Numerical Simulations of the Continuous Casting of Steel Influenced by Electromagnetic Fields
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In the continuous casting of steel electromagnetic fields are often used to modify the flow in the liquid core of the strand. For the continuous casting of round blooms rotary electromagnetic fields are used to excite an azimuthal motion. Optimal velocities at the solidification front are desired to enhance a transition from columnar to equiaxed solidification. Other benefits are the reduction of inclusions and segregations. In order to use electromagnetic stirring efficiently, the interaction between the flow and magnetic field has to be well understood. Due to the harsh environment at the plant measurements are rather limited. Physical models have to use liquid metals, which are expensive and/or difficult to handle. Thus numerical simulations are an essential way to get a better understanding of the whole process.
In these simulations the full interaction between flow field and magnetic field is considered through different approaches. While the flow field is calculated with Fluent, the FEM code ANSYS EMAG is used for the calculation of the electromagnetic field. The coupling between these two solvers is done with MpCCI. Because the two meshes differ in terms of geometry and mesh fineness, the data interpolation between the meshes plays an important role.
The presented modelling approach will be compared with a simplified method which is used in the literature in view of the accuracy of the results and their performance.