Business Model Innovation Through Automation of Knowledge Work
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20th International CINet Conference - Innovating in an era of continuous disruption
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Recent technological advances have opened the ability to automate a variety of knowledge work, and in doing so created new opportunities for firms to adapt or innovate their business models. In order to explore how the automation of knowledge work affects the business model of firms, we will conduct a single case study in the sector of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) and will concentrate on a firm providing R&D and engineering services. We will compare the architecture and the components of the traditional human-expert based business model with the new business model, where knowledge work is provided as an automated service. We assume that the automation of knowledge work will have an impact on the architecture and components of the business model in areas like value proposition, cost structure or customer segments. Furthermore, we will discuss possible consequences for firms providing R&D and engineering services and for KIBS in general.