FAME 2024 - 1st International School on Foundations and Advances of Model-Based Engineering
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Over the course of the past decades, software engineering has reached a level of maturity that requires an ever greater use of modelling. For over two decades, the MODELS conference has served as the premier venue for the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences relating to the use of model-based approaches in the development of complex software systems. During this time, many of its keynote speakers have pointed out the critical role that education plays in expanding the use of models in software development.
The School on Foundations and Advances of Model-Based Engineering (FAME) aims at giving a comprehensive understanding of the body of knowledge that constitutes the foundations of software and systems modelling. FAME, organized in co-location with the MODELS conference, offers its participants a set of carefully selected lectures dealing with various aspects of modelling. The objective is to provide each attendee with sufficient information to understand the main foundations and current challenges in the use of modelling and modelling languages, and also to have a clear picture of the most recent advances in the field.
Our lecturers are recognized experts in model-based approaches with outstanding pedagogical skills. The FAME program comprises a balanced mix of academic and industrial contributions. The academic lecturers will provide an overview of their research themes, including descriptions of the state of the art as well as an outline of emerging trends and challenges. The contributions of the industrial lecturers will focus on results achieved in the practical application of modelling in industrial contexts.