Reinforcement of Pension Financialisation As Response to Financial Crises in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
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30th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) - Global Reordering: Prospects for Equality, Democracy and Justice
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Conference Theme Overview:
For decades, scholars have been charting the multiple effects of ?globalization? on political, economic and social practices in the developed and developing world. Broadly, globalization has been understood to involve open trade and the growth of transnational flows, linkages and interdependencies at all levels involving knowledge, labor, business, finance, technology, regulation and norms, such as human rights. After World War II, multiple regimes and institutions traversing and interlinking domestic and transnational positions emerged and were then continuously modified to foster and govern the globalization process. For decades, the diffusion of the ideology and practice architectures of ?globalization? was made possible by a strong developed capitalist alliance of mostly western powers, headed by the United States. The results of this historical project have been highly uneven: some regions of the global south (especially Asia), experienced tremendous growth and living standard improvement, while others (eg in Africa) languished; the metropolitan north experienced an initial multiple decade period of prosperity followed by ever more obvious stagnation and socio-economic distress. After more than a half century of increasing openness, nearly all regions in the north and south are experiencing alarming and seemingly ever worsening inequality and often painfully disruptive adjustment in work, civic and private lives. In the wake of these developments, the forces unleashed by the globalization project now seem to be pushing toward its recalibration. Economic success in Asia, especially in China, has shifted global power relations and alliances, challenging the premier position of the US.[...]