Matthias Dorfer, Jan Hajic, Gerhard Widmer,
"Attention as a Perspective for Learning Tempo-invariant Audio Queries"
: ICML 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music, 2018, 7-2018
Original Titel:
Attention as a Perspective for Learning Tempo-invariant Audio Queries
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
ICML 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music, 2018
Original Kurzfassung:
Current models for audio?sheet music retrieval via multimodal embedding space learning use convolutional neural networks with a fixed-size window for the input audio. Depending on the tempo of a query performance, this window captures more or less musical content, while notehead density in the score is largely tempo-independent. In this work we address this disparity with a soft attention mechanism, which allows the model to encode only those parts of an audio excerpt that are most relevant with respect to efficient query codes. Empirical results on classical piano music indicate that attention is beneficial for retrieval performance, and exhibits intuitively appealing behavior.