Adaptive Resolutions in Coupled CFD-DEM Simulations
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7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM7)
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Due to the large time and length scales involved, CFD-DEM simulations of industrial granular flows are still a computationally demanding task. Coarse-grained models that apply simple scaling rules can help to reduce computational costs and make large-scale simulations feasible. However, by following this approach, important features may be missed and in the worst case the results obtained are erroneous. To overcome this problem, a flexible simulation schemes is required that is able to link the different levels of resolution.
We present such a technique for efficient multi-scale CFD-DEM simulations. The method is designed to capture the details of the fluid-particles system in spatially confined regions of interest while retaining the benefits of the coarse-graining method where a lower resolution is sufficient. To this end, our method establishes two-way coupling between differently resolved parts of the system by volumetric passing of boundary conditions. By this we are able to reach large time and length scales while preserving details in critical regions.
The validation of our method is performed through comparison between the computed statistical properties of the adaptively resolved model and the corresponding properties of the fully resolved reference system.