perceive the
virtual world. Using this method, real and virtual robots can
perceive each other and the environment in which the other
party is located, thereby enabling the exchange of information
between virtual and real objects. Through this approach a more
realistic and reliable simulation can be obtained. Results of the
demonstrated use-cases verified the feasibility and efficiency as
well as the stability of implementing MR using Unity for Robot
Operating System (ROS)-based robots.