Combinatorics 2008 -- International conference on pure and applied combinatorics and its connections with Geometry, Graph Theory and Algebra
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Original Kurzfassung:
(Talk in the Special Session in Honour of Prof. Giovanni Ferrero)
In [Ferrero, Stems planari e BIB-disegni], planar near-rings have been used to coordinatize certain balanced incomplete block designs.
Surprisingly, planar near-rings appear in many other contexts: for example,in the variety of zero-symmetric near-rings that satisfy $x^n \approx x$, the finite subdirectly irreducible members are those integral near-rings that satisfy one of the planarity conditions.
We pursue the study of varieties of
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Hauptvortrag / Eingeladener Vortrag auf einer Tagung