Why your robotic co-worker needs a psychologist: Interdisciplinary research for trustworthy cobots
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12. Tagung der DGPs-Fachgruppen Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie sowie Ingenieurspsychologie
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As close teamwork between humans and robots becomes increasingly common, collaborative robots (cobots) must be programmed to be reliable and trustworthy. Trust is a concept that psychologists have studied for a long time. Being able to anticipate whether an interaction partner will act in accordance with one's expectations is considered essential not only by theories on interpersonal cognitive trust but also in the Trust in Automation literature. This talk reports insights from the interdisciplinary research project CoBot Studio, in which scholars from psychology, robotics, AI, virtual reality and game design co-developed a playful VR collaboration environment that allows for the controlled manipulation of light-based and motion-based intention signals of virtual cobots and the study of their effects.