Harmonized Temporal Feature Modeling to Uniformly Perform, Track, Analyze, and Replay Software Product Line Evolution
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Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
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A feature model (FM) describes commonalities and variability within a software product line (SPL) and represents the configuration options at one point in time. A temporal feature model (TFM) additionally represents FM evolution, e.g., the change history or the planning of future releases. The increasing number of different TFM notations hampers research collaborations due to a lack of interoperability regarding notations, editors, and analyses. We present a common API for TFMs, which provides the core of a TFM ecosystem, to harmonize notations. We identified the requirements for the API based on systematically classifying and comparing the capabilities of existing TFM approaches. Our approach allows to work seamlessly with different TFM notations to perform, track, analyze and replay evolution. Our evaluation investigates two research questions on the expressiveness (RQ1) and utility (RQ2) of our approach by presenting implementations for several existing FM and TFM notations and replaying evolution histories from two case study systems.