Monitoring of the dilution of motor oil with Diesel using an advanced resonant sensor system
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Proceedings of the EUROSENSORS 2016
Original Kurzfassung:
In modern light-duty Diesel vehicles the particulate filters in the exhaust system require periodic regeneration to prevent
plugging. The regeneration procedure is a major cause of dilution of engine oil with diesel fuel. In order to investigate the effect
of the operation conditions of the engine on the fuel content in the oil, a precise and fast in-line measurement system is required.
In this contribution a resonant sensor system for determination of diesel content by measuring the viscosity of the oil is tested. A
commercial off-the-shelf quartz tuning fork resonator is used as sensor element and evaluated using a universal analyzer for
resonant sensors developed for fast and precise acquisition of resonant sensor responses. The experiments presented in this paper
show that fuel concentration in the range of 0.2 % can be determined within seconds. The obtained results are compared to that
obtained with an accurate lab bench viscosity and mass density meter.