Sensitivity Analysis for Multi-Objective Integer Linear Programs
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11th Workshop on Recent Advances in Multi-Objective Optimization
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The eleventh RAMOO workshop was organized by Michael Stiglmayr, Hanna Schilar, Kathrin Klamroth, Britta Efkes and Julia Sudhoff Santos from the BUW's Optimization working group.
The workshop program consisted of nine invited talks and two keynote talks given by Anthony Przybylski (University of Nantes) and Anita Schöbel (RPTU in Kaiserslautern and Fraunhofer ITWM). The program was complemented by two tutorial sessions on Multi-Objective Branch-and-Bound by Sune Gadegaard (University of Aarhus) and Objective Space Methods by Kathrin Klamroth and David Köhnen (BUW). The RAMOO workshop was attended by 64 scientists from various European countries.
Since 2014, the RAMOO workshop has been held annually at different universities in Europe.
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