A Novel 77-GHz Radar Frontend with 19-GHz Signal Distribution on RF-PCB Substrate
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10th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems
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A novel radar frontend for 77 GHz mid-rangeradar (MRR) and short-range-radar (SRR) applications is presented. The radar sensor makes use of a Colpitts oscillator, frequency multipliers, and a transceive (TRX) mixer. A single sensor contains up to four channels using antenna arrays for angular detection relative to the sensor. The characterization of the integrated circuit’s parameters has been carried out using a two-channel sensor with waveguide (WG) transitions.
A radar measurement scenario has been realized using a fourchannel sensor with a differential antenna array. All sensors have been implemented on off-the-shelf printed circuit board (PCB) substrate.
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