Leveraging Semi-Definite Programming for Multi-Objective Single-Row Facility Layout Problems
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International Conference on Operations Research
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In the single-row facility layout problem (SRFLP), the goal is to arrange a set of facilities along a single line to minimize the sum of the weighted distance between facilities.
The SRFLP is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem with many practical applications in industrial engineering, health care, office design, and other fields.
In these fields, the SRFLP is often extended to a multi-objective optimization problem, where multiple conflicting objectives need to be considered simultaneously, such as the total material handling cost, flow distance or CO2 emissions. For the single objective SRFLP semi-definite programs (SDP) have been proven to be a powerful tool to solve the problem. In this work, we propose a novel approach that leverages the power of SDP to solve the multi-objective SRFLP. In particular, we combine objective space techniques, such as the weighted sum method and the epsilon-constraint method with SPDs. We conduct a computational study to compare our approach with objective space methods using integer programming formulations on modified benchmark instances from
the literature.