IEC61499 standard and an industry implementation: 4DIAC
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PBCS: PLC based control Systems Workshop at the 18th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
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As in many other areas, software is the function and innovation driver in industrial automation. The discussions around Industry 4.0 with the goal of networked and adaptable production have reinforced this. This leads to the fact that control software development is the main cost driver in industrial automation. In order to keep the complexity and the human effort manageable, a domain-specific modeling language was designed and defined in the IEC 61499 standard.
This language takes into account the requirements of the domain with respect to real-time capability & determinism, specification of sequences,synchronization, networked devices & decentralized intelligence as well nas dynamic reconfiguration. The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of the main elements of the language, how to apply it and the current industrial adoption.
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