Claiming Authority over Health Care in Germany, the United Kingdom and the USA
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International Health Policy Conference 2017
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Many analyses of comparative health policy argue for simple path-dependent divergence between countries or convergence
on more markets and individual payment at the expense of collective provision.
We argue, by contrast, that the common thread is the increasing assertiveness of the state as the guarantor of health care
access, financial stability, and cost containment. thus, all three countries? health sectors had authority dispersed across
territorial and functional domains.
Dispersed power and the varied models of self governance came into conflict with the central governments? goals and
ambitions as cost containment started to dominate the agenda of health policy-making as early as in the mid-1970s. as cost
pressures mounted, expanding or maintaining citizens? access to high quality health care increasingly meant that politicians
and state bureaucracies directly intervened in organization and service delivery in health care to control costs while
preserving access and improving quality.