Make big tech pay their fair share? A comparative analysis of news-based policies and the underlying economic imaginaries that support them
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International Conference on Historical-Materialist Policy Analysis
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As nations around the globe struggle to cope with the digital shift that has siphoned advertising revenues previously relied upon by traditional media organizations into the hands of platform giants, regulatory interventions have, largely, come in two forms; a news bargaining code or an advertising tax. The objects of exploration in this paper includes examining how these two policy interventions have been justified in their implementation across various countries and regulatory bodies (news bargaining codes in Australia, Canada & UK and digital advertising taxes in France, Austria & the EU). We explore these policies specifically as they pertain to the struggles of news industries - positioning journalism as a democratically significant sector that we propose is better framed as a public or ?merit? good over one that should compete for market value. We critically examine the roles assigned to and expected of various industry and government actors through adopting an approach grounded in a historical-materialist policy analysis (HMPA).