Circular Oriented Collaboration in Holacratic Organizations
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24th International CINet Conference
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Our study compares collaborative circular oriented innovation (COI) efforts that took place in a self-managed, or holocratic, organization with efforts that took place simulataneously in a more traditionally structured organization. Using an exploratory qualitative research design, data was collected through workshops, interviews, ethnographic observations, and documents. Preliminary findings indicate distinct differences in how the two organizations approached the COI's initial phases: while the holacratic organization demonstrated a decentralized approach to innovation management, involving all divisions from the outset, the more traditional organization initially limited involvement to core business units. The study aims to contribute theoretically and practically by exploring the behavior of holacratic organizations in circular oriented innovation and providing insights into how organizational structures can impact circular economy transitions. This research adds to the relatively unexplored fields of holacratic organizations and circular oriented innovations, offering valuable implications for practitioners seeking to integrate circular economy principles.