Pressure Compensation Behavior inside an EWOD Oscillator
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IEEE Sensors 2015
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We present a method to study the pressure
compensation behavior of polar fluids immersed in non-polar
insulating fluids, which are actuated using the ?electrowetting on
dielectric (EWOD)? effect inside a closed tube with a pressure
compensation channel. The electrowetting effect yields to a
pressure difference inside the tube, the so called Laplace
pressure. The pressure field for various viscosities of the
surrounding fluid is modeled using finite element analysis (FEA)
for the Navier-Stokes equation. The time dependent pressure
response and the viscous damping of the fluid oscillations help to
establish a relation to the fluid?s dynamic viscosity. In a second
step we compare the pressure response for a given pressure
compensation channel diameter after actuating the polar fluid.
When the polar droplet reaches the edge of the electrode, the
driving force vanishes and the pressures before and behind the
polar droplet begin to settle to its initial value. The generated
pressure difference can be linked to the surrounding non-polar
fluid?s viscosity and density. Finally, we introduce the design and
fabrication of an EWOD device capable of performing the
actuation schemes considered in the simulations.