The adoption of an energy aware driving style,
often referred to as ecodriving, is a promising way to save,
besides of costs, non-renewable fossil fuels. In a previous paper
we presented a two-layer control approach for ecodriving which
tracks an optimal speed profile resulting from the first layer
under the presence of traffic in the second layer. In this paper,
we extend the developed control approach to a convoy of
vehicles and determine, whether it leads to safe and stable
convoys and whether an increasing number of vehicles within
the convoy leads to an increased fuel efficiency. Thereby, we
focus on two different prediction methods of the preceding
vehicle: in the first case we assume perfect knowledge of the
future movement of the preceding vehicle, whereas in the second
case we assume the current speed of the preceding vehicle to
be constant during the prediction horizon. It is shown that the
higher the number of vehicles the more fuel saving from the
optimal solution can be recovered.