Rapid Nearly-Optimal Rendezvous Trajectory Planning Using Parameter Sensitivities
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ROMANSY 2018 - 22nd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
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Synchronization tasks of robotic manipulators with moving objects are not only required to be solved in real-time but also in an optimal fashion.
This paper considers optimal trajectory planning problems that are parameterized by the final state of the manipulator.
For a sudden change of the desired final state, the trajectory needs to be replanned in real-time.
Sensitivities of the optimal solution to a nominal problem w.r.t. the final state parameters are utilized to compute a nearly optimal real-time approximation of the solution to problem with perturbed parameters.
Admissibility of the solution, i.e. satisfaction of constraints, is ensured by an iterative method supporting a variable active set of constraints.
The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated in simulation and experiment.