The role of aesthetics and social norm in exoskeleton acceptance at work
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Mensch und Computer - WS13 Interaction in the Public
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As technologically sophisticated structures that surround the human body, industrial exoskeletons primarily intend to protect the user?s physical health in the workplace. Although the design can vary, exoskeletons are usually quite visible on the wearer?s body. For that reason, their simple presence is likely to provoke social reactions from, for example, colleagues or customers. These social reactions may shape the experience and normative believes of the wearers of exoskeletons that in turn can affect behavioral intentions to use. Building on evidence that technology design can alter attributions ascribed to its users, the talk will discuss perceptions of aesthetics and dehumanization in the light of current exoskeleton research and focus on the role of the social context regarding the acceptance and actual use of exoskeletons at work.