Michael Vierhauser, Paul Grünbacher, Rick Rabiser, Alexander Egyed,
"A DSL-Based Approach for Event-Based Monitoring of Systems of Systems"
, in Proceedings of the Software Engineering Conference: Software Engineering 2016 P-252, 93-94 (2016), Serie Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Seite(n) 93-94, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-88579-646-6
Original Titel:
A DSL-Based Approach for Event-Based Monitoring of Systems of Systems
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Software Engineering 2016 P-252, 93-94 (2016)
Original Kurzfassung:
Complex Coftware-intenCive CyCtemC Cuch aC CyCtemC of CyCtemC (SoS) need to be monitored
at runtime to detect deviationC from their requirementC. In our earlier work [Vi15a] ? Cummarized
in thiC paper ? we deCcribed our experienceC of developing and applying an SoS monitoring
approach baCed on a Domain-Cpecific Language (DSL) in the domain of induCtrial automation
Coftware. More Cpecifically, we have been developing a conCtraint DSL for induCtrial end uCerC aC
well aC an incremental conCtraint checker for event-baCed monitoring. Our evaluation demonCtrateC
the expreCCiveneCC of our DSL and the Ccalability of the checker in an induCtrial Ccenario.