The degree of a function between two abelian groups
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AAA99 - 99th workshop on general algebra
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To each function $f$ from an abelian group $A$ into an abelian
group $B$, we assign a number $n \in \mathbb{N}_0 \cup \{ \infty \}$,
called the \emph{functional degree} of~$f$.
The functional degree can be used in bounding the supernilpotence
class of an algebra, and it provides an explanation for the
occurence of the \emph{$p$-weight degree} in many improvements
of the Chevalley Warning Theorems.
We present the basic properties of the functional degree and
show how it compares to the total degree of a polynomial function.
This builds on earlier work by Peter Mayr and is joint research
with Jakob Moosbauer.