The role of group composition for cognitive collaborative foresight processes
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81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
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Corporate foresight is said to be a promising approach to reduce or handle uncertainty arising from fast changing, complex environments. The added-values mentioned in literature are among others, that it prepares for the future by challenging dominant mental models that decision-makers have adopted from the past and helping them to overcome the inertia inherent in their beliefs. The literature review shows that collective cognition ? and in this regard group composition ? plays an important role in how far proposed qualities of cognitive foresight can be met and cognitive biases (e.g. group polarization phenomenon, confirmation bias) can be overcome. This research investigates how group composition (in terms of homogeneity versus heterogeneity) affect cognitive foresight processes and how cognitive pitfalls are likely to be overcome. Based on an integrated literature review, we propose a conceptual framework of a collaborative foresight that benefits from inter-organizational diversity and offer suggestions to guide future empirical and theoretical research.