Discovering and Visualizing Prototypical Artists by Web-based Co-occurrence Analysis
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6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2005), London, UK
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Original Kurzfassung:
Detecting artists that can be considered as prototypes for
particular genres or styles of music is an interesting task.
In this paper, we present an approach that ranks artists according
to their prototypicality. To calculate such a ranking,
we use asymmetric similarity matrices obtained via
co-occurrence analysis of artist names on web pages. We
demonstrate our approach on a data set containing 224
artists from 14 genres and evaluate the results using the
rank correlation between the prototypicality ranking and
a ranking obtained by page counts of search queries to
Google that contain artist and genre. High positive rank
correlations are achieved for nearly all genres of the data
set. Furthermore, we elaborate a visualization method that
illustrates similarities between artists using the prototypes
of all genres as reference points. On the whole, we show
how to create a prototypicality ranking and use it, together
with a similarity matrix, to visualize a music repository