Connecting Organisations and People: Learning Opportunities Through Pedagogical Field Experiences in Teacher Education
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ECER 2020
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Although the connection between teaching theoretical knowledge and professional practice is still a key challenge, pedagogical field experiences represent an essential learning opportunity within the framework of university education (Darling-Hammond, Hammerness, Grossman, Rust, & Shulman, 2005; Hascher, 2011; Hedtke, 2016). Therefore, in German-speaking countries, the structure and curricula of pedagogical field experiences in teacher education have undergone a transformation process and Austria implemented a new model of teacher training in the last ten years (UG 2002, BGBl. I Nr. 120/2002, HG 2005; BGBl. I Nr. 20/2006, Kucher & Rulofs 2018). This led to profound organisational and curricular changes in the pedagogical field experiences and a stronger practical orientation in the area of teacher training for secondary education. It is merely no longer regarded as a place to apply theoretical models or practice but is rather seen as an interface to "merge multiple perspectives and knowledge resources into a sustainable professional knowledge of teachers" (Fraefel & Seel, 2017, p. 7). Nevertheless, Hascher (2012, p. 110) notes that there are large discrepancies between practice and theory in the expectations of the effectiveness of internships. It is argued, that internships provide three types of learning opportunities: intended and desirable, not intended but desirable, and not desirable (ibid. 123).
Therefore, in the proposed contribution we will adapt the offer-and-use-model (Helmke, 2012) for learning in pedagogical field experiences and show the first results of the evaluation of the pedagogical field experiences within the Cluster Linz.