Fabrication of an Ultrathin PMMA Foil for Sensing Applications in Microfluidic Systems
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Eurosensors Conferece 2023
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This research work focuses on the fabrication of ultrathin polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) foils using a spin coating process of in anisole dissolved PMMA on a water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) foil. Currently layer thicknesses as low as 1 ?m can be achieved and even less appears to be possible. Sensors and actuators can be applied to the foils and directly integrated into the center of the channel of a polymer based microfluidic chip. The foil particularly acts as a supporting structure helping to position the sensor in the center of the channel. Especially thermal sensors benefit from the low heat capacity of the foil. This will improve the performance and the accuracy of these sensors at which the impact on the fluidic flow is limited to a minimum.