Manipulating skyrmions: a theoretical consideration
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Control and manipulation of skyrmions is essential for undertaking next-generation topological spintronic devices such as the skyrmion racetrack memory or skyrmion logical gates. In my talk I?ll present several theoretical proposals to manipulate skyrmions using electromagnetic fields. In our consideration, we study skyrmion dynamics in an external field solving a microscopic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for real materials. First, I?ll discuss manipulation of skyrmions though an external electric field introducing for the first time an optical tweezer for skyrmions. As next, I consider a concept of a plasmonic skyrmion lattice based on the magnetoelectric effect, which can be used to trap skyrmions on an optical lattice. This approach can be used for hosting skyrmions in synthetic antiferromagnets and helix modes. Another way to control skyrmions is the steering skyrmions with with microwave and terahertz electric pulses. The method relies on using polarization-textured pulses such that the skyrmion experiences (via its inherent magnetoelectricity) the out-of-plane and in-plane components of the pulse electric field. It is shown how the electric field efficiently drags the skyrmion. The control of the skyrmion motion depends solely on the amplitude of electric fields, frequency, polarization, or phase in case two pulses are applied. Micromagnetic calculations supported by analytic modelling and analysis indicate the experimental feasibility of the control scheme.
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