Strategies towards the Automatic Annotation of Classical Piano Music.
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7th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2010),
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Original Kurzfassung:
Analysis and description of musical expression is a substantial
field within musicology. However, manual annotation
of large corpora of music, a prerequisite for describing
and comparing different artists’ styles, is very laborintensive.
Therefore, computer systems are needed that
can annotate recordings of different performances automatically,
requiring only minimal corrections by the user.
In this paper, we apply Dynamic Time Warping for audioto-
score alignment to extract the onset times of all individual
notes within an audio recording, and compare two
strategies for improving accuracy. The first one is based on
increasing the temporal resolution of the features used. To
cope with constraints in terms of computational costs, we
apply a divide and conquer pattern. The second strategy is
introducing a post-processing step in which the onset time
of each individual note is revised. The advantage of this
method is that, in contrast to default algorithms, arpeggios
and asynchronies can be resolved as well.