Extending the service life of plain bearings for linear permanent magnet machines
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26th International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM'25
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Direct linear drives offer a high dynamic response
in actuation force and can thus address requirements on control
of oscillatory systems. In addition high force densities of the
electromagnetic drive are a key requirement to realize compact
solutions. For that reason magnetic designs shift from systems
with an air-gap winding to slotted solutions. While the surface
thrust force rises, the normal or radial force on the mover
rises as well. Finding the solution solely in double sided stator
arrangements or tubular designs is not convincing as inevitable
eccentricities deteriorate the bearing situation and increase friction.
This increases wear and significantly affects the systems
efficiency, dynamic performance and above all bearing life-time.
This paper gets to the root of the problem of limited plain bearing
service life and proposes an active bearing force compensation
to reduce wear and thus avoid untimely bearing failure. The
theoretical approach is outlined and analyzed in experiment in
detail on a prototype installation. Measurements on the test-rig
prove the feasibility, show a possible solution for an application
and demonstrate how this approach can extend the service life of
bearings and improve the systems performance simultaneously.