Modeling and solving a heterogeneous fleet multi-trip electric vehicle routing problem
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International Conference on Operations Research (OR) 2023
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The heterogeneous fleet multi-trip electric vehicle routing problem that we address is motivated by a problem situation arising in mid-range road freight transport.
A set of customers has to be supplied from a central warehouse with a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles, some of which are electric vehicles. Loading and unloading times are proportional to the quantity loaded.
Each vehicle may serve multiple trips during its operating time. Vehicles have a maximum capacity as well as a limited driving range. Re-charging/re-fueling is only possible at the depot between consecutive trips to customers.
The objective is to minimize the total operating costs which are vehicle type dependent. We propose a compact model as well as a set covering based formulation. The latter is solved on a set of trips that are generated by heuristic
constructive procedures and combined with a variable neighborhood search based algorithm. The developed approaches are used to evaluate fleet size and mix decisions on real-world data from Upper Austria."