ReMinds-CMT: An Interactive Tool Supporting Constraint Mining for Requirements Monitoring
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Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2019 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track co-located with the 25th International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality
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[Context and Motivation] Existing approaches for specification mining and process mining allow to automatically identify requirementslevel system properties, which can be used for describing, verifying, or
monitoring systems. We have developed an approach that can mine
constraint candidates from event logs to support requirements monitoring. [Question/Problem] However, the usefulness of mining approaches is currently limited because of (i) weak support for adjusting
the algorithms and settings to the current problem, (ii) the high number of properties mined from complex systems, and (iii) the typically
high false positive rate. [Principal Ideas/Results] In this paper, we
present ReMinds-CMT, a tool that guides domain experts throughout the mining process. [Contributions] The tool allows users to
experiment with different thresholds and configurations of our mining,
grouping, filtering, and ranking algorithms to ease the selection of useful constraints. We demonstrate the tool?s features using constraints
mined from event logs of a complex cyber-physical system controlling
unmanned aerial vehicles.